Home » MODDING HQ 1.13 » v1.13 Modding, Customising, Editing » v1.13 XML Customization » 1.13 Xml Editing
1.13 Xml Editing[message #73497] Fri, 09 September 2005 03:56 Go to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
Post all your 1.13 mod xml usage and editing questions here, along with any instructions and hints for editing, or any neat things you've figured out how to do.

Once there are enough, we can create a nice FAQ document or something. :animread:

If you know of a good, free XML editor, you can post a link for that here too.



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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73498] Fri, 09 September 2005 04:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
I'd answer this myself, but I'm still at work. In Cities.xml, can we say extend Drassen to the SAM site by just updating the table rows at the bottom?

Or would that require coding as well?

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73499] Fri, 09 September 2005 04:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
Great. First question, and I can't answer it. That's the one file I don't know anything about :whoknows: (It's from the CVS code)

I'd guess that you could, but don't hold me to that.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73500] Fri, 09 September 2005 05:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
Ok Question #2, only 50 weapons in weapons.xml... IS that a design restriction, or a time restriction?

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73501] Fri, 09 September 2005 07:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Majek is currently offline Majek

Registered:January 2003
Location: Slovenia
first this i great.

second . where can i modify the ap needed for bursting. g11 has 11 AP for burst and i don't like that. Sad

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73502] Fri, 09 September 2005 07:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada

While the weapon #s should match the item #s (although, technically, I guess they don't need to anymore), there don't need to be entries for non-weapon items. There are some empty, ignored entries at the end too.

Likewise, there are only 350 entries currently in items xml even though it can go up to 5000, and ~200 entries in attachments.xml even though that one can go up to 30,000 (yes, you can now have 30,000 attachment entries, instead of 182 in 1.12 with wedit Smile ) For simplicity, I just set most of the max # of entries equal to the MAXITEMS constant ( = 5000 ) in the code. We can increase them if need be.


Weapons.xml - look for the ubShotsPer4Turns stat in the G11 entry. Increasing this number will reduce the number of APs required to shoot the weapon, and vice versa. Both burst and single fire are controlled by this number.


Please note that changes to the xml files (except cities.xml, I'm not sure about that one), should take effect as soon as you've saved them and (re)started the ja2.exe. So any minor changes should not require starting a new game or anything.

Major changes, like moving items from one slot to another, can cause weirdness. For instance, if you move items from one slot to another, your items in your savegames will change to different things, and the items appearing on the maps may change too.

I also recommend against deleting items. Some things, like IMP starting gear, enemy equipment (including LAWs and GLs), and quest items are still dependent on certain items being in their original places. Replacing items with similar items should be okay though.

This restriction will be lessened somewhat in a future version, after I have figured out a way to externalize enemy and IMP equipment.

Of course, you should feel free to add as many new items as you wish.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73503] Fri, 09 September 2005 07:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
Doh, I got my question all screwed up lol.

What I meant, was in the EnemyGunCHoices.xml, there are only 50 items #1-50.

Do they not match the Items.xml? Or is that just the default data and you never added more to it?

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73504] Fri, 09 September 2005 07:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada

Ah. The uiIndex here doesn't match the items.xml, the bItemNo(1-50) attributes match the uiIndex in Items.xml. So each index has 50 gun choices.

In the original EnemyGunChoices in the code, there were less than 10 choices available. I extended it to fifty. I didn't go further because I got tired of typing (and my C++ skills are very poor when it comes to string parsing).

Keep in mind that there are 50 choices per weapon type (index), and there are 11 indexes, so that's room for 550 guns (and this file is just guns).

If it's not enough, we can extend it pretty easily.

We're stuck with 11 indexes though, unless we want to do some (maybe serious) work to extend it.

The uiIndex in this file (and only in this file) matches the following categories:

0 - low powered pistols
1 - high powered pistols/shtgn
2 - low SMGs/shtgn
3 - low rifles
4 - high SMGs
5 - medium rifles
6 - sniper rifles
7 - high rifles
8 - best rifles
9 - machine guns
10- rocket rifles / machine guns

Basically, it's least dangerous to most dangerous.

uiIndex: In general, think of this as the primary key / unique index for each entry in a given file.

