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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #172772]
Thu, 24 January 2008 11:11 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
to remove the black coated bodytype, you need to rename the folder "M_Merc" to something else.
(path: data-renegade/anims/M_merc)
what i'd like to have done is assiging this bodytpye only to very few playable merc's, but it is an all-or-nothing situation, either i have it replacing all big males or none.
slow_progress will just slow down the weapon selection, it can't give you any pistols. In RR story and setting, the conflict is already beyond the point of small handguns. What you can do is unfold the buttstock of some submachineguns/ MP's and use them as (Machine-)pistols.
you can use pepper spray's and tasers and such, too.
Tony and Jake both sell Pistols and some RPC's have pistols with them as backup weapons (some mercs also have them)
to have the enemy use pistols early on, you'd have to change the enemygunchoices.xml file.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #172779]
Thu, 24 January 2008 11:50 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
thanks a lot.
i hope you are enjoying the late-christmas present. And keep in mind it's 1.13 based so it's easy to change the things that you don't like (lack of pistols for example)
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #172789]
Thu, 24 January 2008 13:14 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
the indices are used according to progress roughly. There are modifiers to it, but not that important.
rule of thumb: the lower the index number the earlier an item listed under the choices in said index will be available
you have different possibilites: either you overwrite some of the choices, or you simply add choices
you'll have to look up in weapons or items.xml which index number the pistols you're looking for have though.
reading your posting once more it seems you already have added pistols to index 0 and 1
make sure the "ubchoices" tag fits the new number of choices in each index!
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Sergeant Major
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #183621]
Thu, 01 May 2008 01:53 
Burzmali |
Registered:March 2007 Location: Estonia |
before RR gets to final version, i'd like to add some thoughts.
RR is a big and nice work. there are some very good sectors: A2, O5, the new lab in K4 and so on. also those big ships - especially if enemy soldiers would stay behind portholes with carbines/sniper rifles and were not running around. and i would like to buy a beer to the voice actor who made Leon to curse in finnish - i really almost fell from the chair, not believing my ears, when it happened the first time: silent night around me, silent night in the game, and he noticing something suspicious...
if it was just an average mod, i would have not gone through it three times, trying to find different roads and solutions. i would have not been ignoring all those game crashes, just plodding on and on and on.
like SOG69, like Urban Chaos, RR has its own feeling. but for me the feeling is not right.
i'm not an expert on the region. i had a georgian pen-friend, but that was in the sixth grade and just for a short time. so i have to accept the impressions of my friends and relatives, visiting the region in different times.
you can tweak the hardness of the fight, but the base level should imho be harder. it is one of the hardest places to fight, a region where a local man with a 1st WW rifle is a match for a modern helicopter with air to ground rockets. it's a hard place to fight in games - panzer general and europe universalis come to mind. so, a place full of rocks and if you are not going by road, getting from sector to sector should take 3-5 hours with all the tiredness you could imagine.
its an old brandy region - maybe you can find some vodka at the russian border, but no further. just a detail - but feeling is about details.
its a region with much feud between fractions/nations. its not about moslems and jews there. everybody hates russians, but if you overdo it, the russians will help your neighbours you hate even more than you hate the russians. and on the southern side, Trabzon, turkish town with greek population, does not make it easier at all. everybody but azers hate turks even more than russians. so, if you are friendly with one fraction, its very, very hard to get friendly with another fraction.
one of the first quests is quite instructive in fact. if you believe a local thug acting as policeman and you are stupid enough to attack a warlord who has some strategic rockets in his disposal, you can get a quite useless weapon, but you are forever enemies with two fractions - with Pankisi, from where you could get a good and free soldier, and the other fraction should of course be Baku, not Erevan.
there was some talk about power stations somewhere already. electricity tends to be a problem there. i'd think it would be not too hard to tie a local civilian to a turbine, so if you fail to save him, you will not find friends in this town. again, something like that already happens in Trabzon with tiger mansion: i came from the west, occupied some sectors before getting to N5, had Trabzon loyalty >30 and it suddenly dropped to zero in mid-battle if i did not act quickly enough there. apparently something like that can be done in every big city.
