Home » MODDING HQ 1.13 » Flugente's Magika Workshop » New mod: full-scale zombie invasion
New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311782] Sun, 04 November 2012 17:52 Go to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Massive zombie attacks in Arulco


I've been asked several times on how easy it would be to convert the game to a more zombie-like scenario. While I do not do any animations/quests/speech-files, I found a pretty simple way to drastically alter the game experience:

In this mod, the entire arulcan army has been replaced with zombies.

That is the basic idea. The army still behaves as usual, patrolling sectors, sending out assaults etc.. The difference is that once you enter combat, the soldiers are replaced by zombies. This makes for a bit of a survival-horror experience, as you will be facing massive hordes of undead.

Take note that zombies are also created from any dead. They attack civilians, so any civilian they threaten is potential new zombie. You should make saving civilians a top-priority. This is a bit harder here... I tweaked the game to add a lot more civilians in cities and farms. Combined with the fact that the initial garrisons in cities now consists of a zombie mod, every time you enter a city, zombies will begin a massive slaughter. You better be quick on stopping them, otherwise you will not only face the garrison, but also the zombie-turned population. Due to this, previously simple tasks like finding a head miner are much more ... delicate.

After a few turns, almost the entire population has become zombies... Red are initial zombies, pink are zombies from civilians. They tracked down Brain, whose only option is too flee or die trying..

Another important note: The balance of this mod is very much dependant on your gear. If you decide to play lame, increase your starting money to millions and then buy entire cargo-planes from Bobby Ray, this will be pretty boring. This is meant to enhance a living-off-the-land style gameplay. The only weapons you will have in the game are those you bring along, find in the maps or buy off the local merchants. While I have not yet played Arulco Revisited by JAsmine and Beka, their approach (live off the land, no early BR) would propably fit this.

Recommended ini settings:

[Tactical Zombie Settings]

; In this section you can specify how the dead will raise from their graves.

; How often is a corpse allowed to rise again as a zombie, if all conditions are met (corpse is free, has a head, there
; is still room for more zombies in the sector)?
; 0 - Every corpse spawns a zombie once
; 1 - A corpse can rise again forever. You'll have to find a way to permanently banish the undead....
; 2 - It is randomly decided if a corpse can rise
; 3 - A corpse spawns a zombie once, after that it's random

; Should zombies spawn in waves, meaning that every few turns as many zombies as possible should rise (TRUE), or should 
; every zombie rise individually (FALSE)?

; How often are waves of zombies created? 0 means never, 100 means whenever possible

; Can zombies climb roofs?

; zombies made from corpses of civilians do not have a punch animation, which results in a deadlock if they try to punch
; TRUE: So instead, they blow up, dealing damage to everyone (setting TRUE)
; FALSE: Another option is a 'simulated attack' without animation. However, this is pretty simple and rigged up, only a temporary solution. 
; This still results in deadlocks!

; Damage is reduced by this percentage. Valid values from -50 to 95

; Breath damage is reduced by this percentage. Valid values from -50 to 95

; Extra challenge: If true, only headhots will do any damage, hits to the body or legs won't. Only applies to bullets, though

; Zombie difficulty level, determines hitpoints, stats and skills
; 1 - Night of the Living Dead
; 2 - Dawn of the Dead
; 3 - Resident Evil
; 4 - 28 Days later

; If set to TRUE, zombies will be equipped with armour if it lay at the corpse they came from

; Every enemy soldier is replaced by a zombie. WARNING! This has severe consequences on gameplay

; if set on, a headshot or melee attack is required to permanently kill a zombie, unless his ZOMBIE_RISE_BEHAVIOUR says otherwise.
; Setting ZOMBIE_RISE_BEHAVIOUR to 1 is recommended with this

ZOMBIE_ARMY is a new setting that causes the changes to the army described above, and should always be turned on.
ZOMBIE_ONLY_HEADSHOTS_PERMANENTLY_KILL is a new setting: only if kill a zombie with a headshot or melee will he stay dead, otherwise he'll rise again (if you set ZOMBIE_RISE_BEHAVIOUR to 1). This way you can mow down hordes of zombies with an MG, but only if you destroy their heads they will stay down, otherwise they will come back very soon.

I also recommend setting POISON_INFECTION_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER to 10.0. This way poisoning (zombies do a bit off poison damage) will have much more severe effects. This simulates the effect that one bitten by a zombie, you have to see a doctor and get cured, otherwise you will surely die... and turn into a zombie.

