Home » MODDING HQ 1.13 » v1.13 Bug Reports » BUGZILLA report all bugs here!
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331495]
Tue, 25 March 2014 18:44
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Attempting to attach a LAM-200 to a assault rifle with a ISM-V-IR already attached crashes the game. A quick way to find this bug it to buy a XM8 Sharpshooter (comes with a ISM-V-IR already attached) and a LAM-200. Then attempt to attach the lam to the upper left slot.
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, clean reinstall and remod, new game
- Executable and debugging symbols (7zip): 7116
- Game Directory: C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold
- RAM Dump
PC info:
Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit
Required to reproduce:
GABBI cheat mode enabled
Info from Visual Studio 2013 debug mode:
[*]First-chance exception at 0x00BCAC33 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xCCCCCCD0.
[*]call stack: >JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Adopt(const std::_Container_base12 * _Parent) Line 165 C++
43832 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Adopt Normal
- _Lock {_Locktype=3 } std::_Lockit
_Locktype 3 int
- _Parent_proxy 0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } std::_Container_proxy *
- this 0x17f5ee60 {_Myproxy=0x00000000 _Mynextiter=0x00000000 } std::_Iterator_base12 *
- _Myproxy 0x00000000 std::_Container_proxy *
- _Mynextiter 0x00000000 std::_Iterator_base12 *
- _Parent 0x17f5f028 {_Myproxy=0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } } const std::_Container_base12 *
- _Myproxy 0xcccccccc {_Mycont=??? _Myfirstiter=??? } std::_Container_proxy *
code segment
if (_Myproxy != _Parent_proxy)
{ // change parentage
_Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG);
_Mynextiter = _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter;
_Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter = this;
_Myproxy = _Parent_proxy;
#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
_Myproxy = _Parent_proxy;
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
void _Clrcont()
{ // disown owning container
_Myproxy = 0;
if (_Myproxy != _Parent_proxy)
00BCAC0A mov eax,dword ptr [this]
00BCAC0D mov ecx,dword ptr [eax]
00BCAC0F cmp ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch]
00BCAC12 je std::_Iterator_base12::_Adopt+0C9h (0BCAC59h)
{ // change parentage
_Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG);
00BCAC14 push 3
00BCAC16 lea ecx,[ebp-38h]
00BCAC19 call std::_Lockit::_Lockit (0A9947Bh)
00BCAC1E mov dword ptr [ebp-4],1
00BCAC25 mov ecx,dword ptr [this]
00BCAC28 call std::_Iterator_base12::_Orphan_me (0A97225h)
_Mynextiter = _Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter;
00BCAC2D mov eax,dword ptr [this]
00BCAC30 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch]
------->00BCAC33 mov edx,dword ptr [ecx+4]
00BCAC36 mov dword ptr [eax+4],edx
_Parent_proxy->_Myfirstiter = this;
00BCAC39 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch]
00BCAC3C mov ecx,dword ptr [this]
00BCAC3F mov dword ptr [eax+4],ecx
_Myproxy = _Parent_proxy;
00BCAC42 mov eax,dword ptr [this]
00BCAC45 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-2Ch]
00BCAC48 mov dword ptr [eax],ecx
00BCAC4A mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFFh
00BCAC51 lea ecx,[ebp-38h]
00BCAC54 call std::_Lockit::~_Lockit (0AA8DD1h)
#else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
_Myproxy = _Parent_proxy;
#endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
Quote:[33.3685] : L11 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.25 seconds.
[33.4413] : L11 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 4.25 seconds.
[33.4426] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[33.4437] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[39.2417] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 22
[39.2428] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 22
[Updated on: Tue, 25 March 2014 18:55] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331506]
Wed, 26 March 2014 06:54
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
While gabbi cheat mode is activated, after a creature attack on a controlled territory, pressing CTRL + T on the tactical cause the game to deadlock and through an exception. This must occur after a attack by creatures on a controlled territory.
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash
PC info:
Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit
Required to reproduce:
GABBI cheat mode enabled
Info from Visual Studio 2013 debug mode:
- { 599340194 } Assertion Failure [Line 2101 in file c:\transfer\ja2\source\build\strategic\strategicmap.cpp]
- > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread(void * lpParam=0x00000000) Line 304 C++
- Not Flagged > 4936 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread Normal
Code section from strategicmap.cpp
for (int i=0; iflags.uiStatusFlags & SOLDIER_DEAD) && MercPtrs[i]->bAssignment != VEHICLE)
//Assert( !MercPtrs[i]->bActive || !MercPtrs[i]->bInSector || MercPtrs[i]->sGridNo != NOWHERE || MercPtrs[i]->bVehicleID == iHelicopterVehicleId );
Assert( !MercPtrs[i]->bActive || !MercPtrs[i]->bInSector || !TileIsOutOfBounds(MercPtrs[i]->sGridNo) || MercPtrs[i]->bVehicleID == iHelicopterVehicleId );
Break point involved with bug from Time Control.cpp
DWORD WINAPI JA2ClockThread( LPVOID lpParam )
TimeProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(ghClockThreadShutdown, 0);
if (dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwResult == WAIT_ABANDONED)
// Sleep for a couple of milliseconds if not in fast forward mode
if (!IsFastForwardMode())
Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) );
// Unhandled exception just exit
return 0L;
DebugMessage.txt uploaded here
[Updated on: Wed, 26 March 2014 07:10] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331517]
Thu, 27 March 2014 04:21
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Visual Studio caught an exception pertaining to LightTrueLevel. To induce this exception a illumination mortar shell must be fired at a location on the tactical map and at least three turns must pass. Surprisingly this did not cause a deadlock or crash!
