Re: Feature: Overheating Weapons[message #325839]
Sat, 28 September 2013 11:44
silversurfer |
Registered:May 2009 |
Sorry I think I used the wrong term there. That code was made inactive in rev 2207. It hasn't been used anymore since then. The new code was this:
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// Algorithm for jamming
int maxJamChance = 50; // Externalize this?
int reliability = GetReliability( pObj );
int condition = (*pObj)[0]->data.gun.bGunStatus;
int invertedBaseJamChance = condition + (reliability * 2) - gGameExternalOptions.ubWeaponReliabilityReductionPerRainIntensity * gbCurrentRainIntensity;
if (invertedBaseJamChance < 0)
invertedBaseJamChance = 0;
else if (invertedBaseJamChance > 100)
invertedBaseJamChance = 100;
int jamChance = 100 - (int)sqrt((double)invertedBaseJamChance * ((75.0-(int)(pSoldier->bDoBurst>1)*15) + (double)invertedBaseJamChance / 2.0));
if (jamChance < 0)
jamChance = 0;
else if (jamChance > maxJamChance - reliability)
jamChance = maxJamChance - reliability;
That code hasn't changed much since rev 2207 except for Flugente's additions of weapon overheating and dirt feature which seem to work nicely. This is the current code:
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// Algorithm for jamming
int maxJamChance = 50; // Externalize this?
int reliability = GetReliability( pObj );
int condition = (*pObj)[0]->data.gun.bGunStatus;
int invertedBaseJamChance = condition + (reliability * 2) - gGameExternalOptions.ubWeaponReliabilityReductionPerRainIntensity * gbCurrentRainIntensity;
// Flugente: If overheating is allowed, a gun will be prone to more overheating if its temperature is high
if ( gGameExternalOptions.fWeaponOverheating )
FLOAT overheatjampercentage = GetGunOverheatJamPercentage( pObj ); // how much above the gun's usOverheatingJamThreshold are we? ...
int overheatjamfactor = (int)(100* overheatjampercentage); // We need an integer value and rough percentages
overheatjamfactor = max(0, overheatjamfactor - 100); // If we haven't reached the OverheatJamThreshold, no increased chance of jamming because of overheating
invertedBaseJamChance -= overheatjamfactor; // lower invertedBaseJamChance (thereby increasing jamChance later on)
// Flugente: dirt can also influence a gun's jamming behaviour
if ( gGameExternalOptions.fDirtSystem )
FLOAT dirtpercentage = (*pObj)[0]->data.bDirtLevel / OVERHEATING_MAX_TEMPERATURE;
int dirtjamfactor = (int)(100 * dirtpercentage*dirtpercentage);
invertedBaseJamChance -= dirtjamfactor;
if (invertedBaseJamChance < 0)
invertedBaseJamChance = 0;
else if (invertedBaseJamChance > 100)
invertedBaseJamChance = 100;
int jamChance = 100;
if ( pSoldier->ubAttackingHand == SECONDHANDPOS && pSoldier->IsValidSecondHandBurst() )
jamChance -= (int)sqrt((double)invertedBaseJamChance * ((75.0-(int)((pSoldier->bDoBurst/2)>1)*15) + (double)invertedBaseJamChance / 2.0));
jamChance -= (int)sqrt((double)invertedBaseJamChance * ((75.0-(int)(pSoldier->bDoBurst>1)*15) + (double)invertedBaseJamChance / 2.0));
if (jamChance < 0)
jamChance = 0;
else if (jamChance > maxJamChance - reliability)
jamChance = maxJamChance - reliability;
The only thing that I don't understand is why he multiplies with "dirtpercentage" twice.
Simple example calculation for a single shot with a weapon that is at 100%, no heat system, no dirt system, no rain, no reliability modifier, no burst. This is the "perfect" scenario:
invertedBaseJamChance = 100 + 0*2 + rain intensity*0 = 100
jamChance = 100 - sqrt ( 100 * (75 - 0*15 + 100 /2 ) = 100 - sqrt ( 100 * 125 ) = 100 - 111 = -11
edit: This means that a weapon in perfect condition will never jam under these circumstances.
A weapon that is at 80% status will have a 5% chance of jamming under perfect circumstances and so on.
Temperature and/or dirt will modify the chance of weapon jamming so as long as they are activated we can expect our weapons to jam more frequently.
[Updated on: Sat, 28 September 2013 17:56] by Moderator Report message to a moderator