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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355094 is a reply to message #354942] Tue, 25 September 2018 10:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
@ gougluinn

I have seen #2 and #3 happen a lot.

On #2, Speck's numerous repeated emails are odd, he will send duplicates not because of more than one M.E.R.C. merc improving, but several for each one. I don't get 15 of them, but I will get 3 or 5 or 7 of them a lot. I've seen the issue in SCI 8589, and I believe I've seen it in several before that. Don't recall it ever happening in 7609, the oldest so-called "release" version, and I'm pretty sure many after that did not have the issue either.

I'm wondering if he sends one out for each level up PLUS for each increment of skill between each level up because of something bad in the code. Since each level up should take at least 3 skill improvements (from what I've seen) and it is possible with M.E.R.C. lower end mercs to easily do more than that per day (just by kicking doors open, for example, and quests, and basic combat). So, for example, maybe if Flo increases 6 skill points in one day, she gets 1 email for the 3 to level up to next level, then it counts each additional skill point as going over the one level and throws out another email superfluously (so 4 emails for 6 skill points in this case). Dunno, guess it could be checked scientifically if one wants to waste the time.

On # 3, this seemed to have been fixed mostly or totally so around SCI 8409, I think. But it has returned. Not just for knifing either, you get it for some stealing also. It might be due to posture or not counting turning, have no idea. But I know I got it a lot less in earlier SCIs, let's say a year or so old. People seem to disagree with me on a lot of stuff lately, but there is something really wrong with SCI 8589 in my opinion, in a lot of categories. For example, it charges a whole lot more to walk crouched than it used to, perhaps it has something to do with holding a weapon raised or at the hip. It actually seems to be the cost for moving bandaged but well wounded (highly pink health bars) crouched, but it might be all crouched movement which seems to almost cost as much as prone (to the point it really is a waste to do except for the aimed weapon minor bonus, which is not much).

I have not tried to isolate the problem much, as I'm actually quite miffed with how badly 8589 is playing, since I almost always have to exit a new sector whether it was unoccupied or cleared via map sector edge in TACTICAL rather than use Strategic Movement. It may be my settings, as the new Raids are on (via Bloodcats, Bandits, Zombies), new Strategic Movement is on, and maybe my limits to 20 in a sector of nme and 20 more of friendly (which I thought were default), doesn't jive well with it. But it really stinks at handling it. It is possible something else, but all I know is it feels as if when Strategic Movement totally nixed the old fake Mobile Militia movement, something was lost in the process that was needed.

Your mention of the Camo attachability thing is something I do not know enough to be able to check, as I don't know what are the supposed attachments for all that (wish I did). But it does smack of a certain introduced sloppiness (IMHO and all that) I find in the SCIs after 8409. I'm considering going back to an older SCI at this point. But I'm getting tired of starting campaigns over and over for years now.

At any rate, I'll look to see if I see any of your other issues.

[Updated on: Tue, 25 September 2018 10:55]

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355097 is a reply to message #354942] Tue, 25 September 2018 10:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
@ Townltu

I think I figured out what is the source of the text is that Ira repeats once you go from Strategic to Tactical, at least in SCI 8589.

-- What is happening is that each time a Squad enters another sector, someone from that squad, say Gasket -- will say his arrival in new sector text. So Gasket says in Strategic (voiced) -- "Blah Blah, I'm parked."
-- Now go to Tactical in that sector and after a lag of about 2-3 seconds (although it may be variable), Ira's face will pop up at top and she will say in text "Blah, Blah, I'm parked."

Yet is not quite that simple. Here is another example I just had before that one.

-- Flo had just increased her skill. Using Flugente's newer Dynamic Interactions or whatever, she thanked Prima for training her in Markmanship in some way. Flo's head in this case had the ochre background around her, used in the dynamic opinions stuff.

-- Then once I went into Tactical, after a few seconds delay, Ira's head popped up and she said in text exactly what Flo had just said. (Interestingly enough, she did not parrot what Prima had said in reply, which was something like "You're Welcome."


