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IronMan game...[message #92068] Sat, 28 February 2004 18:34 Go to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Well I set out to see if I could play a good game of Ironman on UC with the following restrictions.

2. Only save points are with no combat in the sector. ( after a battle, before quiting the game or to act as a safety point in case of computer problem etc. )
3. Played on Expert / Tons of Guns / NON-SciFi
4. Locals ONLY ( no AIM or MERC personel )
5. Buying or selling to/from anyone is OK
6. Stealing from the populous is OK

That is it....

Ok so here is a run down of my game so far.

Day 1 7:00am: Arrived at Atremo Airstrip with my IMP. As soon as I disembarked, I ran to the freight dock, and recruited Rosebud before any fighting began. I then ran to the freight dock clerk with my claim check and gave it to him 10 to 15 seconds before the fighting started. He actually showed me my box just as the first shots got fired ( what luck ). While the airport security ( malitia ) were busy fighting the bad guys Rosebud and Hick ( my IMP ) outfitted with the equipment on hand. We then ran out front to lend a hand with the fight. Rosebud and I ran across the road and just as Rosebud turned to the far side of the large military truck he ran straight into a yellow shirt that nearly shit his pants. The guy was so scared that he drew and fired at Rosebud from 2 squares away and missed twice. Rosebud with crowbar in hand, smashed the poor guys head in with 1 hit and droped him to the ground. Hick following closely ran up and quickly disarmed the downed yellow shirt and Rosebud finished him off with a second smash with the crowbar. We left him dying on the ground and moved to the rear of the truck. Meanwhile the malitia is mixing it up with other red and yellow shirts at both the front and back security posts at the airstrip. By now at least 6 enemy are dead and only a couple left. One of the red shirts is fighting it out with the malitia in the front security building and decides to make a run for it, back out the way he went in ... Rosebud with crowbar and Hick are waiting for him ... another dead guy. Soon the battle is over and we have collected a total of 7 pistols and a sawed off shotgun with about dozen clips of ammo as well as first aid and other needed items. Neither Rosebud nor Hick get a scratch.

Day 1 7:34am : We decide to head down to the subway where we encounter Shark and his crew. Rosebud has his crowbar and Hick is holding a pair of Makarov's when we meet up with Shark. Shark runs up to Rosebud and swings a machete but, Rosebud moves at the last second and the machete misses by a fraction of an inch. Rosebud plants 2 good hits with his crowbar to Shark's midsection and he drops lick a rock. Shark falls across the corridore and blocks about half of it with his body so his buddies who still have not come to his aid will have to go around him. Hick fires once with both pistols and Shark is dying in the hallway. Two of Shark's cronies come running up but make it only as far as his body and for some strange reason crouch down behind it... dumb move. Hick plugs them both with her Makarov's and Rosebud sits back and watches the show. Another thug runs up and hits Hick with a right cross for 5 points of damage and takes 4 slugs of 9mm lead for his trouble. Two more thugs try to close to hand to hand range but Rosebud gets an interupt and takes out one of them after switching to the sawed off shotgun. Hick takes out the last one and its off to collect the goodies. A few minutes of search lockers and storerooms yields an ample amount of cash and prizes and with only a minor scratch its back up to the airstrip to stash the items we wont need right away.

Day 1 7:50am : After setting aside all the things we dont need now and planning the next move we set off south ( to B-9 )with as much ammo as we can carry and hope for the best.

Day 1 7:55am : We arrive in the rural urban area south of the airstrip and find we have to deal with 10 enemy soldies. We sneek onto the closest roof tops and catch a couple of red shirts by surprise and after a brief encounter leave them laying in pools of blood ( thier's not ours ). We bait a yellow shirt to follow Hick around a corner of a building where he meets Rosebud and his crowbar face to shaft as it were. We get into a fire fight with 2 red shirts and a yellow shirt on the south west edge of town and Hick takes a 9 point wound from a red shirt from about 15 to 18 squares out ( ouch it burns ). Rosebud actually takes one guy out with his new CAR from long range. While this yellow shirt tries to charge Hick and takes 2 rounds from her Makarov's the other red shirt pops Rosebud with a round that glances off a tree and nicks him for 3 points. Two or three rounds later the red shirt is dead and we carefully search the bodies for more ammo. As we skirt our way along the southern border from west to east we run into another yellow shirt who give us some nice target practice. When we reach the mid eastern area along the southern edge we run into a red shirt with his back towards us. Hick slips up a little closer and Rosebud, not being very good at keeping quite hangs back. Hick makes it to within 4 squares of her target when he must have smelt her body odor or something, because before you can blink, the guy turns and fires a burst 2 rounds of which hit her square in the Kevlar vest she took from Shark. Bleeding and a little winded she pops off a pair of well aimed shots from her Makarov's and the guys falls to the ground in a pool of blood. Hick pulls out her first aid kit and stops the bleeding and hopes she does not do anything that foolish again soon. Now they work thier way to the middle of the tiny township and catch a red shirt behind a tree looking away from them. With a well placed shot from Rosebud's CAR and a good followup shot from Hick he goes down. As we round the edge of the building at the center cross roads the door opens up and Hick catches a yellow shirt in mid stride through the doorway. The Makarov's spit and the Yellow shirt takes a dust nap. One more left some where... Just as Hick moves into the doorway to pick up some dropped ammo the last yellow shirt runs around the corner into Rosebuds sights. A single burst and it all over... gathering up the equipment and moving it back to the Airstrip for storage.

Day 1 8:39am : Well everything is stored away and Rosebud and I are outfitted to go get Rude Dog. We do not intend to fight the gang members yet just the enemies we run into. ( Since this is an Ironman game with Locals ONLY I dont need the extra danger of the gang today. Maybe on my way back from Calisto and getting Tex I will take them out, but for now its the soldiers only that need my attention. )

Day 1 8:49am : We just entered B-10 in the south west corner and we are making our way towards the east so we can possibly get to the roof of the pool hall / bar for a good vantage point. We make it to almost directly south of the pool hall when we run into trouble. Hick takes out a yellow shirt and attracts the unwanted attention of 4 more soldiers within ear shot of the gun fight. After ducking and dodgeing and trading rounds for what seems like for ever the other 4 are dead and we both have only a couple minor scrapes to add to our growing wound collection. Hick decides that even thou we only have 2 Crepagen healing aides that she is hurt bad enough to use one of them. She does so and heals her 34 points of damage and gets back to full health. Rosebud only has minor wounds so off we go in search of the other bad guys. We make it to the bar roof and as we approached the northern edge we run into 2 more enemy soldiers within 2 turns both are dead and another comes running to join his dead friends. Rosebud helps him along with what had to be his best shot so far ... at least 22 to 23 squares out he gets an interupt and fires at full aim at the torso with his CAR. The guy takes 53 points of damage goes crit. and the dialog comes up to say he was hit in the shoulder and took -6 to his dex. The enemy turn ends and rosebud thinking ... hey I hit him last time why not again misses by a full 10 feet. This is way out of Hick range so she sits back and waits. The enemy turn starts and the guy goes "OHHHHH " and takes -5 damage and falls on his face dying. Hick and Rosebud laugh about the irony of it all when they get attacked by another enemy from below. Its a yellow shirt and his aim stinks ( most likely it his pants but who knows ) 3 rounds go sailing past, and both of Hick Makarov's answer the call with four rounds to the poor guys torso. Now I know his pants are full of shit as the guy grunts in the dirt face down. The last guy we find up near the Snack n Shack and he too goes down without much trouble. With the sector clear of enemies we head off to get Rude Dog who is ready to join up. We gather up all the goodies but dont touch the PPSH yet ( we dont have any smoke nor the desire to get shot up ). We head back to the Airstrip and set up for the second part of Atremo proper.

Day 1 9:11am : We dont want to have a fight with the cops yet for the same reasons as the gang. So its kill the soldiers only and steal as much from the cops lockers as we can without being seen. So we will head due east from the Airstrip ( A-9 ) to the Town ( A-10 ) so we can come up from behind the buildings along the western edge and use the roofs to out advantage. We could take the subway route and come up inside the large building on the east side but wont give us the advantage we are looking for ( the roofs ).

Day 1 9:16am : The 3 of us enter the sector near the top most building along the western edge. We head south to the building with the large roll up door in the back. ( In my hurry I forgot to put everyone in stealth mode ) Just before we get to the end of the first building Hick hears something loud coming from the south east and out pops a red shirt. Rude Dog in the lead again without thinking levels his M4 and pops him with a burst from 3 squares away( I should have run up and hit him with fists or had Rosebud hit him with a crowbar ). The red shirt flies backward blood and bone spraying out his back as he falls like a broken ragdoll being thrown out into the trash. Sanity returns to us all and we crouch quitely and move towards the end of the building. Peering around the corner and not seeing anyone Hick runs across the open to the edge of the next building. Once there she kneels down and decides to head to the roof but before she can stand up the storeroom door of the first building pops open and a red shirt fires at her with 3 rounds one of which hits her in the head and thank goodness for Shark's Spectra helmet he was nice enough to give up she only takes 4 points of damage. Rude Dog and Rosebud both run around the corner and into the room and beat the red shirt too death as well as taking his weapon from him. ( a nice Stechkin APS ) As we are taking a breather from all this another red shirt comes from behind Hick and luckily she gets an interupt and puts 4 rounds of lead into him and he does the face plant a few squares away. ( I wonder if he would have done it differently if he knew he was going to be heard? Oh well... ) Hick takes to the roof along with Rude Dog while Rosebud keeps alookout down below. We catch 3 soldiers in the large parking lot hanging out with the local police ( I guess they were swapping stories or something ) Rude Dog takes out one with his M4 and hick shoots at one but misses and the third is well out of range. After a brief battle the other 2 are dead an we have attracted another 2 who hear the battle. One runs up under our line of fire and sucks up against the building while his buddie gets shot by the Rude Dog. Rosebud slips up along the edge of the building and uses the sawed off at 2 squares away and takes the guys head clean off. ( There must have been a 10 foot spray on that thing ) We caught up to another soldier near the fire station and put him to rest and found another north of the large building on the east side where the subway comes up. The last guy was a yellow shirt and should actually be called a yell bellie because he fired 1 shot which came now where close to anyone and took off running. Rude Dogs M4 barked and the soldier fell in his tracks. Rude Dog called it like he sees things ... its brewski time. We gathered up the items we found and carted them off to the airstrip for later use.

Day 1 10:09am : We headed back to check out the Cops lockers in private of course. We did not touch the suppressor as it was in plain sight nor did we open nor take anything where a cop was watching. We opened the main rollup door and closed it behind us and took the SAIGA 12K and the Agrams along with all the ammo and grenades. Then we wen over to the other police building and picked up the other ammo and stuff. We headed back to the airstrip for stashing things away and getting ready for the long walk to Calisto's middle sector where Tex is.

Day 1 10:27am : That is it for now... so far all 4 sectors of Atremo are free of soldiers as well as the subway. I now have 3 Merc's and plenty of weapons and ammo ( way more than we can carry ). No one is hurt more than -8 damage and I have a few hours to rest up and repair items before setting off to Calisto to get Tex.

Hope you enjoyed this excerpt from my Ironman adventure so far as it has unfolded I have saved my game after each area has been secured and have saved for the night at the point above. I hope all goes well tomorrow and the adventure will continue or you will hear all the bloody detail of our deaths. If you want me to continue with this adventure with you all please comment on it so I will know if anyone is even interesed.

Thanks for letting me bend your ears...

If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92069] Mon, 01 March 2004 14:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Well since no one has posted one way or the other about my post I will assume no one cares or is interested in this so I will not update it...

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92070] Mon, 01 March 2004 15:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
rage is currently offline rage

Registered:March 2004
not true.

it sounds great!

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92071] Mon, 01 March 2004 20:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 1 10:27am : We ( Rude Dog, Rosebud, and Hick ) decide to do a little repair work before hitting the road. We all repair till 1:00pm and then rest till 3:00pm. We put on our camo and decide to go directly to Calisto vis the road. We know it will patrolled and in the daytime but we will be able to hit Calisto just after sunset if all goes well.

