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Re: IronMan game...[message #92076]
Tue, 02 March 2004 10:26
Headshot |
Registered:May 2002 Location: Los Angeles ( Hollywood )... |
Day 2 2:33am : Plans have been made and its time to put them to the test. Off we head to the Crepaton factory and with four of us now it should be a little easier. Hick is still bad off and now Rosebud is only at about half his normal health. Rude Dog has only minor injuries about 20 points worth and of course Tex is fresh. Rosebud decides to take another Cerpagen leaving us with only 1 left but it improves his health and makes him more effective for the upcoming combat.
Day 2 2:39am : We arrive in sector D-13 and position ourselves toward the middle of the northern boarder near a small outbuilding and the corner of the wall surrounding the Crepaton factory. There are a couple tree and bushes for some cover and the outbuilding blocks our being seen from the east. After getting in place Tex and Hick both hear movement, some from the southeast, and some from the west but very faint. We stay quite and wait. A minute or so goes by ( which seems like forever ) and out pops a red shirt in the middle of the street just north of the factory wall. Tex is equipped with his Agram 2000's one on which has a suppressor on it but the enemy is just outside of his normal range for a good shot so he holds back the desire to shoot. Rude Dog figures what the hell and levels his silenced M4 and puts two rounds into the guy who dies before he hits the ground. Whether it was the body hitting the ground, the muzzle flash, or just someone with excellent hearing somehow we have been found out. From the south side of the outbuilding coming around the fence is another red shirt, Tex gets the interupt and put 4 rouns into the guy who dies on the spot. A yellow shirt following closely on the heels of the red shirt gets seen by Rosebud as he rounds the fence and takes a round to the gut stopping him cold. Rosebud finishes off the yellow shirt and the rest of us wait quitely, but not for long. An elite comes into view near the first guy we saw and Rude Dog caps him with the M4 ( running real low on ammo now ). Tex interupts a cop making the end run around the outbuilding fence and is made short work of.
All gets quite ... too quite... we decide to move before we get bum rushed so we slip slightly north to the border of the sectore and skirt west to the fence surrounding the first building we come to. Hick opens a nice hole with her wire cutters in the fence and we proceed through the back yard and open another hole in the back fence. We move to the far western edge of the sector and head down south to the factory fence. As we near the fence Hick hears something faintly to the northeast of us so we slowly move in that direction with Hick ( NightOps expert wearing night vision goggles ) in the lead. Soon she spots an elite crouched down near a chain link fence that separates the two building. Rude Dog figures he can take the shot but Tex asks him to wait while he borrows Rosebud's CAR. The elite looks about but does not move and both Rude Dog and Tex take their shots while Hick spots for them. The elite look surprised ( as well he should be ) as 3 out of four rounds tear into him. He stands up and moves off to the east out of Hicks sight. Hick now hears movement from above her and moves closer to the factory wall. As we wait, we hear a body fall to the ground a short way off and the grunting of death as someone ( the elite most likely ) draws closer to his ultimate fate. Again we wait but nothing happens so we all move down to the wall and along it to where it crosses the roadway. Hick slips around the edge and seeing the doors are closed makes her way to the edge of the building where she can acess the roof. She is quickly joined by Rude Dog and they both climb the wall onto the roof. They start to move southwest on the roof and hick spots a red shirt on the roof who has not seen them. Hick shoots twice and the red shirt is spurting blood but manages to return a shot. Rude Dog seeing the muzzle flash now sees the guy and puts him in the grave with a well placed burst from his Agram. Movement can now be heard from below and lots of commotion means trouble. Hick and Rude Dog work their way over the course of the next few minutes along the roof, to various positions, and take out or injury as many as a dozen soldiers and a couple cops.
Skirting the roof line to the southern edge overlooking the police station we catch up with two cops and another elite. Figuring the elite was the most dangerous both Hick and Rude Dog fire at him and take him out of the picture. A cop runs toward us and fires a burst one round of which catches Rude Dog in the head ( a nice steel helmet stops some of the energy ) and the other advances but does not fire. Rude Dog returns the favor by laying down two bursts from the Agram and the officer goes down in the hail of lead. Hick takes a good aimed shot at the other officer and hits him in the chest for minor damage ( 9 points damage ) and follows that shot with another that misses completely. The cop stands and fires three rounds from his hand gun one hits Hick ( 6 points damage ) and another misses Rude Dog by mere fractions of an inch. "That nearly changed the way I part my hair " he says as he returns fire on the cop. Two rounds from Rude Dog and one from Hick and the cop is history. It gets quite again so Hick gets out the first aid kit and patches up the two of them.