now, if RR was to be a polygon of new ideas and considering the region, there is a concept to try: choosing sides. till now, the choice has been: kill all or kill almost all. iirc, in good ol' Arulco there is not much difference if you kill Miguel (and all other locals) yourself or let them get it in battles - if you've got the queen, Enrico will arrive. why can you not ally with, say, Kingpin? in RR you also can kill all or leave the "good guy" in wheelchair (hmm, he runs quite healthily through the final sectors). even when i wanted, i could not stay loyal to Williams who hired me. i'm not sure, maybe i accidentally hit some Williams' man in the final battle, but he turned against me and i had no choice. what i'm getting at - why not choose sides. stay with Williams and kill all others. ally with Oligarh and kill all others. ally with "democratic leader" or with sheik Ahmad and so on. remembering that if you are friendly with one fraction, almost all others will be enemies.
now those minimods, quasi-quests etc. why i love UC - it can be played very differently. conquering the whole country is really hard and takes much time. i've been preferring a quickie lately: no more than 10 (or 8 or...) mercs, no more than 14 days, kill the queen. and that is divided to sub-quests: get the airport (to call in some help, my choice is Razor & Haywire), free Skitz & Reuban (or hire three bouncers), get disc, get decoder etc. if you have an hour or two to play daily, those little quests, consisting of 2-3 battles, are just right for a day. no need for keeping mines/factories as there is enough cash laying around to pay your small group, no big strategic plans you can forget in a week not playing, no defending battles that mess up your plans and schedules - if you do not want them. as i see it, RR is planned for the hard way. ok, why not - i'm just saying some maps are easier to divide into smaller quests than others.
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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #183642]
Thu, 01 May 2008 12:32 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
a lot of good thoughts burzmali.
i hope i can soon properly adress them. since you have played through the game 3 times (congrats and thank you) you may have felt that at a certain point (especially reading the RIS and what ilja sais in the beginning) that there initially was the idea to make factions matter more.
the idea initially was that factions are only badly compatible:
"russian army + russian minority in the north (army base, kamal, Artur + thugs)"
"western big business" williams, bodyguard, some of the npc/ rpc's, e.g. crissy, maybe svetja maybe even mike.
"Mujaheds" the warlord, the sheikh, convert.
"kingpin mafia"
"Don Mafia"
"corrupt officials"
"pro-western locals", e.g. the guy in the wheelchair
i fundamentally agree that we should add fraction dynamics.
the fact is, i didn't manage to do it thus far.
i also agree that the mountanious feel is lacking from the maps. I personally have the feeling that there are little tilesets that would really bring across the hostility of the territory. Everything still looks arulco-like pictoresque.
from the difficulty rating, i always said that RR is easily accesible. it isn't packed with enemies and hostile factions like one would expect given the storyline. Neither has the strategic map been changed to make the territory more difficult, quite to the contrary.
all of these things can be changed and would, i agree, fit into the story.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #185925]
Thu, 22 May 2008 01:40 
MikeThePro |
Registered:November 2007 Location: Bulgaria |

Heya, I finally got some freetime so I installed the 1.13mod and RenegadeRepublic aswell.
And this mod is AWESOME. A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
The whole thing is damn realistic, the setting is realistic, the plot's realistic.Everything's cool.
Now, I was amazed by the variety of items in the game.I thought UC had the most items ever, but only before I could check this mod out.There's everything that was in UC, and even more.Hell, there were all the handguns I ever knew, including Walther P99(haven't found P22 yet, but I hope it's in too-I got this weapon and you know, it'd be cool to use it ingame)Also, there were so many firearms, I also was surprised to learn of the different variants of some rifles...and even found Arsenal Ar M4-SF which is made in my country-hell yeah, that's a great job with obvious attention to the details.
I don't even have to mention the different armors and all, the different equipments or the endless gun attachments.Variety's full and this is great.The new bodytype is cool too, I was a bit fed up with the previous one and this is a nice change. Only that it switches while climbing rooftops but that's understandable...
