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HAM 5 Alpha - You know it!![message #294141] Sat, 26 November 2011 03:43 Go to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
(Mods feel free to alter the title of this thread. Razz)

HAM 5.5.1 Alpha feat. WarmSteel's Green Eggs AI mod

The HAM 5.5.1 Alpha has been released.

Better late than never!

This is an Alpha Testing Version. Do not expect it to work 100% perfectly - though it should work just fine.
By downloading this you are agreeing to be an Alpha Tester for the HAM 5 project. You are expected to report bugs and to ACTIVELY SEEK THEM.

NOTE #2:
The CTHConstants.INI file has been altered to fit better with the overall NCTH project goals. This means you are now less likely to hit your target. Use the correct scope for the correct distance to increase hit probability, or alternately use prolonged autofire or even burstfire if necessary. Increased Suppression settings are very much recommended, I use SUPPRESSION_EFFECTIVENESS = 200, if you were wondering.
If you don't like any of this, erase CTHConstants.INI from the Data-1.13-HAM folder.


Download HAM 5.5.1 Alpha
This file was last updated on 19/12 01:50 GMT. If your last download was before this time, please re-download the file.

Earlier Versions:


Instructions are inside the zip file. You will need a compatible version of JA2 to put this on.

HAM 5.1a must be installed on top of JA2 1.13 v1343 (build 4792). Later or earlier builds may or may not be compatible.

Single Click Installer for 1343:

Tais has graciously created a Single-Click Installer for v1343 - specifically made for use with HAM 5. You can download the SCI here:

Tais' SCI v1343

Install this on top of JA2 Gold (1.12), then install HAM 5 on top of that.

Updated XML Editor

JMich has modified the XML editor to work with (most of?) the new HAM 5 XML features.

HAM 5 Compatible XML Editor by JMich

Make a backup of the original files (XML Editor.EXE and BackEnd.dll) before extracting this into your main JA2 folder.


Comment and stay posted!

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294142] Sat, 26 November 2011 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

  • WarmSteel's Less-Retarded AI
  • Item Transformations
  • COOLNESS by sector
  • Impact Explosives
  • Better shot distribution inside aperture
  • Improved NCTH Burst/Autofire
  • Modifiable weapon degrade speed
  • Fragmentation Explosives
  • Zoomable Sector Inventory
  • Sort and Filter Sector Inventory
  • Crate-Splitting
  • Improved Strategic Map Icons and Labels

WarmSteel's Less-Retarded AI
  • This feature, written by WarmSteel, alters the way enemies behave in Green, Yellow and Red states. It changes how they look for cover in these states, and how they stray from/return to their patrol routes.
  • In particular, enemies are now much more likely to use suppression fire from beyond visual range, if they have guns capable of supplying a sufficient amount of firepower.
  • This is further augmented by the new AI ability to reload their guns when in RED state (i.e. when in combat but cannot currently see the enemy). This allows them to be more ready for combat, and again increases the chance of them suppressing your mercs (since they have more loaded bullets with which to do so).
  • For those of you not familiar with the AI system, the states "Green" and "Yellow" refer to enemies that are unaware of merc presence or are inspecting a noise or strange occurence (repsectively). "Red" state refers to enemies that know they are in combat, but cannot currently see any mercs.
  • In HAM 5.3.1 and beyond, Green Eggs also makes sure enemies do not sit just outside of a smoke/gas cloud, thinking they're safe (thus leading to them suffering when the cloud expands in the next turn). They'll keep away from clouds of gas more reasonably now.
  • WarmSteel is planning on also reviewing the BLACK state, I.E. how enemies behave when they can personally see one or more of your mercs. He's hoping to increase their desire to stay in cover and fire more ammo, rather than charge like madmen.
  • Stay tuned for updates on this awesome, HAM-5-exclusive feature!

Item Transformations
  • This feature introduces a new way to interact with the items in our inventory. Modders can now create items that may be "adjusted", turning into any other kind of item (or items) the modder chooses. As a result, modders can now create folding stocks that actually fold on command, rifles that disassemble into their components, scopes with variable magnification, and many other things.
  • Much of what will now be done by Item Transformations was previous handled using merges - except now, a second item is not required to trigger this. Instead, the player clicks on the item's large pic in the UDB display, and selects which adjustment he wishes to perform - if any are available.
  • Adjustments can be made to cost APs, and one item can divide into several if necessary. Also, the program automatically checks for any attachments that are no longer valid for the new item. This also works if the item itself is an attachment, and no longer fits on its "Parent" item.
  • This feature is already being utilized by Wil473 and Smeagol, who are adapting their own mods to use this system. Both mods will apparently feature folding stocks on most weapons, as well as several other new attachments that can be adjusted. Keep your eyes peeled for updates on their mods.
  • The HAM 5.0 Alpha download comes packed with a very basic XML that showcases the system a little. At the moment you can tear any T-Shirt into two rags. To do so, open the shirt's UDB, click on the picture, and you'll get a menu choice to tear it apart.

"Coolness" By Sector
  • Another mod-centric externalization feature. This feature allows modders to set the difficulty of any specific sector using XML.
  • Currently, JA2 1.13 determines the level of enemies and their equipment based on how far the combat sector is from Meduna. A few sectors, including Orta, Alma and Tixa are all given specific difficulty values, but the rest depend on distance from Meduna.
  • The new XML allows the modder to set the "distance" whichever way he likes. The XML is laid out like a map (see SAMSites.XML) so it is easy to edit, with values going from 1 to 20 for each sector, indicating a comparison between enemies encountered in each sector.
  • Note that progress and other factors still work like they always do. The only change is that the game ignores the geography and instead uses the XML values YOU SET. That is all.
  • HAM 5.0a will come supplied with an XML that mimics the original game, I.E. direct distance from Meduna with special provisions for Tixa, Orta and Alma as they are currently being handled in JA2 1.13.

