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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224260] Mon, 29 June 2009 23:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
@ lockie

Braunkohle (brown coal) is much more solide and it smells better.

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Sergeant Major
Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224373] Tue, 30 June 2009 14:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
A2 Civs have Russian and English subs

Yanni, John, Marie: Russian subs

[Updated on: Tue, 30 June 2009 21:50] by Moderator

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Sergeant Major
Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224639] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
Full list of Features NO:

- Вскидка оружия по кнопке 'j'. Также нужна для работы зрительных бонусов оптических прицелов.
- Показ вероятности попадания с зажатой кнопкой Alt или триггерно (вкл./выкл.) по 'y'.
- Удаление предмета в инвентаре сектора с зажатой ALT.
- Очистка клавишей Del активной страницы инвентаря сектора.
- Принудительный вход в пошаговый режим на тактическом экране по клавише 'd', если в секторе есть противник.
- Возможность вызова экрана загрузки сохранённой игры на чужом ходе.
- Вскидка оружия с помощью мыши. Щелчком ПКМ получаем курсор-прицел. Затем удерживаем ПКМ до появления квадратного меню 3х3. Выбираем атаку. Происходит вскидка оружия. Или два раза вызываем меню 3х3, каждый раз выбирая атаку. Первый вызов этого меню только меняет курсор на прицел.
- Извлечение гранаты из реактивного гранатомёта, находящегося в главной руке (Alt+U).
- Изменение уровня общего ночного освещения Alt + '-', Alt + '='.


- Карманы в одежде и броне (жилеты, поножи) без затрат АР.
- Автоматическое присоединение к предметам аттачей из инвентаря при найме наёмников из AIM и MERC.
- Увеличена стартовая сумма денег на 10000.
- Работа отмычек и миноискателя из карманов одежды.
- Разрешён инвентарь машин.
- Спарка магазинов путём присоединения одного к другому при наличии в инвентаре скотча.
- Пересчёт веса предмета при помещении его в инвентарь.
- Постановка в тактике мешков с песком. Мешки производятся в секторах с ополчением с 7 до 19 часов. Для низких мешков используются кнопки '[' и ']', для высоких их комбинация с Alt. Удаляются мешки повторной установкой.
- Порог восстановления для предметов, при переходе через который ремонт невозможен (TTX).
- Платный инвентарь. Затрачивается 3АР для вложения предметов в руки, 5АР - в головные слоты, 10АР - в слоты тела и ног.
- Запрещено размножение аттачей у торговцев.
- Автоматическое наполнение фляжек 4 раза в сутки. Уменьшен расход воды при их использовании.


- У каждого ствола индивидуальные затраты АР на очередь (TTX).
- Отключён ускоритель очереди.
- Смещённый импульс отдачи у оружия, как характеристика в ТТХ.
- При стрельбе из пулемётов лёжа штраф минимален. Тоже для техники (джипы, танки).
- Таблица раздачи оружия (противнику, милиции) по прогрессу (ТТХ).
- Автоматическая установка предустановленных (интегрированных) аттачей при доставке покупки.
- Запрет снятия предустановленных (интегрированных) аттачей.
- Не учитывается вес предустановленных (интегрированных) аттачей.
- Зарядка оружия патронами различной эффективности по прогрессу игры.
- Отключён удлиннитель.
- Четырёхзарядный гранатомёт ГМ-94 из М79.
- Переменный штраф на выстрел в голову, зависящий от расстояния до цели.
- Дульная вспышка подавляется глушителем. Актуально ночью.
- Перегрев оружия.
- Заклинивание оружия в зависимости от износа и нагрева.
- Цвет патронов. Каждый тип боеприпаса имеет индивидуальный цвет в зависимости от свойств.

0 - обычные: Damage - Armour. (серые)
1 - экспансивные: (Damage - Armour * 1.5) * 1.7 (светло-синие)
2 - бронебойные: Damage - Armour * .68 (светло-розовые)
3 - повышенной бронебойности 1: Damage - Armour * .5 (розовые)

[Updated on: Wed, 01 July 2009 18:55] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224641] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
- Письма про десант.
- Загрузка ранее посещённых секторов без присутствия в них наёмников.
- Люди Босса могут присутствовать только в секторах неконтролируемых милицией (меньше 5 в секторе).


- Разграничение поглощения бронёй повреждения от взрывчатки для техники и остальных.
- Воздействие пуль на броню. Выражено в различном повреждении брони в зависимости от типа боеприпаса.
- Поражение джипа и танка только 12,7мм боеприпасами.
- Защита бронёй по сторонам. Керампластины защищают только при фронтальном попадании пули. Каска может не сработать в 50% случаев фронтального попадания.


- Выбор навыков IMP как в JA2:UB.
- Расширение границ параметров IMP (15-90).
- Уровень персонажа в IMP (3).
- Прокачка медицины ножом. Ограничена мудростью.
- Порог медицинских знаний для стационарного лечения (60).
- Тренировка нулевых навыков методом учитель-ученик.
- Прокачка здоровья (при перегрузе) и подвижности бегом.
- Прибавка мудрости при обезвреживании вражеской взрывчатки.
- Прокачка взрывчатки или механики и ловкости при разряжании дверных ловушек.
- Прокачка мудрости при обнаружении дверных ловушек.
- Прокачка здоровья и подвижности прыжками.
- Прокачка подвижности, здоровья и силы подтягиванием.


- Только автоматическая стрельба AI из пулемётов.
- Повышение вероятности автоматической стрельбы AI.
- Разрешение AI слезать с крыши в соответствии с приказом.
- Смена модели поведения AI для снайперов, гранатомётчиков и миномётчиков на менее активную.
- AI может нажать кнопку триггера только когда сам не видит противника.
- Повышена вероятность осматриваться кругом для AI.
- Запрет AI кидать фальшфеер когда светло.
- Изменено условие предложения AI игроку сдачи в плен. Завист от числа и здоровья наёмников.
- AI сначала применяет гранаты со взрывчаткой.
- Падение морали у AI от заградительного огня.
- Бронетехника поражается AI только взрывчаткой.
- Для AI стрельба без оптики только в торс.
- Отключен бесцельный подъём AI более крутых предметов.
- Быстрая самостоятельная перевязка ран AI.
- Поворот AI в сторону звука выстрела.
- Отключение светобоязни для джипа.
- AI не ходит по освещённым участкам, которые просматриваются противником.

