Home » MODDING HQ 1.13 » v1.13 Bug Reports » Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds (Read the first post before posting!)
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #342944 is a reply to message #342930]
Thu, 22 October 2015 02:27 
johnson |
Registered:September 2015 |
silversurfer wrote on Tue, 20 October 2015 08:54
- that the target belongs to a civil faction which has <fCanBeCaptured> set to 1 in "CivGroupNames.xml" and is hostile towards the player
For factions whose members can't be captured, do we need to set <fCanBeCaptured> to 0, or no need to define it at all in "CivGroupNames.xml" unless they are capture-able? Because in my mod "CivGroupNames.xml" <fCanBeCaptured> isn't set anywhere. Whilst in 1.13 variant, it looks like every faction with AddToBattle set to 1 has it.
Also out of interest, if I set <fCanBeCaptured> to 1 to any civil faction, how will the game handle those prisoners, who unlike the Deidranna's soldiers don't have any ranks.
[Updated on: Thu, 22 October 2015 02:33] Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #343230 is a reply to message #343099]
Mon, 16 November 2015 13:24 
Torres |
Registered:June 2010 Location: Canary Islands |
I'm using SCI_Unstable_Revision_7991_on_GameDir_2272 + AIMNAS GITHUB last updated July 2015 V 1.13.7966 <--- I was told someone forgot to update that number
And this is exactly the same thing that's happening to me http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/index.php?t=msg&th=12303&goto=340499&#msg_340499
There's a SAM site sector (D15 is where the crash occurs) I chose to autoresolve, won the battle, an enemy tank was present and destroyed and now remains in there as a ghost vehicle... the only way to board it is if I fly my heli there and instead of boarding the heli I board the tank, but of course they mount the tank but the movement orders causes a CTD.
Also the exact same thing with the repairing, I have Vicky on repair duty in the small workshop facility and once she finises or if I send any other merc there and start repair duty in that sector the game CTD's.
Here is my save and AIMNAS ini.
Decryption key
Why is it now doing all this en/decryp stuff... dammit.
[Updated on: Mon, 16 November 2015 21:02] Report message to a moderator
Staff Sergeant
Re: Bugs: 8001[message #343442 is a reply to message #341931]
Fri, 11 December 2015 03:00 
Julix |
Registered:June 2010 Location: Canada |

Leaving Sector bug
The reason I'm writing is because I had a crash everytime I was trying to leave the second omerta sector while in the tactical view. Fixed by sending Skyrider and his helicopter away in the strategic view. He doesn't actually have to go anywhere (i.e. I don't have to wait for him to move, just giving the command to move him is "far enough away" so to say to fix this). I haven't tested it yet in other sectors, but I thought it was interesting. The crash I get is black screen plus a popup saying "unhandled exception" or something along those lines. - Will investigate further if anyone cares.
Edit: Was recently there again without problems, though this time while the helicopter was there, there was no one in it. So it's either only if others are in it, or it was a save game issue. I forgot to confirm while I was there, will update when I go there to pick up Carlos eventually.
Selling from LBE exploit
Also when selling things to Tony there's an exploit using LBE: offer the pistol to him that is currently in your LBE, then offer the LBE, which removes it from your inventory even though he denies buying it - place the LBE in the mercs hand (thus it's not open and the greyed out gun field isn't visible) - then sell the gun. When you wear the LBE again the gun is still in it. -- Obviously not a huge problem as in 1.13 people have enough legitimate ways of getting money that hopefully the motivation to do this wouldn't be there, but I figured I'd point it out.
Continued random freezes, but probably due to Win 10?
I also have random freezes, for example just now after right-clicking an item to open the item's description - but then after force-quitting and restarting it doesn't do it again, i.e. not reproducable, just really annoying if with bad timing. - I don't remember it being this bad in the past, so I'll write it off to it being Windows 10? Any tips for reducing the frequency of such annoyances? - I already have the 3 dll files mentioned elsewhere, and occasionally I remember to set affinity to 1 CPU, though I haven't managed to set up the shortcut to do it automatically.
