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Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295746] Tue, 27 December 2011 02:31 Go to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Zombies! Warhammer 40K! Overheating weapons! Waffles!


There was a demand in the past for zombie-related mods. So I have made one. More on the WH40K-stuff in the second post. More on overheating weapons, which is also in this mod, in http://www.ja-galaxy-forum.com/board/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=295171#Post295171

Anything wh40k can be found in the second post of this thread.

Concerning zombies:

Once you allow zombies via the Preferences menu,
the game will do the following:

Every couple of turns/seconds, there is chance the game will check for each corpse lying in this sector if it can spawn a zombie.

If it is possible, it will then spawn a zombie. This means that a new enemy will spawn at the location of the corpse. It will have the exact bodytype, skintype etc. of the soldier the corpse was created from.

I have in fact created a new Soldier_Class, and a in fact a new side for zombies. I have written a zombie-specific AI.

This means that (as of Version 2.0)

  • a zombie does not use weapons other than bare hands
  • a zombie will not pick up any items from the floor
  • a zombie will almost not run away from an enemy, not matter how outnumbered
  • a zombie does not try to hide
  • zombies simply try to rush you and kill you bare-handed. You should avoid close-combat.
  • zombies attack every one that is not on their team. That includes your mercs, the militia, the enemy, AND civilians
  • they do follow you on rooftops
  • they do not take any damage from tear gas or mustard gas, but they do take damage from fire
  • as they are dumb, they don't realise the danger firearms are... they are immune to suppression
  • they are now counted as creatures
  • they spawn in 'waves', but you can never be sure when.
  • as the spawning goes relatively fast, it is perfectly possible that a single zombie in a townsector can kill a civilian, which will then kill other civilians... leading to a lot of zombies very fast
  • currently every human corpse can turn into a zombie. That includes your mercs!
  • The only way to prevent a corpse turning into a zombie is to separate them from their head ...
  • As there are currently no punching animations for most civilians, I made a fix, zombies spawned from civilians now attack but just without an animation.
  • As there currently are no climbing animations for civilian bodytpes, zombies spawned from these 'teleport' to the roof

There is also a totally new feature, poisoning. Basically, certain sources (like zombies) can deal poisoned damage. Not only do you receive normal damage, but you also gain a poison point.
What does this do?

Well, while bleeding there is a chance that the bleeding damage you receive will also be poisoned. No this wouldn't be bad, but:
The most severe consequence is that poisoning can lower your natural healing (you sometimes heal a missing lifepoint, happens every few hours). So a character once attacked by a zombie catches an 'infection'. The infection grows worse, and in a few hours, or days, he willd die... and can come back as a zombie.

Unless you heal him, of course Wink Healing is of course possible. Poison can also be cured, this is done automatically by doctors after lifepoints have been healed and stats lost have been regained.
If your playing with the new traits system, you really need a paramedic/doctor to cure poison. So it would be very wise to bring some doctors to Arulco...

As a side effect of the poison system (I'll be more specific if someone is interested in it), zombies regenerate health over time. If you wound a zombie in battle, then leave him alone for a while, he'll heal. THey do not automatically die if their health goes below OKLIFE, so you'll have to make sure they are dead, otherwise they can give you a bad surprise.

Sadly, there are no new zombie-specific animations, as I am unable to produce these. So zombies punch you instead of tearing.

To illustrate this, I spawned a bunch of civilians in Omerta, then killed one of them. Results:

A bunch of civilians...

... getting slaughtered...

... every civ you see is a zombie, except for one, but it wont last long. The reason they didn't climb the roofs is that there weren't allowed at that point.

Kelly was poisoned by Zombie Pacos...

As every one has different views on what zombies can and what they can't do, you can specify quite a few zombie-related settings:
- how often they rise (once, forever, random...)
- how often they spawn (the rarer the waves are, the more zombies spawn)
- if they are allowed to climb rooftops
- if zombies with civilian bodytypes should explode when attacking ('boomers' if you like)
- if they should have any damage resistance
- if they should be immune to anything but headshots
- their difficulty level (determines stats and skills)
- what percentage of their attack is poisonous

I tested this feature with a new SCI from Tai:


It was built upon the currently newest source in the trunk, revision 4946.

A .7s-archive, containing all necessary files can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?gogc56ddsw6bc9g

There is no savegame compatibility with this, as I had to change a lot of stuff.

Please try it out and give me feedback.