Impact Explosives
  • Another modder feature, though you can probably make good use of it with only some modding knowledge. This allows explosives to detonate as soon as they hit an obstacle - rather than after bouncing a few times.
  • This is done with a new tag in Explosives.XML. When existing and set to 1, the item using this explosive entry will explode on contact with an obstacle. The tag does not need to existin the XML for the game to work - and defaults to 0 (bouncy) if it doesn't appear.
  • Impact explosives are also thrown at the correct angle to explode on the target - they will not fall short, expecting to bounce. This also changes the arc of the throw, making it somewhat easier to hit the target with such explosives.
  • UDB shows an icon for impact explosives.
  • USAGE: In Explosives.XML, find the entry for the explosive you want, and add the tag 1 at the end of that entry.

Better shot distribution inside aperture
  • NCTH adjustment. This creates a new distribution pattern for shots within the shooting aperture.
  • In regular NCTH, the randomality functions are very simple, and result in shots being fired more often into the center of the shooting aperture or close to it, than to the edges. This is an uneven distribution that artificially makes all shots easier. Big no no in NCTH.
  • Better maths (thank you Wolfram) are now being used to ensure that each point inside the aperture has an equal chance of being hit. Hence, better distribution.
  • This was actually pointed out to me by someone during the early NCTH coding work, but I failed to understand what he meant. Thanks someone, if you hadn't said anything I'd never figured out there was a problem.
  • What this means for you, the player: Shots are less likely to hit the target, basically, at least when the aperture is much bigger than the target. Fewer "WTF" moments when the aperture is huge and the shot goes in the center. Much fewer.
  • NEW: Bullet deviation has also received better distribution. This puts a greater emphasis on high-accuracy weapons, which suffer less deviation. Remember kids: Accuracy works on a logarithmic scale, so 14-15 is not the same as 35-36, for example - the higher the numbers go, the more each point counts! Especially at long range.

Improved NCTH Burst/Autofire
  • NCTH adjustment. Counter-Force Frequency has been removed from the game, and replaced with gradual changes in Counter-Force during burst and autofire.
  • In regular NCTH, the shooter sets a certain amount of Counter-Force (working to reduce recoil), and will use that same amount for several bullets in a row. He then gets a chance to adjust his Counter-Force to whatever new amount he needs to get the muzzle back on top of the target (up to the enforced limit, of course).
  • This worked, though it was based on a very complex function placed there when NCTH was added to 1.13. This made it difficult to adjust NCTH and figure out how to make it work better - which I eventually did by rewriting the entire recoil system. (hell yeah)
  • The new system removes Counter-Force Frequency entirely from the game. Instead, the shooter begins his volley with some favourable CF (better shooter = more favourable), and then gradually accelerates and decelerates the muzzle towards the target, trying to keep a delicate balance between CF and recoil as the volley continues. He may only change CF by a certain amount after each bullet, thus resulting in a gradual movement of the muzzle rather than jerking it around.
  • Minimum errors are used to make sure that this balancing process is very difficult - especially for an unskilled shooter.
  • This probably means nothing to most of you, since very few people actually understand how NCTH works (well, maybe that's for the better). However, the players will feel a change: autofire is now significantly less likely to fill a target with bullets (especially at long range) - but is still very likely to score a hit or two per every 5 bullets at such ranges.
  • Removal of Counter-Force Frequency makes it easier to compare weapons - because you now have one less stat to compare. The icons have been removed from UDB entirely. Also, several INI settings will be removed from CTHConstants.INI before HAM 5 Final is released.
  • More explanation of this feature will follow in its own very article soon. Read more on this below.

Modifiable Weapon Degrade Rate
  • This is a new INI setting in CTHConstants.INI, which allows setting the basic rate at which all weapons degrade during combat.
  • The setting is called BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS, and is placed in CTHConstants just below the SIDE_FACING_DIVISOR.
  • The default value in OCTH is 15. However, NCTH often requires firing about 10-20 times (!!) more bullets for each kill made, resulting in weapons degrading way too quickly. Therefore, since higher values are "better" (slower degradation), the default NCTH value is currently set to 50 (until testing can tell whether this value is ok or not).
  • This means that statistically, one in every 45 shots will degrade the weapon by 1 point (rather than the current 1 in 15 shots). This is assuming a reliability 0 weapon.
  • The reliability modifier for guns scales automatically with this. Therefore, the reliability scale is still -5 and upwards, as it was before this change. At -5, the weapon will degrade with each shot.
  • As a bonus, I've slightly reworked the functions that handle condition loss, to fix an issue discovered not long ago where weapons with very negative reliability were actually unlikely to ever degrade. If a weapon is so unreliable that it breaks the limits, it will now simply be as unreliable as the game allows.
  • Future changes are also likely, because the reliability system is very stupid. Stay tuned.

