Home » PLAYER'S HQ 1.13 » JA2 Complete Mods & Sequels » Vengeance 1.13 Reloaded » Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation
Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #365829]
Sun, 19 November 2023 13:04
Stogie |
Registered:July 2017 |
VENGEANCE: RELOADED German Translation Project
Hi there.
Since i am an old fan of JA2 and i love the german translation of the game i collected some necessary files to convert Vengeance Reloaded as much as possible into german.
I also did some small translations of the facility-type descriptions, sector names and i converted some audio files to get the german voice of latest official 1.13 MERCs into the mod.
More translations are planed, if i find time for it.
For playing VR in german you currently need to do the following steps:
1.) Download original JA2 Classic game files from steam or somewhere else.
2.) Download latest 1.13 Update files from github and copy them into the JA2 game folder (overwrite existing files):
3.) Download the latest german language files for v.1.13 from github and copy them into the JA2 game folder (overwrite existing files):
4.) Download latest Vengeance Reloaded files from github and copy them into the JA2 game folder (overwrite existing files):
5.) Download latest JA2_Vengeance_DE.exe from github and copy it into the game folder:
6.) Download the following files from github and copy all of them into the game folder and overwrite existing files:
7.) Copy latest JA2_Vengeance_DE.exe from github into the game folder and overwrite the existing one.
8.) Run JA2_Vengeance_DE.exe!
Additional information:
a.] To get JA2 VR working with latest v. 1.13 release from github, you need an older DynamicRestrictions.xml file and copy it into the "\Data-1.13\TableData\Map\" folder. This file is already included in my conversion zip or just download it from here:
b.] If you just wanne play normal JA2 1.13 open the INI Editor.exe inside of the JA2 folder and change the selected JA2 v.1.13 Mod from vfs_config.Vengeance.ini to any other ini like vfs_config.JA2113.ini.
For this you also need a normal ja2.exe. I provide a working one here: "https://mega.nz/file/mZ5UGARY#sRXvZ9A0d5nISRzQBcmAse-DraEkbWkSDJIYrm6wsZ0"
Known issues:
a.] Vengeance Reloaded exclusive NPCs and MERCs are still in english. I will translate them in future as well, if i find time for it.
Credits go again to Hawkeye & anv for providing the german exe file and of course keeping the JA2 and Vengeance Reloaded alive!
Have fun!
[Updated on: Sun, 26 November 2023 20:36] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366377 is a reply to message #366375]
Thu, 16 January 2025 15:46 
0vbb |
Registered:January 2025 Location: Germany |
Thanks a lot!
Other question (edited):
Is there any way to get the german voice over "fully" working as well?
Within the AIM website, I realized that the JA2 base mercs (e.g. Raven, didn't check all) have english voice overs (edit: also on tactical map and same for IMP).
Rest of the new / modded 1.13 mercs are kind of mixed I think (understandable).
Do I need to use a german JA2 base version to fix this (used the steam version which is english only)?
Found this for the JA2 base version, but it also changes other things like the brothel, not sure what is actually needed (the .exe just extracts some files):
https: //www-compiware--forum-de.translate.goog/downloads/file/461-jagged-alliance-2-german-patch/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en& amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp#overview
I don't have a lot of trust that my CDs still work :p
[Updated on: Thu, 16 January 2025 16:59] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366381 is a reply to message #366377]
Thu, 16 January 2025 17:48 
Kitty |
Registered:October 2017 Location: Germany |
Den link zum Jagged Alliance 2 - German Patch (von Zyankali) kann man im GoG-Forum über JA2 finden.
Folgt man dem link, sieht man folgende Beschreibung:
Nach der Installation des Patches ist das Spiel mit deutschen Texten und deutscher Sprachausgabe spielbar.
Dieser Patch enthält alle relevanten Dateien, um die GoG-Version von Jagged Alliance 2 auf Deutsch spielen zu können.
