Home » PLAYER'S HQ 1.13 » JA2 Complete Mods & Sequels » Vengeance 1.13 Reloaded » JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download (Get 'em here while they're fresh)
JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #347920]
Sat, 31 December 2016 06:38
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
Those downloads are falling like pantyhose from a five-dollar woman!
'Brainrot Barrage' edition is now available via GITHUB, please navigate to the bottom of this thread for more info.
For those who prefer a Single Click Installer you can download our latest complete Beta English release (just extract this over a fresh JA2 install, no 1.13 files required. That's it, ready to play):
Alternatively a download from the Bear Pit's Kermi mirror is available here:
[url]To be uploaded - Watch this space![/url]
When playing Vengeance, ensure you use the JA2_Vengeance.exe - Using the normal ja2.exe will not work, and will corrupt your data!
It is also highly recommended to turn off any aftermarket antivirus software when playing V:R (and most other JA mods for that matter) or set an exception for JA2_Vengeance.exe. We discovered even programs like Avast can cause issues, crashes or even prevent you saving games at times.
If you are a Windows 10 user and facing some issues you may need to use the Win10 fix outlined here below;
A recently reported resolution issue has been fixed, which requires a new exe available here:
If you are already playing the 'Brainrot Barrage' from the new year SCI build without issues you do not need to update to this exe.
Thanks to all team members, contributors and those playing and providing bug reports and constructive feedback
[Updated on: Sat, 18 January 2025 04:12] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #348134 is a reply to message #347923]
Sat, 07 January 2017 19:31 
hardballz |
Registered:January 2017 |
Hi, it keeps sayin smackw32.dll file is missing, which is not, because this file is just there. But its ok for me, I guess I am gonna wait until the final version is out anyway. I hope, its not going to be forever, because this finally looks great and I appreciate you stick with the old fashioned inventory too. Thanks
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Re: Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #348878 is a reply to message #348868]
Thu, 16 February 2017 00:57 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
No worries, Omega, I prefer to play with a new story too as there's only so many times you can play the same scenario.
No fixed ETA, but hopefully soon, dependent on code and our SCI technician, though better we hold off and try and fix everything that's been flagged so far. :
Fixes and features for Beta 2 release include:
AI improvements/corrections
Increased tree cover system
Strategic loyalty balance tweak
Facility / Militia Training
An issue with energy replenishment has been fixed
Tony gets more weapons and ammo to sell
Bobby Ray now has larger weapon selection, updated gun progression, more guns, more ammo, more explosives, more!
All weapons have rudimentary attachments working some default attachments adjusted/added
Steyr Aug Hbar, Medium and short barrel merges fixed
HK 416 Barrel merges fixed
HK 417 Barrel merges fixed - Added AG36 launcher attachments and bipod to Sniper variant
AR 57 Barrel merges fixed
M4 A1 attachments and barrel merges revised & fixed among others
Chokes added to missing shotguns
Rod and Springs reinstated for auto fire weaponry below 950 RPM, Rod & Spring balance adjusted (30% reductioon in AP but penalties for repair & accuracy)
Facegear item balance
Regen boosters lowered effectiveness
LBE update: LRAK MG-Vest, Sporting Clay Vest
60mm Illumination Shell fixed
Quality Binoculars need two hands to be used, Compact Binoculars can be used with one hand
Sandbags tearable for Mc Guyvering
-fixed Molotov Bomb and other Merges.xml fixes:
(Alcohol-Oil Mix) combined with #2802 (Empty Mortar Shell) results in #2401 (Molotov Bomb)
should be usable with #41 (M224 Mortar) and #223 (Detonator) and #224 (Remote Detonator)
(Alcohol-Oil Mix) combined with #2437 (Taped Flare) results in #2438 (Flarebomb)
(Alcohol-Oil Mix+rag) creates improved molotov cocktail
A number of Bobby Ray descriptions fixed updated
A number of Item descriptions fixed
Reinstated Sci-Fi creatures for Sci-Fi mode, Crepitus still not present but game can be completed without Crepitus Queen now
A2 fixed blocked entry to bathroom in hut
B10 C11 removed buggy ammo
B13 entry points fixed
E13 B2 entry points fixed
J9 entry points fixed
M10 oil rig computer banks jsds fixed
O9 Roof issues fixed
Savannah and Jeep JSD's fixed
Fixed tiles in tileset 25 (LUSH 2) that was corrupting graphics on some maps (including F15)
More civs added to San Mona D5
Miguel back in game
Dick script adjusted which caused unescapable stopwatch
Angel quest behavior changed, no more deeds to shop
A number of MERC starting gear tweaks
Skyrider to type 4
Mary adjusted bodytype
Dwight behavior adjusted to remove cheat loophole
More intercept fugitives added
PCM STOMP Traits adjusted/added
PCM Starting gear adjusted
Cobra camo face now working
A number of Mercs get new facegear graphics, still more to be added
Sandman NPC edt updated, no longer a paramedic
Some Sparky speech volume adjusted
Joey stats reduced, Razor & Haywire stats increased, salaries adjusted
Hardcoded Vengeance stuff reinstated by disabling LUA quests
Weekly Leaks fixed
Missing Loadscreen error fixed, alt loadscreens also fixed. Resolutions fixed
Shadows now present at night optional in ini: FORCE_SHADOWS_EVEN_IN_DARKNESS
Militia get more battlesounds
Female Militia get more battlesounds
Hale & Burton security get more battlesounds
CIA get more battlesounds
Trac Ops get more battlesounds
Cockeye thugs get more battlesounds
[Updated on: Mon, 19 April 2021 02:57] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #350334 is a reply to message #347920]
Sat, 15 July 2017 02:46 
Pihlaja |
Registered:January 2015 Location: Suomi |
Should I play beta 2 or wait for the release? If i play this beta there is a chance I won't be playing the release version. What do you suggest?
