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32 enemies per sector[message #35624]
Mon, 21 February 2005 14:39
vasilenko |
Registered:February 2005 Location: Rus |
What is that mod thingy that puts something like 8000 enemies in the game ? if anyone has it please e mail it to me or post the link.
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35627]
Tue, 22 February 2005 20:36
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
Played 3 sectors of this mod yesterday. one of them turned out to be exceptionally fun - having to reload 4-5 times at one point - to try other tactics to be able to survive an attack.
Was on the way to cambria from san mona. Sector immediate north west of Cambria. Arrive with a team of 6 mercs (IMP (no/teaching) level 7, 98 marksmanship/Raven at level 7, 100 Marksmanship/Thor (93 marksmanship), level 5/Igor 90 marskmanship, level 5/ razor 63 marskmanship, level 3/ira 63 marskmanship, level 2
Do some throw-knifing - get rid of 4 enemies - no more enemies in the vicinity of my entry point. Take Raven/zango (IMP) to south find 2 more enemies sitting ducks to throw-knives. rest of team is left behind. There is a house in the region. go to the wall and move toward the entrance(the rest are still standing way back - mistake).
Anyhow.. raven crosses a window - in prone position - so no problems. All of a sudden - an elite comes into view. Both Raven/zango have knives - but it will not be a one throw kill - as the elite has already seen us - will need atleast 3-4 throws.
zango aims - hits twice - elite is poor. raven gets order to hit with knife - she stands - and suddenly sees a huge army of elites standing on the other side - thru the window. woow.. there were atleast 6 elites visible. Time to rethink strategy - RELOAD
obviously cannot knife these people. - have to use firepower. zango has FN FAL - takes it out - pumps a burst round into elite - elite critical - one more bullet - elite is dead. Then - after one turn - due to noise - lot of the people rush to our hideout - initially Raven/Zango get interrupts - but soon run out of AP. Raven/Zango get slaughtered - RELOAD.
Raven has 4 energy boosters - gives 2 to zango, takes two herself. Elite is knocked off in earlier manner by zango. Raven/Zango wait for more enemies to arrive - which they do after one turn- even with energy boosters - they run out of APs and get slaughtered - for some reason - Raven does not interrupt as often as Zango - despite UVG RELOAD.
Raven/Zango take Energy boosts. Zango finishes off elite - Rest of the team is asked to get out of stealth mode, stand up and rush towards this hiding spot. Zango moves back a step. Raven moves back one spot. End turn - next turn - Save game. From far, Razor/Igor drop stun grenads near the now visible(to Raven) enemies. Thor drops a hand grenade on this spot. Ira is not able to reach so far (due to low strength?? ) - end turn - Raven/Zango do not use any APs - wait for interrupts. Surprisingly - some of the enemies who were knocked out due to 2 stun grenades get up - and fire - hit raven for few points.(Raven is well armored - Spectra armor + ceramic plates). zango gets 3 interrupts from elites on the other side of the building (behind) - finishes them off - due to low AP cost as effect of Energy boosts. However, a few more elites step into the ring from the front - fire at zango - finish him off - one yellow shirt (at this stage of the game there are still plenty of yellow shirts around) - steps in - runs to Raven - slashes her for high damage. some elites come and finish off this yellow shirt (aiming for Raven) - zango is dead - raven near death - RELOAD.
Try to escape with raven & zango - after finishing off elite (last save point). They are both seen by tons of enemies - and they drop a break light at this position - make them perfect sitting ducks - they get hit for high damage - do not die - but next turn they will die - so RELOAD.
was getting frustrated - what should i do now. So, decided - instead of stunners/use gas Raven first picks up a break light - and tosses it into the front - lot of enemies become visible. Razor takes one stun grenade - pops it at the enemies. Igor/Thor take 1 cannister of mustard gas each - toss it at the 2 locations - where enemies are visible. Raven & zango assume that all the enemies will be taken care of - and leave them to themselves - wait for others to arriev to do the interrupt bit. however, one guy is sitting in the gas with a gas mask - he hits raven for small damage - another guy who is critical- hits zango for high damage. am really frustrated but decide to continue with this situation - as cant keep doing this process (reload) over and over - someone pops a break light toward my remaining crew - they are made sitting ducks - some people fire at them - but they escape unhurt - or very little damage). Few elites come from the front Raven/zango finish them off in interrupts. Raven is also losing energy as someone has popped tear gas into the house which is leaking into raven's lungs (dont know how - the window must not be air-tight). End enemy turn.