Number of killed enemies not updated
This one was interesting... I had a major battle in front of Alma that involved a tank and had soldiers coming from adjecent sectors. They were all killed.... only the tank left. A law, 1 morter shell and a grenade killed it just barely, phew. Everyone loves my IMP bunny for leading them to victory, yay. I leave the sector and get -6 for "retreating", I go back into the sector: new tank and 12 enemies. The ones from adjecent were killed, but all the ones from this sector weren't. :-S - Was NOT fun to come back to another tank with only some handgrenades left! Lots of reloading. This time killing them all did end the battle. - Had similar (though less memorable) problems one other time. The telltale sign was that the number of enemies displayed in the sector in strategic view didn't change while I was killing them. Might have taken prisoners, not sure if connected to that...
[Updated on: Sun, 13 December 2015 02:09] Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: 8001[message #343537 is a reply to message #343442]
Tue, 22 December 2015 10:00 
Uriens |
Registered:July 2006 |
Julix wrote on Fri, 11 December 2015 01:00Leaving Sector bug
Continued random freezes, but probably due to Win 10?
I also have random freezes, for example just now after right-clicking an item to open the item's description - but then after force-quitting and restarting it doesn't do it again, i.e. not reproducable, just really annoying if with bad timing. - I don't remember it being this bad in the past, so I'll write it off to it being Windows 10? Any tips for reducing the frequency of such annoyances? - I already have the 3 dll files mentioned elsewhere, and occasionally I remember to set affinity to 1 CPU, though I haven't managed to set up the shortcut to do it automatically.
I'm having freezing problem as well. Happens around 5-15 minutes in game at random situations and is not reproducible, and generates no error reports. Tried 2 of those registry fixes posted somewhere in these forums as well. No real change in frequency of the crashes. Fixes just enable me to start the game. Also, with the most recent registry fix (the one with no extra dll's) game is no longer ALT-Tab friendly and has some graphical glitches with some taskbar icons. Actually, current situation is bad enough to make the game unplayable as the crashes are too frequent. I did see some older topic with people having similar problems with Win8 but I didn't find any solutions that would help.
[Updated on: Tue, 22 December 2015 10:01] Report message to a moderator
Master Sergeant
Re: Bugs: 8001[message #343553 is a reply to message #343537]
Sun, 27 December 2015 14:10 
Taro_M |
Registered:November 2008 |
exe source: At revision: 8006
gamedir: At revision: 2275
Fresh downloads without any modifications.
Compiled release versions of game and map editor crash after intro videos, same for release_with_debuginfo version of game exe. Full Debug versions work without problem.
VS 2008 compiles files fine.
VS 2010 throws following error:
Error 5 error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libpng.lib' g:\Downloads\JA2\myversion\exesource\LINK ja2
^ that error also sometimes shows up when I try to compile release_with_Debuginfo on VS2008
EDIT: As per instructions I got on bearchat i have checked libpng properties, its set to static library, whe I try to build or rebuild it a I get these errors:
Error 11 error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt g:\Downloads\JA2\myversion\exesource\build\VS2010\zlib_Release\zlib1.res 1 1 zlib
Error 14 error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt g:\Downloads\JA2\myversion\exesource\build\VS2010\libpng_Release\pngw32.res 1 1 libpng
Please help, I didnt have such problems before, I have successfully compiled exe's even with custom modifications and everything was fine.
[Updated on: Sun, 27 December 2015 18:17] Report message to a moderator
Master Sergeant
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345070 is a reply to message #344988]
Thu, 14 April 2016 20:10 
maxx |
Registered:January 2010 Location: Estonia |
With latest unstable 8131 autoresolve crash happens on every autoresolve or militia vs enemy attack. I have win 7, gog JA2G +1.13, nothing else. inis and savegame: ttps://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B2N225BDb3A8RzFzbXJVR2dXNGM&usp=sharing (add "h" at the beginning since im not allowed to post links though)
I have hundreds of gamehours starting from vanilla JA2 and I never experienced such CTD before. Started a new game and same thing happened again. Any guesses?