Day 1 4:39pm : We enter sector B-11 in the south western corner with the trees for cover. Skirting the southern border will keep us somewhat hidden till we get near the bridge. Rude Dog is in front sneeking along and is nearing the river and thinking "maybe we can swim it without being seen". We all gather up and take defensive positions along the tree line and Rude Dog decides to give the river swim a go. Just as he sets foot in the water the numbing cold is not the only thing he feels. A cold chill runs up his spine as he spots a yellow shirt due north of him. Thinking fast he backs out of the river and ducks for cover. The yellow shirt did not even see him but the river crossing is out of the picture. We move through the trees slowly and keeping to cover encounter a red and yellow shirt near the building next to the covered bridge. Figuring this is as good a position as any Rude Dog goes for the red shirt with 2 good shots from his M4 to the torso. Rosebud fires 1 fully aimed shot with his CAR and finishes him off. The yellow shirt turns just as Hick fires 2 aimed shots with her pair of Agram 2000's she got from the police lockers in Atremo. Two of the four rounds hit the yellow shirt in the chest and he drops to a kneeling position trying to stop the blood pouring out of him. From the bridge area 3 more red shirts and another yellow come running up at us and two of them fire on us but with the trees for cover no one is hit. The winded yellow shirt just sits there looking at his guts and tring to put them back where they belong. Rude Dog places a good burst into a red shirt and hits him with 2 rounds and Rosebud finishes the already wounded yellow shirt. Hick is just out of range with her Agrams but takes a shot anyway at the wounded red shirt. One round hits him and down he goes. The enemy opens fire on us and lead seems to be everywhere, both Hick and Rude Dog go prone and Rosebud takes a round in the chest for 18 damage. Three more enemy come up and join the now tightly packed group bringing the total to six clustered in the road. Hick grabs one of her Molotov cocktails and places it in the middle of the group where its flames quickly spread to all nearby. A red and a yellow shirt go up in flames and the others are sprawled out, burned and dazed from the explosion. Rude Dog's M4 barks and 3 rounds tear into a somewhat burned red shirt and put him out of his misery. Rosebud fires a round and finishes off a yellow shirt just as two more enemies appear and take positions. One of the wounded gets to his knees and fires at Hick hitting her in the chest and giving her a nasty bruise ( 13 points of damage ). Hick fires twice at the guy who just shot her but none of the four rounds hit anything but air or dirt. Rude Dog seeing Hick get hit takes aim and drops the guy before he can shot again. Rosebud is bleeding and complains about it while firing off a round which actually hits a yellow shirt for 24 points of damage. The enemy again fires on us and this time it is Rude Dog that gets hit but just a glancing blow and he thinks "His sister hits harder than that". A few more traded volleys of fire and we get a breather as the enemy seems to have lost the will to fight. Rosebud is now bleeding again and Hick goes over to patch him up as Rude Dog keeps watch. After finishing Rosebud she tends to herself and then Rude Dog. Knowing there are more enemies about, we move along the tree line closer to the bridge. Rude Dog sees an enemy in the building doorway next to the bridge and fires 2 rounds which drop the guy. A couple of his buddies hear the shots and come running to find Rosebud and Hick waiting to get a shot off each, stopping them in thier tracks. Rude Dog and Rosebud finish off the new comers and Hick sits back and waits.
Getting a little too quite ... Hick circles back southwest and then heads north 250 meters or so from where Rude Dog and Rosebud are crouched. She cuts across the road and slips up to the side of the building next to the bridge. As she climbs to the roof she gets interupted but no shots are fired so she moves up to the center of the building and waits. Slowly she moves towards the northeastern edge of the building and spots a red shirt on the bridge. She fires a well aimed shot and hits him but he only gets pissed off. He turns and opens up with a burst from an automatic pistol 3 rounds of which hit her and opens up a bad wound in her chest ( 46 damage ). Bleeding badly she moves back 2 paces on the roof and has to hope she does not pass out before she can apply some bandages to stop the bleeding. ( I should learn to not send anyone out alone ). Rude Dog and Rosebud cant help her and so only move up as far as cover will allow. The pissed off red shirt runs up toward the building and right into Rude Dogs line of sight. The M4 sounds off and the red shirt takes notice and now focus's on where the fire came from. Rosebud is not in good position to fire and moves up and over to the next tree. Hick with blood running everywhere collapses on the roof in a pool of blood dying. The red shirt fires on Rude Dog and hits him for 9 points of damage. Rosebud fires 2 shots from his CAR, both hit the torso and down he goes, not dead but winded. Rude Dog figures if he can't save Hick its all over and makes a mad dash for the building. The red shirt now really mad, gets up, spins around and fires a burst at the Dog but only hits with one round and it is a flesh wound ( 3 points ). Rosebud fires again and this time the red shirt goes down for good cursing with his last breath. Rude dog scales the building wall and starts healing Hick. Rosebud moves up to the edge of the bridge and waits. Soon Hick is moving again albeit not very well, she uses another of the groups Crepagen ( second one today ) but is not even close to healed. Rosebud slips up on the covered bridges roof and moves along to near its end and waits. Rude Dog also heads up to the bridge roof and meets up with Rosebud while Hick rests in the rear. After a short wait a yellow shirt walks out of the building on the far side of the river into the waiting gunsights of the Dog and Rosebud. Its brewski time and another lesson learned the hard way.

Day 1 5:18pm : We need to go back to Atremo or keep going to Calisto but we cant stay here. Hick is hurt and does not want to take another Crepagen as it would be her third and figures if they can get Tex she can rest and heal. Rude Dog thinks she is " Dumb " for wanting to go on and Rosebud doesn't know any better and knowing nothing of medicine. Hell he doesn't know much of anything, but he is learning. Only good thing to come out of this last battle was, we are alive and we picked up a couple grenades.

Day 1 5:21pm : We head off toward Calisto Rude Dog still is not convinced this is a good move.

Day 1 6:50pm : We arrive in B-12 and the little roadside village is all quite. We search the buildings and get words of encouragement from the locals. They let us have what ever we need if it will help put an end to thier suffering. We find another couple Crepagens, a Med-Kit, a bunch of first aid kits, and in some boxes along the edge of a house we find some various grenades. We also come across a tool kit and a crow bar. We figure it will take us another 1.5 hours to get to Calisto and it won't be dark yet so we have a little time to wait. Rude Dog thinks we should hold up here a few hours to let Hick heal at least a little. We decide to stick around till 11:00pm before heading out. Hick uses her doctoring skills and the Med-Kit and gains back 8 points of health in the 4 hours. Meanwhile Rosebud uses the Tool-kit to do some minor repairs. Rude Dog helps out both of them and they all prepare for the next hike into Calisto.

Day 1 11:01pm : Off we go to Calisto .... Rude Dog still does not like the feel of things.

Day 2 12:32am : We arrive in sector B-13 the Calisto Airport. We come in at the south western corner behind the pond. We gather up and move east along the southern border, then angle north toward the terminal keeping hidden in the trees. Hick spots a red shirt hanging around in the road and hears more movement in the area so we all hold position and wait. The red shirt moves off and Hick keeps hearing more movement from the east and north east.
We come up with a plan to draw the enemy down towards us with some glow sticks and a hot and heavy rain of lead. Rosebud and Hick toss the glow sticks and damned if 6 enemy dont light up the night. Rude Dog Bursts the closest red shirt and drops him and pegs another with a single round. Now its like a bee hive and there are more enemy and even police coming from everywhere. No one has gotten close enough to see us yet and we want to keep it that way. Hick fires a single round at a red shirt but misses and then takes off running back the way they came. Rosebud and the Dog do the same but Rude Dog's shot tags a cop in the leg and he falls to the ground. The enemy is now getting close but still has not seen us. Now it all out run time and we make tracks back west and set up another ambush. Just below the pond is a narrow strip without cover along the southern edge. We toss out another glow stick and light up this narrow area and then fire off a couple bursts in the general direction of where we had been. We dont have to wait long and a red shirt shows up and the three of us take him out fast. Another one comes running into the light and rosebud interupts along with Rude Dog and its all over for him as well. Within 5 minutes or so we have piled up 9 bodies none of which made it even close to our side of the light.
We wait and nothing ... more waiting and nothing. Its time to put the rest of the plan into action. We figure we have drawn off a lot of the enemies to the south side of the sector and so we head northward along the western border of the lake, across the road and slip up to the edge of the terminal unnoticed. We scale the wall and the 3 of us are now on the roof where we have the best advantage. We move along the roof to the northeast till we are over the freight docks where Pablo is hanging out. Setting up a few paces back from the edge we have a good view and shortly it pays off one by one the police and soldiers of Danubia fall. After a couple minutes it is getting to hot and we move to the centeral roof area and pick off a few more soldiers and police. We move again to the southern end of the terminal and take out another couple guys. This is really a turkey shoot and little is risked during this blood bath. Soon nothing is heard in the main terminal area and Rude Dog and Rosebud decide to check out what we missed. Hick sits on the roof and watches just in case. Rude Dog finds a red shirt taking a crap in the bathroom of the lobby area and leaves him where he found him. Brewski time is here again and it off to grease Pablo's palm.

Day 2 1:18am : A quick check of all the dead yields so much junk we stash it in a locker to sell later. Next stop C-13 and a meeting with an old friend.

So ends another chapter in the Ironman sage. I am a little long winded and getting tired so I will add to this tomorrow.

Again if you want me to continue with this please comment so I will know. Very Happy

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92072] Tue, 02 March 2004 00:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Folkewulf is currently offline Folkewulf

Registered:August 2003
keep going you write a good narative and play alot more agressively than me I'd have spent a day healing after the first battle on the road :ok:

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92073] Tue, 02 March 2004 05:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
Headshot keep going its great

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92074] Tue, 02 March 2004 05:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 2 1:31am : Rosebud picks out a nice AEK-919K auto pistol and some ammo to take with him in case of close combat. Rude Dog fits a suppressor to his M4 and picks up an Agram with three clips of ammo, and Hick just wants to feel better. The main town of Calisto awaits so off we go...

Day 2 1:36am : We arrive in sector C-13 and set up behind the building located next to the Subway entrance. We climb up on the roof and fan out to cover more area. Rosebud takes the eastern corner, Hick the western corner, and Rude Dog covers the middle. No sooner have we gotten into position when a red shirt is spotted in the building south of us. Rude Dog with his now silenced M4, fires off a round and hits the guy in the chest. No one else has a shot at this guy so we just wait. The red shirt not knowing where the shot came from runs around like a chicken with his head cut off. Rude Dog puts another round into him and misses with the next. Now the guy is in poor shape but still is too dumb too find cover or leave the area. The red shirt gets on a radio and calls for back-up. Rude Dog makes an excellent shot and the poor guy is doing the dance of death on the floor. Rosebud and Hick are both greeted with newcomers to the party. Rosebud fires twice and hits once, while Hick quickly fires off two rounds from each of her Agram's but only one hits its target. Now the alarms are going off and in the words of Rude Dog... "we got a douche bag convention over here".
Lead is flying from every where, but most shots from the enemy are wild and no where close to the mark. Rude Dog drops 2 soldiers and both Hick and Rosebud take out one apiece. More fighting and dying for the soldiers and police of Danubia as this quickly becomes another turkey shoot. Many of the enemy are hit and duck for cover ( one round into 2 enemies is often better than into a single one ). Hick uses a tactic of laying down to avoid been shot at and then going into a crouch firing off one shot and going back prone. With Hick's limited AP this seems to help keep her safe and allow her to do some damage to the enemy. Rude Dog seems to be doing most of the work and seeing that he is on his last clip for his M4, switches over to an Agram he picked up in the last sector. From what seems like nowhere an elite soldier pops up right under Rosebud's nose and fires at point blank range with a shotgun. The pellets from the round hit Rosebud's Kevlar vest and are mostly absorbed ( 11 damage ) but when he is hit with a second blast ( 35 damage ) he goes down face first. Fearing the worst Hick moves to the east side of the roof and starts binding Rosebud's wounds. Rosebud seems to have been more winded than hurt with those blasts ( with a health of 99 he is now at 38 ) and slowly gets back to a crouch where he takes a Crepagen. Meanwhile after Rosebud gets plugged by the elite, Rude Dog goes from a kneeling position to a standing one, and bursts the bastard with his Agram. The elite changes to a crouch and disappears from view so the Dog does so as well. Grunts of pain and injury can be heard from below and Rude Dog moves a step closer to the edge of the roof. Hearing more movement and pain from below Rude Dog pulls out a grenade and stands up to throw. Four soldiers, one of them the elite and a cop are all bunched up and waiting for relief so the Dog tosses it to them. It lands at the feet of the closest soldier and quickly scatters the group with a loud explosion killing 3 of the 5. Rude Dog moves back further from the edge and goes back to a crouch.
With Rosebud now mostly healed ( health up to 68 now ) and the enemy disappearing Rude Dog heads to the back of the roof and down to the ground. Hick and Rosebud sit cover on the roof as the Dog moves along the west side of the building towards the front. As he peers around the corner he sees a cop and a red shirt still alive but bleeding. He bursts the red shirt with the Agram and 3 rounds of lead hit him in the chest while the other one sails past. Having enough AP he can either burst at the cop or move back around the corner, he chooses the latter and slips quickly from sight. The cop must not have been thinking, because he stands up and starts to run for the corner, which puts him right in the line of sight of Rosebud who gets a good headshot. " Heeheehee I'm a learning " is the comment from Rosebud as he blows the cops head off. All seems quite and Rude Dog finds no one out front alive.
Hick and Rosebud get down from the roof and the three head over to the gas station where they once again scale the wall and set up on the roof. Rude Dog sights Lynn in the building south of the gas station and quickly puts an end to her miserable existance. The noise attracts a cop and a yellow shirt who are killed in short fashion and all goes quite again. We move to the roof of the building that Lynn was in and still nothing is heard and no one seen. We again move, this time to the roof of Betty Fung's shop but still nothing happens. Once again we are on the move and heading towards the park where we meet up with a yellow shirt hanging out near the gate. Rude Dog puts 2 rounds from his Agram into the guy and its lights out for him. We head over to the police station and carefully search the western portion of the building. We move to the eastern section of the building and Rosebud opens the door to the locker room. Inside we find a cop waiting for us and Rosebud takes another round to the chest causing him some pain ( 13 points of damage ) as Rude Dog and Hick open up on the solo cop. The cop is now a good cop, and joins his friends in restfull sleep. We finish searching the building and dont turn up anyone. Heading north behind the police building, at the back of the pool hall / bar we find our last soldier who is almost too willing to die.

Day 2 2:19am : Its Brewski time .... We head over to Betty Fong's to see if our old friend Tex has showed up yet on his eight month tour of third wolrd countries. She tells us we are very lucky and that he is here signing copies of his latest movie. Like always he's been in the toilet keeping out of sight and comes walking out to renew our old friendship. After a short discussion of whats been going on he volunteers to join us and we begin rounding up all the items and equipment we can find. Betty is glad to buy up some of the junk we wont need and quickly runs out of cash. We get an A.L.I.C.E. from her but it is pretty beat up, and all she will say is " ALL SALES ARE FINAL ". We also bought a medics upgrade for future use and hid it in a locker for safe keeping. Tex is outfitted and we all re-supply ammo and whatever else got used up if its available. Now its time for a chat about plans on taking the Crepaton factory in sector D-13.

A short exerpt from my Ironman game as it continues. Time to do some work and I will update this later.

If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92075] Tue, 02 March 2004 08:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ShoNuff is currently offline ShoNuff

Registered:September 2003
Location: Atlanta, GA
Love it - thanks for taking the time to keep us up to speed on your exploits. :ok:

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92076] Tue, 02 March 2004 10:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 2 2:33am : Plans have been made and its time to put them to the test. Off we head to the Crepaton factory and with four of us now it should be a little easier. Hick is still bad off and now Rosebud is only at about half his normal health. Rude Dog has only minor injuries about 20 points worth and of course Tex is fresh. Rosebud decides to take another Cerpagen leaving us with only 1 left but it improves his health and makes him more effective for the upcoming combat.