However I got some remarks to say: Some of the voices, like Irina's are too low and I have to turn the volume a lot to be able to hear them.Also, the vodka lacks something as it crashes when I check the item.Another important thing - Machatschkala is 4 sectors big, but unlike in UC, here the travel time between D13 and D14 is still the same 1hour and 44 minutes and not 5mins like it'd be in urban areas...
But besides these few things everything's superb.I gotta admit it, this mod is better than UC.While my previous version of JA used to crash a lot and load with errors all the time, after I installed the 1.13 mod and RR I was afraid the crashes may be even more intense...on the contrary-the game only crashed when I rightclicked the vodka and that's all...and I've taken over Machatschkala and the first SAM which would have crashed, like a 100 times with the old version. That's just good.
Now I got a couple of questions:
1Will there be items like bags and packs where players can put small items to save slots of the inventory? Or armors where canteens, medpacks and boosters can be attached?This feature in UC was cool.
2I'm kinda stuck right now, because just before I conquer the first SAM, Mike appeared...Now I know there's a way to hire him, but haven't found it and I can't proceed by killing him.So should I go on and deal with him somehow or should I try different things to get him to join?
3I gotta admit I haven't installed any patch for the mod yet(and I saw the patches topic, which got lots of things in it).Only the 1.13 mod and the big 300Mb RR file I got were installed so far.Guess it's updating time, but will this affect my savegames in any way?
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #185945]
Thu, 22 May 2008 12:31 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
hello mike
i'm very glad you like the mod. I'll adress what i consider your main questions first:
hotfix1 indeed requires a new game to work in all details. Yet addition1 and faces addition are compatible with your savegame. Also using hotfix1 with an older savegame is most probably save as well, it's just some scripts that will remain unchanged but that should not pose a problem.
so i'd say patching up now won't hurt your savegame.
the vodka crash is fixed in one of the patches, and addition1 adds some more custom bodytype animations so that climbing a roof should get the coat wearing look too.
when it comes to the voices i have to admit that i never really found the time and fancy to adjust the volume for hundreds of speech files.
you can savely Kill the hostile Mike. The RR story will later take a path to explain why there's two Mikes in the game. Sure it's cheesy, but eradicating the hostile Mike from the game would be very uncreative and take a fun element from the game IMHO.
don't think there's armour that allow many attahcments... some helmets allow balaclavas and bandanas to add camo, things like that, maybe the winter coat allows to wear gloves on it but i doubt that made it into the game.
also the P22 didn't make it (unless i knew it under a different designation)
The playable game of RR only shows the peak of the ice berg when it comes to weaponry. If you look at weapons.xml, you'll find there's TONS more of it.
This is because we used the 1.13 mod as a base, and 1.13 already had hundreds of guns, we added another hundred or so, but by default only use what i consider appropriate for the setting.
For example the rioting forces won't carry FN-2000 or oicw or HK 416 even though these guns are in the game. (actually i think there is a map where enemies use the XM-8 series of guns, but i think most players didn't fight in that particuliar map)
so when it comes to guns, i advise having a look at weapons.xml at some point (or the map editor) to see what more there is.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #186575]
Wed, 28 May 2008 02:01 
MikeThePro |
Registered:November 2007 Location: Bulgaria |

Wow, this is getting better and better.I patched and didn't have to start over again.
I also found out that there're 3(or even more, who knows) types of night vision googles, and so many items I dunno how to use, like the diamonds or the raw oil...The weapons, I won't even mention, only the variety of scopes and such for the rifles is getting confusing, because they're too many.
However I think I got a problem...I found 47 and he says he works for Mike...cool, but he is watching Ortmayer who won't do anything no matter what I do.47 mentioned something about a proof being showed to the doc so that he runs away, but I couldn't find anything of this type.There's also this suspicious guy Butch who gets bored of me but he says something else once I talk about recruiting or threatening him, so I guess his boredom with the direct or the friendly talk is because he has some sort of condition or criteria that has to be met for him to talk...I'm stuck, and dunno what to do with this quest.Which means very good job on thinking out such a complicated plot for the game.Great stuff.
EDIT:Figured the stuff out, found a guy in the prison and brought him to the doc and stuff happened, however when I kill the doctors the reputation goes to the bottom and 47 only gives me his ballers?!?!?
