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Re: Priceless Moments[message #131787]
Tue, 06 March 2007 08:04
LCJr. |
Registered:November 2001 |
Since I didn't feel like retreating and me being VERY tired of hearing "YOU'VE GOT MY EAR!"
If you don't already have it make a new folder in Data named BattleSNDS. Make a new blank .txt file in the BattleSNDS folder and name it 059_ATTN.WAV and you'll never hear that saying again.
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Corporal 1st Class
Re: Priceless Moments[message #132574]
Tue, 13 March 2007 18:51
Slax |
Registered:July 2006 Location: People riding polar bears... |
I just had a moment. I'll call it... "Dynamo's payback".
1.13 mod. I was playing on experienced (realistic, tons of guns) with modified a .ini so the queen would be more aggressive. No saves.
I had sent Wolf and my IMP to take Tixa and get Dynamo out since Alma was almost my only source of income and they didn't really trust me. Wanted more income so I could get Magic
So, stealthy approach during the night, fully silenced 5.56 weaponry and lots of armor. Piece o' cake, right?
Got in through the warden's office and got to the main lobby (or whatever you want to call it) from there without any problems. Even crawled under every window. As soon as my two mercs had passed the door, in strolls a redshirt equipped with a shotgun. My IMP takes two slugs in the back of the head collapses, dead. Wolf grabs his (unsilenced) SMG and mows the redshirt down.
Wolf then takes care of the rest of the sector and gains a few cuts and bruises.
Now, Dynamo's out. Figured I might as well get the lower part of Tixa too. Not too much hassle.
Bang bang bang, basement goes down without a single problem and Shank is free as well. Wolf did all of the work.
I go back up again plan to rest until morning. No such luck.
Just as morning hits, queeny sends a counter attack. 10 redshirts and 4 blacks. Since I wasn't really paying attention, I didn't know where they came from.
Wolf hands Shank his binoculars and then the poor busted up kid jumps up on the roof to do some scouting. BANG! Lil' Shanky instantly gets taken out by a sniper. God, I laughed so hard at that moment. Wolf was probably crying about his binoculars at that moment.
So, Wolf goes to close the door and BANG! Interrupt! Wolf takes a headshot from the same sniper. Lots o' damage. I later learned that he was wielding a light 50, so no wonder.
Wolf had about 20 hitpoints left and was bleeding heavily. Not that that mattered since he had no chance of getting away. Two snipers. Can you believe it? Two! As Wolf passed the window he got shot by the other sniper, fell to the ground and bled to death. More laughing from my part.
During all this, Dynamo had been standing by the stairs.
I didn't really have any hope for him to survive so I just picked up a nearby AK-108, walked out the door and waited for death. Two redshirts show up, Dynamo sets his AK to full auto and, huh? WHAAAT? He kills both of them! Even more laughing from my part.
Then I just had him sitting on the middle of the roof to wait for everyone to try coming up.
He got them all. Every last one and he didn't take one single hit. Amazing.
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Re: Priceless Moments[message #132616]
Wed, 14 March 2007 00:58
DudeWheresMyTank |
Registered:August 2006 Location: Canada |
CanuckErrantI had fun in Grumm once with militia. I was doing a daytime assault and thought I'd take advantage of the roaming militia - so I wound up with 20 militia reinforcing my 6 mercs. Most of them exhibited the usual dumb militia behaviour - running out into the open in front of enemies, tossing smoke grenades everywhere - but ONE militiaman... well. With his trusty Mosin-Nagant, he took down a good half-dozen soldiers, including at least two Elites, that were heading towards my mercs. Didn't move or anything, just sat there picking them off - I think the only shot he missed was a little later, when the soldiers caught on to the massacre and started camping in the warehouses - he shot at a guy on the roof and missed.
Man, I would have recruited that guy as a merc in a second. My own mercs miss at least a quarter of the sniper shots they make at that range.
I've seen the militia work miracles with the moisin nagant as well. mine was at the drassen airport on top of the ACA building. it was hitman and barry on the roof. hitman had a m21(sniper scope) and barry had a svd(pso-1) and next to them was a militia with a moisin nagant. Both barry and hitman were whiffing shots at distances where the militia hit EVERY shot. he even got some 1-hit kill headshots. I was duly impressed. He didn't have a scope or anything. Without him both hitman and barry would have been overrun for sure as there were 15 blackshirts and 5 reds
[Updated on: Wed, 14 March 2007 01:00] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Priceless Moments[message #139219]
Fri, 18 May 2007 14:53
redgun |
Registered:March 2007 Location: Austria |
Barrett M82: 10,000$.
1 Round of .50BMG: 2$.
Killing four persons with that: PRICELESS
quadruple headshot.