It seems that whatever is said last in Strategic is being buffered for some time. It then gets kicked out once you enter into Tactical, but uses Ira's head next to the text. It definitely happens on entering a new sector, and it can happen perhaps on just going from Strategic to Tactical.

I also am not sure what happens exactly when Ira actually has special sector text (voiced normally) for a particular sector. I believe both occur, the normal voiced one and the buffered text one, but I have not recently triggered an event that causes that. I think maybe very vaguely it made her text her voice text and not voice it, but that is very dim in my memory so will let you know on the next such event in New Campaign.

[Updated on: Tue, 25 September 2018 10:45]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355138 is a reply to message #355097] Wed, 26 September 2018 21:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
gougluinn is currently offline gougluinn

Registered:September 2018
you cant fill your canteens if you are in same sector with helicopter i think.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355140 is a reply to message #355138] Wed, 26 September 2018 22:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LatZee is currently offline LatZee

Registered:December 2015
gougluinn wrote on Wed, 26 September 2018 20:02
you cant fill your canteens if you are in same sector with helicopter i think.

Not all sectors have source of water to replenish canteens, and some might even have sources of tainted, poisoned water unless that has been phased out which is completely possible cheeky it is defined for each sector in TableData/Map/SectorNames.xml

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355142 is a reply to message #355140] Wed, 26 September 2018 23:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
gougluinn is currently offline gougluinn

Registered:September 2018
well, i remember (not 100% sure) i could drink water from kitchen tap but still i couldnt fill my canteen.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355151 is a reply to message #355142] Thu, 27 September 2018 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
I am confused by this entry in 8589 SCI's CTHconstants.ini :

; LASER_PERFORMANCE_BONUS_XXX also affects the size of the base shooting aperture by x percent but is used for lasers.
; The bonus only applies if the target is in laser range and the given sight is used.
; The bonus is also influenced by the light level at the target spot. The darker the spot the better the laser dot
; can be seen and the higher the resulting bonus will be.
; If all values are 0.0 the old NCTH laser behaviour is used which makes lasers work like scopes.
; Values can go from 0.0 to 50.0


In the previous section above it about Iron Sights Performance Bonus, positive numbers were said to be a bonus that reduces the size of the aperture for the NCTH reticule. I will quote it here:


; The following parameters in this block are used only if USE_NEW_CTH_CALCULATION = TRUE in your Ja2_Options.ini
; IRON_SIGHT_PERFORMANCE_BONUS affects the size of the base shooting aperture for iron sights by x percent.
; Values can go from -50.0 (penalty) to 50.0 (bonus of 50 percent will make the aperture half as large)
; The default is 20.0


Now, forgive me for my noobness, but should not the numbers be higher for Iron Sights and then even higher for Scopes than for raising it to the Hip? I mean it says that the Iron Sight Performance Bonus and the Laswer Performance Bonus are cumulative. Then again, maybe this means that the Laser assists aiming better for firing from the hip, than when you also are using Iron Sights, and even less benefit when you are already using a scope.

Maybe I'm reading the whole thing wrong.

[Updated on: Thu, 27 September 2018 10:44]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355152 is a reply to message #355151] Thu, 27 September 2018 11:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2017
Location: here
@ZedJA2 Pretty sure that more mercs than Ira repeated text of other mercs here,
iirc also non rebels were affected.

Regarding laser bonus, I dont know the math behind it but guess it could be set up like this:
Hip shots get big penalty, laser dots feedback will greatly improve that,
but usefulness of feedback goes down if we already aim with the sights or a scope.

As long as penalty from hipShot is higher than the difference from laserHipshot to sightShot, its should be fine.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355154 is a reply to message #355152] Thu, 27 September 2018 12:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
What townltu says is correct regarding the laser performance bonuses. The idea was that for hip shots the red dot helps most because you aren't using any sights.