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7116, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before exception
PC info:
Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit
Visual Studio 2013 debug info:
- First-chance exception at 0x01490C5C in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000014.
- Call stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!LightTrueLevel(int sGridNo=5999, short bLevel=0) Line 765 C++
- pShadowNode 0x00000000 LEVELNODE *
Break point in lighting.cpp code at pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead;:
UINT8 LightTrueLevel( INT32 sGridNo, INT16 bLevel )
INT32 iSum;
if (bLevel == 0)
pNode = gpWorldLevelData[sGridNo].pLandHead;
pNode = gpWorldLevelData[sGridNo].pRoofHead;
if (pNode == NULL)
return( ubAmbientLightLevel );
iSum=pNode->ubNaturalShadeLevel - (pNode->ubSumLights - pNode->ubFakeShadeLevel );
if(gGameExternalOptions.fStaticShadowsDecreaseBrightness && ( gRenderFlags & RENDER_FLAG_SHADOWS ))
INT32 sNewGridNo = NewGridNo( sGridNo, (UINT16)DirectionInc( NORTH ) );
STRUCTURE* pStructure = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pStructureHead;
if(pStructure != NULL)
LEVELNODE* pShadowNode = NULL;
if(!(pStructure->fFlags & STRUCTURE_BASE_TILE))
pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead;
pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pShadowHead;
if(pShadowNode != NULL)
iSum += max( 0, (StructureHeight(pStructure) - 1 ) );
iSum=__min(SHADE_MIN, iSum);
iSum=__max(SHADE_MAX, iSum);
return( (UINT8) iSum );
Is the MPDebug.txt log useful?
[70.6763] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 5.27 seconds.
[70.6778] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 5.27 seconds.
[70.6789] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[70.68] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[73.552] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13
[73.553] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13
[397.394] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds.
[397.395] : C13 ENTER SECTOR TIME: 3.57 seconds.
[397.396] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[397.397] : See JA2\Data\TimeResults.txt for more detailed timings.
[400.265] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13
[400.266] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 13
[Updated on: Thu, 27 March 2014 04:52] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331518]
Thu, 27 March 2014 07:53
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Upon a quick load an exception was thrown, this seems to be caused by a tile property problem. Even more interesting is the line of code in which a break occurred. None of my mercs are using WoodCamo! Is this related to how mercs are disguised? I had reloaded due to my disguised spy merc was killed by a sniper shot from an elite enemy. How the spy was found remains a mystery to me.
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash
PC info:
Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit
Visual Studio 2013 debugging info:
- First-chance exception at 0x012E1929 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0017B010.
- call stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid(const int & sGridNo=-1, const short & bLevel=112) Line 571 C++
- Thread: Not Flagged > 34976 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid Normal
- Visual Studio 2013 output log
Code segment for exception, line broken at: iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity;
if( pNode!= NULL )
iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity;
iDesertCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bDesertCamoAffinity;
iUrbanCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bUrbanCamoAffinity;
iSnowCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bSnowCamoAffinity;
iCamoStanceModifer += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bCamoStanceModifer;
iSoundModifier += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bSoundModifier;
iStealthDifficultyModifer += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bStealthDifficultyModifer;
iTrapBonus += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bTrapBonus;
ubTerrainID = gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].ubTerrainID;
// going from the top, if any tile has terrain type, we're ignoring all tiles below it
if(ubTerrainID != NO_TERRAIN)
fFoundBottom = TRUE;
Relevant entries from DebugMessage.txt, entire log here:
[6431.29] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.
[6431.29] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.
[5744.86] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 50
[5744.86] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 50
[5757.97] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.
[5757.97] : Attack busy problem. Save, exit and send debug.txt + save file to Sir-Tech.
[5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded.
[5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded.
[5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded.
[5757.97] : IAnimation Surface for Body 0, animation ALTERNATIVE AIM, surface 451 not loaded.
[2311.14] : Breaking Deadlock
[Updated on: Thu, 27 March 2014 07:55] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331535]
Fri, 28 March 2014 05:34
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Upon attempting to attach a remote detonator to a block of C4 an unhandled exception occurs. Break point occurred at code for void __cdecl _lock (. I had deleted, reinstalled and remodded since the last bug report.
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, custom JA2_Options.ini, save game before crash.
Visual Studio 2013 debugging info:
- First-chance exception at 0x00E7ADD3 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018.
- Call stack: + _locktable 0x01c45890 {{lock=0x14c65ab8 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION lclcritsects[15]} {DebugInfo=0xffffffff {...} ...} ...}, ...} [36]
- Local value: locknum 8 int
- Thread: Not Flagged > 3444 0 Main Thread Main Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_lock Normal
- Visual Studio output log
Mediafire servers back up, links now working!
Code segment for exception from mlock.c, line broken at }.