Take the crew out of sight (away from break lights) - but now there is no supporting fire. raven/zango are on their own once again. end turn soo that raven/zango may get interrupts. now - as there is mustard gas in the front - people stop appearing from that side - a couple of enemies do - and are finished off by raven - problem solved. A few elites step into view from behind - zango interrrupts - bursts kill - zango is running low on ammo (will have to reload weapon). end another enemy turn.
then i turn to long distance sniping mode - zango (with nvg) becomes the spotter - the rest of the team becomes long distance sniper. from then on - it is very easy. (raven takes -2 damage as she finally collapses - after effect of the Energy boosts) - but that turn - zango saves her as he hasn't yet collapsed from energy boosts he took. There after, only 5 enemies remain in sector. igor takes over from there - finishes off the rest with interrupts also coming from thor/razor.
Funny thing is - one of the civilians is recognized as enemy - at the end - and i have to finish her off - damn
i have the save game starting from the elite appearing before Raven/zango - so if anyone is interested - it is a fun game to play. Sorry for such a long post - decided i will try my hand at the "War Chronicles" bit
Thanks for reading (if anyone bothered to read that is)
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35633]
Mon, 28 February 2005 15:50
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
night ops are getting tougher as the enemy is getting smarter - they keep tossing breaklights at you even if you use silenced arms/throwing knives to down their compatriots. then they fire at you from long range - and you have to flee to a safe spot. Also, the weapons that the elites now have has upgraded to rocket rifles (thor had managed to steal one from an elite in cambria sam - now i found another on a dead elite, south of cambria sam).
so, now i decided to do day ops - as my team has pretty high level mercs(igor/thor/stephen - lvl 7; zango/raven - lvl 9) and others can provide supporting fire.
captured tixa - liberated/recruited dynamo - team strength is 17 wish i could recruit more
money is a growing concern - with a daily income of 16000, and Raven has 13 days of contract remaining.
3 sam sites are liberated. Found skyrider - used him to fly to/from chitzena sam site / cambria sam site - after mercs recaptured chitzena and staved off an attack at cambria sam site. (26 enemy soldiers against 18 veteran militia + 7 topline mercs). Will have to make money from san mona - as have a huge huge huge stockpile of weapons in cambria. Also sell of all the junk armor to keith - but that is limited income (1500 per day)
team has:
Raven - lvl 9(+7), mrk 100(+6), 13 days remaining
zango - lvl 9(+8), mrk 100(+20)
thor - lvl 7(+4), mrk 96 (+22), Mech 81 , 13 days remaining
igor - lvl 7(+5??), mrk 96, mech 61 , 20 days remaining
razor - lvl 5(+4??), Mrk 80
ira - lvl 3(+2), mrk 75
gumpy - lvl 3(+2), mrk 74
Hamous - lvl 2, mrk 82 (+4)
Dimitri - Lvl 2
stephen - lvl 7 (+1), mrk 88,
Dr Q - lvl 4, mrk 80
Danny - lvl 4, mrk 74
MD - lvl 3, mrk 72
Scope - fresh hire - trained militia at drassen sam site - leadership +1. Training strength.
Lynx - fresh hire - trained militia at drassen sam site - leadership +1. Training agility.
Wolf - fresh hire - training strength to scope
Dynamo - fresh hire - recuperating under watchful eyes of Danny/MD/Dr Q at tixa prison.
Dont have exact stats for all the mercs - as that info is on my laptop at home.
Found carmen - gave him a head (tiffany) - will get the cash at drassen bar soon.
cleaned up a lot of area outside cambria/cambria sam - they were witnessing huge attacks (as i said above - attack by 26 elites at cambria sam site) - due to all the surrounding sectors full of huge number of enemies. now hopefully the militia will be able to take care of itself.
am on my way to liberate alma - there will get rid of dynamo to make space in my merc squad for some higher level mercs (need them for day ops).