P.S.: I lied about the waffles Very Happy

[Updated on: Wed, 29 February 2012 01:18] by Moderator

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295747] Tue, 27 December 2011 02:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany

As I'm a fan of Warhammer 40K, I decided to begin a bit of moding in that direction. As I'm really bad in doing graphics/art, I decided to better code and leave the art stuff to people that know how to do that.

What I implemented for know is psykers. For those of you who do not know, psykers in Warhammer are psychically beings - they are able to perform 'magic', if you like.

I used Sandro's STOMP to create a new main trait, 'Psyker'. Only creating a new IMP with this trait you will be able to use psychic powers.


In game, your psyker can cast a power by using the F8 key. This will open up a little menu, from which you can select to cast a power.

I have implemented the following powers:

  • Teleport - The psyker teleports to your mouse cursor.
  • Illusion - If possible at that lcoation, a doubleganger of your merc is created at that location. He has the exact stats of your merc - except that his health is very very low. In his hands, he gets the weapon your psyker has in his hands. He will also be in exactly the same animation, and look in the same direction. He is militia-controlled. Should he die, he will simply vanish, not leaving behind any body - or items.
  • Heightened Senses - For a brief time, enemy positions will be shown on the radar map (this works like the xray detector)
  • Shockwave - As a last resort when swarmed by enemies in close combat, a vacuum explosion is casted on the psyker himself, stunning him and those surrounding him
  • Warp Tear - An explosion occurs at the mouse cursor position.
  • Warp Rift - An vacuum explosion occurs at the mouse cursor position.

Rakel and her doppelganger...

Now you'll propably say: Whoa, hold a minute, that is waaay to powerful! Cast explosions? How is that balanced in any way?

Well, I thought about that. As i didn't see any reasonable way to introduce mana (and i think mana is poor solution, balancing-wise), I think I found the solution in the wh40k-fluff itself.

You see, in the warhammer-books, using psyker powers really puts a strain on their users, exhausting or even killing them.

Which my sytem absolutely does, too.

Every power has a spellcost. That cost is substracted from the psykers current breath.
Trick 1: If the cost exceeds your current breath, the cost exceeding breath is instead substracted from your current health. So if you use your powers while exhausted, you can seriously wound yourself... Or even kill yourself.
Trick 2: Half the spell cost is additionally substracted from your current maximum breath ( the one you can only restore by sleeping in strategical). So even if you restore all your breath with water bottles/drugs, you will lower your maximum breath.

One can not simply spam powers (not if you want to use that merc ever again). Heavy use of powers results in your merc needing much doctoring and sleeping. It would also require using a lots of regen drug on him.

So to use powers extensively, you'd have to keep the psyker on a lot of drugs - which in my view fits wh40k perfectly.

So what I was trying to accomplish by this was to implement wh40k-like powers in a way that won't break the game at all. You'll still use firearms in 99% of the time. Powers give you an edge if you really need it. Simply teleporting behind an enemy, firing in his face at point blank range and telporting back is possible once, but trying it a second time will leave your psyker unconcious and bleeding a lot.

Not that I'll still try to change some powers, especially Warp Tear and Warp Rift are tthere mostly for demonstrating the system.

There currently are no other wh40k-like things implemented. In the near future, I'm planning on some weapons.

I plan to implement bolters- small rockets that explode on target already exist. This shouldn't be hard.
I also want to make plasma weapons. Overheating, which in my eyes is absoulutely needed for that, already exists. I'll have to see for the graphics though, don't know if something resembling a plasmsa shot exists in the Ja2 engine.

I have a lot of ideas for wh40k pretty detailed ideas of how to implement them, but I'll see what people think about this, first.

[Updated on: Tue, 27 December 2011 02:35] by Moderator

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295750] Tue, 27 December 2011 03:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Very creative, fresh and new.

I am unable to test right now, but your write up is selling it pretty good.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295759] Tue, 27 December 2011 05:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ChonkE is currently offline ChonkE

Registered:January 2008
Location: Utah
As a hunter of zombies and a fan of WH40k I am going to try both! Skaal!

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295763] Tue, 27 December 2011 11:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
As you've already found Dieter's and Kaerar's work, another good place to loot SF effects would be the Demise of Man mod.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295767] Tue, 27 December 2011 11:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Oh oh oh , new music in the form of Michael Jackson's Thriller must also be added .. :devilglasses:
Dancing zombies !

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295771] Tue, 27 December 2011 11:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
knightofni is currently offline knightofni

Registered:August 2011
Both of these are pretty cool and creative ideas.