And I just saw that USE_NEW_CTH_CALCULATION is still mentioned in the help text. I guess I should remove that because it's not used anymore. The new calculations are the default nowadays.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355155 is a reply to message #355154] Thu, 27 September 2018 13:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
@ townltu and @ silversurfer

Ok, thanks for the replies. I sort of noticed that rationale as an afterthought, thus the last line I added. Makes sense overall that the Laser Performance Bonus would help more with un-aided views. So that scoped and iron sight views benefit less than just hip-fire. After the post, I read more of the CTHconstants.ini and I better understood the whole thing.

Looking forward to the update for the progression of Enemy and Militia Weapons that Silversurfer decided to implement in the latest Directory soon to be released (I think is was 2444 Directory). I believe it was based on Lev285's first version for his modification in another thread. Looks interesting and reminds me a bit of the philosophy in the original Urban Chaos mod where WP weapons and ammo were plentiful on Deidranna's forces and NATO weapons were more limited to BobRay and perhaps police and other factions (police probably had the common ammo like 9mm, .45, and so forth also).

Started up a new Campaign again on 8589, because what makes it hard is the combo of inexperience and injuries that the low M.E.R.C. mercs are getting going up against numerous Elites. The Elites I believe are due to the early aggressive counter-attacks (although I don't understand why so many are showing up in garrisons with my low chance of that and the start having no progress pre Drassen) and the review of CTHconstants.ini I saw suggest that those factors just mentioned are the key reason for low M.E.R.C. mercs and my purposefully less over-powering IMPs being ineffective, since XP is key factor, and so are injury AND fatigue. So combine that with lesser skill, some with poor dexterity (Raffi's DEX ouch!), and that also jives with my noticing that once they hit EXP LEVEL 2 they seem considerably more effective even if only 1 marksmanship better.

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355189 is a reply to message #355155] Sun, 30 September 2018 19:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
gougluinn is currently offline gougluinn

Registered:September 2018
you can put hk g11 pistol in large pistol holster but if you attach silencer you can't put. this is not a case with other pistols.
after you put g11 on large pistol holster you can attach silencer big grin

[Updated on: Sun, 30 September 2018 19:28]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355190 is a reply to message #355189] Sun, 30 September 2018 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
That's not a bug. The G11 PDW is too large to fit into a pistol holster if a silencer is attached. Use an MP holster instead.
The ability to attach a silencer after placing the gun into the pistol holster is an exploit that is not high priority to fix.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355258 is a reply to message #355190] Sat, 06 October 2018 22:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Donlol is currently offline Donlol
Registered:October 2018
Hey! It's my first post, but I've been lurking and playing this mod for a couple of years at this point.

And to the point - I'm on Depri's 8626 build and I can't find a way to train mobile militia... Was the way you train them changed at some point (that I must have missed)?
In the "Train" Menu I can only train workers, and in the "Militia" menu I can either "Train new militia" or "Drill militia", I don't see the option to "Train mobile militia" anywhere.
I thought that maybe it was changed so that you need to use facilities, or you can maybe train the militia in a specific sector of a town, but I tried all the sectors and facilities in Drassen and I can't see an option to train the mobile cannon fodder anywhere.

I'm playing with customized JA_Options, but after swapping that file with a "fresh" one from the package the problem still exists.
Am I just blind, or is something borked in that build?

I can't upload pics to the forum, so I uploaded two screenshots to dropbox:

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355259 is a reply to message #355258] Sat, 06 October 2018 22:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
"Mobile Militia" doesn't exist anymore as you are probably used to. Removal of this old feature was announced here. You can still move around militia which is explained here.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355261 is a reply to message #355259] Sat, 06 October 2018 23:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Donlol is currently offline Donlol
Registered:October 2018
Ouch, I missed that change. Thanks for clearing that up for me happy

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355266 is a reply to message #354736] Mon, 08 October 2018 00:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
brithunter wrote on Fri, 07 September 2018 08:03
NIWIADGaming wrote on Sun, 01 July 2018 03:10
So guys, I've got a savegame here that well... sometimes cause a crash if you follow exactly what I did:

(I've just conquered the SAM site near Drassen)
- Go to tactical screen
- Get the TNT to Dimitri's hand
- Arm it for any amount of turns (I've tested with 2 and 4, and it crashes anyway)
- Close the tactical inventory Screen
- Voilà, it crashes as the screenshot shows

I am also getting this crash, it seems to be most (if not all) explosives that you Arm and equip cause the same runtime error as you described. I tested with TnT, HMX, C1 and C4 with a mix of different Detonators on with both Barry and an IMP merc. I am also running on v8573 with no mods and can confirm the crash still happens on a fresh install.