Fragmentation Explosives
  • All explosives may now be set up to eject fragments when they blow up. The fragments, behaving similarly to regular bullets, can hit, injure and kill anyone they collide with.
  • Fragments are ejected in random directions from the blast. Some can even go upwards, though they usually spread out around the explosion.
  • Fragmentations are defined in Explosives.XML as part of an explosion entry. You can define the following data:
    • : The number of fragments fired. Can be anywhere up to 200. Note that fragments fired downwards usually collide with the ground for no damage, so expect the actual number of fragments you see to be about 50% of this number.
    • : The Ammo Type (from AmmoTypes.XML) used for the fragments. They can thus receive properties like Armor Penetration and Tumble values as you see fit. Special flags (like explosive fragments) is not recommended, and may cause crashes or other issues. Use at your own risk.
    • : The damage potential of each fragment. This behaves the same way as bullets, so the actual damage caused to the target may be much lower. Values of 1-10 are recommended for large numbers of fragments. Values up to 50 may be suitable when only a few fragments are ejected.
    • : The mean range to which the fragments will fly (in METERS). Some fragments may exceed this by up to 2x due to being fired at a more upwards angle. Some may collide with the ground well before they reach this range.
  • Please use ALL fragmentation tags together, or none at all. Missing data may cause errors, and is not checked against!
  • Explosions without fragmentation data will simply not eject any fragments. Therefore, you can continue using the current XMLs without issue. Modders will hopefully add some cool fragmenting explosives to the game soon enough.
  • NOTE: Fragmentation explosives are generally deadly if they explode on top of an enemy. This is the result of all (or most) fragments hitting that enemy. Keep this in mind when creating them.

Zoomable Sector Inventory
  • It is now possible to view the Sector Inventory in two modes: zoomed and unzoomed. The zoomed mode displays only 40 items per page (on 1024x768 resolution), but the items are shown using their "Big Item" pictures - the same ones shown in the Description Box (UDB).
  • Zoom is toggled on an off at will. A button at the top left of the Sector Inventory box is clicked, then you select which item you want to zoom in on. Click the button again to return to "unzoomed" mode - the regular Sector Inventory.
  • Right-click will cancel zoom mode while the game is waiting for you to select an item to zoom on.
  • The game remembers which zoom setting you used last - and will default to that zoom setting.
  • The zoom button will not appear when using 640x480 mode - and thus this feature is not available in that resolution. This is because there would only be enough room to display 6 items. Yeah.
  • In zoomed mode, guns show their magazine size as well as the number of bullets loaded. Ammo magazines also show maximum capacity.
  • Attachments are shown using "Asterixes" and "Obelixes", essentially two differently-sized stars instead of the old single size. They now indicate how many attachments exist on an item. LBEs also show how many items they contain, using the same scheme.
  • This system will be constantly revised over the next few weeks to add more cool features and applications -- assuming they prove to be possible.

Sort and Filter Sector Inventory
  • For you hoarders out there, your life just got easier. A whole new row of buttons has been added to the top of the Sector Inventory in 800x600 and 1024x768 modes. These buttons allow toying with the sector inventory, to make it easier to work with.
  • The first four buttons are SORTING buttons, which essentially mimic the sorting commands which, up to now, were issued by hotkey in Tactical View. They include:
    • MERGE & STACK: Merges all mergable items (ammo mags, canteens, medical kits, etc.), and piles up all items of the same type into stacks.
    • AMMO TO CRATES: Merges all magazines of the same caliber and ammo-type into crates (holding up to 5000 rounds per crate). See Crate-Splitting below for the reverse command.
    • SEPARATE ATTACHMENTS: Separates all (seperable) attachments from all items in the inventory, including guns, armor, and anything else that can take an attachment.
    • EJECT AMMO: Ejects ammo from all guns.
  • The next 9 buttons are FILTER buttons, which allow you to decide which items you want to see and which ones you want to hide from view. They include:
    • GLOBAL FILTER: Left click this to show all items. Right click to hide all items.
    • GUNS FILTER: Left click to show/hide all small-arms and launchers. Right click to show ONLY small-arms and launchers.
    • AMMO FILTER: Left click to show/hide all ammunition. Right click to show ONLY ammunition.
    • EXPLOSIVES FILTER: Left click to show/hide all grenades and bombs. Right click to show ONLY grenades and bombs.
    • MELEE WEAPONS FILTER: Left click to show/hide all knives and blunt weapons. Right click to show ONLY knives and blunt weapons.
    • ARMOR FILTER: Left click to show/hide all armor and face items. Right click to show ONLY armor and face items.
    • LBE FILTER: Left click to show/hide all LBEs. Right click to show ONLY LBEs.
    • KIT FILTER: Left click to show/hide all medical/repair/camo kits. Right click to show ONLY medical/repair/camo kits.
    • MISC ITEMS FILTER: Left click to show/hide all miscellaneous items. Right click to show ONLY miscellaneous items.

  • Using the transformation system, it is now possible to split an ammo crate into individual magazines with just a couple of clicks.
  • This behaves differently, depending on where the crate is at the time:
  • When the crate is in the Sector Inventory:
    • Open the crate's description box and click on the item picture.
    • A menu will come up asking which type of magazine you'd like to split the crate into. This list contains all magazines of the same ammo-type and caliber which are not themselves flagged as crates.
    • Clicking on any option will automatically split the crate into as many full magazines of the selected type as can be created, plus an extra one for remaining bullets (if any).
    • The crate is then removed from the game, as it is now necessarily empty.
  • When the crate is in a merc's inventory:
    • Open the crate's description box and click on the item picture.
    • The pop-up will show one option: "Split crate into inventory".
    • When this is clicked, the game automatically goes across each pocket in the merc's inventory, and checks to see how many bullets that pocket can hold if it was filled with each type of magazine of the same caliber and ammo-type as the crate.
    • When the largest amount if found, the game fills the pocket with as many full magazines as it can.
    • This continues until the merc runs out of inventory space, or until the crate is emptied of bullets.
    • If the crate is empty, it is removed from the game. Otherwise it remains in the soldier's inventory.
  • Crate-Splitting is only possible outside of combat, of course, as it would be a very long process to do in battle. However, in the future I might allow mercs to split off one magazine at a time from the crate during combat, if we can decide on a good AP cost for it of course.