* _lock - Acquire a multi-thread lock
* Acquire a multi-thread lock. If the lock has not already been
* allocated, do so, but that is an internal CRT error, since all locks
* should be allocated before first being acquired, either in
* _mtinitlocks or individually in _mtinitlocknum.
* Note that it is legal for a thread to aquire _EXIT_LOCK1
* multiple times.
* locknum = number of the lock to aquire
* A failure to allocate a new lock results in a fatal _RT_LOCK error.
void __cdecl _lock (
int locknum
* Create/open the lock, if necessary
if ( _locktable[locknum].lock == NULL ) {
if ( !_mtinitlocknum(locknum) )
_amsg_exit( _RT_LOCK );
* Enter the critical section.
EnterCriticalSection( _locktable[locknum].lock );
Game reported error:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program C:\transfer\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\JA2_EN_Debug.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtwin32\misc\dbgdel.cpp
Line 52
Relevant code segment, line broken at _ASSERTE(_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse));:
#ifdef _DEBUG
*void operator delete() - delete a block in the debug heap
* Deletes any type of block.
* void *pUserData - pointer to a (user portion) of memory block in the
* debug heap
void operator delete(
void *pUserData
_CrtMemBlockHeader * pHead;
RTCCALLBACK(_RTC_Free_hook, (pUserData, 0));
if (pUserData == NULL)
_mlock(_HEAP_LOCK); /* block other threads */
/* get a pointer to memory block header */
pHead = pHdr(pUserData);
/* verify block type */
_free_dbg( pUserData, pHead->nBlockUse );
_munlock(_HEAP_LOCK); /* release other threads */
#endif /* _DEBUG */
Relevant entries from DebugMessage.txt
[9339.27] : No code support for NPC action 109
[9339.27] : No code support for NPC action 109
[9358.66] : No code support for NPC action 109
[9358.66] : No code support for NPC action 109
[7710.52] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4
[7710.52] : Call to UnPauseGame() while Pause State is LOCKED! AM-4
[Updated on: Fri, 28 March 2014 05:58] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331536]
Fri, 28 March 2014 05:45
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Just noticed a sound file is missing by checking Strategic Decisions.txt! This occurred on a clean reinstall and remod.
Bug occurs on the following versions: Executable 7117, SVN Game Dir 2001 no other mods, clean reinstall and remod.
Day 5, 03:19:
12 troops have been sent from palace to stage assault near sector C13
[1496.8] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1497.28] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1497.37] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1497.46] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1526.86] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1527.22] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1527.33] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1527.44] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[1527.56] : ERROR in SoundLoadDisk(): Failed to open 'SPEECH\044_061.wav'
[2218.69] :
TL:DR the entire log is the same error over and over again.
[1527.56] : Backtrace: file "SPEECH\044_061.wav" does not exist
File : c:\transfer\ja2\source\build\ext\vfs\src\core\vfs_file_raii.cpp
Line : 34
Location : vfs::COpenReadFile::COpenReadFile
file "SPEECH\044_061.wav" does not exist
[Updated on: Fri, 28 March 2014 06:16] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331542]
Fri, 28 March 2014 16:43
anv |
Registered:March 2013 |
JosephCKohnVisual Studio caught an exception pertaining to LightTrueLevel. To induce this exception a illumination mortar shell must be fired at a location on the tactical map and at least three turns must pass. Surprisingly this did not cause a deadlock or crash! Fix:
Toggle SpoilerIndex: lighting.cpp
--- lighting.cpp (revision 7117)
+++ lighting.cpp (working copy)
@@ -762,7 +762,11 @@
LEVELNODE* pShadowNode = NULL;
if(!(pStructure->fFlags & STRUCTURE_BASE_TILE))
- pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ FindBaseStructure(pStructure)->sGridNo ].pShadowHead;
+ {
+ STRUCTURE* pBaseStructure = FindBaseStructure(pStructure);
+ if( pBaseStructure != NULL )
+ pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ pBaseStructure->sGridNo ].pShadowHead;
+ }
pShadowNode = gpWorldLevelData[ sNewGridNo ].pShadowHead;
if(pShadowNode != NULL)
JosephCKohnUpon a quick load an exception was thrown, this seems to be caused by a tile property problem. Even more interesting is the line of code in which a break occurred. - call stack: > JA2_EN_Debug.exe!GetAllAdditonalTilePropertiesForGrid(const int & sGridNo=-1, const short & bLevel=112) Line 571 C++
GridNo=-1, bLevel=112? What the hell? Couldn't reproduce the bug on given save. I can assure that it won't cause exception anymore, but problem lies somewhere else, as sGridNo and bLevel shouldn't be set to those values.
Toggle SpoilerIndex: LOS.cpp
--- LOS.cpp (revision 7117)
+++ LOS.cpp (working copy)
@@ -525,6 +525,11 @@
BOOLEAN fFoundBottom = FALSE;
+ if( !( sGridNo > -1 && sGridNo < WORLD_MAX ) || !( bLevel == FIRST_LEVEL || bLevel == SECOND_LEVEL ) )
+ {
+ // incorrect argument values, what the hell?
