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Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334286] Thu, 17 July 2014 15:41 Go to next message
MarutiaOrtia is currently offline MarutiaOrtia

Registered:April 2014
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Games traditionally feature both single player and multiplayer as separate entities. With the rise to prominence of PSN and Xbox Live, the two modes have been competing with each other. Underwhelming multiplayer in strong single player experiences and lacking single player gameplay in exciting multiplayer focused games were all too common in recent years.

At last year's E3, there was a clear tide shift in the game industry as the two modes began to harmonize. Destiny, The Division and Watch Dogs offered glimpses into games that acted like MMOs with players in huge connected worlds and raids, but all with the polish and mechanics of a top-tier AAA action game.

While The Division may not end up hitting until 2015, expect to see more and more games that are both announced and released featuring this melding of single player and multiplayer. It's another way to effectively make games "always-online." Do you think that this is the future of games development?

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334287] Thu, 17 July 2014 16:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
Depends on the type and scale of games.Shoving always-online down the throats of the gamers is a big NO-NO and Maxis shot themselves in the foot when they tried it with latest SimCity. We might live in the age of wi-fi internet, but playing online isn't always that massive fun the marketing departments want you to believe. There's the lag issue, there's the server downtime, the retards griefing, the noobs, etc, etc... A lot of stuff that can spoil your gaming experience, despite the game being great.

Actually smart developers either pick one or the other or both (and let the player decide whether he wants to be online or not). Not half-arsed solutions.

[Updated on: Thu, 17 July 2014 16:45] by Moderator

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334288] Thu, 17 July 2014 17:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
When I play SP games, I absolutely DO NOT WANT to deal with all the botters, cheaters, afk-ers, flamers, ragers and assorted scum of popular MP games. It's as simple as that.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334291] Thu, 17 July 2014 19:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
I never thought that would happen but I must admit, that I do have the 100% same feelings as debbertes Brot

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334300] Fri, 18 July 2014 11:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Karnov is currently offline Karnov

Registered:May 2014
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As the great poet and philosopher Randall Graves once said

"this would be great place to work if it wasn't for the f*****g customers"

I have moved from MMORPG's and online gaming to completely single player stuff and am a happier person for it Smile

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334301] Fri, 18 July 2014 11:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

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of topic

seing Your pic I think Your name should be Karnova

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334303] Fri, 18 July 2014 11:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Karnov is currently offline Karnov

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334304] Fri, 18 July 2014 14:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
MarutiaOrtia is currently offline MarutiaOrtia

Registered:April 2014
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Is this could be a step in order the players to meet new rivals, who can make them even better? Or it is just a risk someone to ruin you game and the pleasure of playing it?

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334305] Fri, 18 July 2014 14:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
Massive multiplayer nowdays has opened a huge can of worms. The bigger the crowd gets, the more retards get in. By far the worst multiplayer type is the random team one. In the old days of Everquest the "pickup group" was the most desperate and shittiest idea you would have when fighting group instances. If your friends were crap at the game, the pickup group was crappier.

Somehow this made game devs think "hey, lets mix idiots together with good players, this should be fun". Don't know who first came up with this idea, I'd like to shoot him in the face, drive a truck on his head, throw him off a cliff then bitch slap him to death.

Even when crap random teams aren't the case, playing in multiplayer is about the worst experience you can have. Take Fifa... the ammount of quitters and ragers there is immense. And guess what - the devs allow it! Because they can't fucking write a decent code to discern between intentional quitting and disconnects, they let the players deal with frustration.

Statistically, there are way way more idiots in this world than people of decent IQ. And large gaming companies fell in love with this new customer - bad at games, but always ready to pay to get an unfair advantage. So don't be surprised any decent gamer hates the online, with a few exceptions there's nothing out there to like, it's a realm swamped with cretins.

[Updated on: Fri, 18 July 2014 14:31] by Moderator

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334306] Fri, 18 July 2014 14:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
I agree with the sentiment, but you know that last point is crap. On average, people are of average intelligence and will get average results in a game. A lot of them just look bad to us old, elitist gamers with our trove of experience who can pick up any game that suits our general style and beat 80% of the competition in short order.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334307] Fri, 18 July 2014 14:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
NikiAlex is currently offline NikiAlex

Registered:December 2013
Location: Bulgaria
Single player - king or not?
Do you believe that for strategy gaming single player still will be the king for foreseeable future?
It's a matter of different player experience. I think that in single play you could implement much more realistic and fun to play game economy.

Heads-on or 2v2 is optimum for multilayer. Invite only battles is the best way to prevent random player to ruin your game.
Always online requirement could very well vaporize your desire to play the game. You have one spare hour to relax and wait a minute.. there is server maintenance, ... you could not play now, period.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334311] Fri, 18 July 2014 15:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Karnov is currently offline Karnov

Registered:May 2014
Location: Tyne & Wear
Other people is the main reason I quit World of Tanks and War Thunder, but thanks to humble bundle and some Steam Sales and some Ja2 mods I have about 50 years worth of single player gaming to enjoy \o/

Playing online with friends is fun not as much fun as LAN, you could punch that AWM sniper sitting next to you Smile, but as we all get older and pick up wives children and Jobs along the way its gets more difficult to co-ordinate such things.