Yeah, and I like the new players too, Iron's got some cool lines, that girl I hired south of the first SAM too, I hope there're other new characters, because that's what makes the game fun, the different RPCs...
[Updated on: Wed, 28 May 2008 13:25] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Staff Sergeant
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #186682]
Wed, 28 May 2008 18:22 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
most scopes are similar to each other, and with night vision goggles it's easy, the bigger the number, the better they are. Lots of that stuff was already in from 1.13. Personally, i could have done with 2 night vision goggle types but it was already there for us for the taking 
there's Tons of new playable and NPC characters. More than you've ever seen in any mod. And more total playable characters than ever.
i don't want to spoil too much, but in the starting sector you had a girl that would join up (irina), in the army base, there are max. 4 characters that you can hire (iron is one of them), in and around former San Mona there's some of them, ex grumm ex cambria have characters to hire and many more. Around a dozen if i recall correctly new playable chars.
the Mike issue has been discussed in other threads before. it is a complicated quest that can only be activated once you have control over all mining income.
once you achieved that, talk to cons. williams with a high leadership merc to get the quest to find mike, then talk to mike with high leadership guy and he'll tell you a story.
then it's einar who can be escorted, it's doc meyer, agent 47 and butch.
lead einar to doc meyer, then do some trial and error and see what the results are. the best result is to hire Mike and Butch (both).
i'm planning to get this quest working more intuitivly. I made it so Mike would not be available early on for the player as Mike is a high-end RPC thought to be available for the endgame primarily.
However, the way it is implemented in the beta is not satisfactory. I might find a better way how mike can't be hired too fast without having to force the player to do those stupid RPG-ish "get all the way back to npc xy which you had forgotten long ago just in order to go all the way forth again to hire RPC z"
I guess overwriting Iggy's slot with Mike woudl have served the purpose, but i like Iggy so he stays.
we'll find a different way, more rigged and more on rails quest wise so the intended story can be brought across. Just like we already did with other quests. Plus i'm adding new quests too, hehe, so don't expect me to dumb everything down, there'll be new stuff instead ;-D
it is just that the big number of NPC's involved in that quest must be brought into correspondence with each other by simple scripting and it will take a well though through approach and better execution than last time ;-/
also it must be in the line of what we already have as speeches. so not easy, neither fast.
have a lot of fun playing!
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Sergeant Major
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #186703]
Wed, 28 May 2008 20:19 
MikeThePro |
Registered:November 2007 Location: Bulgaria |

I did it, but I couldn't find consultant Williams(I recall finding him a lot earlier but he didn't say much besides that I gotta secure the oil sources). Instead, I did the following(I hope this isn't a spoiler or something, because the quest is quite complicated an it's cool to figure it out on one's own): I escorted Einar to the doc and they spoke, so Butch joined, and while the docs were running away, I just shot Einar and ortmayer got a heart attack...but the town hated me(I'll get my previous popularity back.)So 47 gave me his rare guns which is cool, the silverballers are a must-have weapon for the weapon collection.But later I found that there's an underground level in the prison where I found Mike.I made a test with a previous save and he said he need to find someone, so without Einar ad Doc killed he won't join.But when I did what I said here he agreed and asked the famous 5000$ which shouldn't be a problem with 2-3 sources of income by that time.
I liked the fixed transport lines too-the boat and the locomotive I've found so far are fun.Save time and mercs can sleep while travelling, instead of getting tired before the battle.
It's also cool that Iggy hasn't been removed, he's a funny guy too.
And I won't be asking when is the final version coming out and stuff like that, being a project developper myself I know how much work there is for these big ideas and all.Best part is, that this beta is a standalone by itself and is better than the competition at this current stage...And who knows how much more once it's done...