NPC, квесты

- Дорин, которая может дать сдачи при попытке её убить.
- Ускорено появление Игги (сектора C6, B13, C13, D13, F8, G9, H1, C5).
- Рандомный Конрад (сектора F3, G3, G6) и Всадник (сектора B15, E14, D12, C16, C15, E10, G16).
- Квест Эпидемия. Нужно добраться до лаборатории М14, найти там вакцину и принести её доктору в госпиталь Камбрии.
- Новый нанимаемый персонаж Громов. Искать в Драссене.
- Новый нанимаемый персонаж Мануэль из JA2UB.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224642] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk

;активное или пассивное поведение милиции

"Активной" милиции с самого начала боя назначается скрипт SeekEnemy (искать врага). И менты кидаются очертя голову вперед.
"Пассивная" милиция имеет скрипт Stationary.

Напоминаю, что скрипты (поведение ментов) можно менять по ходу битвы.
Наводите курсор на мента - появляется изображение рации - нажимаете ПКМ и удерживаете, возникает табличка выбора скриптов. Выбираете по вкусу.
Если при этом удерживать ALT, выбранный скрипт будет назначен всем ополченам.

;влияние гибели ополченцев на лояльность в городах

Гибель бойцов ополчения приводит к снижению лояльности города.
При небольших потерях падение лояльности практически незаметно. Но, кровопролитные бои могут очень осложнить ситуацию. Потому что сильное падение лояльности отражается на доходе от шахты, и, если лояльность города < 20% тренировать ополчение в этом городе не получится.
Повысить лояльность города можно: выполняя квесты, громя противника на подступах и по всей округе, тренируя новые отряды ополченцев.
Кстати, в Драссене лояльность падает медленно по сравнению с другими городами, а растёт как на дрожжах. Потому что там везде наши люди.
Ещё. Потери ополченов при обороне блокпостов и ПВО также приводят к падению лояльности. Во всех подконтрольных игроку городах. В ближних - сильнее, а в более дальних - слабее.

;альтернативный механизм расчёта затрат на прицеливание с оптикой
Если используется оптический/ночной прицел, то за каждую степень прицеливания ОД отнимаются следующим образом: 1+2+3+4 (арифметич. прогрессия).

;шутка. дефекация от страха у противника
Фраги и ополчены с перепугу могут наделать под себя, оставляя кучи дерьма, большие и маленькие. Естественно, что случается это в основном с зелеными лопушками, а не с серыми элитчиками, или посинелыми от перепоя ополченами.
На дерьме можно подскользнуться, упасть, потерять сознание, но гипс накладывать не будут - сразу в морг.
Чего же больше всего боятся фраги? А боятся они больше всего Ивана, сразу же вам говорю. А после него - Лаву.
Заметьте, что с мерками такого не происходит. А почему, спрашивается? Да потому, что они пользуются фирменными памперсами от Бобби Рея.
Приобретайте, граждане!

;воздушный десант для городских секторов не прикрытых ПВО
Секретное оружие Дейдраны. Десантники прилетают внезапно и атакуют сектор с нескольких сторон.
Если время на страткарте вдруг остановилось, и вы видите, что вокруг какого-нибудь вашего сектора возникло несколько групп красных точек, то это оно самое.
Теперь у вас есть 10 мин для того, чтобы организовать оборону сектора или попытаться разбить десант по частям.
Десанты высаживаются в городские сектора, не прикрытые ПВО. Имеется в виду ПВО, которое под контролем игрока.
Кроме того, десанты могут атаковать и сами базы ПВО.

;параметр для коррекции дальности зрения

Введя положительное или отрицательное число, можно отрегулировать под себя дальность обнаружения противника. Вводить нужно прибавку или отнимку. Как вы помните, в оригинале было 25 тайлов. В НО по умолчанию 29 тайлов.

ЗЫ Ну, и на всякий случай: значение большинства параметров, равное "0" - отключает фичу, а "1" - включает.

Всё, что можно собрать:

AUG Para + ствол AUG = AUG
TNT + Сосуд кристаллов RDX = HMX
Ф1 + Пружина = Мина
Ф1 + Верёвка = Мина
Ф1 + Медный провод = Мина
Банка + Веревка = Банка на веревке
Рентген + Дисплей = Определитель
Командирские часы + Медный провод = Детонатор
Фальшфеер + Верёвка = Осветительная мина
Фальшфеер + Медный провод = Осветительная мина
Игра + Медный провод = Дисплей
Приставка + Рентгеновская трубка + Жвачка = Рентген
Футболка + Клей + Шкура = Маскхалат
Банка + Сигары + Сосуд кристаллов RDX = Дымовая граната

Скрипты, назначаемые ополченам.

Stationary - будет стоять на месте, пока не увидит противника или не окажется под огнём. В этом случае может маневрировать в пределах 5 тайлов.
On Guard - будет передвигаться в пределах 5 тайлов от того места, где ему был назначен скрипт. Как только станет известно о противнике, увеличит радиус перемещения до 15 тайлов.
Close Patrol - будет патрулировать в пределах 15 тайлов от места, где ему был назначен скрипт. Как только станет известно о противнике, увеличит дальность патрулирования до 25 тайлов.
Far Patrol - будет патрулировать в пределах 25 тайлов от места, где ему был назначен скрипт. Как только станет известно о противнике, увеличит дальность патрулирования до 50 тайлов.
On Call - патрулирует в радиусе 10 тайлов. Как только станет известно о противнике, увеличит радиус патрулирования до 30 тайлов и придет на помощь своим, если они его позовут (вызовут по рации).
Seek Enemy - патрулирует всю карту. Как только станет известно о противнике, сразу же пометётся к нему.
Point Patrol - патрулирование по определенному маршруту ( сам маршрут можно задать только в редакторе, поэтому в нашем случае бесполезный скрипт).
Rnd Point Patrol - патрулирование по случайному маршруту ( сам маршрут можно задать только в редакторе, поэтому в нашем случае бесполезный скрипт).

[Updated on: Wed, 01 July 2009 18:57] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224643] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
Как работает добавление мешков с песком?
В секторах с ополчением накапливаются мешки с песком (с некоторой скоростью, зависящей от колва ополченов). Кликнув на страткарте на сектор ПКМ можно проглядеть сколько их имеется на данный момент.
Выставляются мешки с песком вручную игроком в нужных ему местах при помощи кнопок []. Разные кнопки отвечают за разную ориентацию мешков.
При этом, если удерживать Альт, то будет выставлен высокий мешок (прикрывает по шею).
Если нажать кнопку [ или ], удерживая курсор на уже поставленном мешке, то он будет снят с карты, и помещен на "склад".

