800x600mod v0.04b[message #248640]
Tue, 06 April 2010 22:26
Mythrell |
Registered:May 2008 Location: Mikkeli, Finland |
Finally got to get my new server running and had a chance to upload v0.04 beta.
v0.04 Beta:
- Merged with latest stracciatella r7059
- Changed all datafiles to lowercase
Nothing special, maybe a fix or two regarding the 800x600 mode which I don't remember anymore.
In anycase, there was some bugs in debug version and with soldiers when someone was going to leave the team due to bad morale, I never got enough time to test it properly and thus it is an official beta.
Worked just fine most of the time.
There's only datafiles folder (loadscreens are there, removing them caused some graphical glitches) and win32 executable. Remove your old 800x600 mod data folder, replace it with the new one and copy the .exe over the old one. Should be a smooth transition.
For source code use SVN:
username: 800x600mod
password: 800x600mod
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Re: 800x600mod v0.04b[message #248679]
Wed, 07 April 2010 12:47
Centurion |
Registered:April 2009 Location: E.U. |
I want to compile this myself in a way that everything is cointained in c:\program files\ja2
is there a way to do this? I have to change prefix= right?
I really dislike having gamefiles in my documents
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Re: 800x600mod v0.04b[message #248779]
Thu, 08 April 2010 14:36
Centurion |
Registered:April 2009 Location: E.U. |
I'd like to attempt to ask this in the most politely way possible
1. I would like to use miguels code to change clothes. Do I put the command lines in the msys console or do I edit the JAScreens.h and JAscreens.cc and the other files with a text editor and put the lines there ??????????
Index: Build/JAScreens.h
--- Build/JAScreens.h (revision 7056)
+++ Build/JAScreens.h (working copy)
@@ -4,7 +4,13 @@
#include "ScreenIDs.h"
#include "Types.h"
+/* mgl: Clothes change
+ * SOLDIERTYPE, resp PaletteRepID defined there
+ */
+#include "Soldier_Control.h"
+#include "Overhead_Types.h"
ScreenID ErrorScreenHandle(void);
ScreenID InitScreenHandle(void);
@@ -38,4 +44,10 @@
ScreenID DemoExitScreenHandle(void);
+/* mgl: Clothes change
+ * Exported function.
+ * It was a local function called by "PalEditScreenHandle()".
+ */
+void CyclePaletteReplacement(SOLDIERTYPE& s, PaletteRepID pal);
Index: Build/JAScreens.cc
--- Build/JAScreens.cc (revision 7056)
+++ Build/JAScreens.cc (working copy)
@@ -285,7 +285,10 @@
-static void CyclePaletteReplacement(SOLDIERTYPE& s, PaletteRepID pal)
+/* mgl: Clothes change
+ * Exported function.
+ */
+void CyclePaletteReplacement(SOLDIERTYPE& s, PaletteRepID pal)
UINT8 ubPaletteRep = GetPaletteRepIndexFromID(pal);
const UINT8 ubType = gpPalRep[ubPaletteRep].ubType;
Index: Build/Tactical/Turn_Based_Input.cc
--- Build/Tactical/Turn_Based_Input.cc (revision 7056)
+++ Build/Tactical/Turn_Based_Input.cc (working copy)
@@ -1354,6 +1354,39 @@
case 'g': HandlePlayerTogglingLightEffects(TRUE); break;
case 'h': ShouldTheHelpScreenComeUp(HELP_SCREEN_TACTICAL, TRUE); break;
case 'i': ToggleItemGlow(!gGameSettings.fOptions[TOPTION_GLOW_ITEMS]); break;
+ /* mgl: kbd shortcut 'j' = climb roof. From JA2 v1.13 */
+ case 'j':
+ {
+ SOLDIERTYPE* const s = GetSelectedMan();
+ if (!s) { break; }
+ // Prevent the robot, Maria, Joey etc from climbing
+ if (!IsValidStance(s, ANIM_CROUCH)) { break; }
+ // Make sure the merc is not collapsed!