Day 2 2:39am : We arrive in sector D-13 and position ourselves toward the middle of the northern boarder near a small outbuilding and the corner of the wall surrounding the Crepaton factory. There are a couple tree and bushes for some cover and the outbuilding blocks our being seen from the east. After getting in place Tex and Hick both hear movement, some from the southeast, and some from the west but very faint. We stay quite and wait. A minute or so goes by ( which seems like forever ) and out pops a red shirt in the middle of the street just north of the factory wall. Tex is equipped with his Agram 2000's one on which has a suppressor on it but the enemy is just outside of his normal range for a good shot so he holds back the desire to shoot. Rude Dog figures what the hell and levels his silenced M4 and puts two rounds into the guy who dies before he hits the ground. Whether it was the body hitting the ground, the muzzle flash, or just someone with excellent hearing somehow we have been found out. From the south side of the outbuilding coming around the fence is another red shirt, Tex gets the interupt and put 4 rouns into the guy who dies on the spot. A yellow shirt following closely on the heels of the red shirt gets seen by Rosebud as he rounds the fence and takes a round to the gut stopping him cold. Rosebud finishes off the yellow shirt and the rest of us wait quitely, but not for long. An elite comes into view near the first guy we saw and Rude Dog caps him with the M4 ( running real low on ammo now ). Tex interupts a cop making the end run around the outbuilding fence and is made short work of.
All gets quite ... too quite... we decide to move before we get bum rushed so we slip slightly north to the border of the sectore and skirt west to the fence surrounding the first building we come to. Hick opens a nice hole with her wire cutters in the fence and we proceed through the back yard and open another hole in the back fence. We move to the far western edge of the sector and head down south to the factory fence. As we near the fence Hick hears something faintly to the northeast of us so we slowly move in that direction with Hick ( NightOps expert wearing night vision goggles ) in the lead. Soon she spots an elite crouched down near a chain link fence that separates the two building. Rude Dog figures he can take the shot but Tex asks him to wait while he borrows Rosebud's CAR. The elite looks about but does not move and both Rude Dog and Tex take their shots while Hick spots for them. The elite look surprised ( as well he should be ) as 3 out of four rounds tear into him. He stands up and moves off to the east out of Hicks sight. Hick now hears movement from above her and moves closer to the factory wall. As we wait, we hear a body fall to the ground a short way off and the grunting of death as someone ( the elite most likely ) draws closer to his ultimate fate. Again we wait but nothing happens so we all move down to the wall and along it to where it crosses the roadway. Hick slips around the edge and seeing the doors are closed makes her way to the edge of the building where she can acess the roof. She is quickly joined by Rude Dog and they both climb the wall onto the roof. They start to move southwest on the roof and hick spots a red shirt on the roof who has not seen them. Hick shoots twice and the red shirt is spurting blood but manages to return a shot. Rude Dog seeing the muzzle flash now sees the guy and puts him in the grave with a well placed burst from his Agram. Movement can now be heard from below and lots of commotion means trouble. Hick and Rude Dog work their way over the course of the next few minutes along the roof, to various positions, and take out or injury as many as a dozen soldiers and a couple cops.
Skirting the roof line to the southern edge overlooking the police station we catch up with two cops and another elite. Figuring the elite was the most dangerous both Hick and Rude Dog fire at him and take him out of the picture. A cop runs toward us and fires a burst one round of which catches Rude Dog in the head ( a nice steel helmet stops some of the energy ) and the other advances but does not fire. Rude Dog returns the favor by laying down two bursts from the Agram and the officer goes down in the hail of lead. Hick takes a good aimed shot at the other officer and hits him in the chest for minor damage ( 9 points damage ) and follows that shot with another that misses completely. The cop stands and fires three rounds from his hand gun one hits Hick ( 6 points damage ) and another misses Rude Dog by mere fractions of an inch. "That nearly changed the way I part my hair " he says as he returns fire on the cop. Two rounds from Rude Dog and one from Hick and the cop is history. It gets quite again so Hick gets out the first aid kit and patches up the two of them.
As Rude Dog and Hick are doing their thing, Rosebud and Tex open up one of the roll doors and slip into the factory unseen. Making their way around some of the equipment in the shops they encounter a red shirt which Tex puts down real fast with a burst from his silenced Agram. Moving about Rosebud opens some lockers and boxes and finds what else Crepaton and Crepagen along with other items of various degrees of usefullness but the factory seems clear of hostile forces. As Tex moves out the back western roll up door he catches a cop flatfooted ( no pun intended ... no really ) and helps him out with his retirement. Rosebud and Tex move south and then east to a houses located along the south sector boarder. They cut holes in the fences when needed and try to keep out of sight but look into the houses when they have the opportunity. Keeping as much out of the light as possible they move close to the police station where they witness the gun battle going on with Hick, Rude Dog and the Cops. They are too far off to be of any use the the battle is over quickly enough so they keep moving east. As they near a Fed-Ex truck parked along the roadway Tex spots ( I eagle-eye vermin... partner ) a red shirt looking for something ( god know what, he was just standing there moving a foot or two and turning around ). Tex figured he ( the red shirt ) was lost and thought he ( Tex ) would show him the path to his future, which he did with the help of his pair of Agrams. Hick said it best ... " One for our side. All enemies are down. "

Day 2 3:11 am : Its time once again to collect the goods and decide whats next on the list to do or as Rude Dog was fond of saying " Are we hanging out... or are we going to party? "
We go off into the factory and complete the searching where we run into Fred who runs the place. He gives us the lowdown about getting the crew to contiue working and turning the cash over to us instead of the factory big shots. We can use the cash so figure why not and decide to leave the other urban sectors for awhile as they are not needed to get our malitia started to be trained. Since it will take a few days to train these green horns into some kind of fighting shape and we are a bit shot up ... ok alot shot up we stop for the night. Hick gets out the laptop and finds that Boy Rays is online and she starts bargin hunting for supplies. Low and behold they have a box of 120 rounds of 5.56 HP ammo for Rude Dog's M4 as well as a couple 30 round clips of AP. Well will wonders never cease they even had 4 clips of 20 round .223 ammo for the CAR which was also running low on ammo. Hick buys everything she can get her hands on ... even some 7.62mm WP and NATO rounds which we dont have weapons for ...yet. Be prepared she says as she closes the deal and strips our bank account of close to $4,500.00. Well the money is not really an issue as only $50 a day is going out for Rosebud and he sure pays for himself in repair alone. Rude Dog and Tex are doing it for free and well... Hick, she gets what ever is left in the account if we make it out of this adventure alive.
Hick finishes off with the laptop and sets up a schedule for rest and work which we will try to follow barring any unforseen circumstances. Hick and Rude Dog will train malitia while Tex and Rosebud will repair our equipment in 4 hour shifts ( work 4 / rest 4 ). This will take awhile but we can heal and work and rest and sell stuff to Betty until we are ready to clear out the rest of Calisto's urban areas.

Day 2 4:00am : We start on schedule and work till 8:00am then sleep till noon or whenever we wake up. At noon we head over to Betty's shop and sell off a bunch more junk until she complains about the money locked up in the bank ( what a crock of shit... we know she's got cash there is not even a bank in Calisto ). We head back to the factory and start training and repairing again and soon a message comes in from Bobby Ray's ... So off we go to the airport freight docks to get our ammo Hick bought. Back to the factory goodies in hand and back to work.

Day 2 8:00pm : Its getting close to night fall and we are rested and suppied with ammo and a little more healthy so we make plans for taking a couple of the Urban areas... but that will be next time

Thank you again for letting me bend your ears with this excerpt from my Ironman game. And please keep posting if you want more ( 1 ) so you can pad your posts :nono: and ( 2 ) So I know you want me to continue.

If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92077] Tue, 02 March 2004 11:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Folkewulf is currently offline Folkewulf

Registered:August 2003
I'll be readin every new episode. You're a good story teller headshot :cheers:

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92078] Tue, 02 March 2004 15:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

I am going to do a format change as I think it will keep the style of the game so all times will now be given in 24hr military time... don't know why I started using 12hr time anyway.

Day 2 21:20hrs : We decide to hit the C-14 urban sector first so we load up and carry only what we need... weapons, ammo, crepagen, lockpicks, wire cutters, first aid kits, gas masks, camo kits, grenades, canteens, crepaboost, glow sticks, crowbar, damn we carry a lot of shit. After the battle for the Crepaton factory Hick managed to pick up a Guardian vest for her and Rude Dog which got repaired during the day by Rosebud. Everyone is now wearing night vision goggles and extended ears, though they are not all in great shape they should help out.

Day 2 21:25hrs : We arrive in sector C-14 and deploy in the northwest corner of the sector behind a long building. With Hick in the lead we head east past the long building and set up a kill zone at the end of the roadway before it turns north. Hidden in the trees and with the street somewhat light up by the lights on the side of the buildings we have a nice little spot set up. To our left side ( south ) is a passageway between a couple buildings that can only be accessed by the street or past us. Rude Dog sets up behind a tree looking straight down this narrow passageway and has a clear view all the way to the street. Hick sets up behind a tree along the north side of the building on the south side of the roadway. Rosebud and Tex both take opposite corners of the back wall of the building.
We wait... pretty soon Tex hears a faint sound to the south west of him and decides someone must be in the road. He peers around the corner of the building and knowing Rude Dog is backing him up moves out into the passageway. He creeps out to the street and spots some vermin ( a red shirt ) and with a pair of shots from each of his Agrams the guy is laying in the road face down. He waits and does not hear anyone else and no one seems to have noticed or heard ( even thou only one of the Agrams is suppressed ) so he waits some more. After about a minute a camo clad soldier appears out of the northwest roadway and sees Tex. Two rounds are fired and neither hit Tex but sure get his attention. Tex fires once and runs back up the passageway making as much noise as he can. He doe not get to the corner yet but the camo'ed soldier has not entered the passageway yet either. Tex rounds the corner and crouches and waits. Shortly soft movement is heard in the passageway and Rude dog still has not seen who it is, or where it is coming from. Soon more noise is heard and this time Tex decides to peek around the corner to see who it is. As he creeps out into view he spots not only the camo clad soldier but two red shirts at the end of the passsageway. Knowing he can bait them now he lays down a hail of lead from his twin Agrams hitting the camo'd soldier with a burst and drawing the attention of the red shirts. This is what he wants and quickly side steps back around the corner. One of the red shirts stands and starts running up the passageway and Rude Dog gets the interupt. With his M4 now loaded with HP ammo he flips the selector and applies a burst of flesh tearing hollow points into the red shirt and she falls to the ground dead ( 86 points of damage ) the second red shirt follows the first and makes it to the corner where now Rosebud has been waiting. His CAR pops twice and the red shirt slumps but is not dead. The camo'd soldier slinks away leaving is fellow soldiers to their bitter fate. Tex turns around and finishes off the red shirt and the Camo'd soldier can be heard crawling away in pain and agony. Hick interupts a soldier in the road and pegs her with twin rounds from the Agrams. The soldier charges and gets just within sight of Hick and then drops to a crouch but does not fire. Hick fires off a pairs of slugs and the soldier lays still on the asphalt. Another soldier appears in the passageway and Rude Dog and Tex make short work of him.
It gets quite again... Tex and Rude Dog slip down the passageway and out onto the street. They look in a couple windows and and dont hear or see anything so they head back where they came from. After a quick discussion it is decided to head south behind all the buildings and come up from the south and get on one of the only roof areas in the town. Slowly we work our way south then west among the trees till we get to the spot where a pillar supporting the roof we want overlaps the chain link fence. We each in turn slip up onto the roof and make our way northward along it toward its end. As we get to the end of the roof, Hick spots a red shirt in the street and takes aim and fires. A miss ... might as well be shooting at the stars, as far off as the shot went. Rude Dog who is a step behind Hick stands to get a better view and spots 3 more soldiers, one of which draws his attention by the nice grey uniform of an elite. He squeezes off a pair of rounds from his M4 and the elite is howling in pain as a HP round tears away part of his shoulder ( he looses 9 points of dex ). Rude Dog drops back into a crouch and Tex stands and puts the elite down for good. Rosebud moves up but is of no help. The red shirt kneels and fires 4 or 5 rounds from his hand gun and catches Hick with a round in the head but again her Spectra helmet saves her from most of the damage ( 5 points damage ). The other two soldiers are out of sight and no movement is heard. Hick returns the fire at the red shirt and hits him with one out of four rounds doing minor damage. Tex stands and gets interupted by another red shirt and the distinctive sound of a PPSH can be heard echoing through the air. Tex gets hit by one round but it does little damage ( 7 points ) and he continues with his shot on the red shirt assaulting Hick. Two well aimed rounds are fired and both hit their mark and the poor bastard is kicking and bleeding dying in the street. Tex drops back to a crouch and Rude dog stands and takes a couple pot shots at the red shirt that fired with the PPSH. Rosebud moves west along a roof spur and drops to the ground behind cover. The PPSH fired a stream of lead that nearly gives Rude Dog and new hair style but no round finds a home. Rude Dog takes aim and puts a round into the owner of the PPSH and crouches down Tex pops up and fires a pair of rounds and drops back down. Rosebud moves up along the eastern edge of the covered hall and makes it to the end and stops. A red shirt pops up in front of Rosebud and pulls out a knife and swings. Rosebud being a hand to hand expert moves at the last second and the blade slides by harmlessly. Rosebud changes from the CAR to his crowbar and pummels the guy to death. Tex stands up and finishes off the guy with the PPSH and exclaims ... Dead Desperado. Rude Dog calls for Brewski time and its off to search for items and check the bodies for weapons and ammo.

Day 2 22:01hrs : We gather up everything and Hick is now sporting a PPSH in very good shape along with a couple drums of ammo. Tex picks out an older ( but in good shape ) AK-47 assualt rifle to compliment his Agrams and Rude Dog just looks at them both and thinks " where did you find this stuff at a swap meet? ". We haul the saleable stuff to Betty's and drop it on her door step for sale tomorrow after she goes to the bank ( Yea Right ! ) , the rest we place in crates at the factory for later use or sale to some gun shop or who ever.

Day 2 22:35hrs : We get ready to assualt the gun runners at the far side of the airport as we hear they are well equiped and may cause us problems with our shipments from outside the country. Pablo does not seem to think much of them and knows they will steal our shipments or tax them ( extortion tax is more like it ) if we don't do something about them. So after we rest a bit its off to take care of these bad asses and show them what a bad ass really is.