Fixed in r8628.

I know now that it could never work between us, as much as we wanted to, it could never be! Not because you're a rabbit, but because you're black.

If you want, you can donate to me. This will not affect how and what I code, and I will not code specific features in return. I will be thankful though.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355276 is a reply to message #341931] Mon, 08 October 2018 20:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Parkan is currently offline Parkan

Registered:April 2010
Location: Russia,Sevastopol

Ok.So i found some new bugs on fresh revision and some bugs which goes very long time and they looks maybe like some misunderstandings
Fresh bugs:
1.During tactical battle if player use a handgrenade versus enemy, hited enemy sometime can drop down normally,but more often enemy drops to ground and then almost instantly get up like he was not hit.
2.same thing goes with suppression.When supressed enemy sit in fear and use animation of cowering,the next suppression attack or succefuly hitted attack enemy can stand up like he was not in fear.

A bugs which seems not a bug or maybe feature:
1.Ja2option.ini setting Soldier wear all armor seems accelerate coolnes of armors for enemy in big nubmers.Example:Start playing on insane or even on easy with normal progress of items choices.progress 0/0 enemy soldiers have coolnes armors of level 1-2,in rare occasions level 3-4(army have flak jakets and some time kevlar vest and leggins,elite have from kevlar to twaron gear).progress 5/5 or 10/10 or first sector when player attack first city.Army have some assort of kevlar,twaron,flak jakets and etc,elites have twaron,spectra sometime swat and dyneema.but in all occasions army and elites have more or less accurate balance in weapons(so army have 1-2 coolnes weapons,elite 2-3-4 coolnes weapons.
Playing with turned off option of Soldiers wear all armors made enemy easy target and enemy and elites even in progress 20/20 doesnt have a strong armor,they got armor of level 1-2 coolnes,but in weapon they rise greater than armor.

2.Reveal all items after battle seems work little incorrect.Example:We start a tactical fight in wilderness killed few enemy but don't close to their bodies.using cheat for example we can see that they drop some stuff.if don't use cheats and make autoresolve battle those items after battle will not shown on tactical inventory,but when we enter to tactical again and go to bodies whic we killed before we reveal unsaw stuff.

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Master Sergeant
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355279 is a reply to message #355276] Mon, 08 October 2018 21:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR works like it is currently designed. It takes a random armor piece from the available list of armor pieces for soldiers/militia. The intended coolness level for that soldier class up to coolness 10 is the limit. For redshirts and elites the intended coolness level has a base of 3 and 5. So if we look at an elite for example it is no surprise that he can get Twaron or Spectra armor. I think it would make more sense to limit the range to 1 up to intended coolness but that may leave some soldiers "naked" and SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR is supposed to do the exact opposite.

REVEAL_DROPPED_ENEMY_ITEMS_AFTER_COMBAT only works when the sector is loaded. That means not in auto resolve.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355281 is a reply to message #355279] Mon, 08 October 2018 23:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
Also note that the intent for ALWAYS_WEAR_ARMOR was for it to be used with item mods that greatly increase the variety of low level armor, down to just wearing uniforms in the armor slots. It is naturally somewhat unbalanced if all you have is the choice of Kevlar or Spectra.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355282 is a reply to message #355279] Mon, 08 October 2018 23:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Parkan is currently offline Parkan

Registered:April 2010
Location: Russia,Sevastopol

SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR even with slow progress choices or very slow make most elite soldiers and sometime army soldiers get high grade armor on first city approach.without this option soldiers most of the time regardless of progress choices got naked.
Also note that the intent for ALWAYS_WEAR_ARMOR was for it to be used with item mods that greatly increase the variety of low level armor, down to just wearing uniforms in the armor slots. It is naturally somewhat unbalanced if all you have is the choice of Kevlar or Spectra.