As Rude Dog and Hick are doing their thing, Rosebud and Tex open up one of the roll doors and slip into the factory unseen. Making their way around some of the equipment in the shops they encounter a red shirt which Tex puts down real fast with a burst from his silenced Agram. Moving about Rosebud opens some lockers and boxes and finds what else Crepaton and Crepagen along with other items of various degrees of usefullness but the factory seems clear of hostile forces. As Tex moves out the back western roll up door he catches a cop flatfooted ( no pun intended ... no really ) and helps him out with his retirement. Rosebud and Tex move south and then east to a houses located along the south sector boarder. They cut holes in the fences when needed and try to keep out of sight but look into the houses when they have the opportunity. Keeping as much out of the light as possible they move close to the police station where they witness the gun battle going on with Hick, Rude Dog and the Cops. They are too far off to be of any use the the battle is over quickly enough so they keep moving east. As they near a Fed-Ex truck parked along the roadway Tex spots ( I eagle-eye vermin... partner ) a red shirt looking for something ( god know what, he was just standing there moving a foot or two and turning around ). Tex figured he ( the red shirt ) was lost and thought he ( Tex ) would show him the path to his future, which he did with the help of his pair of Agrams. Hick said it best ... " One for our side. All enemies are down. "
Day 2 3:11 am : Its time once again to collect the goods and decide whats next on the list to do or as Rude Dog was fond of saying " Are we hanging out... or are we going to party? "
We go off into the factory and complete the searching where we run into Fred who runs the place. He gives us the lowdown about getting the crew to contiue working and turning the cash over to us instead of the factory big shots. We can use the cash so figure why not and decide to leave the other urban sectors for awhile as they are not needed to get our malitia started to be trained. Since it will take a few days to train these green horns into some kind of fighting shape and we are a bit shot up ... ok alot shot up we stop for the night. Hick gets out the laptop and finds that Boy Rays is online and she starts bargin hunting for supplies. Low and behold they have a box of 120 rounds of 5.56 HP ammo for Rude Dog's M4 as well as a couple 30 round clips of AP. Well will wonders never cease they even had 4 clips of 20 round .223 ammo for the CAR which was also running low on ammo. Hick buys everything she can get her hands on ... even some 7.62mm WP and NATO rounds which we dont have weapons for ...yet. Be prepared she says as she closes the deal and strips our bank account of close to $4,500.00. Well the money is not really an issue as only $50 a day is going out for Rosebud and he sure pays for himself in repair alone. Rude Dog and Tex are doing it for free and well... Hick, she gets what ever is left in the account if we make it out of this adventure alive.
Hick finishes off with the laptop and sets up a schedule for rest and work which we will try to follow barring any unforseen circumstances. Hick and Rude Dog will train malitia while Tex and Rosebud will repair our equipment in 4 hour shifts ( work 4 / rest 4 ). This will take awhile but we can heal and work and rest and sell stuff to Betty until we are ready to clear out the rest of Calisto's urban areas.
Day 2 4:00am : We start on schedule and work till 8:00am then sleep till noon or whenever we wake up. At noon we head over to Betty's shop and sell off a bunch more junk until she complains about the money locked up in the bank ( what a crock of shit... we know she's got cash there is not even a bank in Calisto ). We head back to the factory and start training and repairing again and soon a message comes in from Bobby Ray's ... So off we go to the airport freight docks to get our ammo Hick bought. Back to the factory goodies in hand and back to work.
Day 2 8:00pm : Its getting close to night fall and we are rested and suppied with ammo and a little more healthy so we make plans for taking a couple of the Urban areas... but that will be next time
Thank you again for letting me bend your ears with this excerpt from my Ironman game. And please keep posting if you want more ( 1 ) so you can pad your posts :nono: and ( 2 ) So I know you want me to continue.
If you shoot them in the head they won't get back up, and armor won't help... much.
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IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 28 February 2004 18:34
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 01 March 2004 14:15
Re: IronMan game...