Improved Strategic Map Icons and Labels
  • This year we received a larger Strategic Map that covers as much of the map panel as it can. This is very cool, but whoever programmed it did not change the size and position of the various icons and labels displayed on the map. This is especially glaring in 1024x768 (which I suppose is the most popular resolution).
  • HAM 5 revamps these entirely. The following icons and labels have been fully redone and displayed at the proper coordinates:
    • Merc Movement Arrows: The small arrows that indicate a squad is moving between sectors. The arrow moves in real-time (and changes color from blue to yellow) to indicate the team's progress into the next sector. Merc counts (the number showing how many mercs are in the moving group) have been removed.
    • Merc Pathing Arrows: The arrows showing the planned path for merc/helicopter/vehicle movements have been COMPLETELY redone, and are now significantly more visible and easier to figure out. Also the X showing the destination of movement (or the hatched out helicopter icon for helicopter flight paths) has been replaced with a visible green icon that also reminds you what type of transportation you are using.
    • Town Labels: Now displayed using a larger font in 1024x768 mode. Still need to find a good font for 800x600 mode, but it's less of an issue on that display.
    • SAM Site Labels: Now displayed using a larger font in 1024x768 mode. Still need to find a good font for 800x600 mode, but it's less of an issue on that display. Also moved to the correct position (below the SAM sector, rather than below the SAM Site icon).
  • Future improvements may or may not involve a larger SAM Site icon, and merc movement arrows actually moving from one sector to the next similar to how the helicopter is shown (and changing color gradually).


Sector Inventory Accessibility
  • It is now no longer possible to access UDB for an object through the Sector Inventory when in combat. Items must be picked up and viewed from the character's inventory (strategic or tactical are both fine in this case).
  • This eliminates several exploits, and makes more sense overall. If this annoys you, you should know that checking an item's UDB through the sector inventory during combat is likely to cause crashes - I actually fixed that problem by not allowing it. :vader:
UDB/OCTH Best Laser Range
  • This statistic from OCTH now appears in UDB. It was missing due to an oversight during the merger of HAM 4 into JA2 1.13. Laser range appears now on the General page where it should be.
Fixed malfunctioning NCTH INI settings
  • The INI setting "RECOIL_COUNTER_ACCURACY_MIN_ERROR" did not work (it was always set to 0.2). This has been fixed, and this INI setting is also very important for the new NCTH recoil system. Increasing it will cause autofire to sway more violently and thus score fewer hits.
ddd Comments Translated
  • Coders are probably extremely annoyed with this one: a massive number of warnings (over 1000) generated due to non-ASCII characters in the code. This is a result of the... how to put this diplomatically... less-than-careful merger of the DDD mod into the main code, which included many comments in RUSSIAN - some in high-access Header files.
  • I've translated these comments into English (to the best of my ability) so that the info isn't lost - but now the comments don't generate any warnings. This was done for now only in the high-access files - there are still over 50 other comments that need to be handled...
  • Naturally, since I'm not releasing the HAM 5 source code just yet, just know that this feature is in the code and will hopefully be integrated into 1.13 in the near future.
Unified UDB Recoil Data
  • Instead of showing recoil for X and for Y separately in UDB, we can now see the total recoil of the gun as a decimal number. It signifies, basically, how much the muzzle will move in a straight distance between each bullet, assuming no Counter-Force is applied against it.
  • This makes it MUCH easier to compare a gun's recoil to the shooter's Maximum Counter Force (as seen in the Advanced tab), in order to determine whether the shooter is strong enough to make long volleys with his gun.
  • Always remember that short volleys and bursts are fine even if you don't have enough strength. It's just that you can't count on a shooter to keep a long volley stable if he isn't strong enough for the gun he's using - that volley will end up pointing at the sky.
  • The unified stat has a new icon, and only takes one line instead of the previously separate X/Y lines, which means a slight reduction of UDB clutter.
  • Additionally, the Maximum Counter Force line in the ADV tab now has a new icon to distinguish it from the Max Counter Force Modifier line, and appears right before it. Just cosmetic stuff there.
OCTH UDB Tooltips no longer appear in NCTH
  • Due to an oversight, the tooltips for the OCTH-specific values "Min. Range for Aiming Bonus" and "To Hit Bonus" were being displayed for the last two empty lines in the GEN tab, even when using NCTH. They will no longer appear in NCTH.
OCTH UDB "General" panel redone
  • When using OCTH (for reasons unfathomable to man), the stats will now be displayed in a logical order, will show when they're supposed to, and will display the correct values. Tooltips for the PRIMARY section of this page will also show more elaborate tooltips, more in line with the NCTH UDB.
NCTH Shotgun Pellet Suppression
  • When using NCTH, individual shotgun pellets will now deliver as much suppression as regular bullets. This should help make shotguns useful as close-range suppressive weapons, which is how they should be.
$0 Sector Inventory Item Sales
  • Selling an item (or stack of items) worth $0 through the Sector Inventory (and ONLY through the sector inventory) will now yield $0 instead of $1.
  • This being the holiday season, HAM 5.2 contains an easter-egg feature. You might not even notice it, depends a lot on your style of play. I will say it has something to do with the facilities, but not WHAT. Smile

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294143] Sat, 26 November 2011 03:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

Disclaimer: The following may or may not end up happening. Don't say I didn't warn you, 1.13 is a frustrating thing.