Sorry about my writing style - am using this thread to chronicle my records - kind of like a diary (no storyline - you see ) - good if someone is reading it though
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35634]
Tue, 01 March 2005 19:43
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
yesterday, cleared estoni. Brought wolf/scope/lynx who were camping in Drassen, to san mona to sell items at tony's. he was "away for a bit" so left the guns/ammo on the rooftop and then took them to cambria. Joined larger platoon in Cambria (rest of the team (13 mercs) were camping in Cambria, 2 mercs (Gumpy/Shank) at cambria sam)). So, took a team of night ops specialists (zango/raven/scope/lynx/stephen/Dr Q) to Estoni - (dropped them off by the chopper at sector east of estoni) - chopper returned to take more equipment from cambria to san mona (6 mercs as "mules" to san mona - in the chopper) - ira was parked in san mona with the equipment - brought the remaining team back to cambria. In the meantime - the night ops team made their way to estoni. Entered sector from east end - covered by the fence to jake's junkyard. Was carrying silenced Mac10's with each merc except Dr Q (had ordered loads of .45 grade AP ammo from bobby ray's). thought of moving forward towards the gas pump. enemy was spotted by Raven/Stephen (UVGs) - Lynx was also in the front but he was not wearing UVGs - had NVGs on - so he couldn't spot the enemy. Raven/Stephen finished off this enemy with their silenced weapons - but apparently this attack was detected - end of turn did not switch to real time mode but moved to opponent's turn. Soon a few opponents came into view. They did not fire however - just came within firing range of my UVG spotters.
Deciding that my attack had been detected, I decided to move back. I knew a breaklight would be tossed sooner or later to make my mercs sitting ducks. But I was not going to let these enemies off without finishing them off first - decide to switch off of the silenced weapons and move to the more trustworth FAL
Also, with JA2 gold, there is this pecular feature that if you use your snipers (at the back of the squad) to shoot at invisible enemy (enemy spotted by the spotters), the enemy usually interrupts and shoots back .... i did that - forgetfully - and had to reload - no - i do not like using breaklights - tossing them is a waste of AP - and more often than not - the enemies which are camoflaged and are lying prone still stay invisible until they get a pot shot.
so - raven fires off a shot at the enemy. Stephen takes a shot at the other enemy. Doing this prevents interrupts from enemy when the remaining squad then picks on them. then - the rest of the squad takes a shot each at the invisible enemy - finishing them off. The entire squad is then made to run back. End turn.
The opponent's turn was quite uneventful - i decided to move around the north east corner and make my way around the junkyard - to try to gain access to the roof of the gas pump. however, around the corner were two yellow shirts - finished them off with bursts from my silenced macs. then moved back to the previous location - fearing some undetected enemy would suddenly appear on the other open side. End turn.
However, this turn - the enemy tosses breaklight in my group's direction - making them visible. Thankfully - i am still near the corner - and the enemy's turn is almost over. there are a few shots fired at my mercs - raven takes a hit for very small (-2) damage, Dr Q takes a hit for very small damage (bless those Compound 18 coated spectra vests/spectra armor). End opponent's turn.
Quickly run around corner - no enemies seem to be on this side of the fence (north-north east). however to be sure, just make all the mercs run out of effective range of the breaklight.
Then, it became very boring. - just sit there - out of the light - enemies would make their way around the corner - get interrupts from the team - choose which merc i wish to get the kill for - finish the enemy with burst fire from the FAL.
managed to bring down enemy forces from 28 to 11 using this. Then, the enemy became smart and stopped coming. So, took Raven/Stephen around north-northwest corner of junkyard - spotted 2 enemies - finished them off with bursts from the silenced Mac10s. enemy count down to 9. moved in front of the gate of junkyard - took cover beside the bin(??) - Raven spotted enemies - finished them off using bursts from FAL (the enemy was quite far for accurate targetting using Mac10) .. she had sufficient APs for waiting there to get more interrupts. 2 camoflauged elites arrive, raven interrupts, hits a full burst on one to make her critical... end interrupt turn. Immediately, gets her turn back. Finishes off this critical enemy with another burst - runs back to take cover. A smoke grenade gets lobbed at team - Raven takes advantage of the smoke - moves into the smoke. soon enemies start coming into smoke, and are finished off with bursts from mac10 from stephen/Raven who get interrupts - continued to work from here until the enemy count was down to 4. Raven moved out of cover, found 2 enemies out in the open - finished them off using her FAL. Decided to make use of scope a little - so brought her in from the east side (the side lit by breaklights). however, she was not interrupted inspite of being in full light (only 2 enemies remain) - so she manages to move forward - spots an enemy with his back to her, finishes him off, wait for real time mode again. move forward, spot another enemy - burst FAL into his back "it is most fortunate - area is clear of enemy presence".