Das Spiel ist auf 1.12.1 gepatcht, den ich 2017 auf Basis des Source Codes exklusiv für das dt. GoG-Forum erstellt hatte - und nun auch auf CompiWare verfügbar ist. ;)
Patch 1.12.1 enthält kleinere Textkorrekturen. Außerdem kann man das Bordell wieder in vollen Zügen genießen. Das wurde nämlich mit Version 1.12 zensiert.
Version 1.12 die in der Beschreibung erwähnt wird ist die "gold" version. Diese wurde "kastriert". Vermutlich für den US amerikanischen Markt, wurde das Bordell so geändert das ja kein Sex im Spiel ist.
Im original deutschen CD release von Ja2 war das noch möglich, weil die vor 1.12 rauskam (Version 1.02 für meine CD).
Wenn man nun den patch auf ein englisches JA2 anwendet erhält man ein deutsches JA2. Die englischen Versionen auf Steam, GoG, etc. die mir bekannt sind, sind alle die Version 1.12 (gold).
Was der patch also macht ist nicht nur eine englische gold Version in eine deutsche umzuwandeln, sondern auch die möglichen Interaktionen im Brothel wieder herzustellen (inklusive Moral boost, Madame Laylas Dialog, usw.).
In 1.13 wurde das Bordell ebenfalls wieder funktional gemacht (zumindest teilweise, nicht wie im Original, aber funktioniert), aber der Teil vom patch ist eher irrelevant, später wird ja eh die exe für VR benutzt anstatt die vom patch.
Das gesagt, das wäre dann ein deutsches JA2, aber noch kein deutsches VR. Dafür braucht es dann wahrscheinlich die restlichen Schritte des guides and die deutsche exe für VR.
Der patch sorgt nur dafür das alle Stimmen, Untertitel, Interface Elemente, usw. die vom original JA2 stammen deutsch sind.
Söldner die nicht im Original sind wird der patch nicht ändern. Aber es kann wahrscheinlich nicht schaden eine deutsche Basis zu haben wenn man ein deutsches VR erhalten will.
and here's how google translates the above into english:
The link to the Jagged Alliance 2 - German Patch (by Zyankali) can be found in the GoG forum via JA2.
If you follow the link, you will see the following description:
After installing the patch, the game can be played with German text and German voice output.
This patch contains all the relevant files to be able to play the GoG version of Jagged Alliance 2 in German.
The game is patched to 1.12.1, which I created in 2017 based on the source code exclusively for the German GoG forum - and is now also available on CompiWare. ;)
Patch 1.12.1 contains minor text corrections. You can also enjoy the brothel to the fullest again. This was censored with version 1.12.
Version 1.12 mentioned in the description is the "gold" version. This was "castrated". Presumably for the US market, the brothel was changed so that there is no sex in the game.
This was still possible in the original German CD release of Ja2 because it came out before 1.12 (version 1.02 for my CD).
If you now apply the patch to an English JA2 you get a German JA2. The English versions on Steam, GoG, etc. that I know of are all version 1.12 (gold).
So what the patch does is not only convert an English gold version into a German one, but also restore the possible interactions in the brothel (including morale boost, Madame Layla's dialogue, etc.).
In 1.13 the brothel was also made functional again (at least partially, not like in the original, but it works), but the part from the patch is rather irrelevant, later the exe for VR will be used instead of the one from the patch.
That said, that would be a German JA2, but not yet a German VR. For that you probably need the remaining steps of the guide and the German exe for VR.
The patch only ensures that all voices, subtitles, interface elements, etc. that come from the original JA2 are German.
The patch will not change mercenaries that are not in the original. But it probably can't hurt to have a German base if you want to get a German VR.
[Updated on: Thu, 16 January 2025 17:53]
How to get: latest 1.13, 7609 and more | 7609 SCI (eng) | Compiling+SVN
I need more details. (Didi Hallervorden) Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366382 is a reply to message #366381]
Thu, 16 January 2025 18:26 
0vbb |
Registered:January 2025 Location: Germany |
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
I'll try again with the german patch before starting step 2 and then I'll report back.
That was it, problem fixed, thanks!
So for anyone in the future:
Download the JA2 base german patch, run it as step 1)b on your JA2 folder from 1)a and then just follow the rest of the guide.
