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MercStartingGear editor[message #270448] Sun, 16 January 2011 19:18 Go to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
I have made a small Access application for creating multiple gearkits (NSGI), which has been updated for current releases (stable 7435, unstable 9365).

You can only view three kits side-by-side, but all five kits are configurable. Naming the gearkits and setting an absolute price is now supported.

It's available for download in case anyone else is interested, at least until the xml editor is brought up-to-date.

If you don't have MS Access installed, you will need to download the free Access 2010 Runtime from Microsoft. Install the 32-bit version (AccessRuntime.exe), even on 64-bit Windows.

Main Menu

Should works with any NSGI-compatible mod. Confirmed to work with
- 1.13 release 7435 (stable)
- 1.13 release 8684 (unstable)

For ease of use, place MercStartingGear_v1.8.accdr in your main Jagged Alliance 2 folder (where ja2.exe is located).

Step 1) Select XML folders (only necessary if you are running av mod)
Step 2) Import supporting XML-files
Step 3) Import MercStartingGear
Step 4) Configure gearkits as desired
Step 5) Export MercStartingGear

Version 1.8 is updated with correct folder definitions for AIMNAS Bigmaps.
Bugfix: Safely ignores an occational error introduced by "Save gearkit when swithcing to main menu". Please close gearkit window (or change merc) to save changes, instead of switching to the main menu.

Version 1.7 is updated with the latest skill descriptions from 8684 and adds a tooltip with item descriptions.
Bugfix: Save gearkit when switching to main menu instead of requiring you to close the gearkit window.
Bugfix: Gear Value is updated instantly when changing items.

As of version 1.6 it is no longer necessary to copy files around manually. The following XML-files are read from the correct folders:

- Armours.xml
- Items.xml
- LoadBearingEquipment.xml
- Magazines.xml
- Weapons.xml
- MercProfiles.xml
- MercStartingGear.xml

The folder paths are user definable, so you can make it work with custom installs or different mods.

1.8 Safely ignore occational error introduced by "Save gearkit when switching to main menu". Please close gearkit window (or change merc) to save changes, instead of switching to the main menu. Updated defaults for AIMNAS Bigmaps.
1.7 Added item tooltip. Bugfix: Save gearkit when switching to main menu. Bugfix: Instantly show new Gear Value.
1.6 XML files are read from user-definable folders
1.5 Updated to new MercStartingGear.xml format
1.3 More resilient to changes in supporting xml-files
1.2 Updated to work with latest SVN xml files
1.1 Switch between categories of items to display: all, guns, explosives etc. New price calculation for a small speed improvement
1.0 Edit gear for everybody: AIM, MERC, RPC, NPC. Also includes alternative interface to enter item IDs directly.
0.9 Allows editing MERC starting gear as well as AIM gear
0.8 Converts MercStartingGear.xml with unix line endings to CrLf
0.7 Removed AimAvailability.xml dependency
0.6 Imports existing MercStartingGear.xml
0.5 Import support data from xml, should work with all NSGI-compatible mods
Download new version
Download previous version

[Updated on: Tue, 19 April 2022 18:13]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270452] Sun, 16 January 2011 20:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JMich is currently offline JMich

Registered:January 2011
Location: Greece
Seems nice, just a few questions to see if I understood exactly how you did it.
1) The MercProfiles.xml and Items.xml are hardcoded into the file or read from somewhere?
2) The MercStartingGear.xml is read from somewhere or just a dummy file to work on?
3) Would it be possible to have it read the xmls from either the current directory, or from one you point it too?

Still, excellent work, with the only 2 suggestions I have are to have the mercs appear alphabetically so they are a bit easier to find, and to rename the "sentralbord" to main menu.

Thank you for the work you did on this, it will hopefully be an excellent tool to many of us.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270454] Sun, 16 January 2011 20:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
For now, Items.xml and MercProfiles.xml from 1.13 beta are included.

Anyone with MS Access could replace them by copying new data (from Excel) and paste them into the relevant tables in the database. I'd be happy to do so for anyone wanting to work with different files.