I play even with stock 1.13 and AFS mod.AFS mod have a little low variety of armors,but i edited all armors in those mods to be more progressively.Leather jacket coolnes -1?field uniform coolnes -2,flak jacket coolnes 3 and etc.So in theory how i suppose,playing with normal item choices,with SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR suppose to drop armor of coolnes on current progress or at least on 1-2 level of coolnes higher.

PS.I think all this stuff of equipment distirbution for enemy in this game is really a mess.

[Updated on: Mon, 08 October 2018 23:23]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355289 is a reply to message #355282] Tue, 09 October 2018 09:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
Changing coolness of items doesn't add them to the pool of available items for soldiers. You need to put them in the ItemChoices_xxx files. Then the game can select from a broader range of items. Still with SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR = TRUE the method of item selection will use a max coolness of 10 so you may still get Spectra and the like in the first fight.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355292 is a reply to message #355289] Tue, 09 October 2018 12:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Parkan is currently offline Parkan

Registered:April 2010
Location: Russia,Sevastopol

Sorry for misunderstanding.I also add all possible armors to item choices for enemy.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355458 is a reply to message #341931] Sat, 27 October 2018 04:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinistein is currently offline Sinistein
Registered:October 2018
I've been trying to figure a fix to this. No go though. Issue is this:

When starting a new game, only 10 options are provided, "extra difficulty" being the last one available.

There's no "enemies drop all" option.

Any idea why?


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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355459 is a reply to message #355458] Sat, 27 October 2018 09:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Sinistein wrote on Sat, 27 October 2018 06:12
I've been trying to figure a fix to this. No go though. Issue is this:

When starting a new game, only 10 options are provided, "extra difficulty" being the last one available.

There's no "enemies drop all" option.

Any idea why?


Ongoing redesign: start options/ini/ingame options

Left this community.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355462 is a reply to message #355459] Sat, 27 October 2018 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
With SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR = FALSE, do the enemies ever wear any armor?

I'm at very low progress, but I've never seen an enemy wear any helmet or armor in a long time, thru many campaigns, although I usually start over in each before I get 1/4 owned. Will the early Enemies ever wear armor with the setting at FALSE?



I've been having the oddest issue whenever I do not choose the 1024x768 resolution. For a few minutes I thought the 1280x960 didn't have the issue, but it does. I have added the latest Registry Hack method that SilverSurfer mentioned in one of the Bob's threads, but have not yet tried the WineDLLs,since performance seems excellent and I can even see all the intro videos fine.

But on 1280x960, 1440x900, 1600x900 I get the following issue. I have a 1920 x 1080 display, it is an LCD TV. What I like about it is that the other display sizes for JA2 all end up being it's actual pixel size perfectly centered within the display. So nothing else changes in relative size, there is no interpolation, and everything is true down to the pixel. I mention that even though I'm using full screen. Also, even if I change the actual displayed desktop size first to the actual JA2 display resolution chosen, it does the same thing.

GRAPHICAL ISSUE: If I scroll all the way from the top to the bottom of the screen of say, North Drassen or South Drassen, then all the way to the left (hitting it so it bumps up against the limit and then back), I will find that the RED X for blocking terrain is often 1 tile off, shown in the NW tile instead. The Merc moves on what seems to be the terrain, but the RED X is one tile NW of the actual TREE that blocks, or the Soda Machine that blocks.

It seems to happen as you scroll far enough. Happens in day or night. You can really see it very well in N Drassen with Pablo's Building with the crates in it and the wall around the crates to the West. The white walls will move as I scroll about.