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #186707]
Wed, 28 May 2008 20:39 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
hehe yeah, that's what i meant, it is possible under this beta to just shoot einar after butch already joined.
i'm not 100% sure whether to remove this exploit later on or leave it in for ruthless players... you know it's always a consideration whether to allow the player more choices or to make the story consistent... decisions, decisions, decisions...
plus, butch might be dissing mike (not sure if implemented though) when they're on the same team, so that's for the lulz, becasue Butch is a rather funny character IMHO.
also, some chars like Mike. I think crissy complains if mike dies. in an earlier development phase, it was intended that the rpc's form factions themselves and be buddies with primarily their faction member friends. But the faction dynamics has been dropped so this rivalry between RPC groups is not implemented. it would have been so much fun, but ideas and reality... two very different pairs of shoes
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #187322]
Tue, 03 June 2008 01:10 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
i was asked the same question in the other thread couple of days ago. Nothing has changed since then... well, at least not for the better.
1.13 is a total mess and probably dead as far as i'm concerned. There might be a project going to convert RR's xml files so they can be used under the latest configurations, but i don't know how that's proceeding.
For anything beyond that, it today seems like a total waste of time and effort to continue development. On a more personal level, the gameplay itself has deteriorated so badly after beta17 that i can hardly force myself to actually play my own mod. And i doubt i'm going to release something i don't even like myself.
i act as an advisor to a group of people that want to do a cool mod and once i get some time i develop a version of ja2 RR for myself that should give me back my fun playing it. But it's just for myself at the moment because working for the public is not what i can do best. They want other things than i want. Guess somebody will give tem what want one day, but it won't be me.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #187367]
Tue, 03 June 2008 11:12 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
yeah, i've been getting those "damage control phrases" for as long as 1.13 exists. I don't have the patience anymore. Since beta17 on which i based my beta, there hasn't been a single feature added that gives any moddability. At the same time, the pathfinding, the AI, the shooting have been nerfed, many bugs introduced and removed again, but virtually nothing that would have helped the RR project in any way.
then i tried cranking out some micromods just to notice that mapmaking was f***** up and my laptop was getting critical freezes at attempting to load a custom map, something that has never happened before.
i have to admit i waited too long for a final version of my mod. I guess i just missed the ideal point in time. But nobody knowns the future. Maybe another window of occasion comes up... assuming ja3 is going to fail, we'll have another 10 years for ja2 mods (don't know whether to laugh or to cry)
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #187648]
Thu, 05 June 2008 23:05 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
lockieerrr , why some writing in , it seems , russian ?
fits the story and setting, doesn't it?
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #187666]
Fri, 06 June 2008 02:17 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
yes, as you easily figured, the screen you see was taken from a version of rr using a russian exe with some english text hacked in by myself (i know about the typo... string length problem there)
in fact, this is from the Ja2005 Mod with some stuff changed for Renegade republic
i'm building a funny russian/ english mixture of mod there which blends in nicely with my imagination of how the mod should look like/ have its atmosphere 
i'm also using new quests, and on the screen in question, Mike is being escorted by the team just as einar is and i wanted both of them in sector g8 as the events unfold.
however, it didn't work... there seems a slot issue preventing this to work, but anyway, we can do without having to escort mike first, the rest should work much better once it is fully scripted.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #189580]
Wed, 25 June 2008 22:02 
Registered:May 2007 Location: Aberdeen Washington USA |
Hello Scorpion,
Ihave just added SpaceVikings new exe (more mercs) to my RR install and it works! I'll let you know what happens as I go alond if you like. Any suggestions?
edit: Oops, maybe it doesn't. I just ran into the 18 cap limit. bedtime now I'll check again in the morning.
[Updated on: Thu, 26 June 2008 09:14] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #189614]
Thu, 26 June 2008 12:37 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
i'm surprised that exe works with RR tabledata at all. Has the necessity of NIV default items been trashed finally? Or maybe if there aren't even the tags for NIV in the tabledata, then the exes are backwards compatible with pre NIV tabledata?
