First part: Make the data files from the PCM pack compatible with straciatella.
A pain to write.
First you need to download a Playable Characters Mod (PCM) pack and uncompress it. I got mine from kermi's archive *looking for a link*. I don't remember which one I downloaded, there are several of them.
Then this shell script below will fetch the files about Maria from the PCM pack, convert them to lower case and convert the sound files to a format compatible with what stracciatella can play, using the sox package, and put them in the "data" folder where the game is installed. So you need SoX on your computer, its soxi program more precisely.
#! /bin/sh
# This script uses sox
$(which soxi > /dev/null)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: this script requires the sox program to work."
exit 2
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo Usage:
echo $0 source_data_root_dir dest_data_root_dir
echo Copy files from the PCM mod pack and convert them to lower case
echo "source_data_root_dir = case-sensitive path to the data folder in the mod pack E.g /tmp/PCM/data"
echo "dest_data_root_dir = path to the data folder on your system e.g \$HOME/ja2/data"
exit 1
# Path to the root folders (remove trailing '/')
src_data=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's#/$##')
dst_data=$(echo $2 | sed -e 's#/$##')
# Exit if the source root dir doesn't exist
if (! test -d $src_data); then
echo "Error: Source data tree \"$src_data\" doesn't exist."
exit 2
# Exit if the destination root dir doesn't exist
# It should be where the game data is installed system-wide
# or the user's root dir for ja2
if (! test -d $dst_data); then
echo "Error: destination root tree \"$dst_data\" doesn't exist."
exit 2
for src_file in $(find $src_data -iname '*88*'); do
# Build the destination file name
# And convert it to lower case
tmp=$(echo $src_file | sed -e s#$src_data#$dst_data#)
dst_file=$(echo $tmp | tr [:upper] [:lower])
# Create the destination folder if it doesn't exist
dst_dir=$(dirname $dst_file)
(! test -d $dst_dir) && (mkdir --parents $dst_dir || exit 2)
# Copy the file
encoding=$(soxi -V0 -e $src_file)
if test $? -ne 0; then
# the file is not a sound file. Copy it
cp -a --force $src_file $dst_file || exit 2
echo $dst_file
# Sound file.
audio_count=$(expr $audio_count + 1)
# Convert it to IMA ADPCM if it is a MS ADPCM encoding
if test "$encoding" = "MS ADPCM"; then
ms_count=$(expr $ms_count + 1)
sox -V0 $src_file -e ima-adpcm $dst_file || exit 2
echo "$dst_file converted to ima-adpcm encoding"
# copy it
cp -a --force $src_file $dst_file || exit 2
echo $dst_file
echo "
echo "$ms_count / $audio_count audio files were converted from Microsoft ADPCM encoding."
Give this scrip execution rights
$ chmod +x
Run it with the right parameters.
It needs the case-sensitive path to the "data" folder in the PCM pack.
And the case-sensitive path to the "data" folder where you installed your ja2 data files.
In my case I downloaded the PCM pack to "$HOME/ja2/mods/PCM" and it unpacked a "pcm/data" folder there.
And my destination folder is "$HOME/ja2/install/data". It's the folder you put in your "ja2.ini" file needed to play stracciatella with "data" appended to it.
$ ./ $HOME/games/ja2/mods/PCM/pcm/data $HOME/games/ja2/install/data
The script should give you an output like:
56 / 64 audio files were converted from Microsoft ADPCM encoding.
Then the data is ready to be used by stracciatella.