Had to bring the chopper back from Drassen (he had returned "can't wait any longer, cap" - so brought him from Drassen to cambria sam, gumpy/shank were picked up (Shank gained 6 points of strength when walking overloaded from Tixa to Cambria sam site - too bad i was going to get rid of him after the gas deal )
So, breeham druz arrives in estoni, makes deal with jake, and is shown the door, along with gumpy (dont know why i hired him in the first place - thought his high intelligence would be useful - he is a pain though - good for nothing but training). hardly used him.
so now, estoni can be camping area for the chopper - great
so that made space for 2 mercs in my squad - recruited maddog picked up as much equipment as i could - took 5 mercs from estoni (from current 7) to san mona - dropped off all useless arms/ammo and took team back to cambria.
Followed up with one days rest for the squad.
Following day, picked up the two mercs in estoni (Lynx/zango) - brought them to cambria - put them in icecream truck along with thor/scope/raven/stephen. Alma, here i come!
cleared area on route to alma - pretty easy day ops (as opposed to night ops where the use of break lights by the enemies is driving me nuts). entered alma from north west sector - finished off the guards guarding the rocket rifle, by using silenced Mac10s (very very useful), let seargent off to get the rocket rifle (now have 3 rocket rifles - just storing them for God knows what) hired conrad - cleared the area.
moved to next sector (east) - used RDX to blow open a hole in the northern building - entered the building for some intense gun battle - this sector was easy.
Went on to alma mine - gained roof top access - repeated interrupts on part of my team managed to finish off the enemies in the quadrant with practically no injuries
Found terry/slay in the area - Conrad threatened him - then punched him - and slay offered his services. However, team is currently full - plan to let dynamo off once he is reuinited with his family - then recruit slay for the 7 free days.
got alma mine. flew dynamo along with razor/igor/dr Q/danny/Wolf. dynamo was reunited - loyalty went up to 67%. Start traiining militia in the 3 alma sectors - razor went into mine ot fetch any silver that may exist. Ira met tony - sold goods worth 15K. Razor got the goodies from the mine - only to find that alma loyalty has gone down to 59% - i wonder why? is it like stealing from the mine?
well - dynamo is fixing stuff at the moment - once all repair work is complete - dynamo leaves team - slay is hired - go complete bloodcat quest - and then clear alma 4th sector and as much as possible of sectors surrounding alma.
current daily earnings of 20K, ira is parked in front of tony, hamous will sell to keith in cambria. plan to do mostly day ops - tho night ops will also be done - with the huge team of night ops specialists that i have at my disposal. Now i have 5 UVGs cool yea!
will update today's progress tomorrow
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35640]
Fri, 04 March 2005 20:03
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
glad to see that you read my posts AZ
update for today (y'day's game)
Was considering what to do next - 1/3rd team parked in cambria, ira in san mona, another 3rd in alma, and these 6 mercs on the road to balime.
Decided to clean up sectors outside Alma - so that there will not be too much attacking from Queen's army on Alma. parked Dr Q to sector south of southwest alma (where we had travelled to by truck). He was below 94 EP - and would have to walk around alma to do the cleaning. Took team of 5 mercs (raven/zango/stephen/lynx/scope) to walk to the sector just south of south west alma sector (north of current sector). as day was breaking - this fight would be a day-operation. cant say i felt easy about it - as my mercs would be visible to enemy all the time (unless there is smoke/gas).
however, decided to try it anyways.
Walked to this sector - landed mercs in a small spot, somewhat seperated from each other. Found that i had landed right in front of 4 enemy soldiers. two were looking me right in the face, two others were facing away.
Finished the two looking in my direction with bursts from raven's and scope's silenced mac10s. zango then took a throwing knife and finished off one enemy soldier with one throw. Took another throwing knife, finished off the other soldier in another throw. pretty cool, huh? to kill enemies with throwing blades in the daylight - the game switched back to real time mode - indicating i was not detected.
4 enemies gone - 28 more to go.
took team to the front - saw a few soldiers around. had zango run up to a tree in front - more enemy soldiers were detected. zango took cover behind the tree.. the remaining team took cue from zango's sight - and some long distance sniping finished off the enemies sighted - quite loudly. end turn.
