Re: JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #364459 is a reply to message #347920]
Mon, 14 March 2022 05:56 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
BETA 8 Changelog (1st Jan 2021 - 23rd Dec 2021)
options Ini settings changed.
Ja2_Vengeance.exe Build 19.12.2021 rev 3073.
Re-enabled light flash when throwing flares.
Modified tactical settings.
Improved AI.
Improved AI code for choosing grenades and grenade launchers.
Improved AI path code.
Improvements when changes of stance such as cowering and jumping.
UI attack handling prioritised interactive structures over target soldiers even if target soldier was explicitly provided causing deadlocks such as
when trying to punch enemy overlapped by a door.
GuiBaseJA2Clock overflow fix (by MH17).
ReInitMergedItem: show item ID, attachment ID when doing assert.
UpdateAttachmentTooltips: improved code, separated items.attachments and launchables loops.
Use MAXITEMS + 1 as max limit for Transform[], Launchable[].
GetItemSlots: use new code from trunk.
Improved DecayRottingCorpse AI Warnings code.
Take into account <buddyitem> tag for single shot rocket launchers for EstimateThrowDamage.
OCTH: reworked code to avoid lucky hits, increased MIN_AIMING_SCREWUP 22 -> 30.
PickARandomLaunchable: use 1 + progress / 10 to allow coolness 10 items.
GetSightAdjustmentCamouflageOnTerrain: scale camo with light level.
LightTrueLevel: full effect of shadows on light level at night.
NightBonusScale: full night vision bonus in darkness.
Player mercs avoid gas/fire when in autobandage mode or under AI control.
Improved gas checks.
Fixed naming conventions for taunt files which means game will now play a host more audible files.
Fix for IMP_FEMALE_5 and IMP_FEMALE_6 that had hidden names.
Pilot won't be kicked out of helicopter when runnning out of cash, so someone can return helicopter back to base without assert failure.
Disable respawning enemy tanks in sectors already controlled before - configurable.
Fixed Paratroopers from spawning indoors.
Restored Night time shadows rendering that seemed to have been turned off.
Prebattle panel will be displayed correctly regardless of resolution and number of involved an uninvolved mercs.
Always prioritise mercs above interactive tiles (e.g. doors) when using medkits.
Allow traversing AI (e.g. retreating enemies) to properly path off the map, fixing deadlocks.
Switched over to full attachment validation for map sector inventory to fix ignored valid attachments.
Ported Kingpin/boxing fix.
Boxers count method rechecks boxer ids.
LBE unfiltered from starting gear in displayed kits regardless of inventory slots.
Updated quest log regarding Pacos and Manuel.
Added two new CIV edt's for Kingpin's goons at Hacienda/Fort. Added extra Kingpin civ group with new behaviours.
Quick fix for food related infinite loop.
Minor improvements to Deadly Games mercs speech and more accurate EDT's.
Minor improvements to Facegear graphics for some mercs.
Added Femme fatale background for Hustler.
Minor improvements to Jack Cygan's speech and corresponding EDT.
Removed Threaten bonus for Sandman.
Updated Dwight's face co-ordinates that were flagged as incorrect.
Some backgrounds attributes changed. Some thieves get better prices.
Fixed Babyface camo faces that were a pixel out, causing stuttering.
Fixed Razor's Desert Camo face that was using incorrect mask colour in image.
Fixed incorrect mask colour on some PMC characters camo faces.
Typos fixed and descriptions improved for a number of items and weapons.
Minor fixes and offset adjustments to big item graphics.
Added 40mm grenade cylinders to Bobby Rays inventory that had previously been removed.
Added some more VR specific items to Jakes inventory to mostly buy, includes x10 Scope and Dyneema vest.
Added more compatible items to ALICE pack.
Added missing values and attachment points to Trijicon night sights and PEQ-15 laser.
Trijicon now attachable to additional pistols. Added rifles that can use AN/PEQ-15 pointer.
Added Kukri knife and .22 ammo to Tony's inventory.
Increased M3A1 accuracy.
GL Holster fixes, thanks Gmonk.
Changed 9x18mm AP Ammo crates to type 22 calibre as flagged by Gmonk.
Adjusted some values and descriptions on Dragon Skin and Kazak armour. Added weight to Kazak while increasing degrade rate to Dragon Skin.
Updates to .22 ammo box graphics and descriptions.
M21 got a lot more tactical.
Added C-Mag attachement for HK 416.
Added AN/PEQ-15 laser to HK21E attachments.
Added more items able to fit Rifle sling that were missing.
Beretta CX4 now has more attachments.
Beretta M501 now has more attachments.
Fairbairn knife now stowable in Zylon armour.