That'd be handy
I don't know what to suggest. I guess i'll let you try and report what happens.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #189638]
Thu, 26 June 2008 18:19 
Registered:May 2007 Location: Aberdeen Washington USA |
sometimes it's very painful to be stupid. Apparently I selected the wrong exe to start the game yesterday, I thought I was playing RR using SV's exe but in reality I must have been using B17 or B24. This morning I tried to use SV'S exe but no go, runtime error, I tried various combination's of ini's. no luck.
oh well, I still love RR and it plays just fine with B17 and B24.2
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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #189640]
Thu, 26 June 2008 18:23 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
i understand. Actually there's somebody working on upgrading our xml's to be NIV and XMLeditor compatible, that would then also allow to run subsequent exe's like the one with higher merc limits.
but i don't know about the progress of that patch, i know there's some demand so i really hope that works out.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #194404]
Tue, 19 August 2008 13:52 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
i'm sorry i never answered these questions. Must have missed them earlier.
RR's ini differs from 1.13 because of balancing reasons. In RR, player should reach later game easier (less enemies) than in vanilla 1.13 so they can experience middle and lategame experiences
crepitus are unchanged. The mod isn't optimised for sci-fi setting, but sci-fi is tested and fully operational
maps can't be reset. Destroyed tiles are saved to the savegame AFAIK
4. i don't know which version you were playing with the wrong molotov sound. Was it the RR to NIV to XML editor patch?
the second bug where PC's make their "enemy in sight" speech for a civilian has to do with changed scripts and changes to the code interacting in a weird way. I've tried to find the error in my scripting, but there seems to be no general rule what causes this bug and what doesn't.
the new bodysprite replaces the bigmale. So you in order to avoid it, you need to generate an IMP that's not a bigmale bodytype (lower strenght)
in order to find the climbing spots for towers, you walk around behind the supposed climbing spot with the inventory open and wait for the ladder icon to become available. There's the spot. Or you pick it up from sector inventory. Towers, cranes, balconies, all of them should be climbable at some point.
5. Adding RR maps to the vanilla game isn't easy. The tileset selection on RR is greatly altered, so almost every ja2 map in RR tilesets would be wrong and almost every RR map in ja2 tilesets would be wrong. The only way for such that i see is to amend almost all altered RR tilesets to ja2set.dat which would be an awful lot of work i'm afraid.
still in progres... yes, as in "unfinished". No as in "being worked on"
i do work on RR's content but not in the context of 1.13 as a base.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #194445]
Tue, 19 August 2008 19:45 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
didn't you already test this earlier?
matter of fact, it was intended in earlier development that the player can side against ilja and his friends. Even a betrayal through ilya was planned and attempted, but faction mechanics didn't work out as intended and players using predominantly non-faction mercs have left this possible story turn disabled.
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Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #194467]
Tue, 19 August 2008 22:36 
the scorpion |
Registered:September 2004 Location: CH |
there might be a number of quests where you can do some fundraising before you get loyalty up again
kyle/ angel, kingpin extreme fighting, selling weapons, etc.
from how the storyline is, it *should* be possible to still have a good game even if you attack ilja's army camp.
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Sergeant Major
Re: Some comments on gameplay so farI[message #194616]
Fri, 22 August 2008 13:54
Burzmali |
Registered:March 2007 Location: Estonia |
now that was challenging! sure such a beginning - starting with destroying Russian garrison - would be suicidal the first time around and is possible only if you have some idea what to do next. hint: keep Irina away from that first battle, she just leaves - but she is the key person around.
going west, picking up Irina's brother on the way and taking Suchumi (and i still think A2 is one of the nastiest sectors around!) means also rotation of miners. friendly Fred who'll give you money is in (poor!) Suchumi mine. and damn Calvin in Machatschkala, so you really have to fulfil Dante's quest before getting a single dime from the mine.
must confess i turned "drop all" on, just to pay Scope and Reaper one day more. and then one more. and then... then, in the same time, Suchumi counterattack and Machatschkala big counterattack happened. in Suchumi i had the famous battleteam Biff & Flo with their fresh militia. first wave, about 13 conscripts, killed most of the militia, but B&F managed to train a next bunch before the arrival of Mike with ten (mostly) elites. huh, now Biff and Flo have much better equipment than they had before. In the east it was easier as i managed to kill tens of soldiers already in swamp.
on day 8 i'm back on (almost) normal track. so, thanks again for the great work, Scorpion. for a long time i've not been so much on my toes, counting every (5,56) shot and considering every move. and of course i'd recommend such a gambit to everybody who finds RR a bit too easy...
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