The weapons.xml / explosives.xml / armours.xml / magazines.xml / etc. uiIndexes are matched to the ubClassIndex in Items.xml. (Even though it's prefixed with "ub", ubClassIndex is a UINT16 in the code)

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73505] Fri, 09 September 2005 08:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
ok I misread the file then, I was thinking 50 total spread across 11 indexes. Seemed kind of limiting to me but now I understand it's more than anyone could possibly need Smile

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73506] Fri, 09 September 2005 16:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Snap is currently offline Snap

Registered:September 2000
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I have not so much a question as a request: I am guessing that you were using some kind of automation to extract most of this information into XML files. Could you please make a set of data files from the original Gold source, so that we have it as a reference? I could do that myself, but it will take me a lot longer to track down all this data and figure out how to extract it.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73507] Fri, 09 September 2005 22:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
Alot of it was in the code... And some of it had been previously removed to weapons.dat. I'm not sure anything but the sounds and sti's were in external files, but I could be wrong.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73508] Fri, 09 September 2005 22:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Majek is currently offline Majek

Registered:January 2003
Location: Slovenia
Originally posted by Madd Mugsy:
Weapons.xml - look for the ubShotsPer4Turns stat in the G11 entry. Increasing this number will reduce the number of APs required to shoot the weapon, and vice versa. Both burst and single fire are controlled by this number.
tnx. but it's still not really what i wanted. see G11 used to be special as it had 7 ap so single shot andonly 8 for3 round burst unlike other guns. now it gets 3 points extra for burst like every other gun and has 7 AP for single shot and 11 for burst. changing the rate of fire doesn't really affect that the way i want as it still had xAP for single shot and x+4AP for burst.
i wonder how could they make G11 so special as if i remember correctly that couldn't be changed with WeDit either but at least here there was no need to change it. :sadyellow: oh well.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73509] Sat, 10 September 2005 03:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada

They hard coded it. There was a section in the code that said:

if ( usItem == G11 )
    APs = 3;
// do calculation ...
I took it out since it seemed kinda weird. There were a few sections like this, and I took the G11 if-statement out of all of them, since it isn't _that_ much different than the other guns.

I think the G11 is more of a full-auto rifle anyway, so you could just increase the bAutofireShotsPerFiveAP stat, and have it use less APs on auto (you can still shoot just 3 bullets on auto).

I'm reluctant to make it overly different, since there are better guns out there.


Everything that's been externalized was either in the code (99%) or BRAYDESC.edt and ITEMDESC.edt (1%).

Externalizing the original arrays is not something I forsee myself having time for in the near future. If you've got the code to compile, I can tell you how to do it though; it's not that hard.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73510] Sat, 10 September 2005 03:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
I'm gonna try to get the new code to compile tonight, Not sure what the problem is exactly, I just have to track down all the linking errors. You can go ahead and post instructions though if you want and me or someone else can do it at our leisure.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73511] Sat, 10 September 2005 03:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Majek is currently offline Majek

Registered:January 2003
Location: Slovenia
i see. tnx .
i'll play with bAutofireShotsPerFiveAP stat then an hope that when using auto t my mercs won't have many mishaps while firing, like burstin 30 bullets instead of 3 Very Happy

it might not be the best but it's my favorite Very Happy

oh, did you change anything about 4.7mm ammo g11 uses?

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73512] Sat, 10 September 2005 05:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada

oh, did you change anything about 4.7mm ammo g11 uses?

I'll post instructions later this afternoon.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73513] Sat, 10 September 2005 07:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Majek is currently offline Majek

Registered:January 2003
Location: Slovenia
Originally posted by Madd Mugsy:

oh, did you change anything about 4.7mm ammo g11 uses?
good. i was afraid you ruined the gun even more.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73514] Sat, 10 September 2005 08:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
@ Majek
Once you figure out the .xml editing you can change any stat that doesn't suit you. Don't worry about whatever change is made here. If you don't like it, change it back. Just remember to keep the original unaltered files you change in a seperate folder in case you do something that causes a ripple effect through the weaponmod you work on.


I just noticed that you have to change all relevant .xmls to the item you are trying to change. I have just started working with the new data and was alarmed that although I had completely revamped the weapons by changing the ammo strings, magazines and both the weapons .dat file and the weapons .xml file as well as changing the ITEMSDESC.EDT and BRAYDESC.EDT I still had all the original names of items appear when I went to playtest.
It seems you not only have to change the descriptions in these files but also the Items.xml.
Or maybe that's the only one you need to change now?

Anyway, don't be alarmed if you're descriptions don't appear. Just change the Items.xml and everything should be groovy.


If I go to add more magazines (there aren't enough of them when I overwrite the ones in you're .xmls) what uiIndex number should I use to start the new magazines?
I'm afraid of 'bumping' into other data if I just use the next available number (uiIndex#64). Should I be?