Sorting the mercs alphabetically is probably better, they are sorted by salary now. I'll fix that and the missing translation ... and look into writing a function to read MercProfiles.xml and Items.xml from the current directory.

Improvements may take a little while as I'm busy at work nowadays. The current version is admittedly a little rough around the edges, so don't hesitate to make suggestions. I made it because I wanted to set up some gearkits for my next game, then figured someone else might find it useful as well. Smile

[Updated on: Sun, 16 January 2011 20:56] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270501] Mon, 17 January 2011 01:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Got a new version with mercs sorted by name and ability to read most of the necessary xml-files. Now you can setup gearkits for any mod that support NSGI, not just 1.13 beta.

Unfortunately, there wasn't time to build a module that imports MercStartingGear.xml.

Option A)
Accept that the initial gearkits are strange (wrong item IDs). Those you change and new ones you define, will be OK. Manually copy those from the exported MercStartingGear.xml to the one that came with your mod.

Option B)
It's easy enough for me to include several initial MercStartingGear definitions to choose from, besides the default 1.13 beta.
Playing Wildfire? Load XML-files, choose "Start with Wildfire-gear" and you're good to go.
Playing Urban Chaos? Load XML-files, choose "Start with Urban Chaos-gear" and you're good to go.

For option B we need the mod authors permission to include MercStartingGear.xml in this utility, and I need a copy of the file.

Eventually, I'd like to build something that can parse MercStartingGear.xml automatically, but this will have to do for now.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270521] Mon, 17 January 2011 12:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Buns is currently offline Buns

Registered:September 2010
*lol* and I had spent the weekend with reworking all gearkits by text editing....

good job!

In its present state, it only handles gear from the latest 1.13 beta. Contact me if you want me to configure it for another mod (Wildfire, etc).
Would it be possible to have the respective files (items, merc starting gear, merc profiles) to be imported into Access? In this case it would work with any version, you just had to import your files manuelly. EDIT: to slow

[Updated on: Mon, 17 January 2011 12:38] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270544] Mon, 17 January 2011 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
@Buns: That is tedious work! Wanted to do that myself, but ended up writing this tool instead. Smile

@All: New version available - now imports your MercStartingGear.xml!

Step 1) Import supporting XML-files
Step 2) Import MercStartingGear.xml
Step 3) Configure gearkits
Step 4) Export modified MercStartingGear.xml


Should work with all NSGI-compatible mods.

Bug reports, wishlist items and suggestions are welcome.

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:09]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270551] Mon, 17 January 2011 21:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JMich is currently offline JMich

Registered:January 2011
Location: Greece
Once again a big big thanks for all the work you've done.

A quick question though, which is propably a silly one, but still

I cannot find the AimAvailability.xml anywhere on my JA2 folder.
I have installed Tais' SCI for UC1.13, plus the update to 2.8, and I can't find the availability.xml file on any of the 4 data folders (Data, Data-1.13, Data-UC, Data-UC113NAS).
From what I remember from AIMNAS-WF, the files should exist on the Data-xxx\Tabledata, but since I do not have them, the editor refuses to work.

Looking a bit more, it seems that the UC SCI (SVN1251, MPSVN3740) does not contain those files, and if I use the ones from 1.13 SCI (SVN1256, MPSVN4011) it imports them, and then it gives error message "3376: The table 'AIM' does not exist". Since my office is greek, the message may not be exactly that, but I doubt language is the barrier here.

Hopefully, I will manage to figure it out, but either way Urban Chaos is not really supposed to have any starting gear on the mercs.

Edit: Before I start digging into this thing a bit more, is Urban Chaos 1.13 compatible with new starting gear or not? Because it is quite possible that lack of sleep and frustration in Port Kip has taken their toll on me and I'm making an ass out of myself.

[Updated on: Mon, 17 January 2011 21:10] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270557] Mon, 17 January 2011 21:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Thank you for feedback!

AimAvailability.xml is only used to check which mercs are from AIM ... other mercs can not have multiple gearkits. I'll release a new version that simply allows setting up gearkits for all mercs if AimAvailability.xml is missing -- but i don't know how JA2 will react if you do set up multiple kits for non-Aim personnel.