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Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #351696 is a reply to message #350336]
Sat, 16 December 2017 05:18 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
Beta 3 Fixes and updates include:
Missing sci-fi creatures should now appear underground
Correct loading screens should appear in native resolutions and there are more of them. Loadscreens also have stretch modes setting (stretch to fit, fit to width, fit to height)so now 4:3 images no need to stretched when play
Brenda/Hans interactions removed, there is no need repeat vacating Brenda to see Tony like in Vanilla
Better AI cover calculations
More faction based voice taunts
More battlesounds
Timer fixes
Big custom gun images support
Extended item images
Bloodcats and Bug endless timer bug fixed (by the Bob)
More equipment for enemy soldiers
Scout vision bonus fixed
fix: some mercenaries can't refuel vehicles
AI fix: don't attack crows
AI fix: disabled AI breaking deadlock automatically because fast forward mode breaks AI, press ESC to break deadlock manually
fix: camo/stealth from face items should be applied correctly
Added modular barrel merges for Aug HBAR, A2 and CGQ versions so you can switch between each dependent on barrel choice
A number of map borders were updated
More facegear graphic updates
Item size fix for .30 car mag T
A number of NADA items nuked
JSD's corrected for well
Added barrel kit merges for HK 417 as well as AG36 launcher attachments, HK417 barrels can be used to swap barrel (to cool down weapon)
XM84 Stun Grenade fixed
Fixed Beowulf ammo type magazines
Beowulf upper converts M4A1 into .50 Beowulf rifle (also for C-Mag variants)
M4A1 upper converts .50 Beowulf rifle into M4A1 (also for C-Mag variants)
Added Barrel Kit merges of 11, 16 and 6 S for AR57
Added Blaser barrel merges
Added default attachment M203PI GL for M16A2 M203
AR57 barrel merges for M16 based rifles now usable
ETAC Sniper bag fix
Added missing merge for barrel kit to convert M4 into Whisper Kitty version
New loading screens added
****Known issues****
*Crashes when assigning tasks from vehicle
A few reports have highlighted crashes when traveling via vehicles and then assigning mercs to tasks or using sector facilities. It is suggested to have all mercs exit vehicles before assigning them to other tasks. Do not assign tasks while they are still in the vehicle. This is not a definite fix but seems to limit the chances of crashes.
*Old Bloodcat ambush bug still present
Being ambused by Bloodcats can sometimes lock up game. Progress has been made with Flugente find some stray code. Seven FM is looking to integrate this fix to see if it puts this bug to rest for Vengeance: Reloaded.
*Ultimate Fighting Contest bug still present
It has been recently reported that the old bug where Kingpin heads toward the boxing ring and then stalls has reared it's head again. This is an old bug that plagued Vanilla, and was thought squashed, but sometimes occurs. Best to ensure you save before talking to Darren or initiate the ultimate boxing fight.
*Some snitches still refer to Vanilla NPC's when reporting.
*It has been noted recently that there can be issues relating to newly recruited mercs arriving by parachute later on in the game, sometimes the plane flying overhead sound can be heard but no parachute animation plays and the game goes into a strange loop or you cannot assign your new recruit. It is suggested you try and save your game before this happens, as usually you will need to come out of this looping game and reload. Usually the issue disappears once reloading or you can move mercs to an adjoining map to have them appear in game. Another option to break this loop is hitting the Esc key. In fact hitting the Esc key whenever the game locks up can sometimes be an easy way out of a number of issues.
[Updated on: Mon, 08 May 2023 14:45] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #353003 is a reply to message #347920]
Sun, 08 April 2018 05:00 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
BETA 4 (to 10th July 2018) Fixes and Updates include:
covert ops: check only alerted opponents who recently seen/heard the spy
raise suspicion if soldier heard/seen spy this turn, if alert is raised
covert merc loses disguise when failing to apply any item fixed
NumberOfTeamMatesAdjacent: fix vanilla bug
Interface fixes (removal of stray green pixels)
Cover system tweaks: remove movement penalty, increase prone cover bonus
XML fix: remove duplicated merge data
flashlight code update
r8574 fix: IMP creation with HP < OKLIFE possible (by Flugente)
r8020 fix: possible overflow when creating building (by asm-debacle) (by Flugente)
r8026 fix: It is possible to leave a sector while an explosion has been activated but not yet occurred. In
this case the game waits for the explosion to occur before handling AI, resulting in a deadlock. (by
disabled improved ambush code, this should fix bloodcat lair problem
GetClosestFlaggedSoldierID: fix bLastID check, OKLIFE check
update vision after starting to watch/spot
switch off radio if we cannot use it anymore, when soldier spends AP/BP or at the start of the new turn
r8526 Fix: soldier automatically taunts us whenever we steal, making stealth impossible
allow scout trait to work from vehicle
r8520 fix: possible crash during item transformation
added fix for bad strategic group (by Flugente)
bLastID fix
Reduced Buzz Med skill closer to Vanilla value
Babyface removed trading attributes left over from Vanilla
Manuel back in a wheelchair
Maria has Camo faces
Removed +200% interrogation bonus for Lance
Adjusted Arsenal's hooligan background stats, less wisdom but no leadership cut
Arsenal speech corrections
Babyface speech corrections