Made duplicate pistol holsters now one large and regular.
Removed foregrip attachment for Swedish K.
Adjusting some Blaser R8 specifications also removed some attachments to M3A1 SMG.
Removed reference to free bipod on SIG SG 552 on Bobby Ray's that you wouldn't get. Mentioned MOLLE on some 3.11 items.
Removed Field Uniform as it provides no difference to Zylon vest at Bobby Rays to avoid confusion.
Added missing burst sound to Simonov AVS-36. Added the ability to attach bayonet, also changed description and price to reflect wrong magazine size
and rarity.
Fixed Smith&Wesson M&P15R calibre due to double UB class number.
Updates to MP7 A1 & PDW.
Added rifle grenades attachment to a number of guns that can fire them.
Changed Taurus CT-40 to rifle class, removed suppressor attachment possibilities and reduced price.
Renamed a number of barrel and vest uprgrade kits using consistent conventions.
Change 2922 small combo scope to scope attachment point. Added incompatible item values so reflex sights and scopes didn't double up.
Added small laser attachment point to Exurok's 2x Reflex Laser combo.
Shuffle of small scope attachments to attachment point so laser combo will work.
Added AP costs for attaching combo laser/reflex/scopes.
Battlescope moved over to attachment point system, so guns can use new battlescope/reflex combo merges.
ACOG Scope/Reflex/Laser combo that Exurok had created now has combo and attachment values so it can be created in game.
Renamed Leg Protectors to Knee Pads.
Removed ability to carry VOG grenades in OIV grenade panel.
Reduced M16A2 M203 to accuracy 5 like most other M16 rifles.
Added the ability for Tony to buy recently added new guns.
Fixed mask on small graphics Ghillie suit, pants and hood.
Fixed incorrect starting gear for PGLady4 and PGLady 7.
First aid pouch able to carry trauma pack, as suggested by Gmonk.
Few starting gear updates, namely Ice has better Auto guns in higher priced kits.
Gave Ivan Skorpion backup weapon in Grenadier kit.
Some minor tweaks and shuffles with Len and Scully's starting gear.
More extensive suite for Exec, some shuffles for Kelly and minor changes to Shadow cheaper sniper rifle, more ammo for Kelly and Grunty on some
Removal of unnecessary LBE holsters for mercs without pistols.
Minor changes to Screams N Ops kit, Meltdown grenades and ammo.
Minor tweaks to Igor and MD's starting gear. Fleshed out Hunter and N Ops kits for Igor, gave MD more first aid kits over Trauma packs.
Bud and Bob inventory tweaks and fixes for more suitable LBE.
Added more Beowulf ammo for Tony to buy.
A number of map tweaks includes simplifications of roads, clearer borders and item fixes.
Some facility descriptions improved or corrected.
Fixed leaking corner wall on office at SE part of the map of D14. Simplified fence on southern border too.
Removed rocket rifles from rebels in F3.
Removed Nada from Drug lab.
Removed Dentist from Salinas and accompanying T-Rex items, just in case.
Update basement maps, mostly item fixes and some wall tweaks. Some never touched since original Vengeance.
Fixed inaccessible item in J14 hangar. Minor tweaks including toilet block next to observation room/cafe.
Made SW switch at Peninsula Gate accessible. Minor fixes to shadows and water tiles.
Update to Kingpin villa tileset. Fixed unaccessible props, revised house layout and Kingpin goon loadouts.
L10 fixes, revised building positions, items and some radar maps offsets.
Replaced NE facing Jeep in N8 that for some reason was not retaining collision properties.
F10 Distribution Centre update, clearer walls, some room and item changes.
Applied neutral civ Chef to Alma mess hall to hopefully prevent spawning militia.
N6 Grand Hall/Palace symmetry improvements, reduced items and money and removed incorrect ladder to cave tile that carried over.
Removed strange internal big gas from outer turret in G9. Fixed leaking wall in building in Salinas G8.
Minor tweaks to Malino buildings, fixing some stray shadows and walls.
P12 tweaks and fixes to leaking walls.
Fixed some minor tile issues on J14, moved observation room/cafe in ward so players can walk around it. Few more villagers added to G9.
Changed sector names for G14 and J14.
Chalice of Chance moved to encourage Stealth/non-combat tactics.
Removed Sleeping facilities at H&B Distribution Centre as there are no beds or suitable accommodation.
Updated rooms, fences and items for Salinas homes. Cleaned water edges for J2.
San Mona update, some rooms, items and civ allocation.
Improved JSD for Tanker in Gastuf tile.
Improved JSD values for Truck.
Fixes and improved JSD's for pl.sti especially bus shelter tile.