Also I recommend
; Enemies (i.e., soldiers), valid values 16 through 64, default is 32
; Creatures (i.e., bloodcats and crepitus), valid values 16 through 40, default is 32
; Rebels (i.e., militia), valid values 16 through 64, default is 32
; Civilians, valid values 16 through 40, default is 32

to have teams as big as possible. Note that now both the enemy and the creature team will have zombies, creating truly massive battles.

The described changes are also in the ini this mod provides. One other file is a changed TableData/Map/SectorNames.xml, which has the new -tag. This simply sets how many civilians shoudl exsit in a sector on entering, if less are found, they are filled up (up to MAX_NUMBER_CIVS_IN_TACTICAL).

I recommend playing this on higher difficulties, so that you meet more zombies (INSANE is fun Smile ). Also set item progression and BR settings to lowest possible, so you don't get good gear until very late in the game.

You can find an archive with the exe and the data on https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=8D263A268B5809FA!204 (newest version is r5746. Be warned, this breaks savegame compatibility). Note that a GameDir revision >= 1578 is required.Downlaod link below...

Note that this is just a few hours of work. Don't expect anything else than described above, because it won't be there. Also: please note that the exe linked above is required for this. This stuff is not in the trunk, but in a separate branch, so it wont work with normal exes (even though savegames should be compatible).

Happy surviving! :axe:

Edit 1: I've updated this mod to the current exe (r6417). You can get it here.. As usual, install the latest SCI from DepressivesBrot and then this on top.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311783] Sun, 04 November 2012 19:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SWAT_ASSASSIN is currently offline SWAT_ASSASSIN

Registered:May 2010
Flugente what have you done Very Happy?

The Zombies in my Game ressurected over 40 times in Omerta! i nearly ran out of ammo then i began to cut off their heads...

Why the settings arent working at mine computer? i just have added them into my ja2.113 options.ini where the zombie settings are

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311784] Sun, 04 November 2012 19:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
Load up your favorite Calico model with hollow-points and get to work. :pitchfork:
Flugente you madman. :bow:

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Sergeant Major
Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311785] Sun, 04 November 2012 19:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
@SWAT_ASSASSIN: there's an exe in the archive I linked to. This exe is based on the current one and is required for this.

Edit: the linked seemed to be whacky, corrected that.

[Updated on: Sun, 04 November 2012 19:19] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311807] Mon, 05 November 2012 18:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SWAT_ASSASSIN is currently offline SWAT_ASSASSIN

Registered:May 2010
OMG I am so stupid! i havent seen the link! i am so sorry!

@Slax.... try MP5N C-MAG

and dont forget to push the aiming skills ;)#


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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311818] Tue, 06 November 2012 02:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Update a new version (r5674) with a few fixes. Army zombies can now get reinforcments properly. So there is no excuse for not playing an insane DCA with up to... I dont know... 240+ zombies. Very Happy

Also, the ini option that zombies can only be killed permanently via headshots or melee is now in the trunk. If you use this and then set ZOMBIE_RISE_BEHAVIOUR to 1, zombies will rise for all eternity until you destroy their bodies or heads. Simply shooting them will only stall them for a short time...

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311826] Tue, 06 November 2012 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Slax is currently offline Slax

Registered:July 2006
Location: People riding polar bears...
The problem (or advantage?) with headshots only is that the AI doesn't know this. They just go at it until they eventually run out of ammo. Razz
Fun to watch and a great distraction.

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Sergeant Major
Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311830] Tue, 06 November 2012 15:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
okashii is currently offline okashii

Registered:January 2009
Very interested in trying this out, but I need some help.
How do I download the file from skydive? When I use right click and download nothing happens, do I need to become a member first?
Which version of JA2 1.13 does this work on? I only have the 4870, I haven't been here for quite a while.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311831] Tue, 06 November 2012 16:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:October 2012
Do zombies open doors? If they can't, I thought it would be cool if they could use the jumping through windows command, but I don't think even enemy AI can do that.

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311832] Tue, 06 November 2012 16:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SWAT_ASSASSIN is currently offline SWAT_ASSASSIN

Registered:May 2010
Oh Flugente it would be very easy to me when i can write on German!

I got a problem because you took enemy=civilian=zombie... and thats why the game is always crashing because when i enter a wood sector ... there cannot be spawn civilians in the wood! wtf Very Happy
i try it to play on INSANE.

You did a really good job! i like it! its perfect


but i need a tipp from you..

How i can heal the light green health bar? (infection) the Antidoite didnt work! HELP!

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311838] Tue, 06 November 2012 20:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
@okashii: Apparently it takes a few seconds until the downlaod dialogue popped up (at least in my browser).

@winehouse: Yep, zombie do open doors.