The "3376: The table 'AIM' does not exist" is interesting -- I occationally ran into that earlier, but added some code in v 0.6 to handle the error. Are you seeing this with 0.6 or 0.5?

The docs for NSGI states:
New Starting Gear Interface_NSGI_HowItWorks.txt
Build from MP Beta Branch Rev. 3582

I believe Tais Urban Chaos SCI is newer, so it should work when I get rid of the AimAvailability.xml dependency.

[Updated on: Mon, 17 January 2011 21:40] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270565] Mon, 17 January 2011 22:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:September 2004
Location: Canada
JMich, the missing files are related to PROFLEX (replacement of prof.dat with XML's), and the versions of Urban Chaos-1.13 currently released do not use PROFLEX. The next version of UC-1.13 (v3) has replaced prof.dat with the PROFLEX XML's (part of the general upgrade to give the mod STOMP support); so it should in theory work with this editor when it is released.

I have been considering how to exploit multiple Gearkits in UC-1.13:
1) selection of luggage for A.I.M. Mercs
2) covert ops sub-mod, though not in the spirit of Urban Chaos, some of the newer weapons (PPK) do raise the possibility of arming mercs on entry into Danubia.

[Updated on: Mon, 17 January 2011 22:16] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270567] Mon, 17 January 2011 22:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
JMich is currently offline JMich

Registered:January 2011
Location: Greece
Version I used was 0.6
If I copy the file (and AimAvailability.xml) to the data-1.13\tabledata, it works fine

If I move it to data-uc113nas\tabledata it complains about lack of aim table, and merc selection is empty. I thought it propably had something to do with MercStartingGear.xml, but moving the 1.13 to the UC one does not help, it still gives the same errors.

In which file should the AIM table be found, since I think it is neither in AimAvailability.xml nor on MercStartingGear.xml, so I guess it's on one of the others, but a bit tired to try and locate it now.

P.S. The suggestion I would make about missing xml files is to use the default ones, assuming of course that it can be programmed to do so, otherwise no biggy.

Edit: Thank you Wil473 for clarifying it, appreciate it

[Updated on: Mon, 17 January 2011 22:16] by Moderator

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270571] Mon, 17 January 2011 23:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 0.7 is up -- removed AimAvailability.xml dependency.

@JMich: Table AIM is the AimAvailability import, but the real issue was actually with Items.xml when I got error 3376. If you still see any errors, I'd appreciate a copy of your xml-files for testing. Just zip them up and send them to david@dlknudsen.com

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270601] Tue, 18 January 2011 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 0.8 handles MercStartingGear files that are saved from unix -- they don't have the line endings that DOS/Windows expect. Now they will be converted to CrLf before importing.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270621] Tue, 18 January 2011 17:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 0.9 allows editing M.E.R.C gear as well.

You can only set up a single gearkit for them, of course.


[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:11]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270622] Tue, 18 January 2011 18:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2008
Location: B
guess you have about a week to make it work for any person in the game, as i don't think i need it earlier Cool

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270623] Tue, 18 January 2011 18:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Yeah, that's probably useful to modders. Will do! :compcuppa:

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270626] Tue, 18 January 2011 19:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2008
Location: B
thx a lot

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270644] Tue, 18 January 2011 23:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 1.0

  • allows editing gear for any person in the game.
  • includes alternative interface for entering item IDs directly
  • ability to erase gearkits and start with a blank slate

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:12]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270723] Wed, 19 January 2011 20:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 1.1 includes an item category selector.

Browsing through the starting gear in Smeagols excellent Wildfire-AIMNAS mod, made me realize that som mods have a lot of items. It'll be easier to find the right item if you preselect the category in the lower left corner.


Also rewrote the price calculation for a small speed increase.

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:12]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270789] Thu, 20 January 2011 18:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bever is currently offline Bever

Registered:March 2009
Location: Australia
Got some missing item 3367 error and another missing error of some kind will write down what they were next time and zip my xml's like you wanted. Think it may have to do with having run the merc-profile editor beta that comes with the latest SVN as I have 3 different installs one with latest 1.13 SVN Build (This one got missing 3367 error but woked fine) latest 1.13MP SVN Build (This one got a few errors and couldn't read the MercStartingGear.XML at all so didn't work) and Original 1.12 Build ready to copy to other directories incase I corrupt one (Obviously didn't try it on this one)

While the missing 3367 error did come up on both the SVN's I was still able to load MercStartingGear on the one which I hadn't yet run the merc-profile editor beta. Maybe running this beta program caused the mercstartinggear.xml to become unreadable to your database passer.

