Using WASD keys for scrolling[message #359152]
Sun, 08 March 2020 03:20
battlesquid |
Registered:March 2020 |
New guys here, first thanks a lot for v1.13 that makes ja2 possible for me to enjoy.
As years in almost every game I played it's become a standard with WASD for moving around in FPS, and this has also become pretty standard for scrolling maps in games. The arrow keys are too far away and makes me have to move my hand every time I need to scroll, which in JA2 is pretty often! So I need my WASD keys to work as arrow keys to not feel encumbered...
Anyway I did not find this possible after searching around in these forums/looking through config files etc. I did find others using autohotkey scripts for other things, and I tried to do this for WASD..
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Scroll the tactical screen using the typical WASD keys
w::Send {Up}
a::Send {Left}
s::Send {Down}
d::Send {Right}
While this works in the strategic view, it does not work where I need it, in the tactical view... The existing actions tied to the w,a,s and d keys are not triggered, but neither is the scrolling. The arrow keys work as usual though. I've tried playing around with the alternative methods like SendInput and using virtual keys etc. but to no avail. Anyone has a clue what I can do to make this work as I want to?
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