Thank you all again for reading and hope you enjoyed this segment of my Ironman game. I hope to have more for you tomorrow. Also please excuse my mis-spelled words I have not re-installed my word processor since my hard drive crash and I dont have a spell checker.

If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92079] Tue, 02 March 2004 22:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A froggy is currently offline A froggy
Registered:March 2004
Location: Paris, France
More, more, more !!

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92080] Wed, 03 March 2004 01:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
by all means ,please keep going.This is great :ok:

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92081] Wed, 03 March 2004 02:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
HexRei is currently offline HexRei

Registered:April 2003
Location: portland, OR

wow, that sounds really frickin hard.

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Private 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92082] Wed, 03 March 2004 07:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 2 22:50hrs : Rude Dog seems to want to party and Tex is itching to get back in the saddle so we forego the rest and head off to take out the gun runners. Rude Dog came up with the plan, and as he wants a standup firefight we agree to hit the gun runners at their front entrance rather than the back way in. This will do two things for us: ( 1 ) It keeps the soldiers and the gun runners coming at us from a controlled point ( past the two guard shacks on the road in nicely lite up space ) and ( 2 ) Allows us the cover of the trees south of the road with lots of choices as to find the best angles of attack. As such we will travel from the factory sector D-13 ( where we are now ), north to sector C-13, then east to C-14 ( where our last battle occured ), and then north to B-14 and our date with the gun runners. We pack up our gear and hit the road thinking how much fun it will be to put the hurt on these, as Rude Dog likes to say " pansey asses ".

Day 2 23:05hrs : We arrive in sector B-14 and Hick gets a bad feeling about things but is quickly reassured by Rude Dog that the plan is sound and it will work out ok. We deploy in the wooded section in the southeastern corner of the sector. We slowly move northward to the edge of the tree line and Rude Dog figures he will take point since it was his plan. Hick and Tex pick out a pair of trees about 20 or so paces from the guard shack and with good visual coverage of the entire area. Rosebud lays down in the grass just to the west of Hick and gets ready. Rude Dog moves up to a single tree a bit closer to the action and in full view of the roadway going between the shacks. As he gets into position Rude Dog spots a gun runner but does not see her as hostile ( must be something about the gun runner being female or the fact that she was cute ). Hick realizing the problem decides to fix this before it gets out of hand. She moves back a few paces, then heads west a little and then sneeks across the road under the cover of darkness. Hick gets a comforting feeling about being in the dark, she really likes it that way. She slowly approaches the guard shack from the west until the gun runner comes into view. She can only clearly see her head so Hick stands to get a better angle and pops of a round from her new toy. The PPSH sings and the round hits the runner in the chest spinning her around. Hick does not want a fire fight here so turns and runs south back across the road as fast as she can. Rude Dog now sees the error in his judgement and puts an HP round from his M4 into the runner and sends her to the ground crying in pain.
Hick runs back to her place behind the tree and they all wait. It does not take long and another gun runner appears and Rude Dog greets him with a pair of HP rounds ( 76 points damage ). The runner falls to the ground dead, but is followed up quickly by two more, who are greeted in a similar fashion by Hick, Tex, and Rosebud. These gun runners may be well armed but they must not like to wear armor because the HP rounds are ripping large holes in them. The party is getting ever larger as more and more runners and now a couple soldiers appear in view. A small group of them have clustered right under the damn street light and could make it across the road if we dont put the hurt on them now. Hick pulls out a mini-grenade and tosses it into the group and sends them to the ground in pain in all directions. Rude Dog follows up with a tear gas placed right next to the closest runner. Tex using his pair of Agrams puts two rounds of lead into two different runners to keep them down. Rosebud sees a runner in mid-stride rounding the corner of the guard shack and places a .223 round in his chest to slow him down. " I'm a learning " can be heard by all and we laugh quitely to ourselves. The runners on the gound stay there thanks to the tear gas and Tex's well placed shots. More runners and soldiers appear in view and a couple move up but when they encounter the gas they turn back or stop where they are. All of us take turns shooting at the gagging runners laying on the ground until the ground is soaked with blood. This is what we want and as the gas expands so do the number of bodies either laying on the ground or clustering together near the shack. There must be twelve to fifteen enemies all grouped up together and at least three still choking in the cloud of gas. Rude Dog seems to be enjoying this and Hick is wondering why? Rude Dog fumbles around with something and pulls out some odd shaped device he has been lugging around. Rude Dog smiles and fires this odd weapon. The mass of enemies erupts in a ball of searing flame bigger, brighter, and more deadly than anything I have ever seen. At least three of the enemy are incinerated on the spot, and all the others are screaming in pain as the chemical fire seems to stick to everything in the area as it continues to burn. Rude Dog looks over to us and says " Now that was COOL ". We must agree it was the best party favor we had even witnessed and the mounting body count makes it hard to argue with. It was COOL. The flame seemed to burn for a long time and any enemy that was stupid enough to try and pass through it regretted his or her decision real fast. We all fired at the enemies as they presented themselves but the rageing fire seemed to have a wonderfull affect on moral as well as the death toll. As the fire dissipated, the gun runners and soldiers that were left were not in much shape to cause us any problem and we easily took them out one or two at a time as they staggered around in pain. Others must have limped off as we could hear the grunts and growns of the badly burned and injured in the distance.
Soon it was all quite... We wait and wait but no one is seen or heard so we move about a little and still nothing. We think its time to move into the compound but dont want to get caught in the lights around the guard shacks. We move west, then cross the road and Hick cuts a nice hole in the fence for us to move through. We sneek over to the building and up onto the roof without encountering anyone. We move closer to the northern edge of the roof overlooking the loading area, noting the two large trucks parked there. The Dog and Tex move east along the roof a few paces back from the edge until they spot a red shirt in the building across the way. Rude Dog fires two round of HP death into the poor soul and he falls without ever hearing or seeing where they came from. Quickly another red shirt appears and Tex stops him in his tracks with two rounds from his AK-47. Hearing the AK's report a gunrunner appears from the building near the two trucks and Hick gets to give him a quick surprise. The runner stops and does not fire but is only slight injured ( 8 points damage ) from the PPSH's light round. Rosebud aims his CAR and fires off a .223 round that hits the runner in the chest adding to his pain ( 14 more points damage ). Hick fires again with two aimed shots only one of which hits it target but does little damage ( 6 more points ). Rude Dog and Tex are not anywhere close to having a line of sight to the runner so wait to see what else appears. The gunrunner opens fire on Hick with a shotgun and the spread passes between her and Rosebud harmlessly. Rosebud fires but misses as does Hick, and the runner fires again this time the pellets nearly hitting Rosebud and he goes prone. Hick makes a fully aimed shot and lands it squarely in the runners chest opening a massive wound ( 36 damage ), and making him critically wounded. Rosebud gets back up to the kneeling position and finishes the runner with off with his CAR. " I think we got everybody... well maybe not... " can be heard as Rosebud talks to himself.
Once more it is all quite and we all wait to see what pops up but nothing happens. We figure we should check out the buildings and look for stragglers. Tex and Rude Dog get down from the roof and slowly work from room to room throughout the build checking crates and boxes as well as desks and cabinets for goodies along the way. The building ends up clear of enemies and so we search the airstrip to no avail.
Where did we miss someone... Tex thinks the only place is back at the entrance and that maybe we have someone hidden or waiting. Tex moves south of the large building and moves along the fence line to the east toward the first guard shack. Rude Dog is paralleling him to the north near some fenced power equipment. Tex approaches the shack and decides to get on the roof, as he stands up he spots a gunrunner in the shack across the roadway kneeling down. He continues his climb and waits. Rude Dog moves up to get a good view of the doorway to the second guard shack. They both wait and evidently the runner did not see Tex as he climbed to the roof. Tex moves up and spots the runner still in the same spot and with two rounds from his AK-47 puts him down. Dead... Desperado... and it's all over.

Day 2 23:56hrs : If the gunrunners were well armed they certainly did not drop anything or maybe most of it got damaged beyond usefullness in the barbaque that Rude Dog started. Speaking of which Hick askes the Dog what the hell he used that caused the hugh fire cloud. Rude Dog explains it was a RPO napalm launcher one of two he has been saving for special occations. " Was this part of your plan Rude Dog? " asks Hick ... " Well... " he says " are we going to hang out, or are we going to party!" then he laughs and walks off.
Gathering up all the items and gear takes a bit of time as well as transporting the stuff to Betty's and the factory for storage but it was worth it. The gun runners wont give us any future problems and all but one sector of Calisto ( E-13 ) is now clear of ememies. We did manage to pick up some more ammo ( both AP and HP ) for Tex's AK-47, as well as a drum of AP rounds for the PPSH of Hick's.

Day 3 00:31hrs : We will wait until later to hit the last sector of Calisto. This will give us some more time to train malitia, repair items, as well as heal up a little more. So its back to the 4hrs on and 4hrs off routine.

Day 3 12:02hrs : Time to go pay Betty a visit and see what shes got as well as sell off more junk.

Day 3 12:15hrs : Betty had nothing we need so after selling her our crap, and I mean crap... cigars, beer, hats, some of the 30 or so first aid kits, badly damaged Kevlar vests, old leather and flak jackets, etc. we ran her out of money and went back to the factory to do the 4x4 routine and wait till night fall.
Hick gets on the laptop and contacts Bobby Ray's to see what he has on hand. She was able to order us two more boxes of 120 round HP 5.56mm ammo and another 2 clips of .223 for Rosebud's CAR which makes them both very happy. Tex seems happy enough repairing things and well... Rosebud dosen't seem to mind the boring schedule at all. He just sits there and every once in awhile mumbles " I'm a learning "

So ends another excerpt from my Ironman game. As I have said before this is being done without reloads and everything that has transpired is what has been happening to my crew. Story line comments and thoughts are of course there for your enjoyment but many are as they happened. Feel free to comment on or about the ongoing events and please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any. I am doing this for you ( and me of course ) so any interaction, suggestions, or comments are welcome. Smile

Thank you again for letting me bend your ears and I will continue this soon. :wave:

If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92083] Thu, 04 March 2004 00:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
Heatshot tell us more about hick the imp.stats and skills.Thanks

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92084] Thu, 04 March 2004 00:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ShoNuff is currently offline ShoNuff

Registered:September 2003
Location: Atlanta, GA
Keep up the great narrative, Headshot. Very well done - two thumbs up. :rulez: oh well, couldn't find the thumbs up graemlin - you get the point.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92085] Thu, 04 March 2004 05:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Background of IMP Billie Joe Bob aka Hick from the ongoing Ironman Game

Horn Lake was the closest town to were Billie Joe Bob grew up with her six brothers and two sisters. Life was hard growing up poor, and being raised with so many boys, Billie Joe learned early that being smart, strong and fast was the key to getting out of this life. She excelled in school ( when she could attend ) and living out in the country woods, night time honed her agility and vision to a razors edge. She learned everthing she could about the night from family, friends, and the occasional hunters that came to this neck of the woods. She meet a older man named Marcus ( who kind of took a liking to her ) when she was about fourteen. He seemed to know a lot about the woods, the night, hunting and tracking, and a good deal about weapons, how to take care of them, even about things like explosives and booby traps. She didn't know why he knew so much about these things, as he didn't talk much about his past or his present either. He would come and go from the little cabin he lived in, which was not too far from the Bob's small farm. He seemed to be gone for 2 to 3 months at a time and sometimes even longer. Occasionally he would take Billie Joe hunting, always at night. He showed her the arts of map reading and navigation by the stars. He seemed to enjoy passing on the knowledge he had somehow aquired to someone that wanted to learn.
About the time Billie Joe turned eighteen Marcus stopped coming to the old cabin and disappeared. She really missed Marcus and soon decided to leave the little place where she had grown up. A few years pasted and her skills with a rifle had dropped off to a pitifully low point but what do you need marksmenship for living in Los Angeles. She still loved the night and found solice in it, she even grew to like what others called her " a night owl ". When she was twenty three years old she was contacted where she worked by a guy who said he was an agent for an attorney. She contacted the attorney and found out that she was named in a Will. She was told that she needed to come to the attorney's office to sign some papers and to get all the details.
Upon arriving at the attorney's lavish office Billie Joe started getting nervous, and quickly got the feeling she was not going to like this at all. She turned and started to leave but the attorney stepped out of his office door and asked her to come in and sit down. She did, and the attorney who's name was Fred, began by saying he was instructed by the Will to wait for 5 years before contacting her. Fred continued by telling her that she was to get a sum of close to 2 million dollars but there were a few strings to go along with it. Billie Joe didn't know or remember anyone in her family that ever had a life insurance policy, or could even afford one of that size. Before she could question anything Fred told her that Marcus Hick had left her the money, and that he had died in a little country in Africa. He told her Marcus had been a professional soldier who had helped many people in their struggle for freedom from oppression, or he had rescued from kidnappings etc. He took jobs that others considered suicide or too risky. Marcus had served two tours in Vietnam and after returning to the hatred and general condemnation in the US, decided to apply his skills to help others in third world countries with their needs. He took rescue missions mostly and on occasion he would do recon or infiltration missions. He never took assassinations or as he called them wet jobs. If someone had to be killed it was self defence, to protect someone else, or in the liberation of a people from tyranny. Fred told Billie Joe that Marcus Hick had no family and that he ( Marcus ) saw something in Billie Joe that he admired and wanted to foster. He wanted to wait for Billie Joe to mature a little before telling her of his death and who and what he was. Marcus's only restrictions on the money was that it be used at least in part to help others. That the old cabin near Horn Lake was her's, and that she also owned similar cabins, along with the land they were on, located in more than half a dozen countries throughout the world. She was told that in or around each cabin she would find the tools of his trade, and to do with them as she saw fit.
Billie Joe Bob left the attorney's office and after depositing the bank draft into a special account that the attorney had set up, started her new life. She went back to the old cabin where she had learned so much and after much searching, found the hidden trap door to the weapons locker. She also found books and notes on every subject you could think of having to do with being a true professional soldier. She read and learned, as much as books and notes can teach, and every night she spent under the stars. After awhile she left and went to the middle east where she had located another one of Marcus's small homes. This is where she came across a book of contacts hidden away with more of Marcus's tools of the trade as it were. Billie Joe having no real world combat training made contact with one of the main names listed in the book and was surprised to find out the person knew her by name. Soon Billie Joe Bob was getting personal basic training in hand to hand combat, tactics, military communications, weapons, etc. The training although basic did give Billie Joe a better working knowledge of many of the things she had only been reading about.
After a number of months Billie Joe asked if she could accompany one of the teams on a mission. She was accepted and told she would need an alias as no one in the field used their real names. After a brief moment it came in a flash, she would be called Hick after her friend and benefactor.
A few missions later and with a good working knowledge of operations we find her in the present situation.