I use Vsync On, I have an Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti. It never happens in 1024x768. I don't see this error, that I can tell, in Strategic or the Laptop, mouse cursor even in tactical does line up correctly. Just the RED X blocing, suggesting that the pathing is not corresponding with the actual display. I can also see some screen tear at a certain transition as I scroll down or up the map, as if the map has shifted one tile mostly to the left as I scroll downward. In N Drassen I will see 2 sets of each wall, seemingly shifted as a duplicate about 5 to 6 pixels upward.

I'm going to try with Vsync Off next. But in the past with JA2, having Vsync On avoided issues. The Vsync I am using was Nvidia's Control Panel, so forced thru Nvidia.

If you can suggest a working solution, I'd be much obliged. As otherwise, it sure is great to see more of the tactical map since it reduces the need to scroll the map.


I am so far unable to reproduce the problem in 1280x960, so that is interesting. I'll fool with it some more. Might just be having Vsync ON is now a negative at resolutions other than 1024x768, how to you like that !?

[Updated on: Sat, 27 October 2018 12:37]

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355469 is a reply to message #355462] Sat, 27 October 2018 13:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
Of course enemies wear armor but it depends on progress and enemy type. At game start they haven't got many items to choose from and armor distribution has only a random chance. I always play with SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR = FALSE and I get enough armor items from enemies during a campaign. Of course I also buy specific armor pieces from BR if I don't want to wait for them to drop.
And of course I also have DROP_ALL = TRUE set. ;-)

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355674 is a reply to message #355469] Mon, 05 November 2018 11:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018

VSYNC OFF definitely seemed to get rid of the graphical issues in larger resolutions than 1024x768, but went back to 1024x768 because seemed an occasional odd speed up might have been causing crashes in Raids, etc. But will try zombies off this time and see.

8633 seems very stable so far in 1024x768 with VSync ON, and more loading screens with new hints are good to see.



I know I used to get some drops of armor in the older SCIs, probably in the very early 8000s, once I had taken on the SAM site or the second city, so I'll check for that.

I always use SOLDIERS_ALWAYS_WEAR_ANY_ARMOR = FALSE and DROP_ALL = FALSE, but so far I've not seen any armor showing on the ALT key mouseover, but it is very early, and most of the last 4 campaign starts I started over because of rampant Hostile Sector issues.

For this last campaign in 8633, I have Zombies set Off (which I found was in the Preferences area in-game), Raids On, and I'm seeing the new Machine Pistols in Omerta on enemies, as per the Lev Arris early nme equipment. (The idea is to avoid as much as possible any likely cause of Hostile Sector nonsense.) Also, the bonuses you can give in the Difficulties XML and JA2Options.INI are now more specific. So I reduced the enemy CTH base penalty and so forth to -15, and Militia plus Mercs have plus 15. Meanwhile I've got mostly Aggressive A.I. for the Queen, but said no to After First Battle Queen wakes up. Still found Elites in Omerta, but not too bad, it is a customized easy Campaign (basically Easy/Experienced with more Queen Reserves and Aggressive A.I. plus patrols w/reinforcements, and possible static Jeep/Tanks in all situations. With the newer Flugente LUA Merchants starting gear in Omerta (and later Drassen) and a bump up of $5000 to Starting Cash of $50,000, I should be able to handle the early game even if Hostile Sectors shows up. The one adjustment is to realize that I need a few with AutoWeapons Skill, but drops of Machine Pistols or Small SMGs should be easy enough, and I already have now 2 Type-85's, one from Flo's gear, one from early LUA merchant. Combined with some nice PPSH drum ammo drops (too bad I had to shoot him at range to avoid risk), I have great supply of 7.62 x25 mm AP for the Type-85s. Bad news is that until Lance arrives (who I made AutoWeapons as well -- and yeah he sort of stinks under pressure anyway), it is Kaboom using the Type-85 or maybe MD.

I'll upgrade to the new diagonal, jump movement upgrades soon, but not sure that web page was being blocked that you listed the newer 8635 on your site, so may wait for next SCI. As long as I can upgrade the current saves, no issue.

