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if you're interested in merc relationships..[message #33301]
Sun, 27 April 2003 10:14
wolven_jade |
Registered:October 2001 Location: Romania in the summer, Ph... |
.. here's a little thing I compiled after studying Patusco's Guide (the latest/last edition) for about an hour. Please keep in mind the following things as you read (or just scroll down and if you have any problems understanding sth scroll back up):
- if Patusco was wrong about a relationship, then so am I.
- if Patusco didn't find a relationship that actually exists in the game, it's not gonna be listed here.
- what i wrote may look complicated, but if you print it you'll find it useful..
- when? when you begin the game and are looking for a friendship that increases morale and team performance. Or, at that moment in the middle of the game when you've got 16 mercs in Cambria, you're in need to take Grumm/Alma/the Cambria radar/Tixa/Orta/Balime and you need who to get on each squad, so that nobody gets pissed at anybody else. Better still, in the beginning of the game when you're setting up the teams that will act separately across the country (that's my style, one team goes Chitzena->Grumm->Orta, another Drassen->Alma->Balime, and a third, hired later Cambria->central radar (Mike!) -> Tixa). The details of the plan will be different for you of course, but this stuff is useful nonetheless.
- what will make it so complicated is the presence of MERCs. If you actually plan to use them in combat, together with AIM people, you'll run into a !#%$^?:"+_!@# of trouble. You've been warned. Please read carefully.
If, on the other hand, you're like the other 51% of us who don't use MERCs in combat or don't use them at all, you just need to skip to the important stuff.
- when I wrote that two mercs should be placed in the same sector/campaign area, I meant they both like each other. When I wrote that they shouldn't, the 'couples' under that category are set up in such a way that one of the two doesn't like the other.
- there are many couples in which the MERC likes the AIM and the AIM hates the MERC. I gave priority to the AIM and how he/she should feel..
- i have a category that is called 'groups that should be together'. Basically, the web of 'likes' is so strong in that group that it made no sense to break them apart into smaller ones. Assume that in these groups everybody likes everybody else.
- oh, and i used the symbol "->" once in a while; "->" means one-sided like; for instance 'Gus -> Scully' means Gus likes Scully but Scully is indifferent to Gus.
- there are some things I forgot to mention here, but I haven't slept it in two days so I wouldn't know. Oh, Patusco had a few question marks concerning certain relationships, which meant that he wasn't sure if they exist. From my game experience, all those relationships actually existed.
1) Put in same sector: Biff & Flo
but do not put in the same sector/campaign area with them the following:
(Biff-haters): Bull, Danny, Haywire, Sidney, Numb, Nails.
(Flo-haters): Fidel, Gus.
(Mega-haters-of-both-Biff-and-Flo):Meltdown, Razor.
Keep away from Bubba: Biff, Blood, Danny, Ice, Magic, Dynamo.
Keep away from Numb: Biff, Conrad, Static, Stephen, Wolf, Len, Reaper, Steroid.
Keep away from Buns: Devin, Red, Spider.
2) Do not put in the same sector/campaign area:
AIM & AIM: Lynx & Buzz, Blood & Cliff, Static & Stephen, Buns & Reaper, Buns & Magic, Hitman & Raider, Buns & Fox, Danny & Steroid, Fox & Steroid, Stephen & Nails, Trevor & Fidel.
AIM & MERC: Vicki & Gasket,Buns & Gumpy, Flo & Meltdown, Flo& Fox, Fox & Haywire.
NPC & AIM: Dynamo & Barry.
3) Put in the same sector/campaign area:
AIM & AIM: Wolf & Fox, Sidney & Scope, Spider & Static, Nails & Bull, Hitman OR Raider & Raven, Stephen & Meltdown.
NPC & NPC: Dynamo & Shank.
4) Groups to be put together:
A) Fidel, Haywire & Razor.
B) Miguel, Carlos, Dmitri, Ira (and Shadow, if possible - for Miguel).
C) Igor, Ivan, Grunty (and Iggy, if possible).
D) Ice, Magic & Blood.
E) Wolf, Fox, Lynx, Ice, Grizzly (because Wolf -> Lynx -> Ice -> Grizzly -> Wolf and Fox -> Wolf and Fox -> Grizzly).