@SWAT_ASSASSIN: The green health bar means that you are poisoned, and will lose further health points every hour unless you cure your poisoning. you can either use antidotes (it takes a few turns, but with default values, one antidote erases about 50 poison points). Or you can simply use the doctor assignment or a hospital. Poison is healed after normal healing. You need at least POISON_BASE_MEDICAL_SKILL_TO_CURE (ini value) medical points to cure it, and, if you play with new traits, also at least the paramedic skill).

The error in the woods is now corrected Smile

@All: SWAT_ASSASSIN discovered a serious bug. I fixed it in r5676. please use the exe from this archive: http://sdrv.ms/SL5KdG (fully savegame compatible, so no worries).
Even newer version with antother fix is r5677 on http://sdrv.ms/WwsnH2 (fully savegame compatible, so no worries).

[Updated on: Tue, 06 November 2012 23:32] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311854] Wed, 07 November 2012 02:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hawkeye is currently offline Hawkeye

Registered:October 2005
Location: Australia
@okashii: Apparently it takes a few seconds until the downlaod dialogue popped up (at least in my browser).

I seem to be having the same issues downloading, using firefox. I grabbed your first download earlier in the week, after a few seconds pause, but was unable to yesterday and now today. Is there any other way to download this?


Finally got it today, after about the fourth attempt, seems to take ages from clicking to the actual download starting.

[Updated on: Thu, 08 November 2012 00:52] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311939] Sat, 10 November 2012 21:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Machete is currently offline Machete

Registered:February 2011
Location: Germany
Hey, uhm, maybe its a stupid question, but I have trouble installing it. I download the files, made a fresh 1.13 game (latest release) and copied the files from the zip into the data1.13 folder and the .exe into the game folder. When I try to run the game with the .exe, I get an error-list on the opening screen and esc back to desktop. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311940] Sat, 10 November 2012 21:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Hmm. Please specify the version your are referring to (which latest release is it? I hope its not based on 4850, because that is too old), and specify the errors ( a pic of the messages will do).

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311942] Sat, 10 November 2012 21:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Machete is currently offline Machete

Registered:February 2011
Location: Germany
I got the 4870 version + german bugfix, and the error I get is a runtime error, "loading external data failed". Should I use a unstable version, or is it fine with the 4870?

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311943] Sat, 10 November 2012 22:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
4870 is way too old for this, its built on 5657. Get the current newest state, or a recent one from DepressivesBrot's thread: http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/311288/Depri_s_Builds_and_Packages_Ge.html#Post311288

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311946] Sun, 11 November 2012 00:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Machete is currently offline Machete

Registered:February 2011
Location: Germany
Okay, I got it now, thanks!
I LOVE it! Very Happy

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311957] Sun, 11 November 2012 08:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Newest exe is r5683 (http://sdrv.ms/VSAeNO). Among updating to the current trunk, I added a bit to the AI: enemies can now jump through windows (for zombies, set ZOMBIE_CAN_JUMP_WINDOWS to TRUE). You can now also jump through intact windows if you set CAN_JUMP_THROUGH_CLOSED_WINDOWS to TRUE. The window will be shattered if you jump through, and you receive a tiny it of damage for this. The AI also does this.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311968] Sun, 11 November 2012 16:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:October 2012

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #311996] Mon, 12 November 2012 21:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Fixed a rather nasty bug that can cause the game to spawn way to much zombies on reinforcements (but apparently none of you had that bug yet... you'd know if you' find it Smile ).

Also, until now, kids couldn't be headshotted. Because they had NO HEAD. :wb: Now they do. This makes total sense gamewise. :silly:

New exe in first post.

[Updated on: Mon, 12 November 2012 21:56] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312102] Thu, 15 November 2012 16:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SWAT_ASSASSIN is currently offline SWAT_ASSASSIN

Registered:May 2010
Yeah! they are Spawning alwys behind me Very Happy 100000 zombies :D:DD

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312105] Thu, 15 November 2012 17:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:October 2012
I would like to see someone expand on this and make a full scale mod. The queen has some dialogue lines referring to the creatures. Maybe this could be used.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312113] Thu, 15 November 2012 17:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Think about it , how interesting would an expanded mod of this be ? It really gets old fast continually shooting shambling husks with not much else to do . Doubt it would have lasting replay value and who would spend months on this for one run through ?

If you think it could be an option , lay out your ideas how this might go , at least .

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312173] Sat, 17 November 2012 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SWAT_ASSASSIN is currently offline SWAT_ASSASSIN

Registered:May 2010
Bug Detected!