Hick ... NightOps Exp. Started with the following stats. Str / Health / 80 Agi / Dex / Wis / 85 Ldr / Mrk / Exp / Mec / Med / 35. Her wisdom will make her stat's rise fast.

The Ironman story will continue shortly... well a soon as I get up off my butt and write it out. ( takes more time to write then to play ) Very Happy

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92086] Thu, 04 March 2004 11:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 3 21:30hrs : The training of malitia and the repair is going well and everyones health is getting better. Hick's marksmenship has been steadily going up with every few hits she makes and is now in the low 60's, Her early use of two Makarov's really helped out as she was able to fire off twice as many shots and so get increases faster. The first subway battle in Atremo actually gained her 3 points in marksmenship and with the bad guys only one to three squares away her chances to hit were actually pretty decent.
We are rested, re-equiped, and ready to take on the last remaining pocket of resistance in Calisto.

Day 3 21:37hrs : We arrive in the urban sector ( E-13 ) and deploy near the center of the northern boarder behind a fair size building with a nice flat roof. The four of us run straight for the back wall and as we are assending the roof we hear the ring of battle. It appears we have not been seen or heard but rather the enemy as well as the populous are being attcked by the ferocious blood cats. These large man eating cats will attack anything without fear and with their three inch long claws are extreamly deadly. We move towards the southwestern roof edge to see if we can see anything of the on going battle. Rude Dog peers off to the west and sees a red shirt walking in the street below. With his suppressed M4 and a couple HP rounds the Dog makes us have to deal with one less soldier. Tex moves up and does not see anyone nor does Hick or Rosebud but the sounds of gun fire can be clearly heard not far away. Between the police station and another building an enemy appears but his concentration is on an unseen enemy with sharp teeth and razor claws and has his back to us. Tex takes a long shot with his suppressed Agram and misses but at lease the soldier is a little than occupied to notice. Hick moves up a little and fires two rounds from her PPSH one of which hits and makes the soldier turn towards us. Rosebud and the Dog just wait to see what will happen next. The soldier must really be in trouble but seems to have some support that none of us can see, as at least 4 diferent types of weapons can be heard. Hick fires off another two rounds and again hits the guy once in the back. Tex switches over to his AK-47 and and puts 2 rounds into the same guy and exclaims " Dead... Desperado ". More gun shots and auto weapons fire can be heard from near the police station and the howl of the blood cats seems to dropping off somewhat. The screams of soldiers can be heard, and one who must be really scared, runs out from where we had just killed the soldier only to end up in Hick's and Tex's sights. Hick lands a round and misses one and Tex puts two in him and to the dirt he falls. Still nothing for Rosebud and the Dog but they dont seem to mind. A policeman shows up from the south and Hick fires a warning shot over his head ( yea right a big time miss really ) while Tex takes careful aim and puts an AK round into his heart ( 56 damage ) the cop drops like a rock. The blood cats seem to have been dealt with and now the soldiers are starting to appear from everywhere. Tex thinks " It's a stampede pardner! " but takes the time to put a round or two into the approaching enemies before they get below us. Hick catches one just before he slips below our line of sight and puts down a burst from her PPSH that knocks the red shirt to the ground with blood and bone being thrown everywhere out his back. Rude Dog is now having fun and his M4 sings is quite song of death while Rosebud just laughs as he blows away a cop " hee hee hee hee ". Roof top combat really puts the hurt on the enemy, as long as you dont let them get under your line of sight. A few soldiers have slipped under us and Hick decides to flush them out with a molatov cocktail. She stands and tosses the bottle down onto the ground below and watches as an elite and a cop are torn apart by the explosion. Neither are dead but but it sure let them know we knew they where there and that they were not safe. Rude Dog is busy with a sneeky guy in camo that keeps poping in and out of view and catches him with an interupt. The Dog lays down a nice close patterned burst and ends the situation. Rosebud gets shot in the head by an elite who comes out from around the building across the street. Rosebud with blood running down is forehead fires his CAR and places two rounds into the elite's chest. Rude Dog helps him out and puts the guy out of the game for good. Hick and Tex are busy ducking and shooting till no more enemies seem to be heard or seen. The four get down from the back side of the roof and make their way south in the darkness. They head west along the southern edge of the sector and then head north towards the police station. As they near the police station they spot a cop and put him to rest. As we keep searching the buildings and surrounding area we run into a red shirt hideing out behind some trees who thinks he can take us all on. We show him the error of his ways and the sector is clear.

Day 3 22.14hrs : As we look over the bodies and search for items me figure that at least three of the enemies were killed by blood cats and so were two of the townspeople. We gather up our new stuff and head back to the factory with as much as we can carry. After two trips the sector is cleaned out and we are once again doing the 4x4 routine. During the early morning hours Rude Dog says " Hey what about the subway? Shouldn't we clear it so we can use it for transportation? ". Since we have yet to look for the helicopter pilot we were told about some time back, and we have just now cleared all of Calisto we figure that will be our next thing to do. Rosebud says he knows there is also a SAM site east of herer and that " If " we are going to find the pilot and use a helicopter we should take it out as well. One more thing on the to do list.

Day 4 12:18hrs : We head to Betty's for our daily visit, only to find she has another A.L.I.C.E., which is in much better shape than the last one, so we pick it up for Rude Dog to put his junk in. We then head to the airport freight docks and grease Pablo's palm for watching out for our things ( hey $10 to $20 bucks every few shipments is chump change and it helps the local economy ). We pick up the new ammo and head back to the factory and our 4x4 routine. We decide to hold off and train and repair while we can and to fully heal up before venturing off into the subway or over to the SAM site.

Day 5 08:37hrs : The Airport C-13 sector is attacked by hostile forces but the full contingent of twenty malitia ( even thou all but 2 are green ) are able to defeat the 8 regular troops sent to take it back. In the process only one malitia is killed and 5 are promoted to regular ( light blue status ). It is a good moral boost for the area as well, and there is cheering and celebration in the streets as this is the first time the population has sucessfully stood up to the Brenda and her goons she calls soldiers. Without help from us except training they can now see they may have a chance at getting rid of Brenda and Crepaton and that the future may soon be in the hands of the people.

Day 5 12:16hrs : We set off for Betty's and as usual she bitches and gripes about buying all our junk and paying too much but we dont even pay attention to her anymore. Bobby Ray's has nothing we need again today so it's another boring day of the 4x4 back at the factory training compound.

So ends another excerpt from my Ironman game it was rather boring but tomorrow should be more action as we will take to the subway. Hope you enjoyed the story so far. :type:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92087] Fri, 05 March 2004 00:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
Thanks for the Info On Hinks Headshot.And are you going to get atleast one Doc to help out .

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92088] Fri, 05 March 2004 02:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...


I dont have a good answer for you. Since this is a locals only game and no hires from MERC or AIM I am not even sure if there is a recruitable character with good doctoring skills. Of all the characters I have used in prior games I cant recall one. Some of the following info is from other games and their med stat may be up from when they were hired.

Hick = med 37 up 2 so far
Rosebud = med 2 up 1
Rude Dog = med 13
Tex = med 4
Reuban = med 17
Skitz = med 21
Postie = med 8
Maddog = med 7
Col. Kelly = med 13
Cobra = med 5
Spike = med ? never seen or had him available in any game so far out of 5

Are there any more recruitable Locals? Is so who and why have I missed them. I would have liked someone like the Doctor from the hospital in what is now Galileo to be available but oh well. I guess Hick will just get a lot of " Practice " ( yes the pun was intended ) during the down time of training malitia and treating injuries. Maybe she will become a decent medic who knows.
I had not even thought about a doctor when I decided to play under these rules... we'll see what happens.

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92089] Fri, 05 March 2004 02:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
A very brave man you are Headshot.Very brave ,but keep it going your a great writer.Very entertaining .

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92090] Fri, 05 March 2004 03:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...


On a similar note... none of the locals is very good with explosive either. Mecanical skill seems to be easily obtainable so maybe next time I will jack my IMP's Mec skill down to zero and up his / her medical or explosives up a bit if I do this again.

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92091] Fri, 05 March 2004 09:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lizard103dm is currently offline lizard103dm

Registered:February 2004
Location: Mississippi

Great story! I've been follwing your narrative religiously; there's a thread on this topic on the Tips and Tricks forum for UC as well. My Ironman game is significantly more fun for me than a non-Ironman campaign. I'll start posting semi-regular updates as well. Maybe we can get an Ironman movement going here!



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Re: IronMan game...[message #92092] Fri, 05 March 2004 11:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 5 12:33hrs : What is this stairwell? Asked Hick to herself. If we will be heading down to the subway, maybe this is another entrance that will provide us the advantage of surprise.
Gathering the team together, Hick outlines a plan. She thinks they should prepare now and find out if these stairs do go down to the subway and if not where they lead. Everyone is upset and a little ashamed that none of them had noticed these stairs before now. Tex seems a little apprehensive but listens to Hick lay out her ideas.

Day 5 12:37hrs : The team heads down the stairwell and into the passage below. " I no like small places pardner. I need the wide open range. " Can be heard rolling out of Tex's mouth as we enter a short corridore that seems to open into a mechanical room of some kind. Equipment can be seen in the distance, and the noise they produce is clearly audible to all. Tex seems really nervous. Fighting his fears he crouches down, and moves off ahead of the group, down the corridore. A few paces down the corridore, Tex spots an elite who appears to oblivious to his presence. Taking aim with both of his suppressed Agrams, he opens fire. Two silent and deadly AP rounds from each weapon enter the elites chest and he drops to the floor dead. No one seemed to hear or notice the elite's passing so we all move down the corridore into the room. Three doors lead off from this room and we choose the one going west to open first.
Rosebud opens the door with Tex and Rude Dog flanking him on both sides. Hick is right behind Rosebud and so all directions are covered in case someone is waiting in the space beyond. No one is seen and so we move into the crate lined hallway. Rosebud moves over to the closed crates and one after another he opens them. Inside one of the crates he finds three claymore's all set with detonators. Knowing how deadly these are and since they are not fitted with remote detonators ( nor do we yet have a remote trigger ) they stay right where they are found ( for the time being at least ). A long hallway lined with recesses as well as some dumpster like containers extends to the south. A door leads to the north from where we are as well as a couple of doors leading west off the hallway to our south. We decide to stay close to the containers and use the recess along the east side of the hallway as cover and see where the hallway leads before opening any more doors. Working our way to the recess quickly allows us to see that the hallway turns back to the east and that there is a door at the end facing us. The decision is made to take a look eastward and see how far and where the hallway continues. Opening any doors at this point only endangers us and allows more opportunity for the enemies to quickly gain access to us. With Tex in the lead we quitely move toward the end of the hallway. When Tex reaches the end of the last container he comes face to face with another elite kneeling right around the corner. With suprise on our side and everyone in such close quarters Rosebud figures ( now thats rich... Rosebud thinking... hehehehe ) he will take this guy out. Moving quickly around Tex in a flash of steel on skin the elite takes two quick blows to the head with Rosebud's crowbar. It's lights out for the elite, and Hick moves in disarming the fallen soldier, as Rude Dog takes up a defensive spot covering the hallway. Tex finishes off the elite with a pair of rounds from his suppressed Agrams, and notices everyone else looking at Hick, standing in the hallway with her mouth hanging open. In her hands is a KVSK anti-material sniper weapon system, its 12.5mm round capable of punching holes in any armor known to be worn by soldiers, not to mention light tanks. On the body of the dead elite, Hick finds a magazine of 5 more rounds for KVSK which she quickly puts away. She slings the heavy piece of equipment across her back and draws out her PPSH.
Seeing the hallway extend beyond visual range to the northeast and branching off to the south only a few paces away leads to a predicament. Not wanting to get into a stiuation where we could be surrounded it is decided to open the door in the south wall at the corner to see if it joins up with the other hallway and as a retreat point if needed. Rosebud moves over to the door and finding it unlocked steps inside the small room. No way out but the one door but it might make a good bait point if needed. The room has a few metal crates which Rosebud opens and finds a med-kit and a spring ( which will be useful ). Moving back into the hallway they decide to back track and check out the first door on the western side of the hallway located only a couple paces away. The door is locked, but Rosebud gets to work and carefully opens it up. The others watch the hallway and back him up in case of enemies. Rude Dog is the first to actually enter the room not wanting to let Tex have all the fun, but only sees a couple workers cowering in fear. He moves northward in the narrow room past some computer equipment and test bench of some kind. Making it to the second door leading into the room, he continues up to the furthest door to the north ( one we bypassed earlier ). Tex, Rosebud, and Hick follow closely behind being as quite as possible. Suddenly a soldier steps into site a few paces from Rude Dog and turns to face him but the Dog was quicker on the trigger and lets loose a burst from his suppressed M4 and leaves the soldier laying in a pool of blood. Moving past the body and back out into the hallway we first came down, we head over to the recessed door on the east side. Rosebud finds the door locked but quickly opens it and Tex moves into the room filled with conveyers and other equipment. Tex moves further out into the room and spots a soldier hiding in the corner beside a large cylindrical tank. He spins to face the soldier and fires putting 3 out of 4 rounds into his now limp body. Rude Dog moves up to supply cover if needed and Hick joins the rest now in the room. Hick hears something to the northeast and motions for silence. Rude Dog interupts a soldier in mid-stride as he rounds the end of the conveyer and opens a nice hole where the guys guts used to be. The kicking and crying soldier is put out of his pain and anguish by a round from Tex and we all move further into the room without incident. A few more metal crates are opened up and nothing found that is needed right this minute so is just left for later pick up.
As we approach the door on the eastern side of the room Hick hears some movement followed by some talking by what seems to be a pair of guards. After a moment or two one of them moves off to the north and Rosebud opens the door. Hick is staring right at the back of an elite standing about 10 paces away in a doorway across the hall. Thinking that Tex and Rude Dog will have to maneuver to get a good shot and knowing another soldier is not too far away, Hick levels her PPSH and rips the elite apart with a stream of six AP rounds ( 4 of 6 hit ). She then moves north behind Rud Dog and waits as Rosebud moves south over behind Tex who was also flanking the doorway. A scurry of footsteps is heard to the north and soon produces another soldier that enters Tex's view. Catching the soldier off guard Tex opens up with his Agrams and splatters the guys guts all over the walls and floor. Quite is now upon us and we search room by room to find something of interest and try to locate anyone left alive. After searching five or six rooms of desks, banks of computers, test benches, and other misc equipment we find a hallway of offices. All the doors are locked and one by one Rosebud opens them and they are searched as well. Upon entering the third such office Rude Dog is shot in the back ( 55 points of damage ) by a soldier hidden behind the now opened door. Blood is pouring out of his back like a flood gate to a dam has just been opened up. Holding back the pain and fighting to stay conscious ( he actually had 33 points of health left ) the Dog turns and the M4 barks. The result is that the last enemy has been found and eliminated but at the cost of Rude Dogs health. Hick move in and pulls out her first aid kit and patches him up the best she can. Rude Dog remembers seeing a bunch of Crepaton in some of the crates they have opened so does not hesitate to quickly use a hypo of Crepagen healing drug to help speed his recovery.
With everyone taken care of the rest of the underground area is searched. We find a guy named Brains who thinks we here to clean up some mess down in a lower level. When we get there all we find is a large empty cavern and a bunch of old bodies and skeletons. In a pair of crates we find 4 mustard gas grenades, four tear gas grenades, a gas mask and a bottle of some elixer which really smells bad. We toss the elixer in the furthest corner of the cavern so no one will have to smell it any longer and head back to the factory carrying as much as we can.