Anyway it's am here and ot sure if what I wrote made any sense.


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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270790] Thu, 20 January 2011 18:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bever is currently offline Bever

Registered:March 2009
Location: Australia
Oh and almost forgot is it possible to have the ammo sorted by name or caliber as this would make it 100 times easier when trying to find the ammo magazines you need for equipped weapon.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270800] Thu, 20 January 2011 19:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Thank you very much for your feedback, and patience. I'd appreciate a copy of your xml files, and especially the MercStartingGear.xml that you are unable to load.

I must admit that I have only tested the editor with 1.13 beta installed from TAIS SCI_SVN1256_MPSVN4038_Vanilla113_20110107.7z

Also tested WF-AIMNAS SCI (1.13-3944 WF-AIMNASV15 SCI -en.7z). No errors of any kind, but Smeagol already defined lot's of nice gearkits there.

Tested with latest SVN, and found what I believe is the cause of your problem. The Weapons.xml format changed as NCTH-fields are included now. Will fix and upload a new version.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #270803] Thu, 20 January 2011 19:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Finding the correct ammo for your gun is very simple if you use the SmallItem7 slot at the bottom. It has been hardcoded to only show ammo that is of the same caliber as the gun in the weapon slot, and is labelled ammo. Probably should have put that info somewhere besides the tooltip.


[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:13]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271050] Mon, 24 January 2011 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bever is currently offline Bever

Registered:March 2009
Location: Australia
Sweet thanks for the quick fix. Sorry for the late reply been away on work. Will download the latest file and test it tonight. Thanks for the info on the ammo field too.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271059] Mon, 24 January 2011 14:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@Dansken: Nice little tool. Can I include that in the official 1.13 version, once the bugs are fixed (if any known left)?

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Sergeant Major

Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271062] Mon, 24 January 2011 15:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2008
Location: B
rowa, please put all that editor stuff (after readjusting of course) in a folder editors - the root-directory is already a mess - and when you are at it some more spring-cleaning would be really appreciated.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271064] Mon, 24 January 2011 15:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
You can certainly include it with 1.13 if you'd like.

It's not a pretty tool, but if someone finds it useful until the xml editor is fixed, I'm happy. Very Happy

No known bugs at the moment, but it will stop working if new fields are added to the xml files.
I'd like to fix that and upload a new version that handles changing xml files better.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271756] Sat, 29 January 2011 14:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@Dansken: When I try to run your app, I get an error, because of 64bit not supported.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271783] Sat, 29 January 2011 22:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Thank you for testing - I'm sorry it doesn't work for you. I'm running Win 7 64bit myself, and have no issues.

I have the full version of Access installed, so maybe the free Access runtime doesn't work well on 64bit? I'll try setting up a clean system with the runtime and test.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271837] Sun, 30 January 2011 17:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
@RoWa21: I just did a clean install of Win7 64bit, and installed the Access runtime. MercStartingGear editor worked without issues -- so I really don't know why you are having problems.

Just for kicks, would you mind trying this version? This isn't precompiled, but will compile on your computer at runtime.

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:28]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #271865] Mon, 31 January 2011 11:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 1.3 available, which should be more resilient to any future changes in supporting xml-files.

Finally purged all attempts to load AimAvailability, and will now work with Urban Chaos-1.13 Hybrid v3.0 by wil473.

Tested and confirmed to work with the Access Runtime on a clean Windows 7 64-bit installation, as well as Windows XP 32-bit.

An alternative version that isn't precompiled is also available. The regular 1.3 build works on a clean Win 7 64-bit for me, but if anyone is having trouble running the editor, please try this version and report back.

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:29]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #281147] Sat, 28 May 2011 22:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
spirit99 is currently offline spirit99

Registered:May 2011
Location: Z., Germany
anyone made a new file with alternative starting gears for download?