And thank you for this awesome set of docs!

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73515] Sat, 10 September 2005 09:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
ITEMSDESC.EDT and BRAYDESC.EDT are now obsolete. That info is now pulled from Items.xml. I had to render them obsolete to break the 350 item limit.

Weapons.dat and cities.dat are also obsolete.

You can safely start adding new magazine uiIndexes after the existing ones (up to 5000). The magazine uiIndex should be referenced by the item in its ubClassIndex field in Items.xml.

One thing to watch out for: future versions of this mod will make use of uiIndex #s immediately following the ones there. But if you're completely overwriting all the existing magazines, you probably won't care about getting the latest magazines.xml anyway.

I'll be sure to make a lot of noise if/when the xml files need to change, as that will impact users more than new entries.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73516] Sat, 10 September 2005 10:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
Still I think a good practice, would be to not only skip ahead in uiIndex #'s for mods so that new additions don't overwrite yours, but to also post the range you plan on using, this way, if you're adding and not modifying, multiple weapon mods could be combined together a bit easier.

Also, since all of this data is now externalized and in easy to use xml format, a nifty utility to modify/merge them using VB or Delphi would be cake and probably not too time consuming for anyone who becomes familiar with editing them Smile Not to mention, but it would make modifying the game even easier than it is now.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73517] Sat, 10 September 2005 11:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
I agree that starting a 1000 or some other documented range is a good idea. But for now, you won't be able to assign items above 350 to mercs using proedit (since it pulls from the itemdesc.edt).

It would be soooo easy to make a nice xml editor tool for these files in VB.NET. Just read in the xml files with dataset.readxml, make your changes, and write them back out with dataset.writexml and you're done Smile You could even save the dataset to a database, or get really fancy and make a web-based tool that could let people share item stats and pics. I wanted to do a simple one before the last release, but there just isn't enough time in the day.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73518] Sat, 10 September 2005 11:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
You mean I can use uiIndex#64 and any consecutive numbers above this?
I don't understand how this is possible if the index number refers to all items. Are you saying then that there is a seperate set of numbers for each .xml that don't 'string' into the next set of items? In other words, in the old editors, if you used certain number slots you were overwriting items you weren't intending on.

Sorry for being obtuse I just want to be clear on this so it doesn't cause me to do alot of work twice.

I think a future possible solution might be to use the first thousand for weapons, the next thousand for ammo, the next thousand for explosives, etc. This way you can group all items of certain type together with plenty of blank slot for new ones. Of course this would only make sense to do if the 350 limit was somehow taken from Proedit. For now, the way it's being done is the only way.

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Sergeant Major
Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73519] Sat, 10 September 2005 14:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
Yes and yes.

The uiIndex is a unique identifier for each file. It's actually the spot of the C++ array that the xml entry goes into. Each xml file goes into a different array, so there's no overlap.

So you don't need to worry about making all the uiIndexes different between files. Think of each xml file as a different table in a database. Each table has a primary key (uiIndex) that identifies each row (entry) in the table.

You also don't need to make all the uiIndexes 1000 in magazines.xml, 2000 in weapons.xml, 3000 in explosives.xml, etc. You could just group all your stuff together in the 1000 range, since each file is a separate array.

And you shouldn't use 1000 for weapons, 2000 for ammo, etc. in Items.xml because you'd need to have empty filler items between the filled entries or the game will think it's hit the end of the array. (To speed up the game, I made it stop looking through the items array once it hits an item with an item class of zero) Empty filler items will very quickly increase the file size without any benefit, besides organization. We're better off building some kind of database solution to organize the entries if we really need to.

So, in summary, just pick a starting number for all your entries in all your files. But make sure your items.xml entries are contiguous and there are empty filler ('nada') items between item 350 and your starting item entry.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73520] Sat, 10 September 2005 15:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
If I use an item slot above 350 Proedit will not be able to recognize it. Right? My next (maybe stupid) question is are there any other files that will not recognize it?
I'm asking because I'm afraid if I use items 351 and on the Enemies and militia won't be able to use them. Now certain items wouldn't be a problem but if the ai wouldn't assign some ammo to enemies this could be a disaster.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73521] Sat, 10 September 2005 15:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
I beleive Proedit is the main problem. Because we don't have the source code for it, we'd have to hack it and while that's entirely possible, proedit will be obsolete before we're forced to do that. The code reads in the items from the xml file, so anything in the code, including the AI should be able to use the new items.

