A long time ago, in a city far, far away (Bremen), I was asked whether I could implement a feature that would allow us to set up factories. It didn't interest me back then (apart from the possibility to dangle this in front of smeag in exchange for food), but now I find myself wanting something contemplativeto do. So here we are.
This feature allows us to set up factories at facilities. A factory creates items and puts them into the sector.
This is set up in FacilityTypes.xml:
<szFacilityName>T-Shirt Factory</szFacilityName>
<!-- create string -->
<szProductionName>String</szProductionName> <!-- If we want a custom name for this production line, we can set it with this optional tag -->
<szAdditionalRequirementTips> - Requires: Doreen quest</szAdditionalRequirementTips> <!-- We can display additional requirements in the sector info screen with this -->
<usItemToCreate>311</usItemToCreate> <!-- What item do we want to create? -->
<sMinutesRequired>10</sMinutesRequired> <!-- How long does it take to create a single item? -->
<sGridNo_Creation>11306</sGridNo_Creation> <!-- At what location in the map do we want to drop the created item? If there is a crate, the item will be put inside -->
<requires_staff>0</requires_staff> <!-- If set to 1, this will only work if the facility has someone staffing it -->
<sHourlyCost>2</sHourlyCost> <!-- If the factory is active, it will cost this much per hour -->
<usOptional_LoyaltyRequired>15</usOptional_LoyaltyRequired> <!-- We only produce if the town sector has at least this much loyalty to us -->
<usOptional_ItemUsedUp>1022</usOptional_ItemUsedUp> <!-- This item is consumed in the creation process. We can enter add several items of the same kind, or different ones altogether. -->
As modders can add and remove facilities in the xmls at any point, we cannot hardcode factories. This poses a problem - how do we store production progress, or whether or not a factory was turned on?
This is solved in strategicmap.lua. Basically each factory is assigned one modder-administered value that is nevertheless stored in the savegames. The value stores whether a factory is on or off, and how much progress on the current item has been reached.
-- We have an array of 1000 signed integers that a modder can use to set whatever data he wants.
-- We simply set up some enums here to make it easier for us to remember what is what
ModSpecificFacts =
-- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| factories |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| factories |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FactorySpecialValues =
-- sSectorX, sSectorY and bSectorZ indicate the sector coordinates
-- usFacilityType is facility number from FacilitTypes.xml
-- usProductionNumber denotes which FACTORY of the facility this is for
-- sProgressLeft is the progress to be saved.
-- As factories can be added or removed in the xml at will, we can't hardcode their progress in the savegame.
-- Therefore we let the modder store their progress in here via LUAFacts into the modder-administered part of the savefile.
-- We also want factories to be deactivated initially (so the player doesn't suddenly lose money if he takes their sector). Initially all values are 0.
-- In the code, values < 0 indicate a factory is offline, >= 0 online.
-- We thus add '1' to every value, so we store the progress as 1 + sProgressLeft, this means a luafact value of <= 0 is offline, > 0 is online
-- We also use the Getter to check for other conditions, like quest progress. For example, even if we control Drassen, we can only use the T-Shirt factory once Doreen is gone.
-- We achieve that by returning a value < -10 if these extra conditions are not satisfied.
-- The code checks that too and won't allow us to even turn a factory on in this case, so the player knows he has something else to do first.
function SetFactoryLeftoverProgress(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ, usFacilityType, usProductionNumber, sProgressLeft)
if ( bSectorZ == 0 ) then
elseif ( sSectorX == 2 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_H and usFacilityType == 5 ) then
SetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_GRUMM_MUNITIONSFACTORY_1 + usProductionNumber, 1 + sProgressLeft)
elseif ( sSectorX == 2 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_G and usFacilityType == 25 ) then
SetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_GRUMM_BOMBWORKSHOP_1 + usProductionNumber, 1 + sProgressLeft)
function GetFactoryLeftoverProgress(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ, usFacilityType, usProductionNumber, sProgressLeft)
val = -1
if ( bSectorZ == 0 ) then
elseif ( sSectorX == 2 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_H and usFacilityType == 5 ) then
val = GetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_GRUMM_MUNITIONSFACTORY_1 + usProductionNumber) - 1
return val
The feature is off by default, and can be activated in Ja2_Options.ini:
; Facilities can produce items.
; This requires defining production lines for each item in FacilityTypes.xml and some set up in SetFactoryLeftoverProgress(...)