The enemy was alerted - enemy strength down to 24. more enemies came into view (5 enemies came and stood in a close clustered group, at some distance
from zango) and a sixth and seventh some way off of this group. had each of my mercs fire some shots at this group - since there were trees around - not all my shots connected. Stephen was carryin a granade launcher - which he promptly used to shoot a 40mm grenade at the group standing close together - then, had zango take one shot at one of the poor enemies to make him critical - and run back to join the group. (so now, tho none of the new group of enemies died, there were some nicely wounded enemies).
next turn - the enemy started moving in. one enemy soldier tossed a smoke grenade at the team - which landed some way off - and blocked view for my team from some enemies. some enmies got quite close but there were no shots fired at my team, yet.
next turn, make each merc fire at the soldiers in view. then make team run back further still. the enemy is taking a beating but still has a large number (around 18-19). i am taking cover behind a sole tree, AND there is nowhere, repeat, NOWHERE i can run, except out of the sector. have reached the border now. so i decide to sit and play the game from this edge - i may take some hits but compound 18 coated spectra vests + spectra headgear/shorts should be able to save some hide.
the enemy tosses smoke grenades - which land mid way between me and the enemy. blocks some more enemies from view. a few enemies approach from north (the earlier attacks were from the east, i am at the south west end of the sector). there are interrupts from my team - at the enemy approaching from north, and headshots at the enemy to put them down. as i run out of APs, more enemies come into view - and a smoke and tear gas grenade is launched at me. except scope (who has sunglasses), everyone else has gas masks, so they do not lose EP due to tear gas, scope loses some HP - but that's alright. one enemy soldier fires a shot and hits raven for -15 damage. end of enemy turn. from here, since i am also partially covered in smoke, not all mercs can take shots at enemy they see, due to smoke. i have them come out of smoke, take their shot - then move back into smoke/tear gas cloud. keep scope out of the cloud as she doesn't have a gas mask. manage to bring down the enemy strength to 14. end turn.
the enemy can see me - but cannot hit. the smoke is a great help. several shots are fired - but i escape unhurt. an enemy soldier brings out a law, and misses. next turn, i bring down a few more enemies (including the soldier who fired the law). enemies are really really down now. they stop coming to me - so i decide to go hunt them, and hunt i do - the enemy is finished in next couple of turns - and my mercs, are almost at full health, except raven for the -15 damage - which is fine).
so, i decide to rest for a while, and then move to sector west of here. That sector seems to have huge number of enemies (a patrol of 17 soldiers moved into that sector in addition to 32 already present there). forgetfully, i had loaded scope over 100%, and the team took more than the regular time(1hr 44mins i think - they took 2hrs 8 mins) to reach the sector. landed entire team behind a cluster of trees. damn lucky
this sector has a house the enemy soldiers appear to be guarding. from here, i can see a few enemy soldiers in another clump of trees - but they are out in the open, not behind the trees. i decide to go the firepower way (cannot do any stealth ofcourse)
so - all my mercs take shots at the enemy - i have to expose myself a little (all shots seemed to be blocked by the trees in front). i manage to put down 3 enemy soldiers immediately). then i end turn and wait.
more enemies come into view - some shots are fired - but all miss. next turn - i finish the ones who came out in the open, using mercs who are not able to see enemy (lynx/stephen are in the front, doing the spotting, zango/scope are just behind - taking pot shots at locations indicated by lynx/stephen, raven is still further behind (kept her behind as she was already damaged a little), doing the same). so - finish off these enemies - and stephen/lynx still have all APs. newer enemies arrive, stephen/lynx get interrupts - and finish off the bad guys. same sequence is repeated for two turns. manage to do away with a lot of enemies. then, one turn- stephen doesn't take the interrupt - the soldier - in camo, takes full aim at stephen - and hits him for some -12 damage - i think - this is alright - stephen can live - what with his high high health - next turn we again finish off enemies - and bring the enemies to less than 30 strength - wow
then i move stephen up in front of another tree - further ahead. he spots more enemies - has enough AP to take one full aimed shot at one enemy - it is a head shot to put the enemy into critical state (from excellent). end turn.