+ return ubAllTileProperties;
+ }
for(UINT8 ubCnt=0; ubCnt<5 && !fFoundBottom; ubCnt++)
if (bLevel == I_ROOF_LEVEL)
@@ -566,7 +571,7 @@
- if( pNode!= NULL )
+ if( pNode!= NULL && pNode->usIndex < NUMBEROFTILES )
iWoodCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bWoodCamoAffinity;
iDesertCamoAffinity += gTileDatabase[ pNode->usIndex ].bDesertCamoAffinity;
JosephCKohnNone of my mercs are using WoodCamo! Is this related to how mercs are disguised? I had reloaded due to my disguised spy merc was killed by a sniper shot from an elite enemy. How the spy was found remains a mystery to me. When your spy gets recognised you should get appropriate message with a reason. Note that most LBE gear give wood camo, so if spy is wearing it and pretend to be a civvie, it can blow his cover.
Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331576]
Mon, 31 March 2014 01:01
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
I found a nasty null pointer memory bug. It would seem that a deadlock is caused sending a merc: with the spy trait, disguised as an elite solder (black clothes) and carrying a backpack in each arm to a different sector causes a deadlock. This seems to only occur when the merc is traveling on foot. This bug is very strange as only the vfs.log and Strategic Decisions.txt logs were created the others were created with the game exited!Derp broke too early never mind.
Game info:
- Executable 7124, SVN Game Dir 2001
- No cheat engine hooks
- No other mods
- previous save from executable 7117
Data available:
Game reported errors:
Visual Studio 2013 debug info:
- JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.
- First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECE4A4.
- First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECDE84.
- First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x17ECD064.
- First-chance exception at 0x75ED4B32 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: vfs::Exception at memory location 0x17ECE1E0.
Not Flagged > 15568 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_nh_malloc_dbg Normal
Relevant code segment from dbgheap.c, line broken at void * pvBlk = _nh_malloc_dbg_impl(nSize, nhFlag, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine, &errno_tmp);:
Toggle Spoiler
*void * _nh_malloc_dbg() - Get a block of memory from the debug heap
* Allocate of block of memory of at least size bytes from the debug
* heap and return a pointer to it. Assumes heap already locked.
* If no blocks available, call new handler.
* Allocates any type of supported memory block.
* size_t nSize - size of block requested
* int nhFlag - TRUE if new handler function
* int nBlockUse - block type
* char * szFileName - file name
* int nLine - line number
* Success: Pointer to (user portion of) memory block
* Failure: NULL
extern "C" void * __cdecl _nh_malloc_dbg (
size_t nSize,
int nhFlag,
int nBlockUse,
const char * szFileName,
int nLine
int errno_tmp = 0;
void * pvBlk = _nh_malloc_dbg_impl(nSize, nhFlag, nBlockUse, szFileName, nLine, &errno_tmp);
if ( pvBlk == NULL && errno_tmp != 0 && _errno())
errno = errno_tmp; // recall, #define errno *_errno()
return pvBlk;
Not Flagged > 15564 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread () JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2ClockThread Normal
Relevant code segment from Timer Control.cpp, line broken at Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) );:
Toggle Spoiler
DWORD WINAPI JA2ClockThread( LPVOID lpParam )
TimeProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DWORD dwResult = WaitForSingleObject(ghClockThreadShutdown, 0);
if (dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || dwResult == WAIT_ABANDONED)
// Sleep for a couple of milliseconds if not in fast forward mode
if (!IsFastForwardMode())
Sleep( TIME_US_TO_MS( GetNextCounterDoneTime() ) );
// Unhandled exception just exit
return 0L;
[Updated on: Mon, 31 March 2014 01:29] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331613]
Thu, 03 April 2014 04:59
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Something seems to be causing an unhandled exception pertaining to button system.cpp. This occurs when in tactical after the player
[Updated on: Thu, 03 April 2014 05:01] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331636]
Fri, 04 April 2014 21:33
anv |
Registered:March 2013 |
JosephCKohnI found a nasty null pointer memory bug. It would seem that a deadlock is caused sending a merc: with the spy trait, disguised as an elite solder (black clothes) and carrying a backpack in each arm to a different sector causes a deadlock. This seems to only occur when the merc is traveling on foot. This bug is very strange as only the vfs.log and Strategic Decisions.txt logs were created the others were created with the game exited!Derp broke too early never mind. Not backpacks, just Igor and his empty stomach. Also on the same save noticed some lag (massive lag in debug mode - ~15 seconds) when dismissing mercs, so changed drop items function to be called only once for all items, not for every item one by one.
- autofeeding bug,
- drop items on dismiss optimization,
- effectiveness of suppression was increased/decreased with every influenced soldier if set to other than default 100,
- item status changed to INT16 on item create - item status is also used to specify amount of money (*50), if NPC had a lot of money in his starting gear, its amount would be incorrect.
Toggle SpoilerIndex: Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp
--- Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Strategic/Map Screen Interface.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1642,18 +1642,31 @@
UINT32 invsize = Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv.size();
- for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter )
+ UINT32 uiFoundItems = 0;
+ Inventory invTemporaryBeforeDrop;
+ if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX != gWorldSectorX || Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY != gWorldSectorY || Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ != gbWorldSectorZ )
- // slot found,
- // check if actual item
- if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true )
+ for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter )
- if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX != gWorldSectorX || Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY != gWorldSectorY || Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ != gbWorldSectorZ )
+ // slot found,
+ // check if actual item
+ if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true )
- // Set flag for item...