; and GetFactoryLeftoverProgress(...) in scripts/strategicmap.lua.
FACTORIES = FALSE <-- set this to TRUE
This allows a modder to set up facilities wherever they want, and to tie them to quests however they want (more on that in the next post). It does require a bit of lua work though, I don't see a way around that.
This is fully savegame compatible.
As this feature includes new map overlay symbols and lua functions, you are required to update the GameDir data.
This has been added to the trunk in r8804 & GameDir r2534. Using the new exe without the new GameDir will cause allergic reactions to html.
[Updated on: Sun, 17 May 2020 23:52]
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
Now, a few pointers for modders who want to use this.
Producing items is basically a sub-ability of facilities. So whatever you do, you need a facility. These are defined in FacilityTypes.xml and placed on the map in Facilities.xml
Now we need to set up a number for each <PRODUCTIONLINE> of our facility in strategicmap.lua:
-- We have an array of 1000 signed integers that a modder can use to set whatever data he wants.
-- We simply set up some enums here to make it easier for us to remember what is what
ModSpecificFacts =
-- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| factories |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These numbers can be whatever we like, but they should not already be in use. Otherwise you have weird stuff happening, like taking a photo of a Alma prison activating our surgical facemask production
In SetFactoryLeftoverProgress(...), we need to store values for when the game sets on, like when we click on the buttons in the laptopn page or when the game writes the partial progress of our factory
function SetFactoryLeftoverProgress(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ, usFacilityType, usProductionNumber, sProgressLeft)
if ( bSectorZ == 0 ) then
if ( sSectorX == 13 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_C and usFacilityType == 23 ) then
SetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_DRASSEN_TSHIRTFACTORY_1 + usProductionNumber, 1 + sProgressLeft)
The above checks for sector are necessary. We could have placed the same facility type in several sectors, so the type isn't enough to identify a production line.
The game also asks us 'what value do we have for a factory', which we answer in GetFactoryLeftoverProgress(...)
function GetFactoryLeftoverProgress(sSectorX, sSectorY, bSectorZ, usFacilityType, usProductionNumber, sProgressLeft)
val = -1
if ( bSectorZ == 0 ) then
if ( sSectorX == 13 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_C and usFacilityType == 23 ) then
-- The T-Shirt factory can only be used once Doreen is gone, one way or the other
if ( gubQuest( Quests.QUEST_FREE_CHILDREN ) == qStatus.QUESTDONE ) then
val = GetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_DRASSEN_TSHIRTFACTORY_1 + usProductionNumber) - 1
-- The T-Shirt factory can be 'upgraded' to also produce uniforms
-- The upgrade is not an item, it exists purely in the lua values
-- We've set the upgrade time to be 03:01. As we set the progress on each full hour, there will be a point in time where the value is 180
-- We use that value as 'upgrade has been done'. The upgrade cannot be built anymore -> val = CANT_ACTIVATE_FACTORY.
-- The uniform production lines always return CANT_ACTIVATE_FACTORY if the upgrade is not there yet.
if ( usProductionNumber == FactorySpecialValues.FACTORY_PROGRESS_DRASSEN_TSHIRTFACTORY_UPGRADE and val > 170 ) then
elseif ( usProductionNumber > FactorySpecialValues.FACTORY_PROGRESS_DRASSEN_TSHIRTFACTORY_UPGRADE ) then
if ( tmp < 170 ) then
This is where a modder can add their own conditions. In the above example, if the Doreen quest has not been finished, we always tell the game 'Nah, you can't activate this factory at all'. Which is why I had Moira kill Doreen in the video - I set it up so that we need onwership of the factory first.
There's also a bit more here. As seen in the video, one of the things we set up was an 'Upgrade' to the facility. This does not produce an item, but 'unlocks' the uniform production after three hours. Only once that is done those can be accessed, while the upgrade is permanently locked (no need to do it twice after all).
