Crash when often using 'Display Cover'/'Line of sight'[message #238983]
Sun, 29 November 2009 17:26
Lesh 2 |
Registered:September 2006 Location: Izhevsk, Russia |
Under some circumstances game crashes when using 'Display Cover'/'Line of sight' and moving screen to any direction. It is reproducible, but it is not always occurs. It can take some time to get crash.
How to reproduce:
At first increase 'Display Cover'/'Line of sight' area to maximum.
Then constantly hit del/end keys and simultaneously move game screen with arrows.
I've made patch, that helped me:
Index: Build/TileEngine/
--- Build/TileEngine/ (revision 7057)
+++ Build/TileEngine/ (working copy)
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@
void FreeBackgroundRectPending(BACKGROUND_SAVE* const b)
+ if (b == NO_BGND_RECT) return;
b->fPendingDelete = TRUE;
@@ -573,6 +574,7 @@
// Get buffer size
const BACKGROUND_SAVE* const bgs = v->background;
+ if (bgs == NO_BGND_RECT) return;
UINT32 const buf_size = (bgs->sRight - bgs->sLeft) * (bgs->sBottom - bgs->sTop);
v->fActivelySaving = TRUE;
[Updated on: Sun, 29 November 2009 17:54] by Moderator Report message to a moderator