Simplified road in M10, better shadows, simplified roofs. Removed isolated entry point that wasn't needed.
Minor oil rig updates, removed locked doors. All metal doors. San Mona slight sprite movement.
Nerfed Residential Neighborhoods loyalty drops.
H10 Hard labour camp update, rooms, fences fixed, some simplification.
Drassen airport visual update. Reinstate long NE runway, different items, more civs.
Graves stones now have JSD info.
More battlesounds added to a number of factions.
Random music tracks feature added for main menu, laptop and credits.
New music tracks added.
New loading screens added.
Auto switch off of radios at the end of the battle is now configurable.
Paratroop attacks now have their own header text in the pre-battle window.
Added Wood, Desert and Urban Camo face for IMP 220 ('Suit')
New Kingpin Hacienda/Fort added.
Separate civ quotes for miners and oil rig workers.
New smaller better fitting graphics for platinum watch and knee pads that weren't fitting into small slots.
AMD 65 improved graphic, no wood.
Added new graphic for Signal flare.
Added Beretta ARX assault rifle.
Added new Blaser R8 Long Range hunting rifle, graphics by Ecstazy.
Added new Christensen Arms CA-15 assault rifle.
Added new CZ 805 Bren assault rifle.
New tiles added to San Mona.
Jeep now has Vehicle Inventory graphic to replace placeholder pick-up graphic.
New JA logo menu graphic added.
Updated credits.
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Re: JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #365566 is a reply to message #365469]
Thu, 27 July 2023 06:01 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
Jagged Alliance 1.13 Vengeance: Reloaded mod is now hosted on Github. This move is aimed at improving our development and distribution process for the following reasons:
Github's version control system allows us to manage and track changes to the mod with ease, enhancing stability and transparency for our community while possibly opening doors to broader collaboration. Fellow modders can assist in identifying bugs, submitting patches, and suggesting new features.
Github provides a platform that simplifies downloading and updating the mod. You can now fetch the latest version directly from the repository, eliminating the need for third-party download links.
The Single-Click Installers (SCIs) will still be provided infrequently for stable versions of the mod.
1. **Install the Original Jagged Alliance 2 Game**: Ensure the original JA2 game (Vanilla) is installed on your system. This is a prerequisite for installing the 1.13 and the Vengeance: Reloaded mod.
2. **Install the 1.13 7609 Mod**: Download and install the 1.13 7609 mod from here;
3. **Download the Vengeance: Reloaded Mod**: Visit the Vengeance: Reloaded Github repository
and click the green "Code" button. Choose "Download ZIP". Extract the ZIP file into your JA2 game directory, replacing and merging files when prompted.
4. **Download Executables**: Visit the Vengeance: Reloaded Source Github repository
Download the latest executable. Extract and place the file in your game directory, replacing your existing files exe.
There are potential issues you should be aware of when installing the mod via Github:
Git Knowledge Required: If you want the most current version of the mod, some knowledge of Git and Github may be required. We recommend most users stick with the "Releases" for simplicity.
Manual Installation: Github does not provide an automatic installation process like our previous single-click installers. You will need to manually download and place the files in the correct locations.
Stability: Both the mod and the executables in the "Releases" section may contain versions that are in active development. While they offer more up-to-date features, they may also be less stable or contain bugs or unfinished features.
Always feel free to report any issues you encounter on our Github page.
The Vengeance: Reloaded 'Brainrot Barrage' edition is now live.
[Updated on: Sat, 18 January 2025 04:01] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #365571 is a reply to message #365566]
Thu, 27 July 2023 16:42 
eXoriare |
Registered:July 2023 |
Hi there.
- Could i use seven+AI exe instead of linked vengeance.exe or it forbidden for any reasons ?
- Do you have any plans updating to the latest Flugente's features, like turncoats, enemy generals, strategic militia command and so on ?
In any case thanks a lot for a returning of great mod ^_^
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Re: JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #366041 is a reply to message #347920]
Thu, 25 April 2024 19:51 
guycar |
Registered:April 2024 |
Hi there!
Long time lurker first time poster here. I've played this game on and off for the past 2 decades, it's amazing that it still lives on through the passion and dedication of its many fans. Much respect to this community!
I'm hoping that someone out there can help me with some technical difficulties that have been keeping me going in circles for the past week or so.
I'm using a Mac Book Pro 2017 and I've successfully ran JA2 Vanilla and 1.13 2085. I installed it through Porting Kit / GOG Games
I've never played VR, I'd love to. I'm running into some issues. See the screenshot attached. I tried to change the resolution in the JA2.INI file which results in a black screen and the program error seen in the screenshot.
I also tried allowing fullscreen in the JA2.INI file but that doesn't seem to be changing anything.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance!
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