[Updated on: Mon, 28 May 2007 18:56] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Staff Sergeant
Re: Priceless Moments[message #153283]
Thu, 16 August 2007 05:34
Olddog |
Registered:May 2007 Location: Outback Australia |
Location: North West SAM Site
Mercs involved: Biff
I'd left Biff to train Militia at the SAM site after losing most of them to the counter attack - he's just managed to get the full 20 green militia when another 20 strong attack occurs. "I hope their not here to fight" saya Biff. Unfortunately they didn't come for a BBQ and the green militia
are outclassed - 3 killed in the first round, 3 more in the second and another 4 or 5 are wounded or critical. Militia fire is almost completely ineffective at this point with not a single enemy even hit.
Then biff steps up to the plate - seeing a group of 5 enemy come through a gap in the fence, Biff gives a rousing shout of defiance and uses his trusty M21 to shoot the lead enemy between the eyes - not a kill but the enemy is critical and blocks progress for the others, several more of whom bunch up. Several more milita are killed and so far only Biff has even hit the enemy. Next Round Biff sees a badly injured militia about to be killed and rises to his knees to make a magnificent (75%) headshot that blows the enemy backward. Now exposed, several enemy fire at Biff but miss.
at this point, probably realising just who they are up against(Oh my god its BIFF!!!), the enemy panics 1 of the blocked group pulls a mortar and lights off hitting the fence and killing himself and 4 of his mates and badly wounding 4 more, 2 of whom Biff promptly dispatches. At this point Biffs leadership causes a massive militia rally - from being totally ineffective, they now pour accurate and damaging fire into the enemy survivors - within 3 turns only on badly wounded enemy is left and no more militia have died. The final enemy starts to run and reaches the map edge only 1 square from safety. Biff the stands tall again - rising to his feet he fires 2 shots unaimed - the second of which hits and kills the enemy.(from halfway across the map for crying out loud).
I never thought Biff was useful for anything but militia training but now I understand what Col. Leon Roachburn saw in this mild mannered, but potentially lethal 'man among men'.
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Private 1st Class
Re: Priceless Moments[message #153427]
Fri, 17 August 2007 13:27
sjkone |
Registered:April 2006 |
I've recently started a new game: 3rd difficulty level, 2nd bobby rays level and some extra starting money because i wanted all my favorite mercs from the start.
Decided to capture the Drassen mine at night through an ambush. First time going out with all my 6 mercs, untill now Barry and Q did all the fighting while the others used their time repairing and training militia. Q got level 4 quite fast in the middle Drassen sector.
I set my mercs up behind the northern houses, Q and Magic left, Shadow and Igor in the middle and Barry and Ivan to the right, fired off some rounds and waited for them to come
After a while Ivan and Barry started to get a bit overrun so i sent Q to help them out. They were lots of elites coming around the corner and Q managed to get an interupt on a blackshirt and he trew a frag grenade, wich hits the guy i was seeing. I dont know what kind of stuff they had in their pockets but after the frag explosion, 3 more explosions occured killing 6 elites standing around that corner and i heard "There is no teacher greater then experience" Q was level 5!
i never leveled a merc that fast, i loved it!!
[Updated on: Fri, 17 August 2007 13:28] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Priceless Moments[message #153521]
Sat, 18 August 2007 01:23
moki |
Registered:July 2007 Location: Wismar, Germany |
Had an absolutely priceless moment today... I was defending Drassen from the massive counter attack on expert in bright daylight. The enemy came from the right side first and I managed to defeat them pretty easily, then from the bottom and with some bad luck, all my mercs were at least lightly injured, my IMP even critical (HtH expert with dusters and 95 strength... could bring even the hardest enemies to their knees with two hits. The only problem with HtH is, that he was closer to the enemy than enybody else...)
Then the last wave came from the west with lots of elites and I was already thinking about leaving the sector to come back later, but one green Militia wandered off during the battle, right to the position, were the enemy appeared.
The blackshirts were all well-armed, mostly full-auto weapons and some explosives. One of them goes full auto, shooting about 20 rounds at the militia. Bad thing, he didn't notice there were five other soldiers between him and the militia... 2 down, 1 critical, 2 wounded and an evil laugh from the teamkiller.
A redhirt thought, it would be a good idea to throw a grenade. It was the best idea he could have (from my perspective) as it set of a chain explosion, killing another blackshirt and knocking another 5 or so unconcious.
The green militia died, but spread so much chaos among the enemy (without actually doing something, except dying ), that the rest of the militia could finish them off with the help of my mercs.