Чтобы выставить или убрать мешки в секторе, присутствие мерков в этом секторе не обязательно.
Потому что "свой" сектор можно загрузить и без мерков.

ЗЫ Хотя мешки накапливаются во всех секторах с ополчением, тем не менее выставить их и построить из них всякие укрепления можно только в тех секторах, для которых в наборе тайлсетов присутствуют объекты-мешки.

Во всех секторах Драссена. Как правило в кабаках.
Бывает, что Громова (якобы) не могут найти нигде. В таком случае он, скорее всего, находится в среднем секторе Драссена в самой южной угловой комнате гостиницы в центре сектора.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224646] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia

Control, hotkeys

- Enhanced aiming weapons with button 'j'. Also needed for the work of the visual bonuses of optical sights.
- Display the chance to hit with Alt button or permanently with 'y'.
- Removal of the inventory in the sector with pressing ALT.
- Cleaning Del key active page tools sector.
- Forced turn based mode at the tactical display on the key 'd', if the sector is the enemy.
- Ability to load a saved game screen during opponent's turn (press "Ctrl+L")
- Ready weapon with a mouse(similar to button "j"). Clicking right button of mouse we get cursor-sight. Then deduct right button of mouse menu until you see the square menu 3x3. Choose the "attack". Merc is ready his weapon. Or twice choise a menu 3x3, each time choosing the "attack". The first call to the menu only changes the cursor to the sight.
- To remove grenades from RPG-16, located in the main hand, press (Alt + U).
- Changes in the level of general night lighting Alt + '-', Alt + '='.


- Pockets for clothing and armor (vests, leggins) without the cost of AP.
- Automatic attach of items in the inventory of hiring mercenaries from AIM and MERC.
- Increased the initial amount of money by 10000.
- Use lockpicks and mine detector from the pocket.
- Cars have own inventory
- Spark magazines of ammo by adhering to one another if you have the tape in inventory.
- Recalc of the item's weight when placing it in the inventory.
- Production of the tactics of sandbags. Bags are made in sectors with a militia from 7 to 19 hours. Bags are used for low-key '[' and ']', for the highest combination of Alt. Removed bags reinstalling.
- The repair's threshold of items is set in (TTX.txt).
- Fee-based inventory. 3AP spent for embedding items in the hands, 5AP - in head-slots, 10AP - slots in the body and legs.
- Attaches are not buyable at the traders
[color:#33CC00] - Automatic filling canteens 4 times a day. Canteens hold more water.


- Each weapon have individual AP at burst (TTX.txt)
- Removed Rod+spring
- Weapon recoil (TTX.txt)
- When shooting from machine guns prone penalty is minimal. Jeeps and tanks constantly have minimal penalty.
- Table of distribution of weapons (the enemy, the police) on the progress (TTH).
- Automatic installation of the pre-integrated attachements at delivery of your purchase.
- Restrict the withdrawal of the pre-integrated attachments.
- Pre-(integrated) attachey have no weight
- Charging the arms cartridges of varying effectiveness to progress the game.
- Removed Pipe+tape+glue
- GM-94 grenade launcher from the M79 - has 4 grenades.
- Variable penalty to shot in the head, depending on the distance to the target.
- Muzzle flash suppressed by silencer. It's needed at night.
- Overheated weapons.
- Jamming weapons, depending on wear and heat.
- Color cartridges. Each type of weapon has an individual color, depending on the properties.

0 - normal: Damage - Armour. (gray)
1 - expansive: (Damage - Armour * 1.5) * 1.7 (light blue)
2 - armor: Damage - Armour * .68 (light pink)
3 - increased armor 1: Damage - Armour * .5 (pink)
4 - a large fraction. (yellow-brown)
7 - high armor 2: Damage - Armour * .5 (bright red)
8 - superbroneboynye: Damage - Armour * .375 (dark red)
9 - exploding: Damage * 1.33 - Armour (Yellow)
10 - armor-fire: Damage * 1.33 - Armour * .75 (orange)
11 - tranquilizer: Damage (armor ignoring) (green)

- RG-6 grenade launcher has 6 grenades.
- Experimental weapons OICW.
- Select the length of the burst (up to 12 shots) by mouse wheel.
- Replaceable barrels of weapon (machine guns - actually with feature "heated weapon").
- Blinding by all types of bullets then hitted in the face.
- Recoil of large-caliber weapons (KSVK, Barrett, Kord) can be damaging, if the shooter is not of "Big Male" type (does apply to opponent). For other bodytypes shooting with large-caliber weapons must be at prone.
- Dropped weapons are automatically reloaded with ammo which correspond the current game's progress
- Game validates(???) attachments on weapons distributed on maps.
- Aiming burst. Aim as well as with single shots. Aiming affects only the first shot in a burst.
- Game restores missing attachments built-in weapons at sale to traders. (validate all integrated attaches)


- Bonus-range view with Night Scope (+3 tiles) and Sniper Scope (+3 tiles - if weapon non Sniper Rifle, +15 tiles at Sniper Rifles), Depending on the lighting of sector (TTX.txt - parameter "RangeBonus").
- Game automatically choses between the Night Scope and Sniper Scope, depending on the lighting of Sector (i.e. if night - working Night Scope, if day - working Sniper Scope).
- Collimator sight increases accuracy and speed of sight.
- If you have Collimator and Sniper Scope when you aim at target without right clicks of mouse - Collimator is working (i.e. "fast shot"). But if you right-clicks on target, the game selects the Sniper Scope.
- Railmount to install Scopes on the weapon (for example, Sniper Scope at MP5SD3).
- Limit the range of Laser Scope (15 tiles). Accuracy bonuses of Laser Scope similar to a Collimator, so they do not need to combine weapons. (Collimator is better than Laser Scope)
- Reduced effectiveness of Scopes, if the weapon's not Sniper Rifle. If weapon's Sniper Rifle, but the shooter has not trait "Sniper" then reduced effectiveness depending on the accuracy (if Accuracy > 90 - then shooter can use Sniper Rifle but "Sniper" specialists use it much better).
- cheat-item: "Binoculars" - RangeBonus=30 (day and night)
- An alternative mechanism for calculating the cost of AR (1 +2 +3 +4) in the aim of optics.