- AddItemsToUnLoadedSector( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX, Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY, Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ , sGridNo, 1, &( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ]) , Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WOLRD_ITEM_FIND_SWEETSPOT_FROM_GRIDNO | WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0, 1, FALSE );
+ invTemporaryBeforeDrop[uiFoundItems] = Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ];
+ uiFoundItems++;
- else
+ }
+ // anv: add all items at once (less file operations = less lag)
+ AddItemsToUnLoadedSector( Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorX, Menptr[ uiMercId ].sSectorY, Menptr[ uiMercId ].bSectorZ , sGridNo, uiFoundItems, &(invTemporaryBeforeDrop[0]) , Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WOLRD_ITEM_FIND_SWEETSPOT_FROM_GRIDNO | WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0, 1, FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for( UINT32 iCounter = 0; iCounter < invsize; ++iCounter )
+ {
+ // slot found,
+ // check if actual item
+ if( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ].exists() == true )
AddItemToPool( sGridNo, &( Menptr[ uiMercId ].inv[ iCounter ] ) , 1, Menptr[ uiMercId ].pathing.bLevel, WORLD_ITEM_REACHABLE, 0 );
Index: Tactical/Food.cpp
--- Tactical/Food.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Tactical/Food.cpp (working copy)
@@ -716,7 +716,7 @@
ApplyFood( pSoldier, pObj, TRUE, FALSE ); // cannot reject to eat this, we chose to eat this ourself!
// if we're full, finish
- if ( pSoldier->bFoodLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold && pSoldier->bDrinkLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold )
+ if ( ( pSoldier->bFoodLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold || Food[foodtype].bFoodPoints == 0 ) && ( pSoldier->bDrinkLevel > FoodMoraleMods[FOOD_MERC_START_CONSUME].bThreshold|| Food[foodtype].bDrinkPoints == 0 ) )
Index: Tactical/Items.cpp
--- Tactical/Items.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Tactical/Items.cpp (working copy)
@@ -7935,7 +7935,7 @@
return( fRet );
-BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT8 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj )
+BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj )
fOk = CreateItem( usItem, bStatus, pObj );
Index: Tactical/Items.h
--- Tactical/Items.h (revision 7131)
+++ Tactical/Items.h (working copy)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
extern BOOLEAN EmptyWeaponMagazine( OBJECTTYPE * pWeapon, OBJECTTYPE *pAmmo, UINT32 subObject = 0 );
BOOLEAN CreateItem( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, OBJECTTYPE * pObj );
BOOLEAN CreateAmmo( UINT16 usItem, OBJECTTYPE * pObj, UINT16 ubShotsLeft = 0);
-BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT8 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj );
+BOOLEAN CreateItems( UINT16 usItem, INT16 bStatus, UINT8 ubNumber, OBJECTTYPE * pObj );
BOOLEAN CreateMoney( UINT32 uiMoney, OBJECTTYPE * pObj );
extern UINT16 DefaultMagazine( UINT16 usItem );
UINT16 RandomMagazine( UINT16 usItem, UINT8 ubPercentStandard, UINT8 maxCoolness, INT8 bSoldierClass );
Index: Tactical/Overhead.cpp
--- Tactical/Overhead.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Tactical/Overhead.cpp (working copy)
@@ -8207,6 +8207,10 @@
sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness += (10 + (ubGunVolume - 85));
+ // remember effectiveness at this point before modyfing it depending on target's team
+ INT16 sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness;
// Loop through every character.
@@ -8243,9 +8247,9 @@
// Flugente: added ini options for suppression effectiveness for player team and everybody else
if ( pSoldier->bTeam == gbPlayerNum )
- sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessPlayer / 100;
+ sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessPlayer / 100;
- sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessAI / 100;
+ sFinalSuppressionEffectiveness = sFinalShooterDependentEffectiveness * gGameExternalOptions.usSuppressionEffectivenessAI / 100;
// INI-Controlled intensity. SuppressionEffectiveness acts as a percentage applied to the number of lost APs.
// To turn off the entire Suppression system, simply set the INI value to 0. (0% AP Loss)
Index: Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp
--- Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Tactical/Tactical Save.cpp (working copy)
@@ -847,14 +847,17 @@
DeleteTempItemMapFile( sMapX, sMapY, bMapZ );
+ UINT16 uiLastFoundSpot = 0;
//loop through all the objects to add
for( uiLoop1=0; uiLoop1 < uiNumberOfItemsToAdd; uiLoop1++)
//Loop through the array to see if there is a free spot to add an item to it
- for( cnt=0; cnt < uiNumberOfItems; cnt++)
+ for( cnt=uiLastFoundSpot; cnt < uiNumberOfItems; cnt++)
if( pWorldItems[ cnt ].fExists == FALSE )
+ // anv: remember first found free spot to not loop through entire inventory again for next added items
+ uiLastFoundSpot = cnt;
//We have found a free spot, break
- possible crash when viewing general stats of machineguns with no single shot available (due to comparison feature)
Toggle SpoilerIndex: Interface Enhanced.cpp
--- Interface Enhanced.cpp (revision 7131)
+++ Interface Enhanced.cpp (working copy)
@@ -8310,7 +8310,7 @@
// Reset font color
SetFontForeground( 6 );
- else
+ else if( fComparisonMode )
if( !Weapon[gpComparedItemDescObject->usItem].NoSemiAuto )
[Updated on: Sat, 05 April 2014 00:50] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331702]
Thu, 10 April 2014 08:24
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Every so often I try unusual things in order to fret out bugs. In this case attempting to attach two batteries to a radio set causes an unhandled exception. Requires a merc with the radio operator skill.