By: rage on Mon, 01 March 2004 15:21
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 01 March 2004 20:42
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Tue, 02 March 2004 05:19
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 02 March 2004 05:46
Re: IronMan game...
By: ShoNuff on Tue, 02 March 2004 08:02
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 02 March 2004 10:26
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 02 March 2004 15:00
Re: IronMan game...
By: A froggy on Tue, 02 March 2004 22:24
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Wed, 03 March 2004 01:07
Re: IronMan game...
By: HexRei on Wed, 03 March 2004 02:58
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 03 March 2004 07:20
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Thu, 04 March 2004 00:49
Re: IronMan game...
By: ShoNuff on Thu, 04 March 2004 00:54
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 04 March 2004 05:33
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 04 March 2004 11:05
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Fri, 05 March 2004 00:55
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 March 2004 02:53
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Fri, 05 March 2004 02:58
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 March 2004 03:07
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 March 2004 11:14
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Fri, 05 March 2004 12:05
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 March 2004 18:01
Re: IronMan game...
By: ShoNuff on Sat, 06 March 2004 00:32
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Sat, 06 March 2004 03:03
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 06 March 2004 09:09
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 06 March 2004 18:27
Re: IronMan game...
By: Herrbear on Sun, 07 March 2004 19:44
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 09 March 2004 16:18
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Tue, 09 March 2004 23:52
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 10 March 2004 16:06
Re: IronMan game...
By: ShoNuff on Thu, 11 March 2004 05:45
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 17 March 2004 06:55
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Kurgis on Wed, 07 April 2004 11:05
Re: IronMan game...
By: jordonj on Sat, 10 April 2004 11:07
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 02 November 2004 18:16
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 03 November 2004 06:41
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 03 November 2004 15:12
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 03 November 2004 20:11
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Wed, 03 November 2004 23:16
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 04 November 2004 09:14
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 04 November 2004 18:13
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 November 2004 13:08
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 05 November 2004 17:06
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 07 November 2004 12:00
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Sun, 07 November 2004 12:18
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 07 November 2004 17:54
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 08 November 2004 14:38
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Tue, 09 November 2004 01:17
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 09 November 2004 04:13
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 09 November 2004 15:34
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Tue, 09 November 2004 16:48
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Wed, 10 November 2004 04:29
Re: IronMan game...
By: mfx on Wed, 10 November 2004 17:12
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: AZAZEL on Wed, 10 November 2004 22:00
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 11 November 2004 07:25
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 11 November 2004 10:34
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Thu, 11 November 2004 11:25
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Thu, 11 November 2004 16:02
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 11 November 2004 17:30
Re: IronMan game...
By: ShoNuff on Sat, 13 November 2004 01:40
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 13 November 2004 10:49
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 13 November 2004 18:40
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Sat, 13 November 2004 19:00
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Sat, 13 November 2004 19:01
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 19 November 2004 08:39
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 20 November 2004 11:33
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Sun, 21 November 2004 07:31
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 21 November 2004 18:59
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sat, 27 November 2004 21:29
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Wed, 08 December 2004 16:31
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 08 December 2004 20:34
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Thu, 09 December 2004 01:02
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Thu, 09 December 2004 13:43
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 10 December 2004 14:23
Re: IronMan game...
By: Reonaldo on Fri, 10 December 2004 15:31
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 13 December 2004 16:48
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Tue, 14 December 2004 22:32
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: AZAZEL on Wed, 15 December 2004 18:45
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Fri, 24 December 2004 20:26
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 27 December 2004 14:53
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 29 December 2004 18:40
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Wed, 29 December 2004 21:31
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 02 January 2005 11:29
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Mon, 03 January 2005 17:47
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Wed, 05 January 2005 03:31
Re: IronMan game...
By: Hiro on Wed, 05 January 2005 20:11
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 16 January 2005 18:48
Re: IronMan game...
By: Aecho on Mon, 17 January 2005 00:45
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Ringo on Thu, 20 January 2005 01:18
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 26 January 2005 13:23
Re: IronMan game...
By: Sturm on Sat, 29 January 2005 00:07
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: AZAZEL on Wed, 23 February 2005 20:51
Re: IronMan game...
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Sun, 20 March 2005 18:11
Re: IronMan game...
By: Headshot on Wed, 23 March 2005 17:48
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