Suggestion for the zombies : a way to avoid all the civilians animations problems would be to use the bodytype of male / female soldiers for all zombies. Additionally, give them a "uniform" (maybe green could be appropriate), so they can be easily identified as zombies, and will give a "zombie horde" effect.

No idea whether this is a big change in your current code though...

PS : Hope to see more WH40k too

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Corporal 1st Class
Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295784] Tue, 27 December 2011 14:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Again though , where is the sustainable challenge to keep on playing ?
Not that zombies have any ai .... or brains... Smile

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295803] Tue, 27 December 2011 17:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
@knightofni: Your suggestion is perfectly possible and would not be much work at all. However, I'm against a zombie-specific uniform. I find it to be way more athmospheric when the zombies retain their original uniforms, thereby really looking like the corpse they came from. They even get the camo that was on the corpse.
Giving the bodytype of soldiers to civilians is also possible. I might do that in the future (but I think it looks cooler with zombie civilians).

Waht is currenttly not possible is to get the looks of rotting corpses. While there is of course a palette, I have no idea how to get that 'look' on soldiers.

@lockie: Well, its more like a Ja2 + Zombies than a pure zombie mod. It's like a usual game of Ja2 - with the exception that the dead can rise. This can be easier when the zombies spawn at your enemy - but way more difficult when they spawn near you (they are deadly in close combat). You have to be careful around corpses Smile

Adjusting the AI mainly consisted of forbidding certain actions (like any use of firearms and the like), discouraging fleeing and encouraging suicidal attacks.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #295817] Tue, 27 December 2011 22:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lockie is currently offline lockie

Registered:February 2006
Location: Scotland
Cool , may give it a go !

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299376] Sun, 19 February 2012 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Torres is currently offline Torres

Registered:June 2010
Location: Canary Islands
Hey I'm really interested in this mod !! would u tell me if this is compatible with 1.13 4870?

Could you post more details about how it is installed?
I cant find the first file in the download link, reupload?

Thanks in advance Very Happy I love the idea of a zombie horde that's why I always play agains bugs it is like a HOOOOLD THE LINEEEE game Very Happy

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299449] Sun, 19 February 2012 19:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany

@Torres84: the first file was one of Tai's SCIs. Not sure where that one went.

If you do not know what an SCI is: It's basically a very convenient archive from Tai, which contains up-to-date code. For more on that, see http://www.ja-galaxy-forum.com/board/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=273927#Post273927

It should be okay if you just take a new one and apply my files and .exe.

@World: I am going to release a new version soon, only containing the zombie stuff. I'll have to redesign some stuff due to some recent changes. I recon I can do that before next weekend.

For those interested: I originally made the zombies a separate team. So zombies would battle everyone, even creatures. However, that led to a gazillion of necessary code changes (some rather ugly), and I'm not to happy with that. I do not think people would be happy to include that much new code into their branch, let alone the trunk. So I'll make that code less, and better-looking.

I'll then release a new version that contains overheating weapons, zombies, and new 40k-stuff (I plan to introduce the concept of corruption...)

The reason I am doing these separate changes is that I hope that once people find overheating weapons and zombies to be useful additions, they'll be incorporated (at least overheating weapons).
The versions I'll release today/soon are pretty much finished from my point of view.

The 40k-stuff, however, will propably be too outlandish for some Wink

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299472] Sun, 19 February 2012 22:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Torres is currently offline Torres

Registered:June 2010
Location: Canary Islands
@Flugente: Hey thanks, don't worry I'm familiar with the SCI concept and I am already using latest Tais SCI and Smeagol's stable AIMNAS so I thought your mod was a pretty nice idea if you think about the more detailed maps, like having to fight zombies in a cropfield and all that Very Happy

Are you planning to make the zombies like in hollywood films? So it doesn't really matter how many bullets you put in their chest that you have to shot them in the head?

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299478] Sun, 19 February 2012 23:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Hmm. Never thought about that. Propably an option for those who want an extreme challenge...

During testing, I once forgot a line that made them rise again when killed... Now that was intense!