Manual Unjamming without Firing
  • Using the Transformation menu, it will now be possible to attempt to unjam a weapon without firing it first. To do so, the player must open the Transformation Menu and select the "Unjam" option which appears there automatically for any jammed gun.
  • Manual unjams check for APs (if in combat) and necessary skills, just like regular unjams - and will grant a chance for points in DEX and MEC as normal.
  • Naturally, since this is a manual unjam, the soldier does not need to fire a bullet.
Realistic Weather
  • Currently, weather is exactly the same all across the map. When a storm starts, there will be rain in every sector simultaneously. Also, the HEAT_INTOLERANT character disability applies only in the desert sectors (AFAIK?).
  • A Realistic Weather system would add a new overlay to the strategic map, showing weather conditions in each part of the map, and tracking weather by sector. In other words, a stormfront will move up from the ocean, sweeping across the map. Sectors affected by this front will have rain (and/or thunder in the middle of the storm, if it's powerful enough), while sectors outside the storm's range will remain in sunshine as normal.
  • Heat waves will also be created, enabling the effect of the HEAT_INTOLERANT trait anywhere on the map - and possibly affecting any character who is carrying too much equipment (incl. enemies).
  • Players can track the movement of storms and heatwaves on the strategic map, allowing them to avoid rain/heat or use it to their advantage or to avoid disadvantage.
City-Wide Facility Use
  • With this feature, mercs will have the option to use any facility in all liberated sectors within the city they are currently in.
  • For example, once Drassen is entirely liberated, a merc could be in any of the city's sectors and still staff the A.C.A. building in B13.
  • This will severely cut down on micromanagement, requiring less movement of mercs between city sectors just for the purpose of operating one facility or another. There are several slight "non-realistic" strategic implications, but this is a case of fun trumping realism.
  • Facilities will only become available if the sector they are in is both free of enemies AND has been visited by the mercs. Otherwise, the facility's options WILL appear - "yellowed out" - so that the player knows that the facility exists elsewhere in the city but hasn't been liberated yet.
NCTH tutorial and analysis
  • Most players don't even understand how to use NCTH, and that's just bad. A series of articles will explain both the basic idea - how to use NCTH in combat - and the advanced concepts.
  • This will be accompanied by a full code analysis of NCTH (in "How does it Work" fashion) to show the intricacies of this system. This will help you understand why some things work much better in NCTH, and why some OCTH tricks no longer apply.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294147] Sat, 26 November 2011 09:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
COOLNESS by sector


Just don't forget to get some sleep.

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Sergeant Major
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294148] Sat, 26 November 2011 11:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Randok is currently offline Randok

Registered:March 2004
It's cool that you want to add new interesting features. As always you do it professionally, and also describe how it works. I am waiting for the opportunity to try this in the game. Just you do not suddenly vanish from the forum

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Master Sergeant
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294150] Sat, 26 November 2011 16:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sam Hotte

Registered:March 2009
Location: Middle of Germany
That sounds very promising.
TY, HR! Smile

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Sergeant Major
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294151] Sat, 26 November 2011 17:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

Download is now available - link in the opening post.

@ Sam_Hotte: Well, see for yourself. Smile

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294158] Sat, 26 November 2011 20:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

Tais has created an SCI for use with HAM 5. The download link is in the opening post.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294159] Sat, 26 November 2011 20:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
PasHancock is currently offline PasHancock

Registered:February 2011
Location: Estonia,Tallinn
i wish he could make an SCI for russian version :/

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First Sergeant
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294160] Sat, 26 November 2011 22:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

Looks like no one's downloaded HAM 5.0a yet - because no one has complained. There's a major error in one of the XMLs that would make the game unrunnable.

HAM 5.0a has been re-uploaded with the fixed file...

@ PasHancock: That wouldn't work. HAM is an English-Only mod.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294163] Sat, 26 November 2011 23:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Looks like no one's downloaded HAM 5.0a yet - because no one has complained.

Jeez , give it some time .... Very Happy

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294164] Sun, 27 November 2011 00:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
To be honest I don't expect there to be many downloads for this version, because the features are more modder-oriented; and two of our major modders are already having fun with this, so it's cool.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294165] Sun, 27 November 2011 01:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sam Hotte

Registered:March 2009
Location: Middle of Germany
Headrock, don't forget to pour you some beer - you earned it! Smile

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Sergeant Major
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294167] Sun, 27 November 2011 03:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
Check the forum before work... HAM 5.0 is announced as a future project.
Check the forum during lunch... HAM 5.0 is released.
Check the forum after work... revised HAM 5.0 is out.

Now the question for me is, how quickly do I release a hybrid of UC-1.13 v3.60, with just the three variable power scopes utilizing HAM 5.0, but the Folding Stock System (FSS) still using NAS? The three variable power/dual mode scopes are ready to go, with graphics courtesy of IoV920.

Converting the FSS to use HAM 5.0 will take some time as it is both XML work (lots of it) and map clean-up of all the obsolete FSS Items that no longer fit any guns. For compatibility with the "official" v1.13 patch later this year (only bug fixes) I can't switch to transformation based FSS quite yet, but I have plans to convert FSS and the Rifle Launched Grenades over to being transformation based.