Of course you can also tie factory activation to NPC deaths, like we do for the Hicks:
elseif ( sSectorX == 10 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_F and usFacilityType == 24 ) then
-- the Hicks farm can only be used if the quest was solved by killing the Hicks family
if ( MercIsDead(Profil.DARREL) and MercIsDead(Profil.DARYL) ) then
val = GetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_CAMBRIA_HICKSFARM_1 + usProductionNumber) - 1
Orta is a bit tricker. The factory itself is underground, but facilities can not be defined for underground sectors. I use a trick, I tie the activation on whether or not Ernest gave us access to the storage room. Seems reasonably to me that we can only produce things once we've gained control over the assembly lines.
elseif ( sSectorX == 4 and sSectorY == SectorY.MAP_ROW_K and usFacilityType == 15 ) then
-- the Orta factory can only be used once Ernest gave us the rifles (and presumably control over the assembly lines)
if ( (CheckFact( Facts.FACT_CONVO_ERNEST, 0 ) == true) ) then
val = GetModderLUAFact(ModSpecificFacts.FACTORY_PROGRESS_GRUMM_ORTAFACTORY + usProductionNumber) - 1
Back to FacilityTypes.xml. Factories don't need mercs to be staffing the facility. My intention was for us to pay the civilians to do the work (after all, hiring a merc only for them to sit on an assembly line is kinda silly). That's what the sHourlyCost and usOptional_LoyaltyRequired tags are for.
In this case the factory does not cost money, but work is only done if a merc is staffing and awake. With him also training explosives, it sure looks like he is creating those mortat shells
The idea of this factory is that the mercs use the excessive amount of grenades and explosives they find to create mortar shells. As that sounds... not harmless, the staffing merc is required to be somewhat knowlegeable about explosives, and there is risk of injury here.
While the prices for items in general could use an update, I tried to be somewhat fitting to the items here. In general, producing an item in Arulco is cheaper than outright buying it from a merchant or Bobby Rays. You can of course alter this.
Let's skip this silly 'civil war' nonsense. The best experience is to to acquire a factory, produce items at low prices and sell them for a healthy margin!
Note that we can also use negative values for <sHourlyCost>. So this
<szProductionName>Flugente's gun emporium</szProductionName>
<usOptional_ItemUsedUp>12</usOptional_ItemUsedUp> <!-- Item #256 is the Colt M4 Commando -->
sets up a merc as a street vendor, who sells your M4s for... 25$. What do I know about gun prices
The idea here is that 'xxx' is random item, which is resolved into various items we could find in a junkyard. Soda cans, string, rags, low grade ammo clips, pipes, rubber bands...
Similar to the above idea of the 'upgrade' to the T-Shirt factory, you could also use factories to affect other non-item things. As you can add volunteers in lua, you could, I dunno, set up a merc-staffed strip mall that gains volunteers
Or, say, set up a voodoo temple that causes Deidranna's death after a week of ritual prayer and the sacrifice of a thousand skulls
I am sure others will come up with other ideas, that's what this thread is for after all.
[Updated on: Mon, 18 May 2020 00:45]
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
While updating AR, I had to do a lot of lua-work (adding about 100 new mod-specific-facts alone), so I allready know this is gonna be work-intensive.
But it'll be certainly worth it, cause it will perfectly fit in with the AR style of live-out-the-land. In some other feature, you advised to leave numbers
unused for those facts for future additions by you, I'm glad I did follow this.
Despite several attempts and a bunch of tutorials, I sadly never managed to succesful compile. And this is certainly a moment where I realy regret this,
cause I wanna try this feature asap My thoughts are allready spinning about how to put this to best use.
- an offshore Serverfarm where Speck needs to be assigned, resulting in cash-flow but also spam-emails to the player
- make Lora Ricci hireable and let her start her own Ricci-bag or Eau de Lora factory
- Tex could go back to producing cheesy videos, distributed exclusivly by Betty Fu
- cow meat could be used for producing beef-jerky (no pigs, no spam)
I allready did some work with .sti for a brewery, now I could pick this up for a brewery run by drunk Larry.
Two questions:
<usOptional_ItemUsedUp>1022</usOptional_ItemUsedUp> <!-- This item is consumed in the creation process. We can enter add several items of the same kind, or different ones altogether. --
The ItemUsedUp has to be in the sector inventory, either by a first line of production or placed there by the player. Is this true?
The idea here is that 'xxx' is random item, which is resolved into various items we could find in a junkyard. Soda cans, string, rags, low grade ammo clips, pipes, rubber bands...
Is "xxx" meant as a placeholder for what to fill in by modder , or will filling in "xxx" result in random items. Probably the first, but if the later, defined in random items or elsewhere?
1.13 certainly has seen some cool new stuff in the past few month, you guys never stop amazing me. Thanks a lot.