F) Q, Len, Vicki.
G) Vicki, Spider, Raven.
H) Thor, Spider, Static.
Keep away from group A: Sidney, Static, group C (if group C includes Iggy).
Keep away from group B: Malice (if group B includes Ira), group C (if group C includes Iggy).
Keep away from group C: Steroid, Gasket, Bubba, group B (if group C includes Iggy).
Keep away from group F: Grizzly (if group F includes the mercenary usually refered to as Q :wrysmiley: ).
Other things to keep in mind:
1) Cougar and Gus like Len.
2) Reaper and Grizzly (just as Miguel as well) like Shadow.
3) Barry and Devin like Red.
4) Gus -> Scully -> Trevor -> Thor -> Ice.
5) Maddog, Malice and Nails like Fox :naughty: :naughty: .
6) MD likes Danny.
7) Flo likes Lynx :naughty: .
Steroid -> Grizzly -> Bull.
Bubba -> Bull.
Bubba -> Buzz
9)Buns -> Sidney -> Stephen.
Conrad -> Stephen.
10) Shank likes Ivan.
11) Conrad likes Iggy.
12) Cougar likes Wolf.
13) Haywire likes Numb.
14) Hitman likes Grunty.
15) Malice likes Meltdown.
16) Malice likes Spider.
17) Reaper likes Blood.
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Re: if you're interested in merc relationships..[message #33309]
Mon, 28 April 2003 00:27 
ConFusion |
Registered:April 2003 Location: The Netherlands, Europe |
Could you explain me what the use of this is? I've never had any problems with merc relationships other than 2 mercs hating eachother (and thus, one will leave). What's the effect of mercs that like eachother? In your first post you state that 'if you're looking for a friendship that increases morale and team performance'... first, who needs morale? Shoot a guy and morale will be 'great'. I've never, ever had problems with the morale. Ok, they might don't want to extend their contract... kill something, try again...
Secondly, it should 'increase team performance'. Could you tell me in what way?
The only chances I've seen are things mercs giving eachother compliments or are very sad if their mate dies.
I assume that relations don't grand you more APs, a better chance to hit, more energy or anything else that's actually useful in combat (come on, you won't win the war with "My favorable impression of Raven was right on the money" (Spider sees that Raven does something good) ).
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Re: if you're interested in merc relationships..[message #33317]
Sun, 18 May 2003 22:49 
jeremiah |
Registered:April 2003 Location: Canada |
Quote:Originally posted by wolven_jade:
2) Do not put in the same sector/campaign area:
AIM & AIM: Lynx & Buzz, Blood & Cliff, Static & Stephen, Buns & Reaper, Buns & Magic, Hitman & Raider, Buns & Fox, Danny & Steroid, Fox & Steroid, Stephen & Nails, Trevor & Fidel.
AIM & MERC: Vicki & Gasket,Buns & Gumpy, Flo & Meltdown, Flo& Fox, Fox & Haywire.
NPC & AIM: Dynamo & Barry.
Dynamo hates Barry? Or is the other way around? Wierd, what does Dynamo have against this Hungarian merc? Barry is always polite and friendly and AFAIK, hates no one in AIM and MERC.
Not that I would ever hire Dynamo except to bring him to Alma (his main stats are way too low to even bother with unless you plan a very LONG game).
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Re: if you're interested in merc relationships..[message #33333]
Thu, 31 July 2003 21:48 
Max |
Registered:July 2003 Location: France |
I agree with DR J, the major problem with mercs relationship, is to see one of your favourite merc leave you, because you hired an other one he dislike. But I'm very surprised to read that you can avoid this problem in putting them in different squad or area. :nono: I tried it long ago, and I noticed the opposite. Spider leave me because she can't bear Buns. During a new game, I hired both, assigning them in differents squads and aeras, and Spider leave me again ! The only way I find to keep them both, is to hire people that Spider likes, like Static or Raven.
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Re: if you're interested in merc relationships..[message #33337]
Mon, 14 February 2005 14:26 
fightcancer |
Registered:February 2005 Location: USA |
To make it easy, here's the entire list from Patusco's guide. Now you can look up your favorite mercs in alphabetical order. I haven't found any discrepancies in it.