Day 5 13:22hrs : We drop all the stuff in the factory and leave Tex to watch over it while we collect what what left behind. After sorting it all out and redestributing our supplies we head back to the 4x4 routine until tomorrow when we will take out the scum in the subway.

So ends another small portion of the Ironman saga which will continue soon. And once again Thank You all for tuning in. :wave:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92093] Fri, 05 March 2004 12:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
:ok: Headshot keep it coming .

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92094] Fri, 05 March 2004 18:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 6 21:00hrs : We head off for the Subway entrance in sector C-13. When we arrive, we head over to Betty's to sell off some junk we had laying around. She happens to have another A.L.I.C.E. which we buy and now everyone has one for their extra junk. Then we move over to the subway station and the stairwell down to the arriving and departing trains. When we reach the underground subway, once again Tex voices his dislike of small places, but we convince him to settle down, and to take short, small breaths ( don't want the guy hyperventilating and passing out on us ). We all move as close to the wall of the stairs as possible so as not to be seen.
Tex ( to keep his mind on something other than being underground ) creeps up to peek around the corner. As Tex looks around the corner he catches Slicer, a known subway punk gang leader, with his back to Tex. Seeing a perfect opportunity, Tex aims and places four AP rounds from his pair of suppressed Agram's squarely into Slicer's back. Slicer goes down, dying in a pool of his own blood. No one seemed to hear or see anything ( even the locals just stood and watched without reacting ) and Tex moved back to his hiding place along the wall. Hick and Rude Dog make a quick run for the Office building wall and kneel down around the corner in case someone comes to investigate. Rosebud backs up Tex at the edge of the stairs but all is quite. Rude Dog is right at the corner of the wall so he can see if Tex is being flanked and Tex can watch out for Hick and the Dog in the same manner but is spaced three paces back from the corner. A noise is heard, and Tex spots a ganger trying to sneek up on Rude Dog, but instead the ganger becomes the victim, as Tex places four rounds into him sending him to dance in hell with Slicer. All becomes quite again. A minute or two passes and foot steps can be heard far off to the northeast. Rude Dog moves out into the corridor and sees another ganger a good distance away near one of the incoming subway trains. He fires a single round from his suppressed M4 which misses but manages to draw the gangers attention. Rude Dog quickly moves back around the corner for cover and to set up an ambush for Tex. The ganger falls for it, and runs right into Tex's line of sight, where he meets the same fate as Slicer and his buddy.
All once again becomes quite. None of the locals seem to be paying any attention to all of this and just keeps going about their business which is just fine with us. Hick once again hears the footsteps of someone to the northeast of us and signals for Rude Dog to take a look. Tex misreads the hand signal and moves out into the corridor only to be seen by a ganger with a shotgun at the ready. The ganger opens fire and nicks Tex with a single pellet ( doing only 1 damage ) from his first shot and totally misses with the second. Rude Dog seeing Tex in the open, knows Tex can't return fire and get back into a cover position. Rude Dog moves into the corridor and with two rounds from his M4 sends the ganger to his grave. Both Rude Dog and Tex move back to cover. Even after the two shotgun blasts no one responds and it grows quite once more.
Rude Dog gets bored after waiting for around three minutes and moves around the corner into the the next hallway running northwest to southeast. The coast seems clear so he moves back to Hick and they discuss what to do. The other hallway does not provide a good ambush point, with a cross fire, like they have now, so they wait a bit more. Hick moves out into the corridor and slips and discharges her weapon by accident and realizing what she has done moves back behind the wall for cover. Movement is heard and Tex interupts a ganger and puts him down before the ganger can get off a shot. The ganger had a friend close on his heels and seeing his friend just get killed wants revenge. He spots Tex and fires three rounds from a hand gun hitting Tex with two of them ( 68 points of damage ) and Tex falls to the floor dying in a quickly forming pool of blood. Another ganger comes past the one that shot Tex and Rosebud interupts the ganger and kills him with a burst from his CAR. Rude Dog steps out into the hallway and with an M4 burst wastes the guy who shot Tex. Rude Dog moves back behind cover while Hick steps out and tosses a tear gas grenade towards the growing mass of on coming gangers. Two of the gangers get past the expanding gas and one takes a shot at Rude Dog but misses while another just moves up to support his fellow gang member. Rosebud pulls out his first aid, fumbles around with it but manages to start applying bandages to help stop the flow of blood from Tex's wounds. Rude Dog places two HP rounds into the chest of his attacker who dies on the spot. Hick jumps out from the corner and fires her PPSH at the closest ganger with a single round that hits and ducks back under cover. The tear gas seems to be slowing the gangers down and Rude Dog's and Hick's shots make them think twice about charging up again. Rude dog steps into the corridor and spots four gangers, two of which are too close for comfort. He lays down a burst hitting one ganger in the shoulder and ducks for cover. Hick follows him and fires a burst as well but all rounds miss the target. Rosebud is still busy tring to patch Tex's wounds and can't help for fear of loosing him. A ganger appears and shoots Rude Dog but the impact is dissipated by his armor. Another shows up and also fires but misses Rude Dog by a good three feet. Rude Dog returns fire with three quick unaimed rounds but only one lands doing some minor damage to his attacker. Hick again jumps out and places two rounds into the closest enemy killing her then dodges back behind the corner. Rude Dog is again shot this time doing minor damage ( 6 points )and the ganger runs for cover. Another appears and opens up on Rude Dog with an automatic machine pistol from fairly short range. Rude Dog's side erupts with pain and blood, as at least three rounds tear into him ( 30 more damage ). Rude Dog's M4 barks out a burst of three rounds, two of which land on target and the ganger falls to the floor in the throws of the death dance. Hick moves quickly into the hall and sees a ganger already wounded where she places another round into her for good measure. No enemy is dumb enough to show up so Rude Dog goes on the offensive and steps into the fight and fires a single round into the now badly wounded ganger. She falls as a ragdoll to the floor and Rude Dog notices two more gangers near the cloud of tear gas as he makes it back around the corner and cover.
Hick runs over to Tex and Rosebud while the enemy is still at a good distance away. From out of the hallway a ganger shows up and shoots Hick in the back with a pistol piercing her Guardian vest and puncturing a lung ( 51 points damage ). Hick bites the bullet and wheels in place and returns fire hitting the ganger in the chest. Tex opens his eyes and Rosebud jumps to Hicks rescue. With CAR in hand he fires and hits Hick's assailant with two .223 rounds killing him where he stood. Rude Dog pulls out his first aid kit and starts to bandage his own wounds so as not to loose any more blood that is squirting out of him. As Rosebud stands guard Hick also starts to apply treatment to her injury. Tex grabs a Crepagen hypo and sticks himself in the arm. No one approaches the group, so Hick and Rude Dog are able to finish off their bandaging. Afterward both inject the greenish liquid from Crepaton into themselves and hope they dont have to use another soon. Rude Dog moves back to the corner of the wall but soon the waiting is over. A ganger appears and Rude Dog places three rounds into her sending her to be with her comardes in death. The marvelous liquid from Crepaton does its magic and Rude Dog has never felt better. The same can not however be said of Hick or Tex who won't be back to full health anytime soon. All becomes too quite and the Dog is getting nervous. He peers around the corner but does not see or hear anything. As he moves up the corridor he spots a lone ganger near the subway train. With a carefully aimed shot Rude Dog kills him with a single round making his 85th kill. Tex stands up and exclaims his satisfaction with " We run Dodge City now! ". The group is hurt but alive and the subway is once again safe for the people of Calisto.

Day 6 21:26hrs : We set off to search for items while sending Tex back upstairs so he doesn't have a fit. After gathering up all the junk we could carry and taking it back to the factory we have decided to have Hick doctor Tex and herself back to full health. She appears like the only candidate for the job as none of the others have much skill in medicine. She should learn rapidly due to her high wisdom but it now means more down time till the next battle. At least we all survived again... Tex was real lucky only loosing 2 points off his maximum health it could have been much worse... much worse.

As an update to what has happened so far here are my teams stats as of now:

Billie Joe Bob aka Hick
Health 55/80
Agility 86 ( +1 )
Dexterity 85
Strength 80
Leadership 46 ( +11 )
Wisdom 85
Marksmanship 79 ( +44 )
Mechanical 36 ( +1 )
Explosives 35
Medical 37 ( +2 )
Rank 5 ( +4 )
Kills 64
Assists 15
Hit Percentage 54%
Battles 19
Times Wounded 12

Health 99/99
Agility 68 ( +2 )
Dexterity 72 ( +4 )
Strength 99
Leadership 1
Wisdom 69
Marksmanship 79 ( +18 )
Mechanical 88 ( +3 )
Explosives 1
Medical 3 ( +2 )
Rank 4 ( +3 )
Kills 44
Assists 15
Hit Percentage 44%
Battles 19
Times Wounded 7

Rude Dog
Health 88/88
Agility 73
Dexterity 76
Strength 83
Leadership 41 ( +9 )
Wisdom 65
Marksmanship 88 ( +17 )
Mechanical 22
Explosives 31
Medical 14 ( +1 )
Rank 6 ( +2 )
Kills 85
Assists 25
Hit Percentage 66%
Battles 15
Times Wounded 8

Health 45/79 ( -2 )
Agility 77
Dexterity 74
Strength 70
Leadership 3
Wisdom 52
Marksmanship 91 ( +3 )
Mechanical 49 ( +5 )
Explosives 2
Medical 4
Rank 5 ( +1 )
Kills 35
Assists 8
Hit Percentage 58%
Battles 10
Times Wounded 3

Thanks again for tuning in to the Ironman radio network direct from Danubia. This has been your host for the evening Headshot signing off. :director:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92095] Sat, 06 March 2004 00:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ShoNuff is currently offline ShoNuff

Registered:September 2003
Location: Atlanta, GA
Another excellent narrative, Headshot. Thanks for keeping us up to date!

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92096] Sat, 06 March 2004 03:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
Wow! almost lost Tex there Headshot.Great work hope you keep going

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92097] Sat, 06 March 2004 09:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 6 21:48hrs : We have cleaned up the area, resupplied our ammo, and Hick is laying out all the items from one of the many Med-kits we have stored away. Reading up on the removeal of bullets and the treatment of bullet wounds, she decides that she is NOT qualified for this but someone needs to get down and dirty with it. Tex is a little unsure of her methods and Hick really isn't very sure herself. " Its going to be a long night guy's." she says with a smile. Rude Dog tells Rosebud he will give him a hand and help repair their equipment while the doctoring is being done. "Hell what else am I gunna do! " Rude Dog says as he looks back at Hick fumbling with Tex's wounds.

Day 7 12:06hrs : Having very little left to sell off to Betty we forego the trip and concentrate on healing Tex and Hick. Both seem to be healing nicely and Hick is grasping the medical concepts a bit better.

Day 7 18:02hrs : We are being told by the locals who live in the urban area just south of the factory that a group of about thirteen soldiers have entered that area and are looking to try and retake the factory. Having a full compliment of trained ( 20 light blue ) malitia we are not really concerned but think it might not be a bad idea to stop the action before it occures. This will also serve to let the people of Calisto know we are still here and that they will not be alone in the struggle's ahead.