I just love when the AD (artifical dumbness) hits with all its power
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Re: Priceless Moments[message #154717]
Tue, 28 August 2007 06:30
Stevo_Knieval |
Registered:July 2006 |
I had five mercs taking on about twenty soldiers. My hardcore IMP started in the north-east corner, and my grunt group (Devin, Larry, Haywire, Bubba) started in the south-west. I let the cannon fodder make contact with the enemy, and had them in a line, putting down lots of automatic fire while the IMP slipped behind the enemy, offing stragglers with her VSS and locating enemy concentrations. All was going pretty well, until Bubba let fly a huge burst with his FN MAG. Every single round missed the three enemy grunts stood bunched together in front of him, but one managed to hit my IMP on the other side of the map in the head, killing her stone dead. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!
Naturally, Bubba was involved in a nasty "accident" the next turn.
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Re: Priceless Moments[message #158673]
Sat, 22 September 2007 01:17
cdunigan |
Registered:September 2007 Location: Madison, Wisconsin, USA |
While I really enjoyed JA:DG, I realized I would love JA2 the first time I played the demo, and it's a moment I will always remember. I had little concept of tactics then, just charging ahead, and got Vicki waxed by a sniper on a roof. Remember, I'd just come from JA:DG. My God, I thought, a a real sniper! On the roof! They've really improved this game! Then Gasket piped up, crying over Vicki, saying he'd have killed anything for her. Wow! Cool dialog and real merc personality, too! Thrilled, I scrambled Ivan to cover, then tried fruitlessly to bring down the damn sniper. Ivan was almost out of ammo, and somewhere along the line, he'd picked up a LAW. A LAW, I thought. There's no chance of doing anything with an anti-tank weapon against personnel. But, Ivan's going to run out of ammo, so anything's worth a try. Ivan pops up and fires - dead on. Remember, I'm still in awe from the rooftop sniper and the dialog - when the sniper jumps up and starts doing the Flaming Dance of Death! I laughed so long and so loud, mostly in sheer joy, realizing how much I was going to love this game!
Of course, it took me hours of staring longingly at the sniper's dropped equipment before I figured out that Ivan could climb to the roof, too....
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Re: Priceless Moments[message #159046]
Tue, 25 September 2007 01:01
Muerte |
Registered:September 2007 Location: West USA |
My second time taking Drassen in v1.13 (so I know what I'm in for), my autoX IMP and Buzz are trying to hold off the hordes. Three redshirts are standing like ducks in a row about a dozen spaces away. I decide to see if I can hose them down with the auto-mouse drag feature. I have my IMP click all the auto-rounds he has APs for, mouse-drag, release. All three redshirts go down under a hail of bullets - now that's something I've never seen before!
My second time taking the Eastern SAM site, two redshirts standing on the roof, one space separating them. My IMP lines up a head-shot with a sniper rifle on one and fires; the bullet goes through both redshirt's heads, dropping both of them, too cool! In vanilla JA2 I wounded two enemies with a single bullet maybe a couple times max. One-shot-two-kills!?! Hi-yah! I love v1.13.
[Updated on: Tue, 25 September 2007 01:43] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: Priceless Moments[message #165921]
Wed, 28 November 2007 20:42
Cube |
Registered:July 2007 |
Hey kids,
This is my very first post after probably close to a year of just reading.
But I just gotto tell you about the time i held chitzena mine against 50 mainly black shirts with just 10 green militia,gumpy and flo on INSANE setting.
INSANE sometimes involves a lot of creativity and more often a hell of a lot of loading and saving.
Anyway, the road south of Chitzena mine had been taken by a massive force about a day before which had also been reinforced already to more than the map could display, i saw them comming and had about 10 green militia and gumpy and flo, so i decided it was time for an A-team style battleplan
so I gathered up every single bit of explosive in chitzena: dynamite,frag grenades mini grenades, 40 mm grenades, jumping grenades everything and let gumpy drop them to the north west side of the ACA building near the north end of the road.
it was comepletely filled up with stuff that went boom.i laid a trail of damaged mini grenades north behind the ACA to were flo and gump were lying in shrubs.
When they came up with a force of 20 they were quickly reinforced to the full strength that was south of chitzena. I was so nervous i can still remember the cursor shaking. I saw the first one through my scope somewhat further down the road than the ACA building and opened up.Headshot 2x, dead.
soon they were rushing in, but lucky for me mostly via the road.My plan was working they were clustering around the west side of the ACA building. my last militia were rushing to their death no matter how often ordered them to lie the f**k down.
Time to cast the last grenade i had saved. Gumpy threw it right on target, consecutive explosions towards the south ending in a circle of dinamite plastic explosive and jumping grenades.
About 30 dead another 10 wounded and dying.
After that i smoked myself up and let the come real close.
As the last ones limped through the smoke i popped them with an m-14.
Gumpy and flo got up. I WON! iwon! i won!
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