Buzz has improved Snitch EDT
Spam, Rusty speech improvements
Removed Cobra's ability to learn to hate Raider due to ambiguity/lack of suitable speech
More mercs get more facegear graphics
A number of Bobby Rays description and presentation tweaks and fixes
Tony now buys more guns including SKS PU, Tabuks and AKMSU's whether folded or not
set normal coolnessProgressRate for all merchants: item coolness 10 at progress 100%
set very low decay rate for canned food
Tony buys box ammo
added combine merge for small toolkit, trauma pack
changed item size for Alcohol, Molotov, Beer, Wine to 21
changed item size for Claymore to 22
fixed item size for .30-06 ammo belts
remove 60 rounds .454 ammo boxes from Bobby inventory
fixed ON-M99 scope
pocket tweaks: cannot store bottles in belt clip, can store bottles and small items in AR2, AR3 pockets, can
store molotov in canteen pocket
Tabuk accepts AK scopes
ON-M99 uses PSO-1 attachment point
More clothing items can be torn apart
Big med kits now mergeable
Added improved Molotov
itemsize 14 for beowulf ammo 7, itemsize 13 for ammo 4 (similar to shotgun shells)
Add 5 PercentReadyTimeAPReduction for retractable stock
Fixed broken mask colours for Treated Vests and Blood Transfusion bag
Fixed missing merges for Compound 18 SWAT vests, helmets and leggings
Changed orientation of one roof balustrade to attempt to fix hole previously
Removed default foregrip from Kriss vector
Added some more attachments to SKS, SKS PU and tactical, closer to 1.13 values
Reduced cellphone size and ub pocket size
Increased price of SR-47
Added Flash suppressor attachment availability to Browning BAR
ubMagType/ubAmmoType fix for Casull .454 ammo
More item combos and merges added for McGuyvering
Frazzler now has shotgun instead of MAC-10 to reflect skills, Fixed NVG graphics
Babyface now has a LAW
Removed Battlescope and helmet for Shadow's Ranger kit, added boonie hat
Replaced Shadows 'laser' package with DMR kit.
Grandee gets LBE Harness for basic kit and removal of MG leg rigs on other kits that weren't needed
Removed Silencer, combat goggles, Beretta and 9mm ammo from Scully's 'Finisher' kit to reduce price
Scully removal of leg rigs that weren't applicable
Added Locksmith kit to Jimmy's thief kit
Scope now get FN Fal carbine for premium and G36C for Urban kit to replace dated M1 kit
Added Night Ops pants to Dr Q's Night Ops kit
Ivan gets 106 vest throughout, can now store grenades in Grenadier kit
Bull now has steel helmet as MP
Removed Occupied Territory facilities from San Mona
Cleared pathways in G8
G6 central entry point moved, militia have more tank-busting weapons, including PTRD, Mortars and RPG's and
less rocket rifles - Removed Ghost trees
Removed bugged 1000 round ammo from G3
Fixed room numbers in C6, I3
Replaced incorrect enemies with Automags
Death camp anims improved
Doran townfolk no longer refer to Grumm
General map and tileset improvements
New tileset PRISON ISLAND added
More new loadscreens
More Battlesounds, militias have more variants, now both Spanish and English, as does Kingpin goons
More Speech taunts, Kingpin gets more variants
April Update!
This merges and items update fixes a number of issues and has some improvements and tweaks. In particular SWAT armour can now be treated with Compound 18 which was missing before. Zylon armour has yet to be looked at.
The post above is also up to date. Generally these downloads are overwritten so the same link can be used each time.
[Updated on: Tue, 05 March 2019 05:22] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #353918 is a reply to message #353003]
Sun, 01 July 2018 05:13 
Kyle |
Registered:December 2008 |
Hello Folks!
Coming back to JA2 after being away for FAAAAAAR too long!
Does the Vengeance mod require the Experimental Project 7...?
Am I correct in that it adds more to SevenFM's mod, or...?
[Updated on: Sun, 01 July 2018 05:17] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #353934 is a reply to message #353926]
Mon, 02 July 2018 20:53 
Kyle |
Registered:December 2008 |
sevenfm: Thank you very much for the update. I just finished altering a bunch of settings in the JA2_options.ini from the Data-Vengeance directory. Will this update overwrite those settings if I install it? Also, are there any new adjustable variables to that JA2_options.ini...? The reason why I ask, if there aren't any new adjustable variables, I'll just backup my modified JA2_options.ini and reinstall it after I install the Vengeance update.
Also - the update has two compressed files in it. One file's larger than the other. Could someone summarize for me what the difference is between the two files? Is the larger file more experimental, or...?
To everyone who has contributed to this endeavor: thank you for all of your hard work! It's hard to take in all of the amazing additions that have been made to the default JA2. There's a lot to be proud of here.
[Updated on: Thu, 03 January 2019 06:07] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #356563 is a reply to message #356560]
Thu, 24 January 2019 16:08 
CareBear |
Registered:April 2016 |
When i start the game using ja2.exe i get the error:
"Number of tilesets in code does not match data file"
When i start the game using ja2_vengeance.exe i get the error:
File: sgp.cpp
Line: 761
Location: InitializeStandardGamingPlatform initializing Virtual File System failed.
Please help! Im installing your mod on fresh JA2 install from GOG.
[Updated on: Thu, 24 January 2019 16:11] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #356565 is a reply to message #356564]
Thu, 24 January 2019 16:24 
CareBear |
Registered:April 2016 |
Thanks, ive just started the game using desktop icon, and it started using ja2.exe. Didnt know that this can have such profound effect.