Game info:
- Clean reinstall and remod to Executable 7145, SVN Game Dir 2007
- New game started
- Cheat engine hooks
- No other mods
- Game Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\
- Custom JA2_Options.ini
Data available:
Game reported errors:
gzErrorMsg 0x053c9218 "Unhandled exception. Unable to recover." char[2048]
SGP.ccp, line broken at MessageBox(NULL, gzErrorMsg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
Visual Studio 2013 debug info:
- Output: First-chance exception at 0x00E86233 in JA2_EN_Debug.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000018
- Autos: - gzErrorMsg 0x053c9218 "Unhandled exception. Unable to recover." char[2048]
- Locals: fAlreadyExiting 1 '\x1' unsigned char
- Threads: Not Flagged > 13652 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() apphelp.dll!6ffaceaa Normal
Toggle Spoiler
void SGPExit(void)
static BOOLEAN fAlreadyExiting = FALSE;
// helps prevent heap crashes when multiple assertions occur and call us
if ( fAlreadyExiting )
fAlreadyExiting = TRUE;
gfProgramIsRunning = FALSE;
// Wizardry only
#if !defined( JA2 ) && !defined( UTIL )
if (gfGameInitialized)
// ARM: if in DEBUG mode & we've ShutdownWithErrorBox, don't unload screens and release data structs to permit easier debugging
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (gfIgnoreMessages)
fUnloadScreens = FALSE;
// ShowCursor(TRUE);
MessageBox(NULL, gzErrorMsg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
#ifndef JA2
[Updated on: Thu, 10 April 2014 08:33] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331771]
Wed, 16 April 2014 09:16
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
I found a nasty bug, specifically my iterator list became corrupted during tactical. This seems to be related to militia inventory as I experienced problems with their inventory not moving from sector to sector with the militia.
Game info:
- Clean reinstall and remod to executable 7148, SVN Game Dir 2012
- New game started
- No other mods
- Game Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\
- Custom JA2_Options.ini, JA2.ini
Data available:
Game reported errors:
Toggle Spoiler
[15535.2] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 30 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 994 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 994 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 133 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 133 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 54 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 54 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 64 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 64 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 210 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 210 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 266 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 266 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1697 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1697 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[15535.3] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
Toggle Spoiler
[14109.1] : AI 148 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14109.1] : AI 148 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14109.9] : AI 149 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14109.9] : AI 149 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14172.3] : AI 151 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14172.3] : AI 151 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14287.7] : AI 146 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
[14287.7] : AI 146 got error code -3 from HandleItem, doing action 30... aborting deadlock!
Visual Studio 2013 debug info:
Relevant code segment from xutility, line broken at _Myproxy = 0;
Toggle Spoiler
if (_Myproxy != 0)
{ // adopted, remove self from list
_Iterator_base12 **_Pnext = &_Myproxy->_Myfirstiter;
while (*_Pnext != 0 && *_Pnext != this)
_Pnext = &(*_Pnext)->_Mynextiter;
if (*_Pnext == 0)
*_Pnext = _Mynextiter;
_Myproxy = 0;
- Thread: JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::_Iterator_base12::_Orphan_me Normal
Toggle Spoiler
+ _Pnext 0x17f9ec88 {0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...}} std::_Iterator_base12 * *
+ this 0x17f9ea58 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *
Toggle Spoiler
+ *_Pnext 0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *
+ _Mynextiter 0x17f9ea24 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *
+ _Myproxy 0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} std::_Container_proxy *
+ this 0x17f9ea58 {_Myproxy=0x14d49c20 {_Mycont=0x053b2b88 {JA2_EN_Debug.exe!std::map,std::allocator > > SurfaceData::_surfaceOfData} {...} ...} ...} std::_Iterator_base12 *
[Updated on: Fri, 18 April 2014 06:37] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331792]
Fri, 18 April 2014 07:02
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Heap memory corruption occurs when deleting items from the inventory screen during combat in tactical. I think this is where a RAM dump really comes in handy! This seems to be a rendering problem as the last entry in DebugMessage.txt is [5531.17] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface.
Game info:
Debug Error!
Program: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\JA2_EN_Debug.exe
HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after Normal block (#114401143) at 0x208EC290.
CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.
Memory allocated at j:\ja2\source\build\tileengine\render dirty.cpp(1130).
(Press Retry to debug the application)
JA2_EN_Debug.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
Game info:
- Upgrade to Executable 7154, SVN Game Dir 2012
- No other mods
- Game Dir: J:\Jagged Alliance 2 Gold\
- Custom JA2_Options.ini, JA2.ini
Data available:
Game reported info:
Toggle Spoiler
[5531.15] : Trying to render from outside of surface surface
[5531.15] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface
[5531.17] : Trying to render from outside of surface surface
[5531.17] : Trying to render to outside of destination surface
Toggle Spoiler
[862.662] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 14
[862.662] : SynchronizeItemTempFile() Error! Reported 0, should be 14
[1049.15] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection!