Alternatively, Alrulco Folding Stock (need new name as my folding stocks won't be the only game in town for folding stocks soon) has no maps to worry about cleaning up. It would be good to see how my NCTH revamp interacts with the new NCTH distribution.

I'll wait till my day off (Tuesday) before deciding, perhaps HAM 6 will be out by then with additional features to consider...

[Updated on: Sun, 27 November 2011 03:37] by Moderator

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294169] Sun, 27 November 2011 04:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
Now the question for me is, how quickly do I release a hybrid of UC-1.13 v3.60, with just the three variable power scopes utilizing HAM 5.0, but the Folding Stock System (FSS) still using NAS? The three variable power/dual mode scopes are ready to go, with graphics courtesy of IoV920.

IMHO, variable scopes need to get out there soon. From my own perspective it's because I want to see whether Transformations are working "in the field", and it'll also give people a good reason to D/L HAM 5.0, since after all it really depends on the content you and Smeagol will produce for it... And from the player point of view, variable scopes are absolutely crucial - they're a year overdue for making NCTH work like it should.

Converting the FSS to use HAM 5.0 will take some time as it is both XML work (lots of it) and map clean-up of all the obsolete FSS Items that no longer fit any guns. For compatibility with the "official" v1.13 patch later this year (only bug fixes) I can't switch to transformation based FSS quite yet, but I have plans to convert FSS and the Rifle Launched Grenades over to being transformation based.

Yes, that's always the problem isn't it. From experience I can guess that it won't be too long before HAM 5 is in the code - assuming it works properly - but until then you might end up working two separate projects. Can't be helped.

Alternatively, Alrulco Folding Stock (need new name as my folding stocks won't be the only game in town for folding stocks soon) has no maps to worry about cleaning up.

Or you could take some time to add the ExplodeOnImpact tag to the proper explosive items. Like some GL grenades.

It would be good to see how my NCTH revamp interacts with the new NCTH distribution.

Well since NCTH is largely a variable system, your role is mainly to take care of balancing guns against each other. Then later anything can be adjusted with the variables. With the articles on NCTH, which will be coming soon, it'll be easier for people (hopefully) to mess with the values and finesse the rest of the balance.

In any case, I've been playing the game tonight (that hasn't happened in a while) with the improved distribution as well as higher DEGREES_MAXIMUM_APERTURE. Shots are now very inaccurate without scopes (at ranges > 7-10 tiles of course), requiring either heavy autofire or proper maneuvering (or just firing a LOT), which is basically the intended result. Early SMGs are good for suppression, but you need to get close to really pepper a target - or spend a lot of bullets on long-range (10-20 tiles) autofire from a braced position to increase the chance of a hit (usu. 1 or 2 bullets per salvo, if you're not just spraying). Early game pistols are absolutely rubbish, as they should be, and much of the combat in the early game revolves around maneuvering close to your enemies and suppressing them so they don't move too much or fire back. Very cool stuff, will see what happens in the late-early game soon.

I'll wait till my day off (Tuesday) before deciding, perhaps HAM 6 will be out by then with additional features to consider...

Haha no. By then I may or may not be working on HAM 5.1 though, with neat player-oriented goodies to increase interest in the project again. But so far nothing you'll need to concern yourself with from a modding standpoint. Unless I add Fragmenting Explosives, which may require some more work, but that'll be much simpler to do than the transformations.

Check the forum before work... HAM 5.0 is announced as a future project.
Check the forum during lunch... HAM 5.0 is released.
Check the forum after work... revised HAM 5.0 is out.

Hehe, well, it was actually ready last night (so... yesterday afternoon for you) but the packing process was in debate. The extra revisions are of course to be expected because the original upload was not operable.

P.S. I've already uploaded a new version where bullet deviation has also received better distribution. Razz

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294175] Sun, 27 November 2011 14:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
Or you could take some time to add the ExplodeOnImpact tag to the proper explosive items. Like some GL grenades.

Day before yesterday, I had started synchronizing the item.xml between UC-1.13 and AFS, with plans to release a v3.60 Release Candidate by next weekend. A HAM 5 variant could be put together by next weekend.

Installed HAM5.0 over my test install for UC-1.13 v3.60RC3, and added a few files to add the variable power scopes. Worked OK, meaning I can probably package a minimalist UC-1.13 v3.60-HAM5 tonight.

I haven't gone over the impact explosives feature yet, but is it just adding one tag to Explosives.xml? If so, I think I can manage a V.Scope/explode on impact UC-1.13 on or by end of Tuesday.

[Updated on: Sun, 27 November 2011 14:47] by Moderator

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294176] Sun, 27 November 2011 14:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
I haven't gone over the impact explosives feature yet, but is it just adding one tag to Explosives.xml?

Yes, 1.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294197] Mon, 28 November 2011 00:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

WarmSteel has just completed the first phase of his AI revamp, currently known as "Warmsteel's Less-Retarded AI". This modification currently improves AI behavior during the Green, Yellow and Red stages (if you don't know what that is, read more in the opening post when I add the info). In particular, the AI is now much more likely to attempt long-range suppression - something which NCTH is definitely encouraging.

This AI modification is now merged into HAM 5, which means HAM 5 has been re-uploaded. You can acquire it at the link above. If you're already up to date, you only need the new EXE from that file. Otherwise download the whole package and extract to your JA2 folder, overwriting anything it asks you about.