Day 7 18:07hrs : We arrive in the contested urban sector E-13 and quickly deploy behind the store located in the center of the northern boarder. Rude Dog immediately sees a red shirt standing in the road through one of the stores windows. He aims his trusted M4 and squeezes off two suppressed HP rounds of death into the unsuspecting enemy. The rest of the group assend to the roof of the store without incident. Rude Dog quickly follows and they all move forward toward the souther edge of the roof line. Rosebud catches sight of a soldier across the street between two building and lets him know he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The .223 round finds its mark and the red shirted soldier screams in pain. Tex switches over to his AK-47, and fires off a round at the same red shirt. The round glances off a tree limb and tho it hits its target only does minimal damage. Rude Dog also spots a soldier who is trying of sneek up and gives him a wake up call with his M4, stopping the guy in his tracks. Everyone lays down to avoid return fire and then sits up to fire the next volly. Rude Dog misses his shot but Rosebud makes a good shot and finishes off an enemy trying retreat. Hick fires off a round and misses and Tex moves to a better position on the roof. The enemy is on the move and Tex comes under fire from two different sources but is missed by all rounds fired. One of the red shirts firing on Tex is within range of his Agrams so he switches back to them and places two rounds into the enemies chest, killing him instantly ( 74 damage ). The other soldier is just out of optimum range but Tex fires again and both rounds hit the mark, putting the hurt ( 44 damage ) on yet another enemy. Hick sits up, and seeing the soldier Tex wounded, places an AK round into him, finishing him off. Rude Dog stands up and sees another enemy standing in the street and puts a round from his M4 into the guys shoulder ( 40 damage and -8 dex ). Rosebud stands and fires at the soldier Rude Dog just hit but misses. Rosebud goes back into a kneeling pose and comes under fire but no rounds find a home. Rosebud stands and delivers a burst from his CAR and one of the soldiers goes down Rosebud drops back to a kneel. Hick changes weapons back to her PPSH and stands up. Firing a burst from the old weapon obtains the results she wanted and another red shirt goes down, she returns to a kneeling stance as well. Rude Dog stands and pegs a red shirt kneeling in the road, and goes back on one knee. Hick sits up and again changes weapons back to the AK and fires off a round ending another soldier life ( 64 damage ). Tex stands and fires twice sending 3 rounds into the red shirt in the road, killing him. Tex kneels back down while Rosebud stands and fires but misses his target. Rosebud drops back down and Rude Dog takes a shot which lands but does only minor damage to his victim. No return fire is taken and Tex stands again and shoots a red shirt with two rounds from the Agrams ending is poor miserable existance. Hick and the Dog both pick out the same target and a well aimed shot from each puts the enemy six feet under. Rosebud stands but no one is seen so goes back down.
Four enemies are left, but are not showing themselves. Possibly they are scarred, as well they should be. All goes quiet. Hich hears something below but nothing is seen. After a brief wait an red shirt appears near the police station and Tex has him in his sites. Changing over to his AK once again Tex fires and scores a hit on the unsuspecting enemy. No one else can see the intruder so they all just wait to see what will happen next. Tex is fired upon but is missed and he taunts his assailant by yelling out " You couldn't hit the side of a cow barn... pardner! ". Tex fires again and scores a hit once more. The red shirt now citical, does not return fire, and Tex fires two more rounds but neither hit. Tex lays down for cover and when he raises he puts another round into the badly hurt soldier finishing him off. All goes quiet again.
Rude Dog is tired of waiting and wants to take the fight to the three remaining soldiers. He moves to the back of the building and decends from the roof. He sneeks around the building and finds no enemies inside the building and so heads across the street to the building next to the police station. He makes it there without incident and he climbs up onto the roof for a better view around. As he nears the southeastern corner closest to the police station he spots a red shirt. " It's time to up my stats... " he thinks and aims his M4 at his intended target. Two smooth pulls of the trigger and the soldier is having a bad day ( 37 points damage ). Rude Dog ducks from sight and waits. He sits back up in time to see the red shirt moving off to the south and stops him with two more HP rounds, this time in the back. All goes quiet once more, so Rude Dog reloads his weapon which was running low. A full magazine makes Rude Dog feel so much better.
Rude Dog moves slowly and carefully about the roof and scans for enemies but nothing is heard or seen. Tex decides to join Rude Dog in the search for the remaining enemy soldiers and slips down from the roof and across the street to the bar at the end of the block. He mounts the roof and surveys the area from above. Nothing is seen nor heard by Tex as well. Rosebud and Hick team up and decend from the roof and head southeast across the street towards the fenced junkyard and the building beyond. Rosebud clips a hole in the fence and they both move into the junkyard. As they approach the building Hick spots a red shirt outside the fence near the front of the structure. Not having a good shot nor having been seen she slips back behind cover. Moving among the piles of boxes, crates, old stoves, pipes, and every other kind of junk imaginable they make it to the back door of the building without being noticed. Hick hears the sound of movement to the south and so they wait around the corner of the door quietly. No one comes out and the sounds move further off. Hick moves into the back room of the junkyard building and spots a red shirt inside the main room. She switches over to her PPSH and lays out a stream of lead that tears the soldier to shreds hitting him with five out of six rounds ( 112 damage ). All goes silent once more and Hick waits quietly ready for an ambush beside the doorway. Rosebud who is still outside the back door hopes up onto the roof and moves to cover the front door. As he reaches it he spots the final red shirt squatting in the grass next to a tree. With a well placed burst the fight is over and Rosebud laughs out loud ... heeheehee.

Day 7 18:21hrs : After searching the bodies and gathering up the ammo and weapons we head back to the factory and the thanks of the people of Calisto.

Day 7 18:26hrs : Having stashed away most of our goodies and since both Tex ( 74/79 ) and Hick ( 75/80 ) are almost fully healed we decide that after dark we will venture forth into the darkness in search of prey.

So ends another part of the ongoing Ironman story. Brought to you by Crepagen and Crepaboost... You know the little green stuff you keep in your medicine cabinets. And by Danubian Airlines where you the passenger comes first ... sign up today for our mile high club and let the stewardess know your flight preferences. ( Sorry I could not resist ) :naughty:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92098] Sat, 06 March 2004 18:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 7 20:58hrs : After hearing from one of the towns people that a helicopter pilot was hidden out somewhere to the west of us, we decide to search for him / her. We head off for sector D-12 with hopes high.

Day 7 22:42hrs : We arrive in sector ( D-12 ) and search the farm that lies just to the northwest of our deployment point. While Hick searchs for the pilot, Rosebud searchs for goodies. Hick finds the pilot named Goose in the house furthest north and after talking to him he agrees to help us if we can get him back to Calisto airport safely. Rosebud seems to think an old can of grease will be of some use to us and who knows maybe it will. He also finds some glow sticks and a bottle of Crepaton which we can use as well. We pack everything up and agree to escort Goose back to Calisto.

Day 8 00:38hrs : We safely get back to the Calisto airport with Goose and he lays out the terms under which he will fly us around. The SAM site is going to be trouble for him, and us, so that will be our next stop.

Day 8 00:50hrs : We stash the grease, glowsticks, and Crepaton and head off for the SAM site in sector D-15.

Day 8 02:46hrs : Upon arriving in sector C-15 we encounter a small group of soldiers ( 9 ) hanging out around a group of three rural buildings. Rosebud tosses out a glow stick and the turkey shoot begins. From the cover of a small group of trees we open up on the ill prepared soldiers who are basking in the light of not only the glow stick but the porch lights of the buildings around them. Three soldiers are cut down within the span of a few seconds and the rest quickly follow. Only one soldier actually gets to fire off a shot, which passes by harmlessly. Hick with her Expert Night Ops and the help of her night vision goggles gets a total of five kills in this brief encounter. The encounter lasted only about one minute and left Brenda with nine fewer soldiers to order around. Most of the items recovered from the bodies are useless ammo and so we leave it to rust or for the locals to hide away. The only good item is found in a locked chest, a Vepr with no ammo in average shape. We sling the weapon and move out heading south to the SAM site.

Day 8 04:33hrs : We deploy in the northwest corner of the sector ( D-15 ) and head south. We want to set up a choke point at the front gate to the SAM site, much like we did with the gun runners at the Calisto airfreight facility. As we move south towards a small storage building Hick hears the sound of foot steps. From around the corner of the building out steps a red shirt right into Hick's line of fire. No one else has a shot and he is within visual sight of Hick. She has no choice, she aims her PPSH and lets out a stream of lead that leaves very little of what used to be a human being laying on the ground. The report of the old russian machine gun can be heard by others and they soon appear. Tex, Rude Dog and Rosebud have moved up to get a good field of view, and Hick has moved back behind some cover. Another red shirt appears and Tex drops him with four rounds from his pair of Agrams. Another follows closely behind and gets taken out by Rude Dog and his M4. Then an elite moves into view and Rosebud fires off a round but misses the elite, and hits a large fuel cylinder sitting next to the storage building. The ensueing explosion blows the elite off his feet and sends him flying along with at least one other at the time unseen soldier. The elite gets up but is so stunned he can't fire or does not see anyone to fire at. A wounded red shirt appears as well as another grey shirt and the three soldiers are nicely clustered together beside what used to be the storage buildings wall. Hick tosses a grenade to one of the grey shirts who fumbles the catch and the grenade goes off killing him and the red shirt. The other elite in thrown to the ground and Tex finishes him off. The area becomes quiet...
Hick and Tex check out the bodies and survey the area only to find no one left to shoot at. Rosebud enters the storage bulding through the large hole in the side wall and opens a crate. His eyes widen, and his jaw drops. Inside the crate are two LAW's... what a find. The group moves off toward the main gate only to find it closed up tight with no way in and no way for the enemy within to get out. After a brief discussion about fouled up plans they draw up a new plan. Since the front is all lite up like a christmas tree they will slip around the back and start the attack there.
The group moves north of the SAM site beyond the lit fenceline and skirts the back side past the radar and communication dishes. They move just past the launchers and into the tree line which provides cover and is just outside normal visual range from the fence. Everyone finds a nice place with a good view and Tex and Rosebud toss out glow sticks into the central area of the compound. No sooner have they both gone back into a kneeling position that the first enemy appears. Tex takes the first shots and pegs the guy with four suppressed rounds. Another quickly appears to see what caused his buddie to collapse and Rosebud shoots him with his CAR. Now the real turkey shoot begins. Soon there are 7 to 10 enemies running or sneeking in and out of view and all are being hit everywhere they seem to move. Rude Dog takes a shot or two, then Tex, Rosebud and Hick and the process repeats. Not one round is fired by the enemy and soon there are twelve bodies littering the ground.
The area once again grows quiet. Hick slowly and quietly moves up to the back fence away from the lit area and opens a hole. She creeps up through a couple crates and barrels and up to the side of the southern most building within the compound. Tex, Rosebud and Rude Dog quickly join her and wait patiently beside the wall. Inside the building foot steps can be heard as well as on the roof. Suddenly the foot steps on the roof seem to be directly overhead and Rosebud makes his move. Grasping the edge of the roof he vaults upward landing right next to a red shirt with a startled look on his face. Rosebud's move has given him the advantage, and being an expert at hand to hand combat, he hits the red shirt twice with lightning fast moves knocking him to the surface of the roof. Hick assends the roof and makes a grab for the soldiers weapon which easily slips from his fingers. Tex climbs up and punches the downed soldier as does Rude Dog who administers the coup-de-gras. Hick is the new owner of a nice Draganov sniper system. All remains silent except for the footsteps heard from inside the building below them. They all get down from the roof and sneek over to the building on the north side of the compound without being seen. Once again they wait until the right moment, Rude Dog springs up to the roof, but this time the red shirt is further away and fires once hitting the Dog in the chest. His Guardian vest absorbs much of the impact but it still hurts like hell ( 25 damage ). Rosebud, Hick and Tex all move up onto the roof and surround the lone red shirt. No one has enough energy to take a swing at the soldier. The soldier seeing this gang of camouflaged rebels swarm him, like bees to honey, panics and fires in fear, missing everyone. Rosebud punches twice and the soldier is down. Tex grabs his weapon and Hick punches him to death, gaining both strength and dex in the process. Rude Dog calls for help and Hick moves over to him and patches him up. Afterward he injects himself with Crepagen and starts to feel better.
The team moves down from the roof and explores the building they are next to, finding a key card in one of the chests of drawers. Rosebud pockets the card and says they should go over and take care of whom ever is in the building across the way. As they are moving over to the door accross the way, a soldier appears through a window in the front of the building. Tex places four rounds into the poor soul and Rude Dog wants a beer. Hick goes over to the door of the building with the dead soldier inside and finds it to be trapped. She quickly disarms it and Rosebud opens it up with his new keycard.

Day 8 04:59 : We search the bodies and the buildings, and aquire some nice new gear. A pair of Draganov's, another AK-47, an RGM-40 40mm grenade launcher with three 40mm grenades, another Agram, a pair of claymores complete with detonators, bunch of ammo, other misc gear, and not to forget the two LAW's. Rosebud grabs the toolbox he found and starts to work repairing and servicing our weapons. Hick notices him yawning, and says they all better get a little sleep before they start to work.

Day 8 09:00 : Its back to work with Rosebud and Tex doing repair while Hick and Rude Dog train malitia ( the 4x4 routine ).

So ends another part in the Ironman story. Keep tuned for more action and adventure in the land of Danubia.

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Staff Sergeant
Re: IronMan game...[message #92099] Sun, 07 March 2004 19:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Herrbear is currently offline Herrbear
Registered:February 2004
Location: Walnut, CA
Thank you for the wonderful story so far. Keep up the good work.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92100] Tue, 09 March 2004 16:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 8 14:07hrs : Hick and Rude Dog had just finished training their first group of malitia, to guard the SAM site, when a scrambled radio message from the Calisto airport malitia is received. Nestling 1 to Hick, come in Hick. Hick answers the radio call. She has taught the malitia the proper commands and call signs as well as verification codes for various situations and responds accordingly. Hick to Nextling 1 go ahead Nestling 1. This is to inform you that fourteen dogs have been sighted near nest, and nestlings are taking the appropriate measures. Will the nestlings need food? Over.. Responds Hick. Thats a negitive Hick. Nestling 1 out.
Hick knows that an attack by fourteen troops is underway at the Calisto airport and that support is not needed. The malitia is handling the situation as they were taught. A few minutes later and Hick receives a pair of fast clicks ( the opening and closeing of the mic ) on the radio. This signal tells her everything went according to plan and the attackers have been dealt with. Later Hick gets a detailed follow up message that tells her the malitia killed all fourteen of the enemy soldiers and did not loose a single malitia.