While there is no lua function to check whether a specific merc staffs a facility, one could simply check for the merc's presence in the sector itself as a requirement in the lua scripts. Then technically someone else could staff the thing, but if the merc has to be present anyway, might as well use them.
01: Yes. The items need to be in the sector inventory and accessible at the time of creation. That's why I lined up the T-Shirt factory things this way, the strings are turned into rags, and both are then turned into T-Shirts etc..
02: 'xxx' is meant as a placeholder for the itemnumber of a to-be-created random item.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
I take it this can used used for Militia Resources an manpower too?
A smuggle arm or people factory that turns cash in guns or manpower.
It would give us a reason to hold the out edges of the map.
That would work. Basically a 61-minute production line, whenever we set the value 60, add things in lua and set a value of 0.
I don't think there is a an interface function to set militia resources yet, but volunteers/money/intel can already be set.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
The T-Shirt factory in the video already creates facemasks from rags & strings, so I'm way ahead of you
As we can create makeshift bandages by combining 2 rags, we also have pseudo first aid kits (one could simply add a production line for that, in case one doesn't want to do it by hand). Anything more advanced would be odd for a simple workshop.
As for drugs, one could, say, add a drug lab to the ruins of the Cambria university. One of the southernmost rooms seems like a pretty good setup. Ultimately there are a lot of possibilities
[Updated on: Mon, 01 June 2020 14:50]
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
Small fix in GameDir r2543: a facility with no ASSIGNMENT shows a faulty entry in the Facilities menu if ubTotalStaffLimit > 0. As we don't need staffing mercs if there is no assignment (as is the case with the T-Shirt Factory and Hicks Farm), simply setting ubTotalStaffLimit to 0 removes the menu entry.
[Updated on: Wed, 03 June 2020 02:56]
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
I remember proposing this idea years ago! http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/index.php?t=msg&th=23536&goto=351399&#msg_351399
Was not received quite well back then.
Anyway Flugi, do you already have some factories set up like shown in the video? If yes, which ones?
All those from the video, since they are in the trunk.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
All those from the video, since they are in the trunk.
Right. So we have clothes factory in drassen, food farm in hicks sector, shells and munitions facility in grumm. Is that all?
And does munitions facility in grumm produce 7.62x39mm ammo boxes only?
There's also Orta, which is somewhat unusual as it produces items on the top, but requires first solving the quest in the basement, as facilities (and thus factories) can only exist in surface sectors due to code limitations.
In stock the munitions factory only produces 7.62x39mm ammo boxes, yes. It's suffices as an example, and producing an old WW2 calibre seems a lot more believable to me than if it produced fancy-schmancy hightech stuff.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
Is there a way to set the working population and/or amount of available volunteers as an additional (optional) condition for a factory to work? Like it can be done with the mines?
Hmm. I don't think so. You can add volunteers, but there is no function to retrieve the number or volunteers yet. I should probably add that and a few other interface functions, like intel count, worker count, militia resources.
Any other ideas at what we could check against while I'm at it?
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
Hm, probably not possible since likely defined at gamestart, but changing the watertype from clean to poluted could also prevent overusing of a factory. Or the chance to increase the infection-chance when running a factory (the sector-infection, like when not burrying the corpses).
In my opinion, those factories are giving the player an advantage, which is fine. But this immediatly triggers something nasty in me, looking for a way to make this harder to achieve or creating a need to wager benefits against possible hinderances and dangers.
I testruns I added ambient to increase the fatigue, to simulate lung-problems when a factory is in the neighbourhood and a health-drop with injury-chance. But that can be done allready.
Connecting a modder-lua-fact for succesfull hacking or reading needs a little more testing, but also seems to be working, which is rather cool.
Now I need to find out, how to make use of UB-quests (to rewrite them with other content) and together with this factories, it should be possible to create a fallow-tree and sap plantage at Orilla Island.
Or get this Briefing Room to run, getting a quest by Jake and Brenda to win a sector with a lab to produce sap at the factory located there.
One thing I learned the past year, is that I'll never will run out of stuff to investigate how certain parts in JA2-113 may work and how this could be used
Any other ideas at what we could check against while I'm at it?
Might be asking for too much, but checking for existance of a .sti at certain gridNo in sector would be cool.
What I'm thinking about is, that in some mods (present and future) there are situations when the enemy is blowing up parts of the building when the players attack is recognized.
Mostly done by a panic trigger used to trigger an action item with explosion. In standard 113 this is happening in the MilitaryHeadquarter, injuring Seargant Krott.