enemies keep coming in the open - but not firing - as they took their APs to run upto the spot, i guess - good for me. stephen does the spotting, others finish the enemies off. stephen keeps his APs to get interrupts at the end of our turn. and after what seemed a while - finally, the enemy stopped coming. but their strength seriously low (well 17 can't really be called low, but ina sector of 49 enemies, if 32 are gone - then whta can i say)
move mercs out of cover - move upto the house in teh center. spotted enemies - finished them off as soon as they were spotted. however, stephen - being spotter - was then shot at from behind some cover - took some more damage (down to 60 health - if i remember correctly). since enemy was still invisible, had lynx take out a grenade launchr and fire at the invisible enemy - and viola - the enemy was thrown out of his cover for everyone to see - he was gunned down.
patched stephen up - he moved up beyond the enemies erstwhile cover - and did some more spotting. mercs finished off these enemies (yeah it got boring now - spot/shoot/wait but wht the hell.. fun to do the killing - oops
well - slowly and steadily - moved into the enemy quarters - taking small damage for lynx/scope also - but managed to finish off almost all the enemy. all but one. could not find this one enemy all over the map. so decided he must be hiding in the building. entered the building - there was a locked door - and i had no lockpic in my team - no explosives either - and there were no explosives dropped by the enemy in the fight either. DAMN DAMN DAMN.
however, i decided to try my luck - i asked zango to burst fire aiming at a location on the other side of the door. he did - and emptied the clip.
also, there was a grunt from the other side of the door and the game entred turn-based mode - YAY.
I saved the game at this point and ended turn.
the enemy soldier then opened the door - zango got an interrupt - and yet - the enemy soldier moved out of his the door to close the door behind him - a weapon stockpile?
zango then beat him to pulp - and then finished him off in another turn.
so enemies were cleared(i got lucky with that burst fire) - but i was not satisfied - wanted to see what the enemies had hidden behind the door). so i reloaded - and this time, after my turn, as soon as the enemy opened the door and i got the interrupt, zango ran upto the enemy (so that he wont be able to move out and close the door, despite the interrupt). then zango took out his combat knife and proceeded to do some slicing and dicing
found 2 spectra vests, 2 spectra helmets, a kevlar vest of the kind that the general in alma wears - what is it called -dont remmember it right now... the one which shows slits - a camo kit, and two bottles of compound 18. however, all the armor is useless as all my mercs are dressed in spectra armor already - the compound 18 should come useful however.
now, this team is guarding the wealth of stuff - had team sitting in alma strip down and walk to all sectors i had conquered (outside alma). - pick up all equipment available from sector south of southwest alma sector (wish i could mention just sector locations now i dont seem to remember them tho) - and then move further south to where Dr Q was camped - pick up all available useful equipment - then take the truck back to alma.
that's where i stopped playing for the day.
i have to decide what i do next - clean up some more outside alma - or run to other towns - can actually fly to chitzena sam site - and then walk to grumm - but would like to get hummer from outside balime first. let us see how it goes.
will keep you all updated. cya all after the weekend.
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35649]
Mon, 07 March 2005 21:20
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
great weekend.
played quite a lot during the weekend. here is how it went
rested mercs for a while - recovering from injuries taken during battles outside alma (stephen, if you rememeber - was down to slightly less than 2/3rds of his HP. scope/zango were bruised a little here and there.
since truck was back in alma, after some rest, the attack squad (raven/zango/scope/lynx/stephen) back to alma - where they were packed in the truck along with conrad - and then sent out towards balime (should have had a lockpick in the team - but thank my (lack of) foresight to not do this).
However, get to balime after having to clear one sector (all other sectors had been cleared earlier). - balime(east) was easy to take - it appeared there were not many enemies parked there. then I headed to balime west - where a nasty battle occurred. at one point - i had to reload - as one elite, even after going critical (hiding in the westernmost house) - gave a full blast to Raven and got her to "dying" - could not afford that - then - had zango sneak up to the front door of the building (agi - 86, lvl 9) - he managed to interrupt the enemy soldier - and since he was at close range - gave him a full blast in the head to finish him off.
as i did not have a lockpick in the team - and there were 3 enemies hiding inside this house, had conrad toss a RDX pack at the door of this house - and blasted the front door by a grenade tossed on the RDX (am saving TNT+detonator to make the mercs gain wisdom ) found the two enemies (one zango had finished off) - and finished them off to finish balime.