[1049.15] : Team 3 drops all items for inspection!
[1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.8] : Error: Item 29 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.8] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.81] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1522 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 752 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 752 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 913 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1305 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1305 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1306 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.82] : Error: Item 1306 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1292 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1292 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1385 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1385 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1384 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1384 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1255 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1255 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1209 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1209 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1211 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1211 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1258 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1258 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1271 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1271 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1307 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1307 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1350 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 1350 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.83] : Error: Item 544 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 544 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1223 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1223 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1229 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1229 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1390 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 1390 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.84] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.85] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.85] : Error: Item 147 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.85] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.85] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 966 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 148 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 148 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 970 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.86] : Error: Item 970 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 1189 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 1189 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 134 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 134 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.87] : Error: Item 135 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.88] : Error: Item 131 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.88] : Error: Item 131 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.88] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.88] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 981 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 140 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 140 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 951 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 951 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.89] : Error: Item 593 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1678 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1678 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1661 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1661 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1095 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1095 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1695 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1695 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1646 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.9] : Error: Item 1646 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 1094 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 1094 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 1097 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 1097 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 183 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 183 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 804 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 804 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.91] : Error: Item 805 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 806 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 838 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 838 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 837 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 837 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.92] : Error: Item 213 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 1025 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 212 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 201 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.93] : Error: Item 201 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 202 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1618 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1618 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1606 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1606 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1576 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.94] : Error: Item 1576 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 204 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 204 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 203 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 203 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 1001 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 1001 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 200 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.95] : Error: Item 200 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 1030 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 1030 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 1012 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 1012 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 322 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.96] : Error: Item 322 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.97] : Error: Item 1007 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 886 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 886 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 214 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 269 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 269 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.98] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.99] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.99] : Error: Item 216 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.99] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1051.99] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1542 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1023 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1023 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1546 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.01] : Error: Item 1546 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.02] : Error: Item 1003 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.02] : Error: Item 1003 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1008 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1011 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.03] : Error: Item 1011 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.04] : Error: Item 947 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.04] : Error: Item 947 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.05] : Error: Item 946 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.05] : Error: Item 946 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.05] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.05] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.06] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.06] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.07] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.07] : Error: Item 1545 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.08] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.09] : Error: Item 1570 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 207 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 207 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 264 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 264 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 1698 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.1] : Error: Item 1698 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.11] : Error: Item 1527 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.11] : Error: Item 1527 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.11] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.11] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.12] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.12] : Error: Item 1009 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.12] : Error: Item 1525 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.12] : Error: Item 1525 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.13] : Error: Item 1540 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.13] : Error: Item 1540 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.16] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.16] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 1709 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 1029 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 1029 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 208 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.17] : Error: Item 208 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 592 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 592 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 327 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 327 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 1026 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 1026 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 1184 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
[1052.18] : Error: Item 1184 was given invalid grid location -1 for item pool. Please Report.
Visual Studio 2013 reported data:
Code segment debgheap.cpp, line broken at: pHead->nLine); , treading info for Code segment debgheap.cpp
Toggle Spoiler
- Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock Normal
- Local: + pHead 0x208ec270 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x20ee1310 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1dd29958 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1f7a2e08 {pBlockHeaderNext=...} ...} ...} ...} _CrtMemBlockHeader *
- Auto #1: + pHead 0x208ec270 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x20ee1310 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1dd29958 {pBlockHeaderNext=0x1f7a2e08 {pBlockHeaderNext=...} ...} ...} ...} _CrtMemBlockHeader *
- Auto #2:+ pHead->szFileName 0x018a82bc "j:\\ja2\\source\\build\\tileengine\\render dirty.cpp" char *
Code segment debgheap.cpp, line broken at: pHead->nLine);
* If this ASSERT fails, a bad pointer has been passed in. It may be
* totally bogus, or it may have been allocated from another heap.
* The pointer MUST come from the 'local' heap.
/* get a pointer to memory block header */
pHead = pHdr(pUserData);
/* verify block type */
/* if we didn't already check entire heap, at least check this object */
if (!(_crtDbgFlag & _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF))
/* check no-mans-land gaps */
if (!CheckBytes(pHead->gap, _bNoMansLandFill, nNoMansLandSize))
if (pHead->szFileName)
_RPT5(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
"CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer.
(BYTE *) pbData(pHead),
_RPT3(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
"CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer.
(BYTE *) pbData(pHead));
if (!CheckBytes(pbData(pHead) + pHead->nDataSize, _bNoMansLandFill, nNoMansLandSize))
if (pHead->szFileName)
_RPT5(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
"CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.
(BYTE *) pbData(pHead),
_RPT3(_CRT_ERROR, "HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
"CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.