Holy fuck this mod is hard. On experienced i have no chance to capture omerta...And cheat codes are not working...just great.
[Updated on: Thu, 24 January 2019 17:44] Report message to a moderator
BETA 5 Changelog[message #357659 is a reply to message #347920]
Wed, 17 July 2019 09:46 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
BETA 5 Changelog (11th July - 2nd Jan 2019)
default Ini settings changed
less aiming in heap firing mode
lowered prone cover effectiveness
set TILES_MOVED_PER_BONUS_TOLERANCE_POINT = 10 for better suppression tolerance balance
Ja2_Vengeance.exe r1969
r8596 Fix: throwing knives disappear when hitting corpses (by Flugente)
suppression: better integer calculation of AP loss
don't show "blow up" in transformation menu for grenades/explosives with 'flare' flag
r8586 fix: release exes could crash when hovering in the save screen (by Flugente)
r8589 fix: invalid edgepoint selection (by The_Bob)
small code improvements
r8581 fix: deleting a face with invalid pointer leads to first mercs having Skyrider's face (by Flugente)
r8582 fix: face gear was not shown for non-IMP mercs if their face index wasn't their profile number (by Flugente)
don't allow drinking from canteen with status 1
r8583 fix: when Larry changes profiles, several stats are not properly copied; when Larry changes profiles, Goodguy is always copied over (by Flugente)
<PercentStatusDrainReduction>: better integer calculation, always use at least 1 kit point
voice taunts: fix for using last taunt variant
check that " LAST" file exists before playing custom last sound to avoid warnings in log files
Fix: Get Item assignement: if no valid gridno is found, let the game find one upon loading the sector instead of risking a
wrong gridno assignment
Fix: When dropping an item in strategic inventory, height values are not set
Fix: When looking for a valid gridno to drop items t via strategic inventory, WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE is not reliable, as
updated map topology trumps this. Instead rely upon finding a valid gridno once the sector is entered.
Fix: when searching for a new item dropoff gridno, search for new height too
Fix: if items are spawned mid-air, the player cannot retrieve them
r7995 bugfix: Reinforcements: Parts of roadblocks were resurrected after reinforcements death (by navaroe)
r8100 fix: sometimes items moved by the MOVEITEM assignment are left unreachable
r8050: When displaying a merc's maximum assignment points, factor in backgrounds values.
Bugfix - POWs' activity level being overwritten
Bugfix - mercs treated at facilities should not use mercs' medkits
Bugfix for facility patients not detected as being in a facility
Bugfix - iBurstAPCost was ignoring half of its calculation due to extraneous semicolon
r7724 Bugfix: When using a vehicle to move to an enemy sector mercs will force exit the vehicle. In this case the team panel sort order was random depending on which merc was last selected. This problem occurred because the sort function for the squad was not called for this scenario. It is now called whenever a merc is added to a squad. Because of this the call for the sort function was removed from function SetAssignmentForList(). We do not need to call it twice.
Fix: if merc cannot complain about his equipment due to being asleep or on duty, retry an hour later
Fix: in AIM bios, show max life, not life at start of game
Fix: typo resulted in AIM mercs not refusing job because of hated mercs present when they should do so
r8384 fix: crash when loading a savegame repeatedly due to initialisation flag not being reset (by Flugente)
r8380 fix: crash when entering combat without any mercs in sector on duty (by Flugente)
new function: NumPlayerTeamMembersInSector (returns how many members of a team are in a sector - only intended for OUR_TEAM!
POWs not included)
r8385 Fix: deadlock on ammo creation popup
r8391 Fix: When reading in Skills_Settings.ini, NUMBER_OF_MAJOR_TRAITS_ALLOWED_FOR_IMP is now limited by min
r8395 Fix: If troops spawn at the very northern edge of a sector, we often barely see them, and cannot target their head or
torso. To stop that from happening, do not spawn there. (by Flugente)
r8397 fix: game info display showed incorrect levels for BR
r7337: If <BloodiedItem> is set on a blade, the blade weapon will be replaced with the specified item when a person is hit with it. (by Flugente)
fixes from The_Bob:
Fixed random freeze on win8/10
Fixed crash on mercs entering sector
Fixed crash when using cover display (del/end)
Fixed attachment popup showing incompatible attachments (crash/freeze/confusion on clicking the option)
Fixed attachment popup positioning
Fixed LBE contents corruption/deletion
Fixed access violation (out of array bounds) in interrupt code
Fixed a bunch of random old stuff
Got the project to build on VS2015
Improved popup class handling of grayed out options
Improved performance of get item assignment check (added by Flugente)
Added Ctrl+Space bind for testing/fixing broken LBE contents
Fixed index out of bounds in get items assignment check
Fixed attachment popup not allowing more than one of the same attachment
Improved timer control sanity check code
Added timer adjustment for variable CPU frequency
Added shortcut: ctrl+left-click on attachment to remove and drop it in sector inventory
Fixed never ending interrupt bug (cats/bugs got interrupt when out of breath)
Added condition to interrupt code for minimal breath left to get interrupts
Tweaked timer control code
Added: Ctrl+Shift+E now fill LBE items in sector with other items and places them in vehicles first.