I'm planning to incorporate a few options in next release anyway. Your suggestion, however, might be a bit more difficult, as I'd have to keep track of the hit bodypart. But I'm certain it is doable.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299493] Mon, 20 February 2012 02:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Torres is currently offline Torres

Registered:June 2010
Location: Canary Islands
I was asking because if you really think about it, it doesn't matter if you are dead or alive, a burst of 7.62x39mm or any other med or high caliber on the legs causes enough kinetic impact to destroy bone/tissue thus rendering the zombie "alive" but incapable of any offensive skill.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299504] Mon, 20 February 2012 05:07 Go to previous messageGo to next message
H_412 is currently offline H_412

Registered:October 2009
They can still crawl up to you and bit yer legs off Razz
Would it be possible to do a zombie campaign that starts off with only a few living people but tons of zombies, like the country is already mostly infected and you have to kill through them to get to Deidranna?

Either way, very much looking forward to trying all this.

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Private 1st Class
Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299540] Mon, 20 February 2012 12:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hawkeye is currently offline Hawkeye

Registered:October 2005
Location: Australia

The 40k-stuff, however, will propably be too outlandish for some Wink

Do it anyway. Outlandish sounds fun.

Have often thought of how to get some Romero-esque zombie elements in game, the resurrected dead coming back alive that you mentioned in your mod sounds great and getting some tension into the game would be half of the reason to get zombies in the first place, I reckon.

Regarding headshots, perhaps some crazy-powerful body armour would be a workaround, so body shots barely have an effect, but the 'unarmoured' head would be a ripe target to finish them off. It would have to be a newly created item of course, and hopefully the sort that wasn't droppable. Something to consider.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299823] Wed, 22 February 2012 00:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
I am currently adding a bit of stuff for the zombies, hope to release a better version with some new features by the end of the week.

I've got a question to everyone. Here's why:
I am rewriting the AI. In the old version, zombies used the normal version for enemies. While that worked out very well, I basically had to forbid a lot of unzombie-like things, which resulted in a lot of if(..){..}- thingies. As I think this is bad in terms of code maintenance, I'm writing a new one. Up to now, I basically took the basic AI and took out routines.

While I am testing that, It occurs to me that if I park all my mercs on the roof, the zombies do climb the roof (I made that an option).

It seems they only climb a roof in red state (when they know for sure there are mercs around, but they do not have a direct line of sight). While in black state, they get as near as possible, but never attempt to climb.

Come think about it, I can't remember _ever_ witnessing an enemy climbing a roof while it was seeing a target simultaneously. I've seen them climb, but not when they saw me.

So, my question is:
Has anyone ever seen an enemy climb a roof at the same time it was climbing a roof?

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299869] Wed, 22 February 2012 09:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kazuya is currently offline Kazuya

Registered:January 2009
I always thought, that zombies should get an undropable zombie hide armor (like the bugs have), with stats similar to a kevlar west. Their energy level should be reduced to about 40 to 50%. This way, zombies would get "knocked out" easier and it means, that a fresh merc could outrun a few zombies if necessary. Another thing that would be cool is, if zombies could be under some sort of constant regen booster effect.

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Sergeant 1st Class
Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #299983] Wed, 22 February 2012 21:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
@H 412: I am not planning to do any changes in the overall campaign structure... yet. It'll propably be a long time before I do that. At the moment, I am happy with adding new stuff.

For now, playing with zombies is like playing your normal campaign + zombies. Just your normal conquest, except that every body comes back to life and tries to kill you. It does have quite an effect: you'll keep your mercs as far away from bodies as possible, and guard civilians (otherwise they'll quickly be turned, giving you an even bigger headache). And you really have to react to zombies differently than normal enemies.

I am really looking forward to the Insane difficulty DCA. With mercs, redshirts, militia and zombies, this'll get interesting Very Happy

@Hawkeye&Kazuya: No workaround needed... I am changing the function that calculates damage, so damage will be 0 if not hit in the head, at least for guns. This will, of course, be an .ini-option, as will be the zombie difficulty (which also governs AP).

I also had something like a constant regen booster in mind, but that'll still need some polishing.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #300542] Wed, 29 February 2012 01:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
New version is out people. It includes such nice stuff as a new poison system, new AI and properly attacking civ-spawned zombies (missing animations wont stop zombie-fatima from climbing that roof and eating ya Very Happy )

It is also possible to have them immune to anything but headshots, or very durable.

There are also different difficulty settings, that can be changed ingame, to make it more difficult if you like.

Be sure to set MAX_NUMBER_CREATURES_IN_TACTICAL to 40, as zombies are counted as creatures (not in the ini in the archive i provided, as it differs from stock 1.13).

I'll advise anyone playing to calculate with more ammo consumption of your mercs. After all, every one you kill has to be killed agaan... at least once.

And protect the civilians. Dead civs mean lower morale... and more zombies!

Have fun!