(BYTE *) pbData(pHead));
if (pHead->nBlockUse == _IGNORE_BLOCK)
_ASSERTE(pHead->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pHead->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ);
/* fill the entire block including header with dead-land-fill */
memset(pHead, _bDeadLandFill,
sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader) + pHead->nDataSize + nNoMansLandSize);
/* CRT blocks can be freed as NORMAL blocks */
if (pHead->nBlockUse == _CRT_BLOCK && nBlockUse == _NORMAL_BLOCK)
nBlockUse = _CRT_BLOCK;
/* Error if freeing incorrect memory type */
_ASSERTE(pHead->nBlockUse == nBlockUse);
/* keep track of total amount of memory allocated */
_lCurAlloc -= pHead->nDataSize;
/* optionally reclaim memory */
if (!(_crtDbgFlag & _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF))
/* remove from the linked list */
if (pHead->pBlockHeaderNext)
pHead->pBlockHeaderNext->pBlockHeaderPrev = pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev;
_ASSERTE(_pLastBlock == pHead);
_pLastBlock = pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev;
if (pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev)
pHead->pBlockHeaderPrev->pBlockHeaderNext = pHead->pBlockHeaderNext;
_ASSERTE(_pFirstBlock == pHead);
_pFirstBlock = pHead->pBlockHeaderNext;
/* fill the entire block including header with dead-land-fill */
memset(pHead, _bDeadLandFill,
sizeof(_CrtMemBlockHeader) + pHead->nDataSize + nNoMansLandSize);
pHead->nBlockUse = _FREE_BLOCK;
/* keep memory around as dead space */
memset(pbData(pHead), _bDeadLandFill, pHead->nDataSize);
Code segment MemMan.cpp, line broken at: _free_dbg( ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK );, treading info.
Toggle Spoiler
- Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock Normal
- Local: + pcFile 0x018a82bc "j:\\ja2\\source\\build\\tileengine\\render dirty.cpp" char * const
- Auto:uiSize 1520 unsigned int
void MemFreeReal( PTR ptr, const STR8 pcFile, INT32 iLine )
UINT32 uiSize;
if ( !fMemManagerInit )
DbgMessage( TOPIC_MEMORY_MANAGER, DBG_LEVEL_0, String("MemFree: Warning -- Memory manager not initialized -- Line %d in %s", iLine, pcFile) );
if (ptr != NULL)
uiSize = _msize(ptr);
guiMemTotal -= uiSize;
guiMemFreed += uiSize;
_free_dbg( ptr, _NORMAL_BLOCK );
Code segment Render Dirty.cpp, line broken at: MemFree( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea );pHead->nLine);
Toggle Spoiler
- Thread: Not Flagged > 34112 0 Worker Thread JA2_EN_Debug.exe!JA2NotifyThread() JA2_EN_Debug.exe!_free_dbg_nolock Normal
- Auto #1: + gVideoOverlays[uiCount] {uiFlags=0 fAllocated=1 '\x1' fDisabled=0 '\0' ...} _VIDEO_OVERLAY
- Auto #2: + gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea 0x208ec290 {25346} short *
- Local: uiCount 2 unsigned int
void DeleteVideoOverlaysArea( )
UINT32 uiCount;
for(uiCount=0; uiCount < guiNumVideoOverlays; uiCount++)
if( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fAllocated && !gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fDisabled )
if ( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea != NULL )
SurfaceData::ReleaseApplicationData((BYTE*)gVideoOverlays[ uiCount ].pSaveArea);
MemFree( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea );
gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fActivelySaving = FALSE;
gVideoOverlays[uiCount].pSaveArea = NULL;
//DebugMsg( TOPIC_JA2, DBG_LEVEL_0, String( "Removing Overlay Actively saving %d %S", uiCount, gVideoOverlays[ uiCount ].zText ) );
// Remove if pending
if ( gVideoOverlays[uiCount].fDeletionPending )
RemoveVideoOverlay( uiCount );
[Updated on: Fri, 18 April 2014 07:34] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331872]
Wed, 23 April 2014 09:00
JosephCKohn |
Registered:February 2014 |
Pdf version.
Hello again all, I have found a very strange bug. It was caused by the merc Dynamo launching a thermobarbic grenade at a nearby enemy redshirt solder. For reasons unbeknownst to me the grenade exploded the solder which caused a separate explosion at Dynamo
[Updated on: Wed, 23 April 2014 09:02] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: BUGZILLA report all bugs here![message #331897]
Thu, 24 April 2014 18:05
hrvg |
Registered:August 2012 Location: France |
I have XP windows.
Screen resolution = 1360 x 768 pixels.
For French version: I play with JA2_FR_7151_Stable_.exe
For English version: I play with SCI_Unstable_Revision_7141_on_GameDir_2007.7
There are bugs...
For example:
- 1) After twenty load or save, I have black screen then I return to the desk.
For French version: Yes.
For English version: No problem (I don't think)
- 2) Impossible to save to Tixa (level 1, no level 2), I return to the desk.
For French version: Yes.
For English version: No problem.
- 3) Problem with backpack error message (but not always). Press ESC...
For French version: Yes
For English version: I don't know.
Or I have black screen then I return to the desk.
For French version: Yes.
For English version: Yes, same problem.
Or backpack is always present in sector's inventory is or other... It's strange.
For French version: Yes.
For English version: Yes. I have two "ARUC Backpacks". I click "drop B/P" in tactical screen then I click "Stack and merge items" from sector inventory. I return to tactical screen, I click "pickup B/P" then I return in sector inventory... I have four "ARUC Backpacks".
- 4) Little problem with Kevin "Maddog" Cameron's inventory at Estoni when he repair his items...
Items adds in his inventory...
Caws only...
After, there are laser sights.
For French version: Yes.
For English version: Yes, same problem.
[Updated on: Fri, 25 April 2014 15:13] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Staff Sergeant
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