Added: Right-Click on remove attachments button on sector inventory screen will not empty LBE items in sector
Changed: SLAY_STAYS_FOREVER disables Slay's hourly chance to leave when unattended
Added: SLAY_HOURLY_CHANCE_TO_LEAVE setting to Ja2_Options.ini
Fixed: a bunch of array index out of bounds bugs
Fixed: a bunch of typos in if contitions
Fixed: BuildListFile() function loading items from index 1 instead 0
Added translation: Polish text for some map inventory screen items
Added translation: English texts for new functionality for other language files
Cleaned up some old TODOs
Cleaned up attachment removal code
Fixed rare issue with squads and movement groups not being defined at game start.
Fixed wrong type declarations in header files
initialize fBar for each soldier
check facility instead of hardcoded sectors
fix tracer effect for single shot
Removed insurance modifier for Razor seeing as M.E.R.C doesn't charge for insurance.
Improvements to a number of Deadly Games mercs, Sparky sound volume and PCM speech files
Fixed SIG MP41/44 picture.
Changed attributes of SKS PU to differ from SKS. Now better accuracy, needs more handling. Added weight and cost to differentiate SKS PU with standard SKS.
Corrected Taurus CT-30 and 40 rifles to assault rifles rather than SMG's.
Reduced cost of ALICE back pack, but doesn't seem to work as it should.
Reduced Bobby Ray's overlong description on Police utility vest.
Made Regen booster $80 more expensive. Reduced cost of Blood Transfusion bag to $1800. Originally intended to change regens in medics inventories but cost would still be too high.
Fixed typo that used a Beretta instead of HK416 for barrel kit merges as flagged by Pheloncab.
Added barrel kit merges for HK 416, now includes retention of original barrel.
Fixed broken masks on Dyneema items.
Better item sizes for HK 416 Barrels.
Added a few missing armour items for Jake to trade.
Reduced Beowulf barrel kit as it worked out more expensive than the actual gun previously. May need to check others for similar issues.
Added AKM Bayonet and SKS PU to Tony's inventory.
set ubVerticalDegree = 5 for mini grenade and mk2 grenade.
Removed some unnecessary tactical packs from Kelly, Scope and Shadow to reduce costs.
Spike has retro inspired 'Deadly' kit.
Added Malice pack to carry toolkit in NIV. Removed small scope from Premium to reduce cost.
Boss has knuckle dusters added to Combat pack.
Nails 1%er finally uses % character, added dusters, and alcohol to this kit.
Grizzly gets water and Flak jacket to HtH kit.
Replaced Dr Q's flash suppressor with silencer in NO kit and added break lights.
Removed broken glass jar from Mitch's Doctor's kit.
Hector gets revised Premium kit, no more double knives.
Morris starting gear update.
Renamed Palaccio to Palacio Island (Spanish spelling for Palace) reduced Rebel sentiment, this one must've slipped through when first being created.
Added the ability to train militia at Doran oil rig as it is attached to the main town sector (fast travel) will also add more housing to other Doran sectors to reflect this.
Added church facility to Doran J3.
Added bar to F10 Distribution Center.
Edited references to Waldo on mechanical sites outside of Drassen.
Tweaked some facility descriptions.
Some item changes and minor edits to H3 buildings. Removed some gold for H3 b1 mine that can be accessed secretly via entrance in H3.
Moved east entry/exit point more east that may have been causing crashes before as reported on forum at G14.
Removed stray rock in middle of road in J3. Changed fences. Removed some items.
Added room numbers to boat warehouse in M2.
Added spotlights to global REFINE tile to give more lighting options for maps.
A vast number of minor tweaks on a host of maps, item changes, borders, roads and other visual improvements.
Feature - automatically bandage bleeding mercs on a PATIENT assignment.
Militia now have unique voice taunts for all three ranks; green, light blue and dark blue variants.
game options: removed EXTRA_VOICE_TAUNTS.
MilitiaFemaleElite and MilitiaFemaleRegular have unique voice taunts.
More Battlesounds added including more for Kingpin goons, Militia and various enemies.
More Loadscreens, existing broken ones that weren't loading fixed.
All regular AIM and MERC mercs should now have facegear graphics.
Eagle has facegear graphics.
Maria has facegear graphics.
Mike has facegear graphics.
All miners have facegear graphics.
Conrad has improved facegear graphics.
[Updated on: Thu, 18 July 2019 04:42] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #358507 is a reply to message #347920]
Sun, 17 November 2019 03:27 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
BETA 6 Changelog (3rd Jan - 6th Oct 2019)
options Ini settings changed
readded entry "AP_MODIFIER_PACK" from vanilla and set it to 0 as a temporary solution until someone checks path AP costs in 1.13
Mendax file tweaked
rev 2112 New exe with Mendax and Morris's heads properly recognised
rev 2120 New exe with better MLRS/SCUD targetting
added missing tags for scopes
JA2_Vengeance.exe r2167
- r8670 Fix: bombs cannot be planted diagonally (by Flugente)
- disabled adding VIDEO_CAMERA to Franz
JA2_Vengeance.exe updated to r2169:
- Build 19.04.27
- added support for MilitiaFemaleElite and MilitiaFemaleRegular voice taunts
Added folders MilitiaFemaleElite, MilitiaFemaleRegular with copy of existing MilitiaFemale files
Added modified merc prone JSD to allow going prone near obstacles
-removed #235 Regeneration Booster from HowardInventory.xml
-added #2970 Butterfly Syringe to JakeInventory.xml
-Merges.xml: Butterfly Syringe #2970 + Blood Bag #2971 = Transfusion Bag #2972
Fixed typo that was preventing Dusk_vista and Nighttown loadscreens from loading
Build 19.10.01
LegalNPCDestination: removed most of new restrictions to avoid AI deadlock
If shooting soldier is invisible, locate target spot instead.