Day 9 09:22hrs : Reports of enemy activity in the area has sent the malitia scouting the area surrounding the SAM site. Hick, Rude Dog, Tex, and Rosebud are not too concerned and the number of attackers has been estimated at only seven. Hick figures that given she and Rude Dog have trained twenty soldiers and that they need some field experience to aid their training. As the malitia spot the enemy and report back to Hick she decides to let the malitia handle the situation. Half of the malitia are green and if they survive the ongoing battle, it will teach some of them valuable lessons that they could not learn from training alone. The reports keep coming in and the malitia is doing pretty well. Hick and the others sit back in the SAM site office playing cards while the battle rages. Some may think this is cold, but to Hick and the others, it is time to separate the wheat from the chaff as it were. Soon the reports of injuries and deaths come rolling in and Hick takes the tally sheet. Six dead green recruits, and two dead regulars ( light blue ), but they have killed five elite soldiers, one recon unit ( soldier in camo ) and driven off a critically wounded elite who excercised the better part of valor. As a result Hick promotes two green malitia to the status of regular, and two regulars to squad leaders ( dark blue ) for their excellent work. A couple of the recruits can be heard talking about the dead but also about the promotions and soon more recruits show up at the SAM site for training to replace those that have died. The team gets back to work training and repairing equipment.

Day 9 17:50hrs : More reports of enemy activity start flowing in, and once again Calisto is under attack by hostile forces. This time the central area near Betty's store is attacked and the enemy makes a push for control of the sector. The training by Hick and Rude Dog and the repelled attack the day before at the airport has boosted the confidence level of the malitia. The malitia really puts the hurt on the ten enemy soldiers foolish enough to attack in broad daylight. The malitia fight like wild cats and suffer only a few injuries but no deaths, while killing all ten of the enemy. The people cheer and celebrate in the streets for they now have a hold on their future. They won't be pushed around anymore by a corrupt government nor a greedy corporation. Victory is all that is heard in the street, but Hick and the rest know this may change, and to prepare for the next round of assualts.

Day 10 02:00hrs : The training of malitia is finished and almost everything has been repaired. Rosebud has gained knowledge in repair and skill in dexterity for his efforts, while Tex has learned much about repair working with Rosebud. Rude Dog and Hick both have improved in the leadership and control of training malitia. Hick tells the leaders of the SAM site malitia that she is calling for a chopper and that they will be leaving shortly. The crew collects the important items and prepares for the chopper ride back to Calisto.

Day 10 03:20hrs : After a brief flight Goose sets the chopper down at the Calisto Airport and the team gets out. Pablo is bitching about how much space is being taken up by cargo that is just sitting around. Hick gets the hint and opens up the packages to check what has arrived from Bobby Ray's. Upon opening the crate Hick exclaimes " Cool " we got the ammo I ordered. Two more boxes of 120 rounds each 5.56 nato HP for Rude Dog's M4 and a 100 round box of 7.62x54mmR which she thought might come in handy. Looking at Tex who is holding one of the newly aquired Draganov's she says in a sly tone " Told ya it was not wasted money and that we would need some of that Russian ammo". Packing up as much as they can carry, they head back to the factory.

Day 10 03:30hrs : Hick addresses the group and tells them that she feels that they should head to another city and gather as many resources as possible. Personel and equipment need to be upgraded and expanded so for the time being we should use the subways even tho Tex does not like them. We need to move around, and for now the subways will allow us to go almost anywhere. We will need to clear them of enemies and gangland scum but they will provide us with quick cheap transportation. We can start by going back to Atremo and on to Port Kip or we can go to Troy. From either one we can then goto Galileo. I have no idea what we will run into but we should take the chance on one of them. A coin is tossed and Rude Dog calls it " Heads we goto Troy, Tails we goto Port Kip ". The coin lands and spins on the ground. " Heads it is! " says Rude Dog, acting like it was a bet on the Super Bowl. So its off to Troy...

Day 10 03:41hrs : The subway arrives in the Troy and the team gets out. They quickly go into stealth mode and move to the nearest train car on track 1. Hick opens the door as well as the one on the other side. They all start to move toward the next train where Hick once again opens up the two doors and they all exit on the far southwest side of the subway train on track 2. Quietly they move eastward along the edge of the tracks. Hick is carrying her new Draganov as is Tex. Rude Dog his M4 and Rosebud with his CAR have not yet spotted anyone. As they near the turnstiles Hick spots a ganger in the distance. Using full aim with her Draganov she squeezes the trigger and hits the ganger squarely in the forehead. Never knew what hit her... she thinks to herself. As the body of the female ganger hits the floor, another ganger comes from around the corner and Tex places a 7.62x54mmR round into his head as well. More noise is heard but no one shows up. Suddenly a door on the subway train springs open and a ganger is standing there waving an auto pistol in the air. Rude Dog uses his burst mode on the M4 and savagely cuts the ganger apart with three 5.56mm HP rounds ( 109 damage ). The ganger falls in the now open doorway and Rosebud sees another ganger on the far side of track 1. Rosebud fires off a pair of rounds fro his CAR one of which hits its target doing minor damage. More gangers appear and fire is coming from the track one side as well as from near the turnstiles. Rude Dog takes a round in the side ( 26 points ) and Rosebud is hit in the arm ( 11 points ). Hick places another headshot into the ganger near the turnstiles and Tex pops one in the head on the far side of the first train. Rude Dog fires a round at a ganger in the first train and hurts him while Rosebud fires a burst at a ganger rounding the corner near the turnstiles. Rosebud's shot stops the ganger midstride and as he returns fire the round hits Rude Dog, this time in the chest ( 18 damage ). More gangers are coming fast and a burst by one of them nicks Hick in the leg ( 6 damage ) and she falls to the floor. Tex takes out another ganger with a headshot and Rude Dog slips over beside the train for cover and pulls out his first aid kit. Hick sits up and shoots a ganger on the far side of the train through an open window in the head. Rosebud shoots the guy who shot the Dog with a burst ( 2 rounds hit 56 damage ) from his CAR putting him down. The gangers who are now scared but still fighting fire off a few rounds but nothing hits. Hick and Tex take out 2 more of the gangers and Rosebud fires off 2 rounds but both miss. Only one ganger is left to be seen and he fires at Rosebud but misses. Tex takes out the last ganger and Hick pulls out her first aid kit and patches up Rosebud and herself. The Dog takes out a crepagen boost and stick it into his arm. The green liquid goes to work and he is soon left with only a minor wound.

Day 10 03:53hrs : We search the Subway area and find a few usefull items as well as around $600 in cash. Some TNT and C4 is found along with another A.L.I.C.E. backpack. Some batteries, a rod, three smoke grenades, a couple empty syringes that will come in handy, and a camo kit to round out our find. The question now is do we dare to start a fight here in Troy tonight with the limited hours before dawn or do we head back to Calisto and make a fresh start tomorrow night as early as possible?

So ends another portion of the Ironman saga. Until next time this is Headshot signing off. :wave:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92101] Tue, 09 March 2004 23:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sturm is currently offline Sturm

Registered:July 2003
Location: Elyria,Ohio
Like I said before Headshot ,Please keep it going

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92102] Wed, 10 March 2004 16:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Day 10 03:54hrs : Hick thinks we should wait on dealing with Troy but does not want to go back to Calisto yet. Galileo is the next subway stop we want to clear, and since Tex is already uneasy down in the underground area we feel we might as well continue instead of jumping back and forth to the surface. Maybe we can get him over his fears ( Rude Dog doubts this but what the hell ) so we board the train bound for Galileo.

Day 10 03:54hrs : The miracles of instant train travel are hard to get used to. We arrive at the Galileo subway terminal, and as we disembark, we all become quiet and crouch down beside the subway train car. Maybe fifteen seconds go by, and Hick intercepts a ganger about 200 meters down the track to the east. Taking carefull aim she places the 7.62x54mmR round from her Dragunov into the gangers right temple. The ganger never even heard the round fired before she died. We all wait, and quickly more gangers arrive on the scene of their fallen comrade. Tex takes down the next to arrive with his Dragunov and Rosebud puts two rounds into the next with the Vepr he now carries along with his CAR. Hick takes down the third to arrive, with another headshot, while Rude Dog waits. He does not have long to wait, as a ganger opens on of the subway train cars doors only a few meters away. Rude Dog with M4 in hand fires off a burst and the ganger, crumples to the floor of the car. Soon more gangers come on the scene and both are taken down by headshots from Tex and Hick. Another ganger appears inside the subway train and Rude Dog's M4 barks it deadly song. The burst lays the ganger on the floor along with his companion. More gangers appear and Rosebud shoots one with his Vepr but misses with the second shot. One of the gangers fires a pistol at the group but all four rounds miss, another fires a rifle at Rude Dog but the round barely penetrates his Guardian vest ( 4 points damage ). Tex and Hick respond and both hoodlums fall silent, the only noise is that of their bodies hitting the floor. With that the battle is over and its time to search the area.

Day 10 04:05hrs : We have come across some really weird guy whos name is Vlad and claims to run the local blood bank here in Galileo. He seems to have some skin disease that makes him shun the light. " Yea right the guy's been watching too many old movies. " says Rude Dog. We continue the search and find another A.L.I.C.E. as well as about $1500.00 in cash, a couple crepagen hypos, some crepaboost, and a shitload of jars full of human blood. Maybe the guy Vlad is legit ... nah he's just too strange. After looking around and taking what we need the locals tell us there are more gang members downstairs in the lower level where the train to Drake arrives and departs. Hick thinks it would be wise to take these punks out now rather than leave them infesting the subway system ( damn cockroaches ). So down we go to deal with more scum.

Day 10 04:14hrs : As we step from the staris we are attacked by three ganger who must have heard the shooting upstairs. Rosebud is hit in the side ( 19 damage ) and Tex gets nicked in the arm ( 9 damage ). Hick responds with two headshots on the closest targets killing both gangers. Rude Dog takes out the third with two well placed shots from his M4. Rosebud fires two shots at a ganger who walks around a corner into his line of sight but only one round hits its target ( 26 damage ) and the ganger goes prone. Tex fires off a round at the ganger Rosebud just hit and the Dragunov's round ruptures some internal organs leaving the ganger dying on the floor. A gang thug fires a pistol at Tex but misses as another steps out into Hick's line of fire. She fires and down goes another enemy. The gangers just keep coming and Rude Dog gets an interupt on one of them which he kills with two HP rounds to the chest. The fun just keeps on happening as more gangers arrive, and seeing their dead friends, run for cover rather, than face the four deadly, camo clad, mercenaries crouching on the stairs. Tex and Hick both with interupts, take out gangers when they get bold enough to show their faces. One female ganger makes a charge and fires off a round, hitting Rude Dog in the chest ( 30 damage ), before taking 3 rounds from his M4 ending her charge. Another female charges Rude Dog and he takes another round ( 21 damage more , total health of 37/88 ). Hick shoots the Dogs assailant and Rude Dog grabs for his first aid kit. Tex puts a round into the forehead of a ganger as two more come from around a corner into view. Rosebud takes another round, this time in the chest ( 14 damage ) and Tex gets hit in the leg ( 9 damage ) with another round. Rosebud fires back at his attacker, and hits the ganger in the chest ( 31 damage ). Tex finishes off Rosebuds attacker and Hick headshots the other putting them both down for good. Hick interupts a ganger coming out of the side of the subway train car and hurts him badly ( 37 damage ) The ganger returns fire but misses everyone. Rosebud fires his Vepr and the ganger is left dying in a pool of blood.
All goes quiet... so Rosebud pulls out his first aid kit and patches himself up. Rude Dog finishes bandaging himself as does Rosebud and both use a crepagen hypo. Tex is healed by Hick but he is not bad off and refuses to take a crepagen. Rude Dog is only mildly healed by the crepagen as he has taken two prior to this one ( only 20 points healed ). Rosebud is almost full healed by his use of the green liquid ( 30 points healed ). Hick starts looking for the remaining gangers and finds one hidden in a room. She quickly puts the ganger out of the game and soon runs across some guy named Stomper who does not like the team down on his turf. Hick and Rude Dog show him that it is out of his control and send him off with his friends to ganger hell. " All enemies are down " comes the call from Hick and its time to search the subway for goodies. Not finding much they decide to head back to Calisto to heal up before getting in another fight.

Day 10 04:52hrs : We finally get back to our base camp in Calisto. Hick gets out all the medical equipment from her Med-kit and tells Rude Dog to lay down and shut up. Tex grins ( glad to be back in the wide open spaces ) and sits down to help Rosebud adjust and clean the weapons and other equipment.

Day 10 10:00hrs : We get an e-mail from Bobby Rays telling us more stuff has arrived at the airport.

Day 11 22:00hrs : Everyone is now fully healed and rested. All the weapons and equipment are in perfect shape. We are fully stocked with ammo and other items. We're ready to head back to Galileo were we heard from a local, in the subway, about some guy named Shady, that the local thought we should check out. So even if Tex complains about the trip we will soon be in the heart of the country and setting up a new command post if all goes well.

Thus ends another episode of the Ironman sage. More will come as soon as I get up off this chair and play some more... :type:

If you shoot them in the head, they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92103] Thu, 11 March 2004 05:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ShoNuff is currently offline ShoNuff

Registered:September 2003
Location: Atlanta, GA
Awesome as always - please keep the story going.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92104] Wed, 17 March 2004 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lizard103dm is currently offline lizard103dm

Registered:February 2004
Location: Mississippi

Your Ironman Journal is excellent. I'm sure it takes more time to record your progress than it does to play the game, but we appreciate your efforts and certainly want to hear more about life on the Ironman Trail!



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Private 1st Class
Re: IronMan game...[message #92105] Wed, 17 March 2004 06:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Headshot is currently offline Headshot

Registered:May 2002
Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )...

Well actually I have been looking over the source code and trying to get my hands on a copy of MSVC 6.0. so I can actually help some.

I have also been playing the Ironman Game but have not been taking too many notes along the way. I may have to abridge some of the story to bring it up to the current situation.

But I will post more soon. Thanks for the words of support and I hope I wont disappoint you all.


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Re: IronMan game...[message #92106] Sat, 27 March 2004 12:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Spike Scallion is currently offline Spike Scallion
Registered:March 2004
Here is a request for more news from the front lines.

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Re: IronMan game...[message #92107] Wed, 07 April 2004 11:05 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Kurgis is currently offline Kurgis
Registered:April 2004
Location: England
Fantastic stuff Headshot - really good reading Smile

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