On sectors where can be NO civilians there is a spawning error (Sam Sites)

Its really nice to see that San Mona still is as normal as ever Very Happy

I will make a big map replacement for this mod, add zombie-fortresses and set some weapons Wink

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312340] Thu, 22 November 2012 18:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
pyg is currently offline pyg

Registered:August 2007
This mod is so cool I practically need profanity to describe it. Best thing since AIMNAS. This plus AIMNAS and big maps is going to be a whole new game. F'ing AWESOME!

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #312344] Thu, 22 November 2012 19:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Fragnifico is currently offline Fragnifico

Registered:April 2012
This mod is so cool I practically need profanity to describe it. Best thing since AIMNAS. This plus AIMNAS and big maps is going to be a whole new game. F'ing AWESOME!

I agree!!!

But i always run out of ammo!! I need more firepower to fight those bastards... like, a lots of LAWs RPGs e GPs! =D

Love this mod! Well done and keep up the good work Flugente!

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #313123] Sun, 16 December 2012 00:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hsif42 is currently offline hsif42
Registered:August 2009
Wow, haven't been on here in a while...

Found my old CD, installed, everything works fine. Installed 1.13 revision 5718 from the link described: http://www.bears-pit.com/board/ubbthreads.php/topics/311288/Depri_s_Builds_and_Packages_Ge.html#Post311288
So far, so good. Game works great, good to get back into the game after so many years... 1.13's a lot different than it was back in 2010!
The problem arises when I try install this (or indeed, virtually any other mod). I extract the 7z file in the download section of this thread, overwrite it in the ja2 install directory as per usual, then try run the .exe... but it doesn't work. I get a runtime error for

"File XML_FacilityTypes.cpp
Line 831
Function facilitytypeEndElementHandle
Facility Types XML Error: Assignment type for Facility 3 is unrecognized!

File Init.cpp
Line 1174
Function InitializeJA2
Loading external data failed"

Thought it might be an issue with Windows 7's UAC, so ran as admin in compatibility mode, then disabled UAC. No difference. Tried renaming the zombie .exe to ja2.exe, same result.
Still kind of a noob at this after all these years (been playing the game ever since release in '99), so any help getting this running would be appreciated Smile

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #313124] Sun, 16 December 2012 00:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
Get one of the older files from my stash, 5686/1560 should be the ideal base for this mod.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #313125] Sun, 16 December 2012 00:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
The zombie exe in here does not work with up-to-date GameDir data, as new facilities were introduced. You can now:

  • either use a GameDir from a few weeks before, before the prison system was introduced, like r1567 or
  • remove all entries from Data-1.13/Tabledata/Map/FacilityTypes.xml above 20 (that should be 21, and 22), and remove all entries in Data-1.13/Tabledata/Map/Facilities.xml tha mention those facilities.
  • Wait until I update an exe, which propably wont happen for a while

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #313126] Sun, 16 December 2012 00:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hsif42 is currently offline hsif42
Registered:August 2009
Thanks for the speedy replies! Am downloading the version mentioned, and will report back with how it works Smile

Yup, it all works. Thanks guys!

[Updated on: Sun, 16 December 2012 01:54] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #313399] Thu, 20 December 2012 23:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
I updated this o the newest trunk version. New exe and data here: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=8D263A268B5809FA!204

Please note that this will break existing savegame compatibility.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #314932] Wed, 30 January 2013 13:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Monolito is currently offline Monolito

Registered:August 2012
I've got a very important question about zombies. If I turn "allow Zombies" on in a sector and after killing all the zombies in it, turn it off will they still spawn in sectors which had corpses?
Or do the zombies spawn ONLY in the sectors I'm in? I'm asking because I'd like to make some stupid, harmless targets for my mercs and for the fun but would like to spare all the NPC with names, who are useful to me. Unless there's an option allowing to make zombies not hostile to civilians.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #314938] Wed, 30 January 2013 14:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sam Hotte

Registered:March 2009
Location: Middle of Germany
I'd say zombies only may arise in the currently loaded tactical sector as the game only spawns life and things in the very moment a sector is loaded.
But this is just an ssumption; to be sure, wait for Flugente answering ... Smile

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Sergeant Major
Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #314955] Wed, 30 January 2013 21:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Sam is right, Zombies can only rise while the zombie feature is turned on, and they will only rise in the sector you have currently loaded.

Note that once they are there, switching the feature off wont make existing zombies disappear Smile.

Also note that zombies can even spawn from corpses that were created at a time when the zombie feature was off.