Improved sight penalty for smoke.
TurnSoldierIntoCorpse: use soldier visibility for corpse.
Correctly set visibility when dropping blood.
UIPlotPath: ignore person at destination.
SOLDIERTYPE: additional data initialization.
Disable adding pending enemy when checking for end of battle to prevent bug with enemy appearing.
Losing battle: only apply morale and loyalty penalty if enemy is alerted.
Removed reducing camo when crawling, for better sight stability.
CalcCoverValue: take into account seen recently opponents.
r8692 fix: RaiseZombies function ignored sector levels and modified wrong sector info counters (by silversurfer)
r8690 fix: Items that were placed by function AutoPlaceObjectToWorld() had incorrect sGridNo so they could end
up in inaccessible places (by silversurfer).
CheckForEndOfBattle: return FALSE after killing dying enemies in sector.
PrepareEnemyForSectorBattle: r8686 fix
r8689 fix: Mercs that entered a vehicle on the strategic map while standing on a roof would appear at roof level after arriving in another sector and exiting the vehicle in strategic after loading the map. Now all mercs entering vehicles are reset to ground level (by silversurfer).
Inaccessible items fix (by MH17).
- disable collective interrupts (for testing)
- disable hearing interrupts (for testing)
Improved auto fast forward mode.
ExecuteCharacterDialogue: stop FF for any talking face
RemoveStaticEnemiesFromSectorInfo: set number of creatures to zero at the end of the battle
CancelAIAction: always reset next action
AISoldierToSoldierChanceToGetThrough: use real target ID
Main Red AI: only seek/help at the start of the turn
Improved a number of speech files and matching EDT's to a few Deadly Merc characters including Leech
Fixed face for IMP 215
Removed a number of annoying scrounging attributes from characters apart from those with specific crime related backgrounds
Removed Cobra (formerly Hamous) from Hector's Buddy list to avoid Hamous speech if killed
Col Kelly camo faces added
Changed Grandee's nationality to Spanish. Adjusted some Babyface Background values to reflect his underworld past
Bob Adams now has RTO skills
Changed Bull's background to MP rather than prison guard to reflect his to canon bio
Removed drug use from Flo's background
Added Razor and Gasket to Darrel's buddy list
Removed Darrel's marksman trait
Adjusted volume for more Sparky speeches
Adding NPC battlesounds for Sandman and Sparky to replace vanilla wavs still present
Minor edits to CIV quotes for Doran and Salinas
Removed Perko's reference to Grumm, now Grumm no longer exists by that name
Typos fixed and descriptions improved for a number of items and weapons
Wood, Desert and Urban camo pants & Jackets now tearable for 'McGyvering'
TAD pants tearable for 'McGyvering'
Removed Bobby Rays stock for duplicate leg and thowing knife rigs
Added extra grenade slot for ETAC triple grenade pouches and triple flashbang pouch
A number of LBE fixes as reported by No_nothing
Updated smaller graphics for Bizon 2-07 that has column magazine
Added M4A1 - Bushmaster merge
Added chance to hit bonus for M16 SAM-R
Bobby Ray gets more items
Added some radio gear to Fredo and Franz
Added the ability to attach camo covers to all helmets including FRAC TAC helmet
Added missing attachments for MkIII Camo and Stealth covers to a number of helmets
Added default bipod attachment to HK23
Added treated and coated Zylon pants and vest items, merges as well as attachments for pants
Increased coated and treated Zylon items in price
Replaced 2x10 7.62 mags for 1x20 for Grandee's elite sniper kit
Fixed a number of empty canteens in mercs inventories
Adjusted Bob Adams starting gear, including RTO pack, also fixed incorrect SW mag in starter kit
Added extra tracer clip in Henning's kit
Removed video camera from Franz' inventory requested by Scheinworld
Added 9x19mm pistol mag 8 to Tony's inventory
Added merges to make treated and coated Zylon armour
Added Ballistic facemask to Franz inventory
New graphic for Flak jacket made to differentiate better from other armour and represent better with no pelvic plate pictured
Added rifle slings to Tony's inventory
A number of map tweaks includes simplifications of roads, clearer borders and item fixes and tweaks
Fixed incorrect mod reflex sight and unreachable locker in H13 as flagged by Pacho
A number of facilities updated included Kingpin Drug lab
Due to a number of reports and complaints some Salinas sectors were removed to reduce overall size and game grind. This should improve the ability to train militia and gain loyalty with traders as well as prevent the impression Arulco's map had 'shrunk' not originally envisioned when these sectors were expanded
Removed stored crops in C11's barn that was blocking access to ammo
Fixed stray jsd's from Vanilla cargo containers
Room numbers fixed on carport in G8
Sector 09 explored name changed
Added water source to F14 due to river
Malino Pharmacy updated
Minor tweaks for H6, J14 and G15
Changed doors and debris in PRISON ISLAND map
Removed old reference to Pdoor3 that was breaking Prison island map. Removed other files not used
Fixed a few visual issues with G1 roads, removed Nada item, other tweaks
Added crates with pallet tiles to Generic Roads tileset
More new loading screens
NewGoldPiece interface updated, removed horizontal bar now 1.13 does not annex vehicles, in original Vanilla style to blend better with rest of interface
CIA Ops get new hit and die Battlesounds
A number of Male, Female and Kid hit sounds added
New Militia Female Elite, Female regular taunt files added
More Trac Ops death battlesounds added
Militia get new hit and die Battlesounds
Larger, drier taunt variant added to H&B security
Bobby Ray backgrounds simplified
Updated credits
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Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #359210 is a reply to message #347920]
Sun, 22 March 2020 04:21 
Subzero |
Registered:March 2020 |
Hi Hawkeye, Great mod! Question for you if you could help me out. I'm trying to make some update to the "XML Editor" but these updates aren't carrying through to the game 'JA2_Vengeance." Any tip?