Balime loyalty was 20% wow - first time it has happened - otherwise balime used to generally hang around 13% (or was it 18%) even after the city was conquered - and i would have to take adjacent sectors, before i could train militia. guess it might have to with my team composition or smth.
immediately put conrad+stephen/zango+scope to train militia - lynx went shopping in balime east - bought a toolkit and started repairing items - raven went to armand to collect 10000 booty - yay - i was 10000 richer.
now that 5 cities are conquered - miguel/carlos may be recruited - but there is no space in my team - may have to ask Raven to leave soon - she is so damn expensive anyways (slay will be going away too) - hamous is another option.
meanwhile - had the chopper travel over to alma - pick up razor/thor/slay/Wolf/Dr Q/Danny - leaving behind Igor (repair items) - and drop them in cambria. As tony was not available (stepped out for a bit) - my source of income were the mines - and whatever little i could salvage from selling junk to keith/jake.
while militia was being trained in balime - a team from cambria (razor/dimitri/hamous/slay/MD/Danny) ferry around in the chopper, collecting all the junk they could lay their hands upon - between cambria/balime/alma/estoni - and sell it to jake in estoni (does jake have a limit on the amount he can buy?)
one interesting thing to note - i wanted to get rid of a *huge* amountof ammo i had - but tony being away and keith offering dirt prices for ammo/arms - and also being a piddly buyer (limit of 1500 per day) - decided to sell stuff to jake. Even Jake buys the ammo for dirt cheap prices - but - when you sell him 7.32 mm ammo, if it is a 30 round AP clip - he buys it for 24 - and if you sell a 10 round AP clip, he still buys it for 24 - so - had all the mercs carry a druganov, and several 30 round AP clips - converted 30 round clips to 10 round ones and sold each at 24 a piece - some decent money (okay - had to ferry the guys around for some time - but each trip - i ended up paying Skyrider about half of the money i got from jake - but it was fun doing it), and cigars/canteens/wine/alcohol/beer whatever junk i could find (dont sell armor to him as he buys it for dirt prices again - spectra vests are best sold at sam's store in Balime (was it sam or someone else?) and all other armor to Keith in Cambria.
soon, there was a significant amount of militia in balime 40 regular (blue) militia - so - took this team of 6 mercs - by ice-cream truck - to Dave to get the hummer. It was morning 6:00 am when i left, so one night operation immediately out(north) of balime. After resting a bit - move westward - take some more army men (team of 32 in broad daylight - day ops are definitely easier than night ops now ) the good thing about day ops is - just cloud yourself in smoke when the enemy finds out about you - then, wait for enemy to come out of their cover towards you. as you sit and wait for the cloud of smoke to clear, you will be surrounded by enemies - and then they will be within striking range for taking out with full bursts - each round - every merc can take two enemy soldiers - or atleast take one - and make another critical, poor at worst.
finished this sector, and then went to see Dave. There were fewer enemies(24) than the original 32 in this sector (i guess a patrol had just moved out of this sector to provide reinforcements to another sector). Thought this one will be a cakewalk. hehe - i was wrong - i managed to finish off 3 enemies right at the start - they were standing right next to each other - very close ot me - so silent bursts with mac10s+throwing knives accounted for them. then, i decided to do the fire at sight bit and involved audible firepower. i managed to get two more enemy soldiers - only to have stunners+smokers +tear gas tossed at me from unseen enemies - damn. so - my team lay on the floor - stunned - and enemy soldiers started taking shots at me - most of which missed me - due to the smoke cover. (one thing - as soon as the tear gas grenade was tossed - zango got an interrupt - and i went to the map to have everyone change from sun-glasses to gas masks).
made zango move away from the smoke - taking cover on one side from the smoke - stephen was gettin shot at and taking it bad. raven & scope were also hurt. i dont mind stephen bearing the brunt of the attack due to his excellent HP. zango moved south - and located some more enemies - one was a rocket rifle toting elite - he interrupted zango (zango is high agility+lvl 9) - fired a shot but missed - conrad interrupted - took a shot at the elite making him strong (from excellent)- and then tossed a smoke grenade in front of him. zango's view was clouded - but that was alright - as he saw another enemy approach - and finished him off first. Then - waited for the smoke to clear everywhere (enemy strength was considerably reduced by now - some more must have been killed - dont remember who took them out - now).