- Turn off the shadows of objects in the inventory (ini).
- Changed default settings of the game.
- Option "Drop All" instead of "Metric system".
- In Arulco there are now 5 types of troops - the Army (green), Guard (gray), Royal Guards (white), the internal forces/police (blue) and Marines (blue-gray).
- Site of the BR is available from the beginning of the game.
- Changed items for IMP.
- John Culba sends you Barrett .50BMG
[color:#009900]- Disabled encryption saves. [/color]
- Enable the Ctrl + Enter and Alt + Enter.
[color:#009900]- Assign in "TTX.txt" parameter "Color" and armour/leggins in game will change dynamically to your chosen colro.
- Drawing up a strategic map of the port Peskado.
- Displays on the strategic map of the fifth SAM-site (under construction) - near the Balime.
- In item's tooltip you have new information
- Maximum AP for aiming is displayed with red font.
- Option to chose "ProgressDropItems=1/0" in "noptions.ini". "Drop all" the only affects items with Coolness less current progress of game. Prevents uber weapons drops early in game.

Tactical gameplay

- Reduced damage of items from the water.
- Increased overall range of from 25 to 29 tiles (ini).
- Sector sight (in combat mode).
- A different degree of reduction in lateral view, depending on the sighting means: through the open sights, through the optics (OP, OP).
- Range of view from the roof (5 day, 3 night).
- Bonus "sniper" (+15%) now works form everywhere only from the roof. It also affects the more efficient use of optics.
- Camo poncho: head, torso, legs
- The probability of critical hits (headshot 80%, 10% torso, legs 5%).
- Increase the probability of

[Updated on: Fri, 11 May 2018 08:19] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224647] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2002
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
That's pretty damn good for a machine translation!

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First Sergeant
Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224652] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
New idea - will edit whoami's post and place the translations at the bottom of the russian versions, this way he can edit the words the translator messed up.

Lol, UBB cannot take such long posts. Back to original idea.

[Updated on: Wed, 01 July 2009 18:56] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224655] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia

Features (continued)

- Letters about the Paratroopers.
- Load previously visited sectors without the presence of mercenaries.
- Bossa People may be present only in the sectors of non-Militia (less than 5 in the sector).


- Delineation of armor absorb damage from explosives for Tanks, Jeeps and others (humans, bloodcats etc).
- The variously Armor-Penetration and Destruction effect on Armour (depending on the type of ammo).
- Jeeps and tanks can be hit with 12.7 mm ammunition.
- Protection of armor on the sides. Ceramic plates offer only frontal protection. Helmet may not work in 50% of front-end hit.


- Select a skill IMP (like in JA2: UB).
- Expanding the borders of parameters IMP (15-90).
- The level of character in the IMP (3).
- Increase medical skill by using knife on corpses. Restricted by wisdom.
- Minimum of Medical skill(60) for cure patients ("Doctor")
- Training of zero skills by the teacher-pupil.
- Training of Health by running in sector with weight>100%
- Training of Dexterity(??Agility??) by running in sector
- Wisdom increases when clearing enemy explosives.
- Increase of explosives, or mechanics, and dexterity with disarming door traps.
- Increase of wisdom when merc detects a trap door.
- Training of Dexterity(??Agility??) and Health by jumps over a fence
- Training of Dexterity(??Agility??), Health and Strength by climbing up/down Roofs


- AI with machine guns shooting only in "burst-mode"
- Increase the probability of burst-fire by AI.
- Allow AI climb down from the roof in accordance with the order.
- Change of behavior for AI with Sniper Rifle, rocket launchers, Mortars to more cautious (more defensive).
- If AI is running to Alarm-button and will see Player, he starts shooting (in vanilla JA2 - he only runs)
- Increased chance to look around the terms of AI.
- Prevent AI throwing lightstick during daytime.
- Changed condition for show Surrendering messages by AI. Depends on the number of mercs and their health.
- AI first use high explosive grenades (HE) and only later other types.
- Morale drop of AI under suppressive fire.
- AI attack tanks/jeeps only if they have explosive ammo (grenades, mortare, RPG)
- AI shooting without optics only aim at torso.
- Disabled AI picking up items based on coolness (he picks up items only if's out of ammo).
- AI automatically bandage (use small medkit) - after fight
- Rotate the AI to sound shot.
- Jeeps not avoiding highlighted areas (at night)
- AI does not go to highlight areas that have seen the enemy.

NPC, quests

- Doreen may defend when you try to kill her.
- Speeded up the emergence of Iggi (sector C6, B13, C13, D13, F8, G9, H1, C5).
- Random sector for Conrad (sector, F3, G3, G6) and Rider (sector B15, E14, D12, C16, C15, E10, G16)."
- Quest epidemic. We need to get to the lab M14, find a vaccine and bring it to the hospital Dr. Cambria.
- New recruitable character Gromov. Search in Drassen (next day after he sends a letter).
- New recruitable character from JA2UB - Manuel (NightOps-expert!) (D10).
- New recruitable character - Eskimo (Markmanship=95, Sniper+Throwing; sector of "Alma-Prison")
- Quest hostage. Financial conflict with the boss in San Mona led to the seizure of hostages from among the mercenaries. Looking south from San Mona.
- Disabled the disappearance of Tony.
- Always full placement of the terrorists in cities.
- Two new NPC - known spammers from Real site http://www.ja2.su "Tailor" (Taylor) and "Cha" (Cha). In fashion, they also

[Updated on: Wed, 08 April 2020 06:46] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224656] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
---------- BEGIN TRANSLATION ------------


, active or passive conduct of the police
ActiveMilitia = 0

"Active" police from the very beginning of the battle is appointed by the script SeekEnemy (look for the enemy). And cops throw headlong forward.
"Passive" Police have a script Stationary.

I recall that the scripts (the behavior of cops), you can change the course of battle.
Roll in the Parliament - a picture radio - press and hold the PTP, a plate of choice of scripts. Choose on taste.
If this is to hold ALT, the selected script will be assigned for all militia.