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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345072 is a reply to message #345071]
Thu, 14 April 2016 23:22 
Flugente |
Registered:April 2009 Location: Germany |
Fixed a weird (and, due to file issues, hard for me to find) issue with combat jeeps in GameDir r2315. Combat jeeps were invisible (and, somehow, dumb as rocks) due to a .jsd error.
I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.
If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345089 is a reply to message #345082]
Sat, 16 April 2016 04:32 
daemonofdecay |
Registered:October 2015 |
Here's one I'm unsure whether it's a bug or not.
Running SCI 8131, any map I find enemy soldiers in after the first airlanding level has all of the enemy soldiers along one edge of the map, as if they'd just arrived in the sector with me.
This includes meeting out in the open and when attacking cities. For instance, when attacking Drassen airfield, all the soldiers you'd expect to be in the buildings are along the forest edge to the south. This also means that sometimes when I move into an enemy sector (such as on the road to Drassen) my Mercs and the enemy soldiers all start along the same edge of the map within spitting distance of one another. I also tried this with the WF maps and the same thing occurred - after the first landing map, every enemy group was always along a map edge and never within the center of the map or in buildings. They can even spawn along the same map-edge that I enter the map from.
However, this only applies to enemy soldiers - NPCs and civilians are still in their set locations, items appear where they're supposed to, and everything else seems to be working fine. I even booted up the maps in the editor and saw that the deployment seems intact for where the enemy should be loitering around. The enemy still behaves normally, in a manner of speaking - if Forced Turn is off they start moving at once.
EDIT: I can't post a screenshot due to the post limit, but here's a rough link to it if you want to see. All the figures near Barry are enemy soldiers who were already in the sector when I attacked - and they spawned in on the same side of the map I attacked from.
h t t p://i.imgur.com/JLO64RT.jpg
EDIT: Continued playing around with it in game. The AI seems to know where it is supposed to go and, if I remain hidden, the enemy soldiers run to try and reach their designated areas.
And if I leave a sector without fighting, such as moving south from Drassen, then the map seems to load fine. When I move back up north to the airport, all the soldiers are in their set locations.
However, if I leave the map and run around before returning to the airport, such as moving up the road a distance before coming back, then the same issue returns and all the soldiers are back at the southern end of the map.
[Updated on: Sat, 16 April 2016 04:55] Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345116 is a reply to message #345107]
Sun, 17 April 2016 19:19 
daemonofdecay |
Registered:October 2015 |
silversurfer wrote on Sun, 17 April 2016 09:50This may be a side effect of the "invisible soldiers" fix in 8131 although I wonder how this could happen. In your case the enemy is already on the map so he shouldn't be affected at all from the change. Unfortunately I'm not at the code atm. so I can't take a closer look.
The odd thing is that I could get them to spawn in the right spot by moving off the map to another city map (say moving from the airport to the middle of Drassen in the south, then moving back north to the airport), and they would all be in the right location.
However, if I moved to a different map square that required travel time (such as to the west of the airport on the road, then back to the airport) then it would spawn them along the map edge.
[Updated on: Sun, 17 April 2016 19:19] Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345117 is a reply to message #345116]
Mon, 18 April 2016 09:32 
ShadowCaped |
Registered:July 2009 Location: Italy, Sardinia, Cagliari |
daemonofdecay wrote on Sun, 17 April 2016 18:19
The odd thing is that I could get them to spawn in the right spot by moving off the map to another city map (say moving from the airport to the middle of Drassen in the south, then moving back north to the airport), and they would all be in the right location.
However, if I moved to a different map square that required travel time (such as to the west of the airport on the road, then back to the airport) then it would spawn them along the map edge.