Barry Likes: Red
Hates: Noone
Biff Likes: Flo, unstoned Numb
Hates: Bubba, stoned Numb
Blood Likes: Magic
Hates: Bubba, Cliff
Bubba Likes: Bull, Buzz
Hates: Noone
Bull Likes: Nails, Grizzly?
Hates: Biff
Buns Likes: Sidney
Hates: Fox, Gumpy, Reaper
Buzz Likes: Noone
Hates: Lynx (duh)
Carlos Likes: Miguel, Dimitri, Ira
Hates: Iggy
Cliff Likes: Noone
Hates: Noone
Conrad Likes: Iggy, Stephen
Hates: Numb
Cougar Likes: Wolf, Len
Hates: Noone
Danny Likes: Noone
Hates: Steroid, Bubba, Biff
Devin Likes: Red
Hates: Buns
Dimitri Likes: Miguel, Carlos, Ira?
Hates: Stephen?
Dr. Q Likes: Vicki
Hates: Noone
Dynamo Likes: Blood, Shank
Hates: Barry?
Fidel Likes: Haywire, Razor
Hates: Flo, Devin?
Flo Likes: Biff, Lynx
Hates: Meltdown, Fox?
Fox Likes: Wolf, Grizzly
Hates: Haywire, Steroid
Gasket Likes: Vicki
Hates: Ivan, Igor
Grizzly Likes: Bull, Shadow, Wolf
Hates: Dr.Q
Grunty Likes: Ivan, Buns
Hates: Noone
Gumpy Likes: Noone, seems to like Buns
Hates: Noone
Gus Likes: Len, Scully
Hates: Flo
Hamous Likes: Noone
Hates: Noone
Haywire Likes: Razor, Numb
Hates: Biff
Hitman Likes: Grunty, Raven
Hates: Raider
Ice Likes: Magic, Blood, Grizzly
Hates: Bubba
Iggy Likes: Ivan
Hates: Fidel
Igor Likes: Ivan, Grunty
Hates: Noone
Ira Likes: Miguel, Dimitri
Hates: Malice
Ivan Likes: Grunty, Igor
Hates: Bubba
Len Likes: Vicki, Dr.Q
Hates: Numb
Lynx Likes: Ice
Hates: Buzz
Maddog Likes: Fox
Hates: Noone
Magic Likes: Blood, Ice
Hates: Buns, Bubba
Malice Likes: Meltdown, Fox, Spider
Hates: Noone
MD Likes: Danny
Hates: Noone
Meltdown Likes: Stephen
Hates: Biff, Flo
Miguel Likes: Ira, Carlos, Shadow
Hates: Iggy
Nails Likes: Fox, Bull
Hates: Biff
Sober Numb Likes: Biff, Flo (pussy)
Hates: Steroid, Static
Stoned Numb Likes: Steroid, Static (cool)
Hates: Biff, Flo
Raider Likes: Raven
Hates: Hitman
Raven Likes: Raider, Spider
Hates: Noone
Razor Likes: Haywire, Fidel
Hates: Biff, Flo
Reaper Likes: Blood, Shadow
Hates: Numb, Buns
Red Likes: Noone
Hates: Buns
Richard Likes: Magic
Hates: Flo
Scope Likes: Sidney
Hates: Noone
Scully Likes: Trevor?
Hates: Noone
Shadow Likes: Noone
Hates: Noone
Shank Likes: Dynamo, Ivan
Hates: Noone
Sidney Likes: Scope, Stephen
Hates: Haywire, Biff?
Spider Likes: Raven, Vicki, Static
Hates: Buns
Static Likes: Spider, stoned Numb
Hates: Razor, Stephen, unstoned Numb
Stephen Likes: Meltdown
Hates: Numb, Nails, Static
Steroid Likes: Grizzly
Hates: Ivan, Igor
Steve Likes: Noone
Hates: Noone
Thor Likes: Spider, Static, Ice
Hates: Noone
Trevor Likes: Thor, Scully?
Hates: Fidel
Vicki Likes: Spider
Hates: Gasket
Wolf Likes: Fox, Lynx
Hates: Numb
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