; the impact of the death of the militia loyal to the urban
LoyaltyMilitiaKilled = 0

The death of militias reduces loyalty to the city.
With small losses falling loyalty almost unnoticed. But the bloody fighting could complicate a situation. Because a strong drop in loyalty is reflected in the income from the mine, and if the loyalty of the city of <20% to train the militia in the city will fail.
Increase customer loyalty city: doing quests, thundered the enemy on the approaches and the whole district, the new real-militias.
By the way, in Drassene loyalty drops slowly compared to other cities, and growing as a yeast. Because our people are there everywhere.
Else. Losses militia roadblocks in the defense and air defense also led to a drop in loyalty. All player controlled cities. In short - is stronger and more distant - is weaker.

, an alternative mechanism for calculating the cost of aiming with the optics
AltScopeAP = 0
If you use optical / night sight, a sight for each degree of OD deducted as follows: 1 +2 +3 +4 (arifmetich. progression).

; joke. bowel from the fear of the enemy
Defecation = 0
Fraga, and fight with perepugu can make yourself by, leaving a pile of crap, big and small. Naturally, this happens mostly with green lopushkami, but not with elitchikami gray, or blue from perepoya militias.
At the crap you can podskolznutsya, fall, lose consciousness, but the gypsum stack will not - immediately in the morgue.
What are the most afraid of fragments? And they are most afraid of Ivan, as soon as you say. And after him - Lavu.
Note that with such a yardstick is not the case. And why, asks? Yes, because they are brand pampers from Bobby Ray.
Purchase, citizens!

; air landing in urban sectors not covered aircraft
Paratroopers = 0
Secret weapons Deydrany. Paratroopers arrive suddenly and attack the sector with several parties.
If time stratkarte suddenly stopped, and you can see that around any of your sector, there are several groups of red dots, that it is.
Now you have 10 minutes to organize the defense sector, or try to split the landing in a piecemeal fashion.
Desant planted in the urban sector do not cover air defense. It is air-defense, which is controlled by the player.
In addition, troops might have to attack and air defense bases.

parameters for correction of distance vision
AddDistVisible = 0

Entering a positive or a negative number, you can adjust for a range of detection of the enemy. Need to introduce or increase otnimku. As you will recall, the original was 25 taylov. As though the default 29 taylov.

ЗЫ Well, just in case: the value of most parameters, equal to "0" - disables the feature, a "1" - includes.

All that can be collected:

AUG Para + trunk AUG = AUG
TNT + Receptacle crystal RDX = HMX
F1 + Spring = Mina
F1 + rope = Mina
F1 + copper wire = Mina
Bank = Bank + rope on a rope
X + display = identification
Commanding hours + = Copper wire detonator
Falshfeer + = Rope Lighting mine
Copper wire Falshfeer + = Illumination mine
Play + Copper wire = Display
Prefix + + X-ray tube cud = X
T-shirt + Clay + skin = Maskhalat
Bank + Cigars + Receptacle crystals RDX = Smoke grenade

Scripts appointed militia.

Stationary - will be in place until you see the enemy or not to be under fire. In this case, it may move within 5 taylov.
On Guard - will be moving within 5 taylov from where he was assigned a script. As soon as we will know about the enemy, increase the radius of movement of up to 15 taylov.
Close Patrol - will patrol in 15 taylov of where he was assigned a script. As soon as we will know about the enemy, increase the range patrols to 25 taylov.
Far Patrol - will patrol within 25 taylov of where he was assigned a script. As soon as we will know about the enemy, increase the range patrols to 50 taylov.
On Call - patrol within a radius of 10 taylov. As soon as we will know about the enemy, increase the radius of up to 30 patrol taylov and to help her, if it pozovut (cause the radio).
Seek Enemy - patrolled the entire map. As soon as we will know about the enemy, immediately pometetsya to it.
Point Patrol - patrolling on a particular route (the route can be set only in the editor, so in this case useless script).
Rnd Point Patrol - patrol randomly route (the route can be set only in the editor, so in this case useless script).

[Updated on: Wed, 01 July 2009 19:20] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224657] Wed, 01 July 2009 18:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
How does adding sandbags?
In the sectors with the militia they build sand bags (with a certain speed, depending on Kolvy militia). Clicking on stratkarte sector PTP can browse them as there is at this time.
Exposed sandbags by hand a player in the right places it using []. Different buttons are responsible for the different orientation of bags.
[color:#006600]If the hold Alt, it will put a high bag (covers for the neck).
[/color]If you press [or], keeping the cursor on the already delivered the bag, it will be removed from the card and placed on the "warehouse".

To show or hide bags in the sector, the presence of mark in this sector is not necessary.
Because "their" sector can be downloaded and without standards.

ЗЫ While the bags are accumulating in all sectors with the militia, however, expose them and to build all of them can only strengthen in those sectors for which a set of objects present tileset-bags.

In all sectors Drassena. As a rule of Kabaka.
Sometimes Gromova (supposedly) can not find anywhere else. In this case, it most likely is in the middle sector Drassen in the southernmost corner room hotel in the center of the sector.

[Updated on: Wed, 01 July 2009 19:14] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224674] Wed, 01 July 2009 19:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
Again, thanks a lot whoami, you are true "boundary spanner" Smile

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224689] Wed, 01 July 2009 20:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
I'll never be able to play for reading all this........... Very Happy

Thanks anyway :ok:

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224690] Wed, 01 July 2009 21:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2002
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
I haven't had a chance to play this yet (just been thinking and reading (or trying to Crying or Very Sad ) the source code)

But I have enjoyed the shitstorm of posts that it has generated. :biglaugh:

I think I'm going to load this up on Friday and play the hell out of it.

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First Sergeant
Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224692] Wed, 01 July 2009 21:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Just DON'T use the aforementioned feature Very Happy

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224714] Wed, 01 July 2009 22:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
Why? Some turned it into a very profitable business, I hear ^.^

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224728] Wed, 01 July 2009 23:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
yeah , a little goldmine.... Smile

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224736] Wed, 01 July 2009 23:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
I only reported the fakt. I never did say I sold all this fertilizer to a Celtic gentleman (name was Loki or so).

I even reported it as a spoiler.

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Sergeant Major
Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224740] Wed, 01 July 2009 23:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
(name was Loki or so).

The mischievious.........old god :diabolical:

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224881] Thu, 02 July 2009 13:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
POST #224646
Control, hotkeys

"- Ability to call a saved game screen to another course"
Ability to load a saved game screen during opponent's turn (press "Ctrl+L")

"- Enhanced aiming weapons with a mouse. Clicking PTP get cursor-sight. Then deduct PKM menu until you see the square 3x3. Choosing the attack. There vskidka weapons. Or twice a menu 3x3, each time choosing the attack. The first call to the menu only changes the cursor to the sight."
Ready weapon with a mouse(like button "j"). Clicking right button of mouse we get cursor-sight. Then deduct right button of mouse menu until you see the square menu 3x3. Choose the "attack". Merc is ready his weapon. Or twice choise a menu 3x3, each time choosing the "attack". The first call to the menu only changes the cursor to the sight.