[I also manually copied the latest cnc-ddraw in the folder at the end (+ include Vengeance DE in the ddraw.ini), the one of VR was a bit older]
[Updated on: Thu, 16 January 2025 18:41] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366431 is a reply to message #365829]
Sun, 26 January 2025 14:30 
0vbb |
Registered:January 2025 Location: Germany |
One additional question regarding this setup:
Since the latest 1.13 is used as a base here, how does it work with VR which is based on a lot older version?
Will VR copy over its own 1.13 and thus the game is based on the old 1.13, will it be mixed or will it be mostly the latest 1.13?
Is there any need to edit the JA2.ini from the 1.13 folder or is everything relevant still only in the VR folder?
I guess it is a mix because VR doesn't carry its own Data 1.13 folder?
Or does this not matter (eg due to VR exe)?
Sorry I am clueless :)
[Updated on: Sun, 26 January 2025 14:32] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366434 is a reply to message #366431]
Sun, 26 January 2025 16:06 
Kitty |
Registered:October 2017 Location: Germany |
hm, you're right. reading the guide closer again, it almost sounds like that guide is meant to make VR work with latest 1.13 - which in my book just can't be a thing, the VR-exe is based on 7609 and therefore probably won't mesh all that well with a gamedir from latest 1.13. Maybe Stogie could answer that, I've no clue why he would consider doing it this way?
What I think may work is:
1. install german JA2 (or an english one patched to german, see post above)
2. put the german 7609 over that (available at forum download section)
3. put the latest VR gamedir from gitHub over that
4. pick needed files for VR from Stogies translation (point 6 in guide) (and may doublecheck if realy all is needed, I see some WF-directory in that, which shouldn't be needed for VR, etc)
5. put latest german VR-exe in that
[Updated on: Sun, 26 January 2025 16:31]
How to get: latest 1.13, 7609 and more | 7609 SCI (eng) | Compiling+SVN
I need more details. (Didi Hallervorden) Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366435 is a reply to message #366434]
Sun, 26 January 2025 17:09 
0vbb |
Registered:January 2025 Location: Germany |
I'm currently playing with the latest 1.13 setup, don't know if this creates any issues...
No idea though what may be bugs or not, last time I played Vengeance was in 2011 haha.
For example, after rescuing Maria (not alerted Kingpin) she automatically gets recruited while Angel goes away.
Don't know if this is supposed to be it, Marias inventory is blocked except for gun and clothes (can't put anything in there).
On the same account, I *can* climb with a backpack.
This shouldn't be allowed by default in the latest 1.13, right?
Tried to enable it in the VR ini before, but couldn't find since it was probably not implemented in 7609.
[Updated on: Sun, 26 January 2025 17:13] Report message to a moderator
Re: Vengeance: Reloaded German Translation[message #366436 is a reply to message #366435]
Mon, 27 January 2025 03:59 
Kitty |
Registered:October 2017 Location: Germany |
The code used for VR initialy is based on 7609 and in the state it's in today it's much closer to the 7609+ai version of 1.13.
So, VR's exe and the nearly identical 7609+ai exe both are close to a 7609 exe, but ain't the same.
They both do support a variety of unique custom features and tweaks, not been seen in standard 7609.
And if you look into the SCI version of VR, the files in Data-1.13 in that do indicate that it's a 7609 version of 1.13 (i.e., there are files inside that exist in 7609 but no longer in latest).
All I can say is that I strongly advise against using any gamedir that's not meant for the exe, imo, that's asking for trouble.
So, if you use a mod based on 7609, I'll advise using a 7609-gamedir. And if you use latest 1.13, I adcice using latest 1.13 gamedir and so on. The gamedir should match the exe it's meant for.
That's the charme of a SCI (single-click-installer), all files are included so that the user don't have to assemble stuff and don't need to worry wether parts macth or not.
[Updated on: Mon, 27 January 2025 04:05]
How to get: latest 1.13, 7609 and more | 7609 SCI (eng) | Compiling+SVN
I need more details. (Didi Hallervorden) Report message to a moderator
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