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #294770] Fri, 09 December 2011 11:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
usrbid is currently offline usrbid

Registered:December 2008
Stickied per Schein's request.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #342919 is a reply to message #294770] Mon, 19 October 2015 22:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 1.5 available which is compatible with current versions of 1.13, stable and unstable.

Unfortunately, you'll have to manually copy the necessary xml-files to the folder holding MercStartingGear_v1.5.accde. These files are normally found in JA2\Data-1.13\TableData or subfolders:

- Armours.xml
- Items.xml
- LoadBearingEquipment.xml
- Magazines.xml
- Weapons.xml
- MercProfiles.xml
- MercStartingGear.xml

When done, you'll need to copy the new MercStartingGear.xml back to JA2\Data-1.13\TableData\Inventory.

(Manually copying files around is one of the first things I'd like to improve, but work is kinda crazy right now. Maybe in a few weeks.)

Please let me know if you have any problems or suggestions.

Edit: Typo in URL, sorry about that.

[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:30]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #342925 is a reply to message #342919] Tue, 20 October 2015 05:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sargeno is currently offline Sargeno

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Gives me a 404 bad request when I click the link.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #342926 is a reply to message #342925] Tue, 20 October 2015 06:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Sorry about that, Sargeno -- I've fixed a typo in the URL now.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #343153 is a reply to message #342926] Sun, 08 November 2015 21:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
New version 1.6 reads XML files from user-definable folders -- no more moving files around manually!


[Updated on: Wed, 20 April 2022 15:30]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #343161 is a reply to message #343153] Mon, 09 November 2015 07:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Scheinworld is currently offline Scheinworld

Registered:December 2007
Location: Baltic Sea, Germany
Hi Dansken,

Yep. Excellent work and a public "Thank you!" here as well. :-)

I have a request for your MercStartingGear editor regarding this:

JMich wrote on Sun, 16 January 2011 19:26
Still, excellent work, with the only 2 suggestions I have are to have the mercs appear alphabetically so they are a bit easier to find [...]

Dansken wrote on Sun, 16 January 2011 19:55
Sorting the mercs alphabetically is probably better, they are sorted by salary now. [...]

Is it possible to have this alphabetic order as standard for the items(names) too?
At the moment they are sorted after coolness right(?) which is not so suitable I think and makes it quite hard to find a specific item.

Would it be even possible for you to build in multiple options (to have the choice) how mercs and items getting sorted? I would prefer two ways: 'alphabetic' and per 'Item ID' (maybe as possible third option after 'Price', forth after 'Coolness'...). That would make it much easier and even more comfortable to work with your editor and find the right equipment (and mercenary/character).

Thanks again for your work! Great tool! thumbs up

Best regards; Schein...

[Updated on: Mon, 09 November 2015 08:03]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #343221 is a reply to message #343161] Sun, 15 November 2015 14:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Dansken is currently offline Dansken

Registered:March 2007
Location: Norway
Scheinworld wrote on Mon, 09 November 2015 06:12
Is it possible to have this alphabetic order as standard for the items(names) too?
At the moment they are sorted after coolness right(?) which is not so suitable I think and makes it quite hard to find a specific item.

Will do, eventually. :-)

Small tip until the next version is out: If you know the name of the item, try typing it in the selection box -- it should jump to the next match.

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #347980 is a reply to message #343221] Mon, 02 January 2017 19:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LoTeK_ is currently offline LoTeK_

Registered:December 2013
Location: Italy
Hi, thanks for your efforts!
I am using SCI_Unstable_Revision_8347_on_GameDir_2350, will this work good with my files?
Is there a way to edit IMP starting gear too?

[Updated on: Mon, 02 January 2017 19:46]

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Re: MercStartingGear editor[message #347984 is a reply to message #347980] Mon, 02 January 2017 21:11 Go to previous messageGo to previous message

Registered:May 2009
You can edit IMP starting gear by modifying Data-1.13\TableData\Inventory\IMPItemChoices.xml if you don't want to wait for a new version of the Merc Starting Gear Editor.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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