"- To remove grenades from rocket launchers, located in the main arm (Alt + U). "
To remove grenades from RPG-16, located in the main hand (Alt + U).

"- Pockets for clothing and armor (vests, ponozhi) without the cost of AR"
- Pockets for clothing and armor (vests, leggins) without the cost of AP.

"- Automatic adherence to the disciplines of attachey tools in the hiring of mercenaries from AIM and MERC."
Automatic attach of items in the inventory of hiring mercenaries from AIM and MERC.

"- Increased the amount of money at home 10000."
Increased the initial amount of money by 10000.

"- Work otmychek and mine detector from the pocket."
Work lockpicks and mine detector from the pocket.

"- Authorized stock cars."
Cars have own inventory

"- Spark stores by adhering to one another if the tape inventory."
Spark magazines of ammo by adhering to one another if you have the tape in inventory.

"- Translation of the weight of the subject by placing it in stock."
Recalc of the item's weight when placing it in the inventory.

"- The threshold for the reconstruction of objects in the transition through which the repair is not possible (TTX)."
The repair's threshold of items (TTX.txt).

"- Fee-based tools. 3AR spent for embedding objects in the hands 5AR - in head-slots, 10AR - slots in the body and legs."
Fee-based inventory. 3AP spent for embedding items in the hands, 5AP - in head-slots, 10AP - slots in the body and legs.

"- Forbidden reproduction attachments the traders."
Attaches are not buyable at the traders

"- Reduction in water flow in use."
Canteen contains more water.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224882] Thu, 02 July 2009 13:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
"- Each individual barrel cost at least AR (TTX)."
Each weapon have individual AP at burst (TTX.txt)

"- Disabled accelerator line."
Removed Rod+spring

"- Shifted the momentum of the impact of weapons, as the characteristics of TTH."
Returnable force of the weapon (TTX.txt)

" Also for the equipment (jeeps, tanks)."
Jeeps and tanks constantly have minimal penalty

"- Do not take into account the weight of the pre-(integrated) attachey."
pre-(integrated) attachey have no weight

"- Disabled udlinnitel."
Removed Pipe+tape+glue

"- Chetyrehzaryadny GM-94 grenade launcher from the M79."
GM-94 grenade launcher from the M79 - has 4 grenades.

"- Variable to a fine shot in the head, depending on the distance to the goal. "
Variable penalty to shot in the head, depending on the distance to the target.

"- Muzzle flash suppressed silencer. News at night."
Muzzle flash suppressed by silencer. It's needful at night.

"- Six RG-6 grenade launcher. "
RG-6 grenade launcher has 6 grenades.

"- Select the length of the queue (up to 12 shots) skrolerom mouse."
Select the length of the burst (up to 12 shots) by wheel of mouse.

"- Replaces the barrel weapons."
- Replaceable barrels of weapon (machine guns - actually with feature "heated weapon").

"- Blinding of all types of bullets at hit in the face."
- Blinding by all types of bullets then hitted in the face.

"- Flight to the waste of the health impact of large-caliber weapons, if the shooter does not "kachok" on telostozheniyu."
Flight to the waste of the health impact of large-caliber weapons(KSVK, Barrett, Kord), if the shooter does not "Big Male"
(not worked for opponent). For other bodytypes shooting with large-caliber weapons must be at prone.

"- Transfer of weapons to progress the game distributed on the maps. "
Distributed on maps opponent's weapons is automatically reloading in ammo which correspond the current game's progress

"- Re attachey on weapons distributed in the maps."
Game validate(???) attaches at weapons, distributed on maps.

"- Sighting turn. Aim as well as with single shots. Aiming to affect the first shot in a queue. "
Aiming burst. Aim as well as with single shots. Aiming affects only the first shot in a burst.

"- Restore missing attachey built-in weapons in the sale of its traders. "
Game restore missing attachey built-in weapons at sale to traders. (validate all integrate attaches)

"- Bonus-range view with NP (3) and optics (+3, +15 snayp.), Depending on the lighting (TTH)."
Bonus-range view with Night Scope (+3 tiles) and Sniper Scope (+3 tiles - then weapon non Sniper Rifle, +15 tiles at Sniper Rifles), Depending on the lighting of sector (TTX.txt - parameter "RangeBonus").

"- The choice between the NP and optics, depending on the illumination target."
Game automatically choice between the Night Scope and Sniper Scope, depending on the lighting of Sector (i.e. if night - working Night Scope, if day - working Sniper Scope).

"- Accounting for acceleration of the collimator, if not fulfilled the additional aim of OP or NP. "
For example you have Collimator and Sniper Scope. Then you aim at target without right clicks of mouse - Collimator is working (i.e. "fast shot"). Then you begin right-clicks on target - "you see in Sniper Scope" and Sniper Scope is working.

"- Planck to install sights on the weapon. "
"Rail" to install Scopes on the weapon (for example, Sniper Scope at MP5SD3).

"- Limit the range of LTSU (15 cl.). Accuracy bonuses LTSU similar to a collimator, so they do not need to combine weapons."
Limit the range of Laser Scope (15 tiles). Accuracy bonuses of Laser Scope similar to a Collimator, so they do not need to combine weapons. (Collimator is better than Laser Scope)

"- Reduced effectiveness of optics, if the weapons are not sniper type. If sniper, but the shooter is not "sniper", reducing the effectiveness depending on the accuracy."
Reduced effectiveness of Scopes, if the weapon's not Sniper Rifle. If weapon's Sniper Rifle, but the shooter has not perk "Sniper" then reducing the effectiveness depending on the accuracy (if Accuracy > 90 - then shooter can use Sniper Rifle but "Sniper" use it much better).

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224883] Thu, 02 July 2009 13:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
"- Hour glass."
cheat-item: "field-glass" - RangeBonus=30 (day and night)

"- Changed umolchalnye initial install the game."
Changed default settings of the game.

"- Option "total loss" option instead of Metric."
Option "drop all" instead of "Metric system".