[Updated on: Mon, 05 November 2018 12:06]

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355676 is a reply to message #355674] Mon, 05 November 2018 12:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
ZedJA2 wrote on Mon, 05 November 2018 10:56

I'll upgrade to the new diagonal, jump movement upgrades soon, but not sure that web page was being blocked that you listed the newer 8635 on your site, so may wait for next SCI. As long as I can upgrade the current saves, no issue.

Unfortunately the JA2 SVN uses a self-signed certificate so all browsers will display a warning message. You can ignore this browser warning or wait for the next SCI - your choice.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355717 is a reply to message #355676] Thu, 08 November 2018 02:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mai Ti Miao is currently offline Mai Ti Miao

Registered:November 2018
Greetings everyone happy

Been away for years so i had quite the blast reading up on all the new features you created during the past years. Thanks a lot and big kudos to all involved thumbs up

While setting up the game for my first play, i came across a small tooltip/display issue and a bug:

-) JA2 113 = r8633
Actually modded to AFS (latest), but i checked Vanilla 113 as well.

The tooltip of the Radio Operator still says, that s/he can call in Arty Strikes ; haven't tested yet ingame, but since noone ever complained, i assume all is good.

2) M.E.R.C. mercs equipment
When hiring M.E.R.C. mercs, a pop-up asks whether their equipment shall be bought. Clicking Yes hires them with their equipment, but doesn't deduct money from the players account, thus resulting in free stuff.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355729 is a reply to message #355717] Thu, 08 November 2018 13:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018

For #2: Basically AIM charges up front, M.E.R.C. charges later upon Settling Accounts:

M.E.R.C. Merc Equipment/Gear is charged, but you only pay for it when you Settle Accounts on the M.E.R.C. site.

You can choose the Accounts Button from the site and pay at the time of your choosing OR you will be eventually contacted by Speck about the need to pay via Email or next time you visit the site, if you have not settled accounts after a certain period of time. Eventually there may be more significant consequences, which I will not describe to retain some enjoyment for you.

I apologize for not remembering this, as this was one I should have remembered.

By the way, I did test it out for getting no gear, or getting some gear, and the Accounts Info on the M.E.R.C. site adjusted correctly in SCI 8633 build, and I believe it has been right in every version I tried. As for in a mod, not certain. You'll have to check that, if you have not already at the Accounts on M.E.R.C. site.

[Updated on: Thu, 08 November 2018 14:49]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355742 is a reply to message #355729] Fri, 09 November 2018 01:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mai Ti Miao is currently offline Mai Ti Miao

Registered:November 2018
ZedJA2 wrote on Thu, 08 November 2018 12:30

M.E.R.C. Merc Equipment/Gear is charged, but you only pay for it when you Settle Accounts on the M.E.R.C. site.

Thanks, indeed it's working happy

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355760 is a reply to message #355742] Fri, 09 November 2018 20:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Igor found what looks like a path bug

I think it's the bug that causes endless clock on maps with fences with obstacles placed next to them.
Tested in Wildfire 6.07 with JA2_r8635.exe

[Updated on: Fri, 09 November 2018 20:33]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355774 is a reply to message #355760] Sat, 10 November 2018 12:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
Interesting bug. This only applies to north direction. It doesn't apply to any other jump direction and isn't related to trees in particular. I'll take a look.

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355779 is a reply to message #355774] Sat, 10 November 2018 16:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:May 2009
Wow, THAT was some ancient bug. Fixed in r8640.

The correctly calculated travel cost of 253 (TRAVELCOST_OBSTACLE) for the obstacle tile 9686 was overwritten later with 0 (TRAVELCOST_NONE). Nasty...

Wildfire Maps Mod 6.07 on SVN: https://ja2svn.mooo.com/source/ja2/branches/Wanne/JA2%201.13%20Wildfire%206.06%20-%20Maps%20MOD

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355786 is a reply to message #355779] Sun, 11 November 2018 09:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
Forgive me for betraying such excitement, but this next build is going to be so cool with all the bugfixes you guys have found. Fantastic! And probably with more found every week, yay!