And this is not necessarily the oddest thing... (even because, until the problem will be solved, a "disguised as civilian spy" may be very useful)
...the oddest being that probably there are other bugs (yes... plural, not a typo) but before, a very brief story and (hopefully) useful info:
1) I'm playing (well... trying to play) with an older build (8056) + UC 113.
2) Founded a possible bug and downloaded the latest build available, r8156 - installed without modification of any kind (not needed), and used Gabby Cheats to verify that bug...
2a) (as a side note: at least I've verified that the bug i was searching for still exist, but it's a minor one and it is there since about 2012 so I'll report for it later)
3) only to stumble over this bug and other 2 bugs that may be related (or may be not)
1) As of the first bug there is nothing to add to what Uriens and DaemonOfDeacy had wrote, other than (may be) remark that they are spawning on a random map side (this may imply that they are not treated like Reinforcement... but like "surplus" added to the sector when there are not enough positions into the map. This happens when there are more then 32 enemies, because generally the maps have only 32 position for enemy. But we are at the beginning of a standard campaign with stock V1.13 at experienced level!!! )
2) Sometimes they seems to know exactly where the mercs are... even if they spawn in the opposite side they rush for my poor and innocent mercs (i've the feeling of "having already read" of this problem somewhere but i'm unable to find where and when, in case forgive me )
3) JEEPS: with standard settings it is possible to find Jeeps in the patrols near Omerta and Drassen, but at this point the progress is 2 not 30!! Furthermore... they seems blocked and unable to move but in real time, using "ALT + E" with Gabby Cheat enabled, they actively try to move.... i failed to find an entry in INI file for JEEP being able to move in tactical so i suppose that they are "CARS" but may be the code is unable to handle them like cars?
[Updated on: Mon, 18 April 2016 09:58] Report message to a moderator
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345118 is a reply to message #345089]
Mon, 18 April 2016 10:03 
Parkan |
Registered:April 2010 Location: Russia,Sevastopol |

daemonofdecay wrote on Sat, 16 April 2016 04:32Here's one I'm unsure whether it's a bug or not.
Running SCI 8131, any map I find enemy soldiers in after the first airlanding level has all of the enemy soldiers along one edge of the map, as if they'd just arrived in the sector with me.
This includes meeting out in the open and when attacking cities. For instance, when attacking Drassen airfield, all the soldiers you'd expect to be in the buildings are along the forest edge to the south. This also means that sometimes when I move into an enemy sector (such as on the road to Drassen) my Mercs and the enemy soldiers all start along the same edge of the map within spitting distance of one another. I also tried this with the WF maps and the same thing occurred - after the first landing map, every enemy group was always along a map edge and never within the center of the map or in buildings. They can even spawn along the same map-edge that I enter the map from.
However, this only applies to enemy soldiers - NPCs and civilians are still in their set locations, items appear where they're supposed to, and everything else seems to be working fine. I even booted up the maps in the editor and saw that the deployment seems intact for where the enemy should be loitering around. The enemy still behaves normally, in a manner of speaking - if Forced Turn is off they start moving at once.
EDIT: I can't post a screenshot due to the post limit, but here's a rough link to it if you want to see. All the figures near Barry are enemy soldiers who were already in the sector when I attacked - and they spawned in on the same side of the map I attacked from.
h t t p://i.imgur.com/JLO64RT.jpg
EDIT: Continued playing around with it in game. The AI seems to know where it is supposed to go and, if I remain hidden, the enemy soldiers run to try and reach their designated areas.
And if I leave a sector without fighting, such as moving south from Drassen, then the map seems to load fine. When I move back up north to the airport, all the soldiers are in their set locations.
However, if I leave the map and run around before returning to the airport, such as moving up the road a distance before coming back, then the same issue returns and all the soldiers are back at the southern end of the map.
Spotted this bug too.Need to fix that ASAP!It broke all my tactics!