I'm hoping I'm not saving the update correctly. For example I had difficulties getting my updates to the "INI Editor" carry to the game, but discovered that I needed to change the default drop down "Select INI-File:" from "Data-1.13\Ja2_Options.INI" to "Data-Vengeance\Ja2_Options.INI"
Any help you or anyone can provide would be great.
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Re: JA2 Vengeance: Reloaded Download[message #359225 is a reply to message #359214]
Sun, 22 March 2020 20:03 
Subzero |
Registered:March 2020 |
Hawkeye, thank you so much. There's just one more fix I can't figure out:
-Changing the screen resolution from default (1024x768) to 1280x600. I only know how to update this via the "INI Editor" (looking to avoid using as it could cause added problems). Thoughts on were else I can more safely update?
[Updated on: Sun, 22 March 2020 21:28] Report message to a moderator
Re: JA2 VENGEANCE: RELOADED Download[message #362276 is a reply to message #347920]
Wed, 27 January 2021 08:45 
Hawkeye |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Australia |
BETA 7 Change log (7th Oct 2019 - 1st Jan 2021)
options Ini settings changed.
Improved AI code.
Improved AI thrown attacks.
Only allow assigning soldier to vehicle from squad, to prevent possible bugs.
AI soldiers will try to use sidearm if not enough APs for main weapon.
Improved code to avoid deep water.
AI soldiers always consider shooting at opponents they cannot see currently.
When AI soldier is in deep water, he will try to move to closest known opponent on land.
Added experimental AI path tweaks: avoid gas, water, corpses, light at night.
First decay light effects and then decay smoke effects, because fire can create light.
Dynamic creation of light effects for fire and signal smoke.
Fixed/improved code to decay light effects so that ubDuration works correctly.
Inventory button to change firemodes was greyed out for guns with one base fire mode (by Flugente)
Improved movement noise calculation.
Various fixes by merc05.
Switch scope mode to default for suppressed soldier if he uses alt weapon holding.
Reorganized voice taunts.Every type can have many variants 01..XX
Lowered cover effect for camo and stealth.
Removed cover effect from stance to prevent enemy disappearing as flagged previously.
Uploaded grenade pin sounds.
[F] key should correctly show CTH for different types of attacks. (by Wanne)
Changed ini default game style to realistic.
Interrogate prisoner: don't change reinforcement pool when unlimited reinforcements enabled.
EvaluateQueenSituation: allow recruiting when pool size drops below
QUEEN_POOL_INCREMENT_PER_DIFFICULTY_LEVEL, this should result in more stable strategic AI behavior.
(by Silversurfer)
Added JA1/DG merc available emails that were missing.
Updated EmailMercAvailable.xml to include a message from Simon Grandee.
New option TOTAL_DESTRUCTION: guns can damage structures.
Switch from alt weapon holding when changing stance in realtime.
Added addiction to coca leaves to backgrounds
Added facility type Shady Neighbourhood to urban San Mona sectors
Shady Neighbourhood and Kingpin Drug Lab trigger coca addiction
Allow hostilities inside the same team (e.g. civ team) if members are on different sides.
CIA and TracOps civ groups switch to different sides when turning hostile after detecting Dwight.
Fix: NPC go to grid script properly interrupts cowering.
Loudhailer logic modified - unlimited loudhailer quotes can be triggered.
Fix: Stanley's loudhailer speech activated only if Dwight is in the same sector
Less use of Vanilla loading screens.
Fix: flyboys would instantly crash heli instead of 3 hits allowed
Fix: crashing heli would trigger redundant message about removing pilot
Fix: current heli pilot should be talking instead of Skyrider for out of range plan
Fix: repairs should cause pilot to be kicked out from the together with passengers
added Waldo face and RPCFacesSmall entry, so repair feature will work correctly
added one quote to Jerry Melo regarding out of range heli plan
Fix: RPCs that would be later available on MERC would charge their salaries even before
Fix: climbing related AI deadlocks
Increased max possible soldiers stored for friendly fire check to 256.
Friendly fire chance code also checks for soldiers of the same side and optionally neutral
CalcCoverValue: check friendly fire chance for each position, penalize position if friendly fire
chance is high
CalcBestShot tweaks
Suppression improvements
CalcMorale: improved code to make enemy slightly more aggressive.
Red AI: Improved suppression fire code
Black AI: improved attack code
AI climbing improvements.
Women get badguy battlesound sets 6-8.
Fix: Victory outro crowd spawn is limited by victory sector set in mod settings instead of Queen's profile position.
AI fix: initialize pSoldier->bWeaponMode = WM_NORMAL before executing AI code as FindAmmoToReload
may crash if bWeaponMode is incorrect.
FindAmmoToReload: added assert messages to indicate that searching attached weapon failed.
Fix: Freeze when ending turn with the squad list open and inventory auto-collapse enabled.
Improved EDB code: do not show PercentTargetTrackingSpeed and PercentDropCompensation when using OCTH.
SoldierAI: exclude civilians.
Fix: Incorrect income calculation for non-oil rig NPC foremen
Increased duration for signal shell/flare to prevent situation when red smoke ends before the
artillery strike arrives, especially with RADIO_OPERATOR_ARTILLERY_DISTRIBUTED_OVER_TURNS option enabled.