But to scratch that itch I have gone old school and now I'm running a D&D game using a virtual table top once a week.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334317] Fri, 18 July 2014 18:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
LAN multiplayer was the best multiplayer ever. Period. Seeing the face of your buddy when he knows he's about to lose that bet and pay all night for the drinks - priceless. No epic reward matches that.

I am beyond the myth that there's perfect game balance in online or perfect economy. Sooner or later exploits and cheats ruin everything. Plus there's this immense lack of imagination from game companies which tackle online, it's scary. Like a carbon copy copied from the thousand carbon copy there is.

Could there be more to online than there is? Hell yea. Did anyone bother to come up with anything more intelligent than the recipe EQ and UO came up with decades ago? No.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334334] Fri, 18 July 2014 23:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Uriens is currently offline Uriens

Registered:July 2006
... A lot of them just look bad to us old, elitist gamers with our trove of experience who can pick up any game that suits our general style and beat 80% of the competition in short order.

This sentence makes me feel old. I mean, I agree with it, but I still feel old after reading it. :doctor:

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334336] Fri, 18 July 2014 23:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
Well, the usual crowd of window-lickers isn't even a challenge to beat. They spend their time driving around in circles, drowning in water or simply gazing at their bottom. You can recognize them in any game, especially those involving guns, it's the retard who starts shooting the second the counter reaches 0 and hits every team mate in front of him. Saw them in WoT, they are plenty in Warthunder, even goddamn Robocraft has them. In EQ2 or WoW they're the ones that run around in raids and pull ads that kill entire raid. Or rez when told not to and wipe the raid again. And examples are countless. I some form or shape they infested every online game.

The others, boasting shreds of minimal human IQ, I enjoy to play against or with. Win or lose. But they're rare material.

Maybe I am too old, maybe I am out of fashion too but I actually train and learn about my games, especially online ones. Probably it's why I don't understand the "new gamer".

[Updated on: Fri, 18 July 2014 23:51] by Moderator

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334342] Sat, 19 July 2014 12:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
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Honestly , these posts make me glad I only play single player . No bad tempered arguing with some guy in Somalia ..... :wrysmiley:

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334350] Sat, 19 July 2014 16:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
you mean wimpering Scotsmen?

I loved hot seat games (eg Warlords II) when the first "extinct" had to do the cooking
"It Your turn lockie" and than he's reading: "Thou has't been sacked" => Go to the kitchchen, don't visit "start" don't collect the money (or so)

on the other hand, I never killed a Brit in the first move, I spared them, they are lousy cooks

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #334456] Tue, 22 July 2014 14:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wolf00 is currently offline wolf00

Registered:September 2006
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in some past i love play multiplayer on skulltag port,this is funn.. now skulltag is dead,sad to say but it is a true... heretic on lan is awesome[using chicken egg spell on emenies & hunt them around map] il2 sturmovik have good multiplayer too,but it is hard to learn & hard to score

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #340781 is a reply to message #334286] Tue, 28 April 2015 21:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Outland 17 is currently offline Outland 17

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I personally like the way that Dark Souls does it. It's a single player game, but multiplayer enhances the experience.

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #360405 is a reply to message #340781] Thu, 18 June 2020 13:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
VinceBats is currently offline VinceBats
Registered:June 2020
I this game look nice to play but I am used to play justbuild.lol

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #363679 is a reply to message #360405] Wed, 15 September 2021 19:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Colt .45 Peacemaker is currently offline Colt .45 Peacemaker

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I love playing single player games. One week ago, i stopped my WoW subscription because of the toxic youth who judge you cause you are still on foot at lvl 40 or using your wand in an instance and such. And that was in Classic, hated retail cause everything is fast, easy and soloable. I remember back when it was a new game, or Star Wars Galaxies, 2003- 2005, everyone was dying to help others. Now they don't even form words, only acronyms, such as hf, gg, tc,gl and other assorted nonsense code that only the kids can understand. What's the rush ? i am 56 years old and laid back by nature, like Static from JA2. So, no more MMO's for me.

Concerning the mix of SP with MP, Splinter Cell Blacklist sucked in the way that some missions had to be done in Co-Op ONLY. But in Wildlands and Breakpoint, you can choose, i still prefer playing solo though.

Nipson anomimata mi monan opsin

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Re: Single Player And Multiplayer Begin To Merge[message #364829 is a reply to message #334288] Sat, 27 August 2022 13:10 Go to previous message
Colt .45 Peacemaker is currently offline Colt .45 Peacemaker

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DepressivesBrot wrote on Thu, 17 July 2014 16:21
When I play SP games, I absolutely DO NOT WANT to deal with all the botters, cheaters, afk-ers, flamers, ragers and assorted scum of popular MP games. It's as simple as that.
I wholeheartedly agree. Lots of people, mostly kids or teens, when they buy a game , they go and jump straight to the multiplayer portion.
When i buy a game, first thing i used to do, was read through the manual, cover to cover. The next day, after work, i'd install the game and enjoy it to my heart's content. Only multiplayer i ever played (WoW and Star Wars Galaxies excluded), was the very first Call of Duty, i would do top score, with a sniper rifle no less. That was before everyone played german for the mp-44, which was 100% accurate, even firing from the hip, even firing from the map's other end. Then came the cheaters and i got disgusted.

Splinter Cell Conviction has a lot of things to unlock and some of them are exclusively in the single player campaign.

[Updated on: Sat, 27 August 2022 13:10]

Nipson anomimata mi monan opsin

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