So, slowly - took out the remaining enemies - and then spoke to dave - gave him the 10000 for the hummer. (the other team was still ferrying items around the country - accumulating everything in cambria (cleaned up alma of all its inventory except the bloodcat items)) - tony was back - so sold stuff at tony's. extended Dr Q & Danny by two weeks each. DrQ/Danny/MD have 33 days of contract remaining.
Another patrol attacked Dave's sector - i was caught unaware - Raven+zango were inside Dave's house (at his dealing desk) - and the enemy was just outside the window - raven would first crouch (from prone position) - and give 2 bursts to the enemies - and then zango would crouch (from prone) - 2 bursts - then both would go prone again. it was somewhat tough - as both were overwhelmed in terms of numbers - but stephen/lynx/conrad happened to be lurking around (outside the house, somewhat further away)- and they came into the firing line (yet again) - meanwhile - zango/raven took out the enemies - slowly but surely.
Found Iggy in San Mona bar(on a trip to move inventory items from cambria now to san mona) - fired Hamous, hired iggy. Took this team in chopper - dropped Thor/Slay/Wolf/DrQ/Danny with the team situated at Dave's sector. Took Razor back to alma - where i picked up Igor - and took him back to cambria - with whatevr they could carry. then took the entire team on scavenging the country again. the chopper is a blessing (to enjoy planning managing your finance/inventory).
then - alma was attacked (south west)- 20 blue militia vs 27 soldiers - 8 elites+19 strong guys. it was over run. loyalty dropped to 85% - mine income dropped to 65% - damn. i decided it was time to attack and reclaim the sector - but first - clean up outskirts of balime some more. So, i took my mercs first west (sector above M9) - cleaned it up sustaining some injury - then brought them back to dave's sector - the hummer
was ready - took both vehicles - and headed for alma. On way to Alma, Balime was attacked by the queens soldiers - it was again a 20 vs 27 attack - surprisingly, my militia were able to stave off the attack - wow.
went to alma, cleaned up the occupied sector - then took team to clean up northern outskirts of alma - cleaned 4 sectors north of alma - one sector - there was some very very intense fighting - wolf took a mortar right in the face - and his armor went down to 80% (compound 18 spectra vest/spectra helmet/spectra shorts) - and yet - he did not die - he only lost half his HPs - wow) - team took some injuries - it is evening on day 49 +/- a day or two - returned to alma - and was in the process of repairs/healing - when another attack on the sector where i am currently at. Just before i stopped playing - there was an attack on this sector - 27 enemy soldiers (what is it with that number) vs militia + 12 mercs - i was tired - so decided to play it later - however, decided to check out the scenario - my squad was standing in a bunch in the sector - and there were atleast 12 enemy soldiers standing right opposite me - in a tight bunch - "what a shame - it is time to do some killing" - will play this sector tomorrow(today).
wish a great week to you all.
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Re: 32 enemies per sector[message #35657]
Tue, 16 August 2005 23:59
zango |
Registered:January 2005 Location: India |
i'm not enjoying night ops any more. playing exclusively with throwing knives. replaying 32 enemies per sector (courtesy weaponX). IMP is nightops+stealthy. Right now at level 9 with 100 marksmanship, 92 dex, 85 agility, 85 wisdom and pretty high on remaininng stats.
Rest of the team is Stephen(level 9) Grunty(7) lynx(5) Raven(4) Wolf(4). Started the game with Stephen, grunty, igor, razor, flo, and IMP.
hardest sector so far was drassen's second sector (where Father walker is to be found). But after this, I found a pair of UV goggles at Drassen mine (which was easy) and from there its been a cakewalk. (upto drassen - played with guns).
Now, each of my mercs is equipped with UV goggles.
Have conquered Drassen/cambria and the two northern SAM sites and the central Sam site. Also cleared Estoni and san mona - now headin towards Chitzena. Drassen mine has run out.
However, nightops is all hit a few shots - run away. come back - hit some more - and run back away. i'll probably switch to day ops. Should be more fun. As the mercs are pretty high in levels, interrupts should not be a problem. battles will be more fun - the night ops is really really boring right now
all my mercs have long contracts - Raven 38 days, stephen 19 days remaining.
Other than this i also have Igor(4) Razor(3) Ira(3) Vince(2) Hamous(2) Shank(1) Dynamo(2) Maddog(2) Flo(1) who are currently sitting in Cambria doing nothing!
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