But you can't assign 350+ items to mercs or the Imp merc as of yet, because the prof.dat files haven't been externalized and require Proedit.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73522] Sat, 10 September 2005 16:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
If it doesn't cause any other problems and only keeps you from fully using the items feature in Proedit that's o.k. But my main concern is if the 351st item is unusable by Enemies.

If this isn't the case, that's great.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73523] Sat, 10 September 2005 19:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Snap is currently offline Snap

Registered:September 2000
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Originally posted by Madd Mugsy:
I think the G11 is more of a full-auto rifle anyway, so you could just increase the bAutofireShotsPerFiveAP stat, and have it use less APs on auto (you can still shoot just 3 bullets on auto).

I'm reluctant to make it overly different, since there are better guns out there.
G11 is different (in r/l). And in the game it fits nicely as a weapon with unique properties. But in weapons.xml its bBaseAutofireCost is already set to 0. If it still takes 11 APs per burst, then something is wrong.

Externalizing the original arrays is not something I forsee myself having time for in the near future. If you've got the code to compile, I can tell you how to do it though; it's not that hard.
OK, no problem. I just thought that you might have some stand-alone tools that you were using when extracting this info. Anyway, any tips would be appreciated.

As for Proedit, since we now know the format of prof.dat, nothing stops us from making a new Proedit. It would be nice if someone made a GUI proggy, but in a pinch I could make a pair of command-line tools to convert between the encrypted data in prof.dat and an xml file.

Maps are still a problem though. Map editors are becoming increasingly incompatible with 1.13, and unless we get the editor working, there's little we can do about it.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73524] Sun, 11 September 2005 03:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003

but in a pinch I could make a pair of command-line tools to convert between the encrypted data in prof.dat and an xml file.
If you did that, then we could start using the XML file instead of Prof.dat and would speed up some progress in other areas as well. I'd consider that a huge contribution right about now Smile

Same thing with Imp.dat would be nice too Razz


Maps are still a problem though. Map editors are becoming increasingly incompatible with 1.13, and unless we get the editor working, there's little we can do about it.
It's towards the top of my todo list, I was having issues with getting the editor code to compile and work. And it looks like I need to extract all the maps in the maps folder for it to work, for some reason, but I decided to work on a few smaller projects first, and try to track down some of the uglier pre-1.13 bugs now. But again, it's in the top 5 of my projects list.

Like I told Mugsy, I have a very ambitious goal here, and I KNOW that I can't do it all by myself, at least not in any reasonable amount of time, but I would like to get JA2 as close as possible to NWN's style of editability and shared community content. We have ALL the tools we need for this, we just have to improve on them and put in alot of work. We definitely need a few more coders and some version control sooner than later.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73525] Sun, 11 September 2005 07:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
Assigning a magazine with a uiIndex number of 64 (in the Magazines.xml) causes a Runtime Error.

Does this mean there is still a cap on how many magazine types we can have or did I really misunderstand something?
The confusion might be that although the uiIndex number goes from 0 to 63 in the Magazines.xml, in the Items.xml ammo doesn't start until uiIndex 71 and keeps going until uiIndex130 now this implies that there are 59 available ammo slots to cover every magazine size of each ammo type.

Is this correct?

If not, which item slots are appropriate for new ammo types? Should I just start at 351?

I know my confusion stems from the way the data was originally stacked by the developers. I'm wondering if it is now o.k. to just overwrite any item I want with a new ammo size/type so I don't go outside the 350 limit in Proedit?

The next item in the list is a stun grenade (uiIndex131), I imagagine when I went to add a new clip using uiIndex#64 (in Magazines.xml) it tried to access the stun grenade then crashed because the characteristics in the Items.xml file were remarkably different than those of an ammo magazine.

I'm sorry if I'm making you're head spin. I need to be able to work with these files and because I have to go back out on the road in a few days am scrambling to get the hang of this.

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Sergeant Major
Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73526] Sun, 11 September 2005 17:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada
See my post above.

The uiIndex ONLY applies to the CURRENT file. The items.xml then points to the other files' uiIndex through the ubClassIndex tag.

You need to have an ammo item, in any given slot, with a ubClassIndex of 64 in order for uiIndex 64 in the Magazines.xml file to work.

You can also see how I did it for the 4.6mm and the 9mm C-mags, which are not in with the other ammo.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73527] Sun, 11 September 2005 22:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Majek is currently offline Majek

Registered:January 2003
Location: Slovenia
what must i do so that C-Mag adapter (9mm) will go on a pistol?
make a whole new item?

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73528] Sun, 11 September 2005 23:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
Thanx Mugsy, and sorry for being a dimwit. That 'splains it.