1.Serve the public trust
2.Protect the innocent
3.Uphold the law(c)RobocopReport message to a moderator
Master Sergeant
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345133 is a reply to message #345128]
Tue, 19 April 2016 11:19 
ShadowCaped |
Registered:July 2009 Location: Italy, Sardinia, Cagliari |
silversurfer wrote on Mon, 18 April 2016 23:15 I uploaded a fixed revision 8162 exe here in case anyone wants to test the fix
Done... and there are still problems...
While searching for other scenarios i had tested again the 2 tested by you (better more than less).
Then tested DCA: all OK! Enemy enter in the proper way and reinforcement enter in the right way at the right moment.
Next step: "Player attack Enemy & Enemy call Reinforcement", i caught 2 patrol in the perfect position... attacked one of them, placed the merc and while unnoticed (i'm sure... the game was in real time), suddenly and with no reason the second patrol entered as reinforcement. This is not Good at all, something is still wrong.
Important (may be):
1) Jeeps were present even if the progress was 13 so... they are not allowed!
2) Even with ENEMY_TANK_CAN_MOVE_IN_TACTICAL set to TRUE... they are blocked, they try to move changing facing but are unable to move (in my previous post i had not realized that jeeps uses by default some of the tank INI entries, this time i have tried all the possibilities, at least i hope, V1.13 had become a bit too much complex...)
3) Before this bug fix, destroying the patrol/garrison with a Jeep will lead to a sector cleared. After the bug fix, the same will lead to Merc unable to leave the sector because enemy are present... NO Enemy is there, only dead corpses and the scrap of the jeep but returning on strategic view the icon of the jeep is still there. I retreated from the sector, in tactical view, then attacked again... the Jeep magically reappear. Destroyed it again and enemy is still present... and the Jeep continue to "resurrect" again and again
Here 3 saved games
As for the INI file the only entry that i have changed is ALTERNATIVE_HELICOPTER_FUEL_SYSTEM = FALSE (but please... don't ask me why i had changed it)
In the Saved Games can be see the "Immortal Jeep" in various stage of his creation (let say)
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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #345144 is a reply to message #345142]
Wed, 20 April 2016 04:24 
ShadowCaped |
Registered:July 2009 Location: Italy, Sardinia, Cagliari |
Ok! now i'm the proud owner of a dropbox account, lets see if this time is the right time:
Here the Saved Games
Now, first a little description of the 3 Saved Games and then a report on another scenario tested with an outcome that may be very important (or at least ineresting):
savegame01.sav [Before_Jeep_2] : Just before entering the sector for the first time
savegame02.sav [After_Jeep_2] : all enemy erased (Gabbi Cheat & Alt + O). No evidences of enemies in tactical... Lynx is unable to leave sector and going to Strategic View the icon of Tank/Jeep is present.
savegame03.sav [After_Jeep_2bis] : Lynx is ready to cancel move and re-enter the sector. Only then the Jeep, before somewhat "invisible", will reveal itself.
Last minute funny info related to the above saved games : at this point you can continue to exit, enter & destroy the Jeep for the eternity to come (after those saves i've created a somesort of junkyard in that sector...). If you choose to leave it alone, the Jeep will stay forever in the sector IF the group was a garrison, otherwise the jeep alone seems to continue the standard route of the patrol to wich it belong (even if MinGroupSize in Difficulty Settings should dictate differently).
Another Scenario tested :
- Player attack 1 enemy patrol + another patrol may reinforce enemy (without jeep) -
A similar scenario, in my previous post, but with, jeep had lead to enemy reinforce the patrol while in real time and so merc was unnoticed... now, without jeep, the merc enter the sector and while unnoticed he is able to do what he want, until TB is triggered (by killing an enemy with an M-14 just in front of another enemy), after a turn the reinforce are regularly arrived.
At this point, with the bugfix, seems that until Jeeps are NOT present all is going fine (but scenarios involving tank are not yet checked and there may be specific combination of particular occurance).
Ok, now i take a break and play UC113, at least for a bit
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