This easily can be done for sectors with factories as well, in RR this results in a lightning strike, in MFM the player is greeted with explosions when arriving in Omerta, etc.
While looking at furniture in InteractiveActions, it seems possible to connect .sti at a gridno to result in a lua-ID. So, what if something simular could be done for factories.
If .sti of an assembly line is undamaged, the player can use factory. If .sti of assembly line is replaced by .sti of DestructionPartner, because the enemy has blown it up, the factory
cannot be used. Like with the controls at SAM-Sites, player then could get the opportunity to repair.
I have no glue, how much work this probably would cause, but since you asked ....
Or can this be done with InteractiveActions allready and I just failed to see how?
Shutting down a factory and restart a factory should be possible with connecting the results of a hacked PC,
but changes made by explosions (changed .sti) I couldn't find a way.
As of r8819, you can use the following functions in lua, which might be useful here too:
-- get town id, add or get number of workers
townid = GetTownIdForSector(sectory,sectory)
AddTownWorkers(townid, workerstoadd)
workersintown = GetTownWorkers(townid)
-- add or get militia resource
resourcesgun = GetMilitiaResources_Gun()
resourcesarmour = GetMilitiaResources_Armour()
resourcesmisc = GetMilitiaResources_Misc()
-- add or get intel
val = GetIntel()
val = GetVolunteers()
Testing whether structures still exist is tricky, as we can only test that if a sector is currently loaded. This will not always be the case.
This means you'd have to store that status in a lua modderfact value. However, there is not function in lua that is called when a structure-remove action happens, which is where we'd have to do that. Even more this assumes that a structure exists at start to begin with.
Add to that the fact that the AI only ever destroys scenery by accident, and this seems like a relatively huge effort for tiny gains.
However, iirc the actions you described, like the explosion that injures Krott, are triggered by action items, which are handled in ExplosionControl.lua. So simply adding a check that looks whether a specific item on a spacific gridno is triggered and subsequently setting a variable seems a lot more fruitful to me.
Water quality and other sector stuff is taken from the xml. What your proposal would require is a separate function that modifies those according to lua input. All doable, but... meh. Seems like a slippery slope before outsourcing ever increasing parts of the code to lua, which I'm not too big a fan of, even though I use it.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.
A while ago, the topic how to add a new factory came up at Discord-Server. I made some screenshots to answer there, which may prove useful here as well.
It's just a cheesy example to show the principle. Files used for example-screenshots are from GameDir 2579.
Of course, based on Flugentes descriptions above and his already implemented factories.
Are we supposed to be able to turn off production lines? I have a Merc sitting in the sector with the T-shirt factory, just training militia, and after i looked away for a moment, I came back to find hundreds of face masks and string, and most of my money going to staff those assembly lines to produce zero-value items.
In the "factories" webpage there are buttons next to each line, but they don't seem to do anything If I click one to set it "black" instead of gray, it is always reset when I enter the page again). And whichever way I leave them, all production lines keep going until I get a message that they are shut down due to lack of funds... which then happens every hour.
Are we supposed to be able to turn off production lines? I have a Merc sitting in the sector with the T-shirt factory, just training militia, and after i looked away for a moment, I came back to find hundreds of face masks and string, and most of my money going to staff those assembly lines to produce zero-value items.
In the "factories" webpage there are buttons next to each line, but they don't seem to do anything If I click one to set it "black" instead of gray, it is always reset when I enter the page again). And whichever way I leave them, all production lines keep going until I get a message that they are shut down due to lack of funds... which then happens every hour.
You are supposed to be able to turn off the production lines. "Black" is "off", "Grey" is "on, "Black with red x inside" is not possible (missing requirement, like Dorren Quest not solved yet, etc).
Did a quick test with 8927/2580 and was able to turn them off. So I don't know what's happening at your side. Have you may changed any files? Which version are you running?
Did a quick test with 8927/2580 and was able to turn them off. So I don't know what's happening at your side. Have you may changed any files? Which version are you running?
Thank you, Kitty! I had been using 8919-g2579, but I had just installed that on top of my much older 1.13 installation, which used different file locations within the data-1.13 directory - as a result, there were duplicates of numerous files in TableData and other places; it turns out the factory problem was just the first error I noticed. I've now reinstalled from original JA2, putting 8930-2580 on top (from your site, thank you!), and it's working now.