As Warmsteel continues to improve this AI enhancement, it will be integrated into HAM 5 and hopefully reduce Artificial Stupidity even further.

Stay tuned!

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294200] Mon, 28 November 2011 11:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headhunter is currently offline Headhunter

Registered:November 2009
Location: Sweden
Yes, yes, oh god yes!

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294201] Mon, 28 November 2011 11:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:February 2009
Location: Finland
Excellent news. Smile Is this in any way connected to Sandro's attempts to increase AI scope usage?

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294202] Mon, 28 November 2011 11:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
Good lord, Headrock. You're the best Santa ever. Present, after present, after present, after present...
You'd better make lots of babies so the next generation of JA2 players will have plenty of future mods to look forward to.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294210] Mon, 28 November 2011 14:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

Another minor feature has been added to HAM 5. It is the ability to change the rate at which weapons degrade during combat.

The option is called BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS, and will only work with NCTH (since it appears in the NCTH INI file rather than the JA2_Options.INI file).

To make use of this option, you'll need to extract both the EXE and the CTHConstants.INI file from the new zip file (reuploaded). Alternately, extract the EXE and add the line "BASIC_RELIABILITY_ODDS = 45" in your CTHConstants.INI file, just below SIDE_FACING_DIVISOR.

The higher this value, the less likely guns are to degrade during combat. However, the current reliability scale is maintained, so a -5 gun will still degrade with each bullet. Read more about this in the opening post.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294212] Mon, 28 November 2011 15:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
Thank you, I've been running into that -5 limit (and problems of going below) for some time now.

Set the explode on contact flag on most launcher grenades last night after work, and just finished updating the v3.60 Running Version History with a HAM 5.0 section. RC4-HAM5 should be out sometime tomorrow after I have time to do some testing. Right now it has dual compatibility between HAM5 and the 4778 SCI (use HAM you have HAM5 features available, use 4778 you have some extra 4 and 9x scopes, and the unfinished encyclopedia and vehicle externalization working).

[Updated on: Mon, 28 November 2011 15:05] by Moderator

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294216] Mon, 28 November 2011 16:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headrock, I want a skirmish mode. With the ability to either choose randomly or selectively.

Mercenary team
After Battle statistics
Pre existing attributes and/or injuries

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294219] Mon, 28 November 2011 16:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
Any chance you could add the option to simplify item stats a bit?
I've known/seen people who can't figure anything out from all the numbers in the UDB tabs. So, they simply skip looking and can't figure out why one gun does this and another does something else.

Something like this would be nice. (Don't mock the rough draft Razz)
Type: Automatic Rifle [S/[color:#999999]B[/color]/F]
Recoil: [color:#FF0000]Heavy[/color]
Damage: [color:#33CC00]Excellent[/color]
Accuracy: [color:#FFCC66]Poor[/color] (for a rifle type)

Hovering over the conveniently colored text could show the appropriate values, in case they're ever interested in delving deeper.

Any interest? It'd do a world of good for the newbie community.

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Sergeant Major
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294220] Mon, 28 November 2011 16:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
@ Wil: Note that -5 is still the lowest you should go. -6 etc. is now exactly the same as -5: Degrade on every bullet.

Let me know how your testers react - assuming they test it with HAM 5, that is.

@ Tao: Sorry, not my field.

@ Slax: Yes, I've been considering this for some time now. Unfortunately, this would require a basis for comparison - which is impossible. I've been trying to explain to people that all they really need to know is "if this is gun's value is higher than that gun's value, then it is better". The differences themselves are much more difficult to understand, and again there would need to be dozens of bases for comparison for that to work. Either the program has to build its own database by scanning all guns in the game and comparing them all, or modders would have to put in their own definitions for each gun or at best each gun group to define the base values.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294222] Mon, 28 November 2011 16:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
Naturally, it's simpler than people imagine it to be but finding a starting point for them seems to be difficult. A slow process. I digress.
Well, say you set something up with 1.13's unmodified arsenal. You have your highs, lows and mediums (Terrible, Bad, Poor, OK, Good...). Lots, if not all big revamp mods boost weapon damage these days and that'd reflect well on 1.13's standards. It'd be the same only higher. Same goes for handling, no? Numbers are numbers and the exe stores all of the game's standards. Low recoil is low recoil and high is high, looking from the game's standpoint. Lots of stuff to compute but I wouldn't call it impossible.
Maybe there's something I'm just not getting?

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Sergeant Major
Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294224] Mon, 28 November 2011 16:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
How about an overall score for each gun?


....and even with regards to battle scenario. For example, close range, medium range, long range, multiple targets, et cetera.

[Updated on: Mon, 28 November 2011 16:52]

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294227] Mon, 28 November 2011 17:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
@ Wil: Note that -5 is still the lowest you should go. -6 etc. is now exactly the same as -5: Degrade on every bullet.

Yes, that's what I've been wanting for a while now. I had to re-scale weapon reliability a few weeks ago due to someone discovering that I forgot the limit was -5: guns went down to -5, but at some later stage I forgot about the limit and produced attachments that dropped reliability by up to -2, resulting in unreliable guns becoming indestructible.

Aside from HAM5 features, RC3 and 4 only differ in some graphics. I'm going to start a new thread for UC-1.13 v3.60RC4-HAM5, and hopefully people will use that thread to report on HAM specific features. The RC's so far have only had a handful of downloads, probably scaring away the masses with the password requirement and "unfinished" warnings. There won't be a password on UC-1.13 v3.60RC4-HAM5 so I hope to get more than a dozen testers...

