Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127197]
Sun, 10 September 2006 01:52 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
very cool
funny you would go for this bulidng from UB, i have it in another custom tileset as well.
you read my comments on the boats and the roof i guess.
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Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127198]
Sun, 10 September 2006 03:55 
Registered:February 2004 |
Yes;the modifications should be in your mailbox.
The ja2set.dat is a virgin one, with only the corresponding modifications in that tileset.
About the wall:it's not funny,it's normal.
The roof is the best I could come up with, with my tools.While it is still a "screamy" attempt, it tries to simulate a ceramic-tiled roof, and its colour somehow reestablishes the map colour palette.Because if no more red shirts are present on soldiers(green and brown uniforms now) the only available red spot on the map(s) would be that soda machine,or whatever they call it.
And don't you dare say something about my boats.
No, seriously now, nothing is definitive-that's why I didn't operate on the common ja2set, and sent you the STIs for opinions, corrections,etc.Something good must come out of these attempts and contradictions.
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Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127207]
Fri, 15 September 2006 05:13 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
actually a map looking a lot like the above screenshot could easily fit one of the river deltas in the game world.
we'd have to fiddle around with accesibility and a bit shallow water to avoide mercs to drown in there. (or is it all shallow water?)
the other pics will still need some time to get integrated and then more time to be mapped into the game. But Az has the freedom of having his own tileset so in fact there's a lot of room for creativity, if it's not overestimating my skills at finishing stuff. Ideas are cool but relying on me to do certain parts of the workload is risky, as i happen to do a lot of other things and my attention might get distracted.
would be sad if we lose good mapping ideas because of that, wouldn't it.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127211]
Thu, 21 September 2006 05:31 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
2 accessible levels are possible, but that would need a lot of work. 3 accessible levels would only be doable in a sector that supports sublevels (i keep requesting new sublevels from the 1.13 devs but haven't had the luck so far)
az and i are doing some brainstorming about that now.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127214]
Fri, 29 September 2006 20:35 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
hey Az. kaiden's new editor would allow us to work with 70 tilesets at a time and supports all xml items. means we'll be able to massivly speed up later on on single enemy priority placements, items, all that stuff. with all items now being placable in map files, this also opens new opportunites as for "retrieve item" quests and such.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127218]
Sat, 30 September 2006 02:54 
Registered:February 2004 |
Never encountered a saving roads problem like what you describe,Khor.
Bending roads or that "count too high" editor objection, I'm fixing it by deleting the road tiles,one by one, and inserting a corresponding road piece(usually 3x3)No touch.
Also,my (bad and futile)habit is to place brown(dark) floors under the roads, so they look better from the panoramic("I" button) view.
Yes, tested that thingy in a map.
I made the image more transparent there, for the waterfall cliff, no animation, no cliff.sti modification(just a new STI image with that coresponding jsd)-my problem was where to fit that new STI, so it won't conflict with Scorpion's tiles,so I solved it the barbaric way: make another piece, consult afterwards.
EDIT: Oh,if you meant how the lower part,South of the "barrier" is accessible, I can give you a hint:teleport point on a boat from the sector below it,or via the isolated entry point;in theat screenshot the soldier has stationary and priority existence set.
Can any of you confirm success with the cliffs?It's kinda' like in the teleport placing procedure, only you place the entry points-save-load-make other things,final touches for example-save again.
After giving the program correct instructions on how to configure that map(entry points placing), you save and when you reload it the editor "fixes" the glitch.Sometimes you can still see that odd thing if you hold down "shift" and search or scroll the very edge of the map.
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Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127224]
Sun, 01 October 2006 04:48 
Registered:February 2004 |
I guess transparency has its costs, one of which is bearing with this obsessive question:"when it will be ready?"
When The Scorpion sais so!
Asking this question repeatedly, or in an aggressive way(not your case) will not make the release more close to the present.
The Scorpion is already doing much work
(how much time do you dedicate to this?do you work for a living,eat,sleep,do you have help I don't know about?) And he sais he's having fun doing it,but don't buy that, at least not all work is fun.It's only rewarding when you see something implemented and running,the rest is just pain and frustration when you're not getting things done properly.
I'm doing almost the best I can to squeeze in some hours every day for this.Then, some things are still to be added by the coding team.Testing things will take some time too.
Guess that's why they call this kind of thing a "project",not "somethingyoucandoovernight".
Also,it is always possible to improve a mod, or a game.
In conclusion,The Scorpion is too polite to answer this kind of question directly, but I'm not:wanna play the released mod faster?Join the effort,ask him what you could do to help, or shut up.
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Re: Game world and mapmaking[message #127230]
Wed, 04 October 2006 10:26 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
i'm working on it. should be ready soon 
Azazel, Dan, Vicky. When creating maps you can now also think about adding any visual effect or sound effects you'd like.
events, like in vanilla maps explosions or alarm sounds, just maybe different effects. There are many possibilities.
for example i will be trying to get that "rolling bush" animation into the game in a nice way this time around 
lockie, a new char is on the way hope you'll like 'em
btw, what i was referring to as ingame events are stuff like this
the animation here only comprises of 3 screenshots, it's of course more detailed in ja2 and it also doesn't repeat over and over (while that would be possible too, just then, there would be no Sound and no Damage. ohh well, you caught me, on some occasions there could be sound, but that would mean overwriting existing sounds.
ideas? suggestions?
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