+ if (s->bCollapsed && s->bBreath < OKBREATH)
+ {
+ // Merc can't change stance message
+ gzLateLocalizedString[3],
+ s->name);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FindHigherLevel(s))
+ { BeginSoldierClimbUpRoof(s);
+ }
+ else if (FindLowerLevel(s))
+ { BeginSoldierClimbDownRoof(s);
+ }
+ else if (FindFenceJumpDirection(s))
+ { BeginSoldierClimbFence(s);
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* case 'j' */
case 'k': BeginKeyPanelFromKeyShortcut(); break;
case 'l':
@@ -1561,6 +1594,18 @@
+ /* mgl: Clothes change */
+ case 'v':
+ {
+ SOLDIERTYPE* const s = GetSelectedMan();
+ if (!s) { break; }
+ // Anyone except the robot can change clothes
+ if (AM_A_ROBOT(s)) { break; }
+ CyclePaletteReplacement(*s, s->VestPal);
+ break;
+ }
case 'l':
@@ -1573,6 +1618,17 @@
+ /* mgl: Clothes change */
+ case 'p':
+ {
+ SOLDIERTYPE* const s = GetSelectedMan();
+ if (!s) { break; }
+ // Anyone except the robot can change clothes
+ if (AM_A_ROBOT(s)) { break; }
+ CyclePaletteReplacement(*s, s->PantsPal);
+ break;
+ }
case SDLK_F1:
case SDLK_F2:
case SDLK_F3:
any other patches like this I could use to improve gameplay?
2 - Trying to compile it in a way it satys in program files/ja2 but it always keeps creating a ja2 folder in my documents ... is this possible??? what do I put in manprefix????
# Tunables for installation. The default values are shown
#PREFIX := /usr/local
[Updated on: Thu, 08 April 2010 18:06] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Corporal 1st Class
Re: 800x600mod v0.04b[message #248803]
Thu, 08 April 2010 17:48
Centurion |
Registered:April 2009 Location: E.U. |
"I work as IT support so I get enough of these quick questions at work. Atleast they ask nicely and I get paid."
ok, got it
schein 'mine'? don't act like I'm the only one who is going to use this, you even made a german version so don't be hypocritical. I'm happy that the mod got updated and I'm going to even ask ppl at lib to make a 1024 resolution BUT it's for me and other players who play strac so don't accuse me of being selfish.
...and actually I only asked since I had to install mingw and msys and all this crap to compile the mod and I might as well do some changes in the source code, as you can see when I compiled 7059 I made it available as a windows *.exe, not everyone works in IT or knows stuff like this and I see no problem in making shit simple, why do you think 1.13 has a million players and strac players can be counted with fingers?
[Updated on: Thu, 08 April 2010 17:50] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Corporal 1st Class
Re: 800x600mod v0.04b[message #248899]
Fri, 09 April 2010 21:08
Centurion |
Registered:April 2009 Location: E.U. |
Thanks miguel I will definately try to apply the patch as I have a patch.exe on my msys. I will use notepad++ to make the clotheschange.diff (windows notepad doesn't work with unix shit) and then I will let you know how it goes.
Mythrel you should definately play 7059 it is the best strac so far and it's quite stable etc and your mod makes it 100 times better and playable and more people will definately play strac thanks to your mod so yes in my view I appreciate your work more than schein thinks it was just that the svn was available since february so I waited for a *.exe and then waited and then a month later decided I would have to compile it myself.. so I installed all this msys+mingw 7zip sdl notepad++ and unix things and then had to learn how to use them = around 3 hours to learn how to compile ... and then 1 day later you released the *.exe jejejejeje but now I'll make the best of it by learning unix shit and making the 1024x768 resolution but I appreciate it and I'm gonna give your mod + streamed build to lots of people around here so thanks and I'll buy you a beer if you are ever in es or pt.
and lockie my bad jejeje, yesterday was freaking out day because of the dogs.. 3 porca miseria, my gf bought another one home
[Updated on: Fri, 09 April 2010 21:42] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
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Re: 800x600mod v0.04b[message #255979]
Sun, 11 July 2010 23:22
dnyarri |
Registered:January 2010 Location: Russia |
While using this mod, all civilians disappeared after some time (yes, crows too). Is there a cure for such a glitch?
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