[Updated on: Sun, 11 November 2018 09:30]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355797 is a reply to message #355266] Sun, 11 November 2018 19:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
brithunter is currently offline brithunter
Registered:September 2018
Flugente wrote on Mon, 08 October 2018 00:00
brithunter wrote on Fri, 07 September 2018 08:03
NIWIADGaming wrote on Sun, 01 July 2018 03:10
So guys, I've got a savegame here that well... sometimes cause a crash if you follow exactly what I did:

(I've just conquered the SAM site near Drassen)
- Go to tactical screen
- Get the TNT to Dimitri's hand
- Arm it for any amount of turns (I've tested with 2 and 4, and it crashes anyway)
- Close the tactical inventory Screen
- Voilà, it crashes as the screenshot shows

I am also getting this crash, it seems to be most (if not all) explosives that you Arm and equip cause the same runtime error as you described. I tested with TnT, HMX, C1 and C4 with a mix of different Detonators on with both Barry and an IMP merc. I am also running on v8573 with no mods and can confirm the crash still happens on a fresh install.

Fixed in r8628.

Could someone please confirm this in the latest build? I downloaded r8628 over a month ago but still got the same crash, but only in combat this time.
I have no access to a computer at this time so cant test it myself, but if this bug is fully fixed that'll warrant getting another PC.

On a side note how does JA2 1.13 work with Windows 10?

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355993 is a reply to message #355797] Mon, 26 November 2018 05:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Strange pathing: instead of using the shortest path, the game prefers longer path which includes fence jumping.

Tested with Wildfire 6.07, r8641.
It looks like if fence tile is located in straight line between merc and target gridno, the game considers jumping unavoidable and drops all paths without jumping.

[Updated on: Mon, 26 November 2018 14:06]

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #355994 is a reply to message #355993] Mon, 26 November 2018 12:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LatZee is currently offline LatZee

Registered:December 2015
Not quite a bug, but maybe attached versions of folding/retracting stocks on weapons should have coolness lowered from 5 (or even removed all together) now that they are default part of many weapons. That way if your Spy is carrying around some obsolete piece of shit from the time of Julius Caesar that just happens to have a folding stock, the enemies won't go all "Halt intruder! We recognize you because of that marvel of hypermodern technology in your hands" cheeky

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #356002 is a reply to message #355994] Tue, 27 November 2018 07:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:January 2018
I'd agree with LatZee. From what I can tell, there are a lot of folding/retracting stocks already on weapons, coming with them. There was for a while the problem with being able to attach some on weapons that had them built-in. They aren't really that great in practice, from the little experience I have with them. They have a malus and a bonus. You can go around with your weapon raised causing no issues while walking which negates most of the benefit of these stocks. So what really is the huge benefit for such a folding/retracting stock. Is that enough to warrant such a high coolness? Arguably you might choose to never install any, since they often decrease CTH.

However, and this is a realism question, you don't tend to see many normal people having folding/retracting stocks on their weapons, unless they are mercs or mafioso or terrorists or criminals. So, given that, I think it would cause enemies to be more easily alerted to your gear as being suspicious.

[Updated on: Tue, 27 November 2018 07:35]

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #356086 is a reply to message #356002] Sun, 02 December 2018 21:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2012
Location: Russian Federation
Another path problem: the game incorrectly shows reachable path (yellow/orange/red steps for various stances), especially when plotting diagonal path. Actual path cost calculation works ok as far as I can tell.

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Re: Bugs: Unofficial releases (SCI's), unstable and DEV builds[message #356115 is a reply to message #352508] Fri, 07 December 2018 11:29 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
freshxx is currently offline freshxx

Registered:December 2018
Flugente wrote on Wed, 21 February 2018 22:48
@Gopas (and likely other people who have also mentioned this):

r8524: Fix: on low resolutions, the message log blocks parts of the inventory,so deactivate the log in that case.


Hey there! Sorry for bringing the old thing up, but i have the same problem here, propably thats the flaw of my monitor, but i have trouble playing in higher resolutions, so my comfortable one is 1024x600.

How do i exactly disable the message log? Could not find the option i need in the ini menu.

Thank you!

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