And there will be no option for zombies not to attack civilians, as this one of the basic ideas of having zombies.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315085] Sat, 02 February 2013 16:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Monolito is currently offline Monolito

Registered:August 2012
If I kill a civilian who has been turned into a zombie, does it count as a civilian kill? Will people like Tony hate me for it?

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315086] Sat, 02 February 2013 17:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Soooo , you aim at a zombie lurching towards you and suddenly , just before you pull the trigger , a worrying thought appears , 'my god , this is Tony's bestest buddy , if I kill him , will he hate me forever ?'

By now you have been bitten and the virus is raging through your system , bet your ass Tony will put one right into your head , without a second thought !

Shoot all undead !

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315089] Sat, 02 February 2013 18:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Zombies are treated as creatures ingame. There is no 'link' between a zombie and his 'previous life'. There'll be no repercussion if you shoot the Hans-zombie.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315110] Sun, 03 February 2013 00:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Monolito is currently offline Monolito

Registered:August 2012
Thanks for the info. Guess I can turn the zombie mod on in Atremo's bar sector Smile I don't care about zombies taking down civilians Very Happy As for Tony, I've been wanting to meet him for like a month but I keep finding newer versions of UC and restarting the whole because I read zombie mod is the best with slow weapon progression Razz All the modder's fault Razz


To kill a risen zombie do I have to shoot his head off or is a nice headshot enough? I've just killed a few zombies and a non-apart-brain-blowing headshot seemed to be enough.

Another zombie question: is it possible to make them die permanently only by destroying their heads (editing .ini or something)? It seems these suckers die like any other soldiers QQ

[Updated on: Sun, 03 February 2013 12:48] by Moderator

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315733] Mon, 25 February 2013 17:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
S3rialThrill3r is currently offline S3rialThrill3r

Registered:January 2012
I'm no expert on modding, so don't shoot me if my ideas aren't feasible. I'm just throwing some ideas out there. Someone mentioned before the need for this to be a full-scale mod. I agree, but perhaps the aim of the game may have to be changed a little. Maybe some inspiration could be taken from DayZ, so it's not about the Alruco campaign anymore, just plain old survival.

Here are some suggestions:

-Lots of zombies, never enough ammo: Stealth is key and gives the player more reason to travel in the night. Think twice before you pull that trigger. It might only draw unnecessary attention.

-Various factions consisting of survivors of the zombie apocalypse: Caught in a tough battle with no end in sight? Perhaps the arrival of some strangers in the sector may prove to be a useful distraction. It could also make the world seem more alive as you watch the survivors duke it out with each other over food and medical supplies. It was interesting to see this in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, would be nice to see here as well.

-Gore and dismemberment: Probably extremely difficult to create such animations. I always liked the head explosions in the original. Maybe a zombie torso dragging itself with the arms would top that.

-Barricading system: As mentioned above, night activity becomes a necessity, but what to do during the day? You might have little choice but to have your party wait it out in some hidey hole. Could be an abandoned house. Wooden planks can be used to board up the windows and doorways. Traps such as explosives could be placed strategically to create killzones. Perhaps tunnels could provide safe havens (or traps set by other survivors protecting their stashes)?

-Dramatic heli evacs: The streets are filled with zombies. You need to escape so you call for Skyrider. He's too freaked to land anywhere near the ground. So what do you do? Climb to the roof of a building and fight it out from there until he arrives at the sector. What if some of your men are still at ground level? Fuel's running low - better leave 'em (a few well placed shoots could put them out of their misery).

Rampant diseases: Since this is the zombie apocalypse, living conditions are probably unsanitary. Too much exposure to rotting corpses, drinking dirty water and being exposed to unfavorable weather could lead to contraction of various illnesses. In addition, it can spread from person to person, resulting in situations, where you may have to place someone under quarantine until the necessary cure is found. Gas masks or other such protective gear may become a necessity when wandering the densely populated towns and coming into contact with the filthy masses. Severe damage to such gear could also pose a threat to survival.

Like I said, most of these ideas are probably too difficult or impossible to code. But if anyone ever wanted to make a fully-fledged zombie apocalypse mod, these features and mechanics could make things interesting.

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Re: New mod: full-scale zombie invasion[message #315782] Thu, 28 February 2013 03:18 Go to previous messageGo to previous message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
While we can now create barricades (kinda) and traps, barricading wont do you any good against enemies in a sector. One cannot progress time while in combat, thus you'll be stuck in a sector until one team disappears/dies.

Diseases are kinda in game due to the poison mechanic. Damage from zombies and very bad food can cause poisoning, which lowers your health regeneration and can even negate it. Doing that hourly, depending on gear, and spreading it in the team would be very easy, should one ever wish to do so.

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