Set TAUNT_ALERT_CHANCE = 100 so that enemy always play taunt when raising alert for the first time.
Increased AP to start spotting to 40.
Set all gas explosives of the same type use the same ubDamage/ubStunDamage as the game always uses damage values from the first gas grenade of that type.
Reduced ubStunDamage for tear gas to 25.
All tripwire map items, tripwire roll use the same explosive type <ubClassIndex>86</ubClassIndex>.
Fix/workaround: set Jerry as civvie instead of rebel to avoid bloodcat related crash on I16 retreat.
Fix: Snitch assignments were not properly taking mercs out of vehicles
Ja2_Vengeance.exe Build 1.1.2021
Some minor improvements to Deadly Games mercs speech and more accurate EDT's
Some minor improvements to Facegear graphics for some mercs
New merc Jose "Calavera" Aguilar added to A.I.M. roster (speech files by Vritran)
New merc "Exec" added to A.I.M. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
New merc "Ash" added to M.E.R.C. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
New merc Susan "Hustler" Lysette added to M.E.R.C. roster (speech files by Vritran)
New merc Jack Cygan added to A.I.M. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
New merc "Eskimo" added to M.E.R.C. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
New merc "Sioux" added to M.E.R.C. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
New merc Roger 'Disco' Rilley to M.E.R.C. roster (speech files by Vritran, graphics by Anv)
Added missing Bobby Ray shipment speech for Sam Garver.
Better quality Vinny battlesounds added.
Reduced Eagle's Life value, like he was in original Vengeance to reflect he's been injured.
T-Rex no longer in game, replaced with new wanted Terrorist.
Previous IMP's have missing facegear graphics now.
Shuffled dismiss speech around for Arsenal that was incorrectly referring to Miguel.
Shuffled some of Leech's contract speeches to make more sense.
Skyrider PCM speech updates, better context.
Corrected Frazzlers dismiss speech, uses more fitting line saying farewell.
Calvin Barkmore PCM update.
Added Jerry Melo camo faces.
Fixed incorrect IMP face for Reuban's desert camo.
Typos fixed and descriptions improved for a number of items and weapons.
Minor fixes and offset adjustments to big item graphics.
Added more attachments to the OIV grenade panel so you can carry a more diverse (and newer) set of grenades that were previously ommitted.
Added merges so AK conversion kit will work with SKS and SKS PU rifles.
Added PU scope as a secondary item when you merge a barrel kit with SKS PU.
Some bunkers have new high powered armour items added to maps.
Reduced cost of M16A2 M203 combo that seem over inflated.
Created new Walther P22 graphic.
New, improved Master Key graphic.
Added detonators to Bobby Rays inventory.
Made AVS-36 now has full auto specifications.
Added .30 car 15 mags to Tony's inventory.
Tony now buys and sells BAR 20 mags.
Adjusted price on grey shirt.
Fixed incorrect bAccuracy for Winchester 94 Trapper.
Added possibility to attach sniper suppressor and flash suppressor to Molot Vepr.
Removed vision bonus from Custom MAC-10.
Increased stun damage for regular type explosives.
ALICE pack can now stow a V40 mini grenade.
Removal of more regeneration boosters in medic starting kits also added more smoke grenades and canteens.
Added radio battery to Bob's RTO starting gear should he need it.
Tweaks to Vinny's Thief and Premium starting gear kits.
Adjusted ammo strings xml that didn't have elements for ids 50-59 and 60-100 and where some ammo calibres were not showing in Bobby Rays.
A number of map tweaks includes simplifications of roads, clearer borders and item fixes.
Removal of stray sandbag tiles left in some maps.
Some facility descriptions improved or corrected.
Added missing shooting range facility to H8.
Fixed a number of leaking building corners including those at Alma where enemies could shoot through.
Added shooting range facility to H14 Alma.
Added sandbags to oil rig tileset that were missed. Maps adjusted to suit.
Slight changes to Prison Island, some simplification, trying to clear strange roof behaviour in house by gate.
Fixed Western insertion point in 04 that was trapping mercs on arrival in fenced off area. Replaced possible leak in NE mall wall.
Fixed some leaking walls in M3, minor visual room and map changes.
More P13 Palace tweaks, less entrances, larger turrets, less leak in roof sandbags.
Added missing Sandbag.JSD to Drassen Mine tileset.
New loading screens.
More Male hits and dies added for villagers and civs.
More Militia Battlesounds and taunts added.
More Militia Elite Battlesounds and taunts added.
More Enemy Admim, Regular and Elite Battlesounds and taunts added.
More Female warden battlesounds and taunts added.
More CIA Spook battlesounds and taunts added.
Pacos now has battlesounds.
New IMP speech packs replace Russian voices previously available. (by Vritran)
Players can now have a maximum of 15 IMPS (up to 8 males and/or 7 females)
Added 4 Female IMP Voices from JA2 v1.13 trunk (Wizardry 8 Voicesets)
Added 3rd Kingpin goon speech taunt pack.
Added new H&B goon speech taunt packs.
More 'Weekly Leaks' intel added.
Added ability to use separate image per each vehicle type in old inventory system
Added new Pick Up truck Inventory figure graphic.
Added Vehicle inventory figure Humvee specifically for Pick up truck.
Added Inventory figure Icecreamtruck specifically for Cobra's military Jeep. Placeholder duplicate for now.
Added new ingame option: "New Vision Mode"
Added DEFEAT_MODE option.
Added new wrecked bus tile.
Updated credits.
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