"- In Arulko now 5 of troops - the Army (green), Guard (gray), Royal Guards (white), the internal forces (blue) and Marines (blue-gray)."
In Arulko now 5 types of troops - the Army (green), Guard (gray), Royal Guards (white), the internal forces (blue)=police and Marines (blue-gray).

"- Changed Outfit IMP."
Changed items for IMP.

"- Changed the contents of a parcel of John."
John Culba send you Barrett .50BMG

"Wear color. Jackets and ponozham can assign a color, affecting the appearance of the characters"
In "TTX.txt" parameter "Color" - color of armour/leggins in game

"- Displays on the strategic map of the fifth aircraft (building)."
Displays on the strategic map of the fifth SAM-site (under construction) - near the Balime.

"- The withdrawal of the interest of states in tultipe subject."
In item's tooltip new information

"- Maximum AR aiming to display a red font."
Maximum AP to aiming is displaying with red font.

"- Option - fallout of items in accordance with the progress of their appearance (ini). Takes precedence over the "fallout of the whole." Player in the game as the trophies will be available only to those objects, the appearance of the progress which the current progress of the game. At the NPC does not apply. This option also affects the selection of trunks."
Option "ProgressDropItems=1/0" in "noptions.ini". "Drop all" - only items which (Coolness<=current Progress) of game

"- Increased overall range of from 25 to 29 cells (ini)."
Increased overall range of from 25 to 29 tiles (ini).

"- Maskhalat. Three-camouflage suit."
Camo poncho: head, torse, legs

"- Increase the likelihood of response

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224884] Thu, 02 July 2009 13:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
"- Introduced a fine 40% of the calculated probability of defeat at the first throwing grenades and shooting from the grenade RG-6, GM-94 and mortar rounds. For soldiers with skills "throws" or "heavy weapons (mortars, grenade launchers), the penalty is 25%. If you rolled, shot at the same place of fine leaves. For experts in the skills of a fine is always absent."
Introduced a 40% of the calculated probability of defeat at the first throwing grenades and shooting from the grenade RG-6, GM-94 and mortar rounds (i.e. first shot at this Tile. Second shot has no penalty). For soldiers with skills "throws" or "heavy weapons" (mortars, grenade launchers), the penalty is 25%. If you rolled, shot at the same place of fine leaves. For experts in the skills of a fine is always absent.

"- When throwing grenades, firing grenades from the RG-6, GM-94 and mortar rounds at laying (the soldiers did not see the location of attack) risk is reduced by half."
When throwing grenades, firing grenades from the RG-6, GM-94 and mortar rounds at laying (the soldiers did not see the location of attack) Aiming has penalty=50%.

"- Neobidchevost militia to attack a player in the civil action."
Militia's not angry for player's "friendly fire" to civilians

"- Increase the range of parameter RangeBonus tank for tank guns (TTH)."
Change the visible range of Tank by edit "RangeBonus" for "TankGun" (TTX)

Chem. laboratory

"- Some maps can ambush fragments (for example cat) (ini)."
In Some maps you can be ambushed by enemy (like ambush of Blooodcats)

"- For all the checkpoints, you can train militia."
For all roadblocks, you can train militia.

"- Exercise regularly Guard immediately."
Train regular Militia immediately (option "BlueMilitia" in INI).

"- Changes in the complexity of strategic AI."
strategic AI more difficult.

"To limit the number (32) opponent for avtoboya."
limit of the opponents (32) for Auto-Fight.

"- Effect of death of guard at the loyalty of the cities (ini)."
Death of militia is decrease Loyality of the cities (ini)

"- Increase the value uvelicheiya loyalty to the city of militia training."
Increase the value change loyalty to the city of militia training.

"- Aircraft landing in urban sectors not covered air defense and air defense (ini)."
Paratroopers attack cities which not covered by SAM-site and attack SAM-sites(ini)

"- Dependence of the productivity of mines from the control of the HES. Without HPS -20% of income."
Dependence of the productivity of mines from the control of the F3("Electro-Station"). Without F3 -20% of income.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224885] Thu, 02 July 2009 13:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
whoami is currently offline whoami

Registered:May 2009
Location: Russia, Uljanovsk
POST #224655

"- Letters about the landing."
Letters about the Paratroopers.

"- Bossa People may be present only in the sectors of non-police (less than 5 in the sector)."
Bossa People may be present only in the sectors of non-Militia (less than 5 in the sector).

"- Delineation of armor absorb damage from explosives for technology and others."
Delineation of armor absorb damage from explosives for Tanks,Jeeps and others(humans, bloodcats etc).

"- The impact of bullets on the armor. In a range of damage, armor, depending on the type of munition."
The variously Armor-Penetration and Destruction effect at Armour (depending on the type of ammo)

"- Select a skill IMP in JA2: UB."
Select a skill IMP (like in JA2: UB).

"- Autopsies increase medical. Restricted by wisdom."
increase medical skill by knife+corpse. Restricted by wisdom.

"- Minum of (60) in medical for treating patients."
Minimum of Medical skill(60) for cure patients ("Doctor")

"- Health tests (for reloading) and the mobility of a run."
Training of Health by running in sector with weight>100%
Training of Dexterity(??Agility??) by running in sector

"- Tests the health and mobility jumps."
Training of Dexterity(??Agility??) and Health by jumps throw a fence

"- Tests of mobility, health and strength tightening. "
Training of Dexterity(??Agility??), Health and Strength by climb up/down at Roofs

"- Only AI shooting automatic machine guns."
AI with machine guns shooting only in "burst-mode"

"- Increase the likelihood of automatic fire AI."
Increase the probability of burst-fire by AI.

"- Change of behavior for AI snipers, bomber and minometchikov at least active."
Change of behavior for AI with Sniper Rifle, rocket launchers, Mortare for more cautionusly (more defensive).

"- AI can click the button only when the trigger itself does not see the enemy."
If AI running to Alarm-button and will see Player, he will shooting (in vanilla JA2 - he only running)

"- Prevent AI throw light when falshfeer."
Prevent AI throw the Fashfeier(light-stick) at Day-time.

"- Changed condition for proposals AI player to surrender in the captivity. Depends on the number and health of mercenaries."
Changed condition for show Surrendering messages by AI. Depends on the number of mercs and his health.

"- AI initially applied grenades with explosives."
AI first use grenades with explosives (HE), and later - other types.