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294230] Mon, 28 November 2011 17:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
@ Slax: Say a modder increases damage for all guns. Then suddenly all guns have "High!" damage ratings. No comparison possible. The modder would have to define a "baseline" for each value that fits his own mod.

Then consider this: All pistols have a range of about 10-15 meters. So theoretically, either you say all pistols have "POOR" range (which isn't true - some have terrific range for their size), or you make it so that pistols with 10 tiles of range are "POOR" and those with 15 are "GREAT". But then you look at a pistol and a Sniper Rifle and say "hey, why are both their ranges GREAT"?

There need to be a multitude of baselines, and comparison then hinges on identifying which group a gun belongs to. But then, the game is really bad at telling these things apart. You can tell it that a gun is a "PISTOL", but that is just a meaningless classification. You'd have to compute all of the gun's stats to figure out whether or not it actually belongs to one category or another.

The bottomline is that such comparisons are, at best, extremely complicated to program - and at worst make comparisons between different weapons completely impossible. I can't see any simple solution to this problem, so I took the other route: teaching people to ignore the specific values of stats, and instead default to "this is higher, this is lower, this is better, this is worse". If this point is stressed enough, new players would know to ignore numeric differences between items until they can actually understand what a point up or a point down actually do.

P.S. This is the HAM 5 release thread. Ideas should go in the 1.13 Feature Requests forum. I should've mentioned that earlier. Smile

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294233] Mon, 28 November 2011 18:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem

I've added a small icon to indicate when an item has any transformations available.


The icon does not appear if the item has no transformations.

EDIT: The zip file has been reuploaded with this change. Note the new file Data-1.13-HAM/Interface/INFOBOX_Transform_Icon.sti which has been added to the file. You'll need to extract that into the same directory in your JA2 folder in order to run the new EXE.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294236] Mon, 28 November 2011 19:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sam Hotte

Registered:March 2009
Location: Middle of Germany
In that particular case, the shirt's imprint transforms to "[font:Comic Sans MS][color:#FF0000]Headrock rulez[/color][/font]"! Very Happy

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294274] Tue, 29 November 2011 16:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
Guess who's coming to dinner?


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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294275] Tue, 29 November 2011 16:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Inkompetent is currently offline Inkompetent

Registered:November 2011
Location: Sweden

Oh, and btw. If you haven't already, please upload a version with the fixed XML. Downloaded HAM earlier today, and it still CTDs the game with the error in the item transformations file.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294276] Tue, 29 November 2011 16:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
Try it now, I removed all the brackets from the comment. If that doesn't work I might have to scrap the comment altogether or something. This is very weird stuff.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294277] Tue, 29 November 2011 16:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
Headrock, are there any near term plans to add features that require modified/additional data files to HAM5? Due to the VFS not including the Data-1.13-HAM folder, I added the updated Icons STI's to my mod's graphics data folder to maintain compatibility with the most recent update (as of last night). Just wondering if it may be necessary to include the HAM data folder in the VFS, and add a dummy folder to maintain compatibility with Tais' rev4778 SCI. Otherwise I'm nearly ready to upload UC-1.13 v3.60 RC4-HAM5.

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294279] Tue, 29 November 2011 16:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Inkompetent is currently offline Inkompetent

Registered:November 2011
Location: Sweden
Got the same crash. Tried to remove all comments and it still crashes. So definitely not the comment that's the problem =/

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294280] Tue, 29 November 2011 17:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:March 2006
Location: Jerusalem
@ Wil: The only file that will be modified in the near future (i.e. next couple of days) is the Explosives UDB Icons - which is already modified in HAM 5.0a due to the impact explosives icon. I'm not sure exactly what you're intending to set up though... And in any case, VFS is your friend, and you should use him whenever possible.

@ Ink: Try emptying the file of anything except the and tags. If it still doesn't work, the EXE might be fucked up - or possibly you failed to set your VFS correctly. I'll look into it further when I get back home.

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Sergeant Major

Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294281] Tue, 29 November 2011 17:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
Yeah, VFS is my friend, and based on your plans the HAM Data folder must be part of the VFS... even when UC-1.13 v3.60RC4-HAM5 isn't being run under HAM5. ie. there's an empty Data-1.13-HAM folder included in my upload so it won't be missing for anyone who runs the mod under Tais' Rev4778 SCI.

As for clarification of my plans: later today I hope to be uploading to mediafire a HAM5 compatible version of the v3.60 Release Candidate. It will feature:

- two 3-6-9x variable power scopes
- a 4x - 1.5x Wide FOV Dual Mode Combat Sight
- most launcher grenades have the tag set (the 30mm Sci-fi ones don't as some are dual launched/thrown grenades)
- the folding stock extend/retract for AEK-919K, HK MP7 and PM-93 RAK under HAM 5 may be done via the transformation menu. The NAS based moving the attachment option still works for compatibility with non-HAM .exe.

EDIT: by the way, have you taken steps to ensure this fragmentation capability does not affect tanks? One thing that has always bugged me is that if one isn't careful with defining a grenade it ends up having unwanted AT capabilities.

[Updated on: Tue, 29 November 2011 17:41] by Moderator

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Re: HAM 5 Alpha - You know it, bitches!![message #294282] Tue, 29 November 2011 17:38 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Inkompetent is currently offline Inkompetent

Registered:November 2011
Location: Sweden
Sir Herpderpalot. It was the wrong VFS in use >.<

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