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Sergeant Major
Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73529] Mon, 12 September 2005 02:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2005
Location: Canada

what must i do so that C-Mag adapter (9mm) will go on a pistol?
make a whole new item?
Because of the way the ammo works in the game, any items that provide a magsizebonus, like the c-mag adapter, must have a total mag size, including the bonus, that matches up to an existing magazine.

So for instance, the 5.56mm adapter has a magsizebonus = 70, so when it's attached to a weapon with magsize = 30, the total is 100 rds, which is how large the c-mags are, so it works.

So, yeah, you'd need to create a new adapter for pistols, with a magsize bonus of 85 (easiest way: just copy/paste the 9mm adapter to an empty item slot and change the magsizebonus). (15 rd pistol mag + 85 rd bonus = 100 rd c-mag)

Afterwards, you need to add the appropriate entries to the attachments.xml to allow the new adapter to attach to the various 9mm pistols.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73530] Mon, 12 September 2005 08:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ

I need to clarify that this pertains to a side project based on Madd Mugsy's mod.

I keep getting a crash to desktop everytime I try to get a 20 round clip of ubCalibre #10 ammo (7.62WP in Mugsy's mod) to eject.

It's weird because all the other ammo works fine so far although I've completely redid the list. It's just that one type that hangs up no matter what gun I put it in using .xml editing.

If anyone has any ideas I'd be much oblidged. I'm back out on the road this week and won't get hardly any time to work on my side project so for the next day it's do or die.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73531] Mon, 12 September 2005 09:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
Using the .xmls, how do I add an integral silencer to an item?

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Sergeant Major
Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73532] Mon, 12 September 2005 11:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
I just found the answer to the question I posted before the last one. When I added files for my mod I just swapped the MdGuns and Mdp1Items files in the interface folder instead of just outright adding my new images one by one over those of Mugsy's mod. I think the problem was when I tried to eject a clip from the weapon I replaced slot 28 with the .exe looked for and couldn't find the corresponding .sti because it is one that mugsy added as an addition instead of overwriting an existing .sti.


I've been plugging at this all day and finally found out why. Curiously enough, the weapon ejected a ammo drum instead of the FAL clip I expected to see?

Well, anyway I guess the moral here is that if you want to replace images do them one at a time instead of trying to swap whole files. I think Mugsy added to the .sti list and if the computer doesn't find any entry for the .sti number it's looking for it will crash.

The really curious thing is that none of the debug or log entries even hinted at this.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73533] Mon, 12 September 2005 22:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
Not all of the code is "Mugsy Debug" Enabled.

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First Sergeant

Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73534] Tue, 13 September 2005 00:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
Just hit another Runtime error. This time after I changed a few of the quest type items like the G11, the AutomagIII and the Rocket Rifles.

I remember these were always problematic with the non externalised data methods of hacking the .exe as well.

I think that maybe the computer looks through items lists and if it doesn't find certain items properly named it crashes. Does this make sense? If so, is there any way around this or do I just have to find a way to leave these items in but somehow figure out how to isloate them from ever being usable?

Any hints or ideas would be appreciated.

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Sergeant Major
Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73535] Tue, 13 September 2005 01:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kaiden is currently offline Kaiden

Registered:September 2003
I noticed some of the code is still referencing the Item Constants that were hard coded, and in some cases (Like the Imp starting Inventory) this still works. Could be that when dealing with quests, it doesn't work.

I'll see if I can find any hard coded references to the quest items and let you know. PS this could potentially also happen with the Letter that your first Imp starts with.

For now, just steer clear of them, and I'll do what I can to fix this for you. This will also make it much easier for modders to modify quests.

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Re: 1.13 Xml Editing[message #73536] Tue, 13 September 2005 01:44 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Khor1255 is currently offline Khor1255

Registered:August 2003
Location: Pleasantville, NJ
That would possibly be the inroad to part of what we need to figure out to really change quests around. I know you're plate is quite full already but it would be awesome if you could look into this in the next few weeks. My productivity in this area is about to drop way down because I have to go back out on the road this week but rest assured I'll be tinkering with this great new project every spare second I get.

For now, I'll take you're advice and steer clear of the quest items that are truly problematic. I hope to go back through and add the 10 items I added this mourning one at a time and playtest each so I can isolate which one/s/ are causing the headaches.

By the way, thanx for that comparison tool. It hasn't been of too much help lately but I can see where it's going to be a real lifesaver in the future because one little typo can cause a world of hurt in these files.

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