"- Armored Vehicles affected AI only explosives."
AI attack tanks/jeeps only if he have explosive (grenades, mortare, RPG)

" Disabled AI aimless rise more steeply items."
Disabled AI pick up coolness things (he pick up item only if's out of ammo).

"- Quick autoequipping AI. "
AI automatically bandage (use small medkit) - after fight

"- Turn off the jeep to photophobia."
Jeeps not avoiding a highlighted areas (at night)

"- Doreen, which may give the date when you try to kill her."
Doreen, which may Defence when you try to kill her.

"- Randomny Conrad (sector, F3, G3, G6) and Rider (sector B15, E14, D12, C16, C15, E10, G16)."
Random sector for Conrad (sector, F3, G3, G6) and Rider (sector B15, E14, D12, C16, C15, E10, G16)."

"- New recruited character Gromov. Search Drassen."
New recruited character Gromov. Search in Drassen (at next day then he send a letter).

"- New character recruited from Manuel JA2UB."
New recruited character from JA2UB - Manuel (NightOps-expert!) (D10).

"- New recruited character - Eskimo familiar to some of the fashion

[Updated on: Thu, 02 July 2009 13:41] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224897] Thu, 02 July 2009 14:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shanga is currently offline Shanga

Registered:January 2000
Location: Danubia
whoami, you're the best!

I edited my posts with improved translation, now waiting for OT to use them in the manual/readme

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224927] Thu, 02 July 2009 18:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
Found a "Queen Creature Hide" in a destroyed tank. Looks likle a piece of steal/armour

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #224966] Thu, 02 July 2009 21:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Off_Topic is currently offline Off_Topic

Registered:January 2009
Latest Full Translation: NightOps_v.09 1MB

To save people downloading large soundfiles, This needs to go over v.o8.

Fixed all the Terrorists and any other subs missing that were pointed out + minor tweaks to descriptions.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225014] Fri, 03 July 2009 00:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
Do You recommend a new game?

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225016] Fri, 03 July 2009 00:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Off_Topic is currently offline Off_Topic

Registered:January 2009
Mmm... depends...if you want to get the full suspense of not seeing the Terrorist/Hitmen right beside you or not.

Personally i started a new game, but this was also because i made a few tactical errors that ended up with me getting my ass handed to me! I couldn't leave Drassen on experienced (Drop All off), tough Mod but loving it, had to come up with new ideas to stay alive.

I don't like Quick Save/Load games, so in order to get into the swing of things i had to adapt my strategies for the new features.

EDIT: Plus, just finished tidying up the N.Ops Manual, have a read, you'll find a lot of cool things you weren't aware of.

[Updated on: Fri, 03 July 2009 00:37] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225728] Sun, 05 July 2009 23:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
inshy is currently offline inshy

Registered:November 2007
Location: Belarus, Minsk

builded from the source (without problems with missing sound:)) :

Ja2 NO v1.02 GERMAN
Ja2 NO v1.02 ENGLISH

try to test it and report to me if something go wrong.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225743] Mon, 06 July 2009 00:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
thanks Inshy , I certainly will :ok:

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225816] Mon, 06 July 2009 14:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City

Ja2 NO v1.02 ENGLISH

missing "arriving in the sector"-sound (Hamous)
missing "must go to bed soon" sound (Hamous)

I did continue an old save.

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #225982] Tue, 07 July 2009 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
"That's revolting..." missing sound.
"... falling aslepp on my feet" missing sound.
"we have company..." missing sound.
"I made it, let's do something already" missing sound.
"I thought this would be exciting..." missing sound.

"We are going to see some action...." no sound.

It's a new game now

[Updated on: Tue, 07 July 2009 16:49] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226015] Tue, 07 July 2009 15:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Scheinworld is currently offline Scheinworld

Registered:December 2007
Location: Baltic Sea, Germany
Hello inshy & Logisteric,

builded from the source (without problems with missing sound:)) :

Ja2 NO v1.02 GERMAN
Ja2 NO v1.02 ENGLISH

try to test it and report to me if something go wrong.

Many thanks for your translation work, not only for the NightOps mod. I know that you are very hardworking in the background. "Дзякуй iншы!"

Special thanks for the German NightOps EXE translation goes to Logisteric, yet a main helper at the B2B translation. "Vielen Dank!"

Thank you guys for your effort and keep up the good work for the community! :clap:

Best regards; Schein...

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226018] Tue, 07 July 2009 15:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2008
Location: B
i didn't do more for that than translating a few words inshi sent me - any praise is his

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226032] Tue, 07 July 2009 17:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
One of my three gold version as base

-> build 05-07-09

Angel has Russian subs

[Updated on: Tue, 07 July 2009 20:27] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226117] Tue, 07 July 2009 22:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Gorro der Grüne is currently offline Gorro der Grüne

Registered:March 2009
Location: Broadwurschd-City
I thought I have 3 English Gold Versions.

That particular Gold I used is labled:

Jaguar Entertainment.

Anything on the disk and on it's lable is in English.
(unlike my "normal" Russian JA2 where everything is kyrillic - what I don't understand).

[Updated on: Tue, 07 July 2009 23:03] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226126] Tue, 07 July 2009 23:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2008
Location: B
@ inshi

i think i know what happened:

you guys ...

1. read out all files from npcdata [color:#CC33CC]mercedt[/color].slf
2. made the alterations
3. repacked it to npcdata [color:#CC33CC]mercedt[/color].slf (NEW), which is part of the installer package

of cause you did it with a russian install - that means all npc (=nonA.I.M. and nonM*E*R*C) have russian subtitels

it should be solveable by copying an npcdata [color:#CC33CC]mercedt[/color].slf from any vanilla-installation of the proper language to the data-folder, as the new characters are ind the npcdata [color:#CC33CC]mercedt[/color]-folder (due to being translated)

but i still have no idea why some sound-files vanished - should be something related, though

checked it - i'm wrong, but my angel also has russian subtitels


i don't have and never had a russian ja



it's the same if i c/p another mercedt.slf from an all english install

[Updated on: Wed, 08 July 2009 00:08] by Moderator

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Re: JA2 Night OPS Translation[message #226214] Wed, 08 July 2009 09:41 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
inshy is currently offline inshy

Registered:November 2007
Location: Belarus, Minsk

Hehe... that is funny. i chek translated pack with NO from Off_Topic... There is no edt files for Angel (Data\NPCdata\089.edt).

Logisteric and Gorro der Gr

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