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303219] Wed, 11 April 2012 07:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WaBlackHat is currently offline WaBlackHat

Registered:April 2012
Zombies. LOL. I like this.

Hmm, does it work on 4870? or do I need to dl the 4946 SCI?

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303222] Wed, 11 April 2012 08:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
usrbid is currently offline usrbid

Registered:December 2008
Yo Flugente, First time I see this, very cool!! Very Happy Looks like you are pretty good with coding?

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Sergeant Major

Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303234] Wed, 11 April 2012 10:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WaBlackHat is currently offline WaBlackHat

Registered:April 2012
Zombies. LOL. I like this.

Hmm, does it work on 4870? or do I need to dl the 4946 SCI?

Well it crashed when I ran in on 4870, and the link for 4945 is dead. Downloading the oldest SCI I can see which is 5066.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303276] Wed, 11 April 2012 21:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Propably might not run on stuff newer than 4870, but you can try...

I only have to merge the stuff to a newer version. Might do that this week and rerelease it. would be a big release, cause I also did lots of Wh40k-stuff (new traits, posion system, bunch of other stuff).

I'll see to it when I have time, currently I'm busy with improving tripwires and claymores.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303299] Thu, 12 April 2012 09:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
usrbid is currently offline usrbid

Registered:December 2008
What is the 'T' in the top left corner of the gun image? Am I just stupid, or is this something new?

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Sergeant Major

Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303333] Thu, 12 April 2012 21:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Oh, that's just the first version of the overheating display. I used a letter before I started using the heat bar.

Which reminds me... A gun's image gets rather cluttered with displays once
- it has ammo
- uses a different fire mode
- has high temperature
- has attachments
- is mounted
- uses a scope (with magnification display)

Someday, someone should probably redesign that thing...

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303338] Thu, 12 April 2012 23:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
WaBlackHat is currently offline WaBlackHat

Registered:April 2012
Zombies. LOL. I like this.

Hmm, does it work on 4870? or do I need to dl the 4946 SCI?

Well it crashed when I ran in on 4870, and the link for 4945 is dead. Downloading the oldest SCI I can see which is 5066.

It worked on 5066. Smile

The first game, I did not do any tweaking in the .ini and the Zombies in A9 re-spawnwed 3 times... then when I left A10 and moved South to the road (B10) I was jumped by 6 Enemies and they re-spawned Zombies multiple times again. By the time the fight was finally over 2 of my Mercs were out of Ammo and fighting HtH (and doing pretty good) Wink and the rest were also down to just a few bullets each. I did NOT have enough Ammo to go to the Airport and fight there. Sad

Might want to change the Initial Starting value for Zombies respawning to just once. (And let the players tweak it higher if they want) Wink

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #303339] Thu, 12 April 2012 23:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
you can change the ini settings. they govern, among other stuff, how often zombies can respawn

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304149] Tue, 01 May 2012 22:46 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
working on new stuff... a few pics, as an update:

plasma gun

heavy bolter

both mercs are adepta sororitas, which is a new trait.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304150] Tue, 01 May 2012 23:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2008
Why is that merc's strenght is purple? is she under influence of some drug or psyker power? Or is it the armor she's wearing?

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First Sergeant
Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304152] Tue, 01 May 2012 23:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Yes, the colour is because she 's wearing active power armor (greatly increases strength, among other things). As I cant directly modify the strength value (it would require changing the variable type, and that leads to loads of difficulties with loading/saving/everything), I've instead added a 'hidden extra strength' value.

Atm it adds a lot of strength... full power armor weighs about 150 kg Smile

[Updated on: Tue, 01 May 2012 23:55] by Moderator

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304153] Wed, 02 May 2012 00:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
for those who want to try it out.... here's the new stuff, based on r5245. Should include all necessary files. Includes both zombies and wh40k stuff, like new traits.


Sorry, I'm to tired to document all new features. I'll do that tomorrow (and that will take a long time, because a lot of stuff is new).

WARNING: breaks savegame compatibility.

So you'll just have to explore Smile

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304189] Wed, 02 May 2012 19:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:July 2008
How can i open psyker menu? F8 key doesn't work. Tried using teamsize of 6 but still no joy.

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First Sergeant
Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304193] Wed, 02 May 2012 20:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
shift + 4

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304196] Wed, 02 May 2012 21:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
So, now for the explanation of what's new.

Part 1: Adepta Sororitas

This is a new skill. For those not familiar with WH40K, the Adeptus Sororitas is a female-only organization of warriors extremely loyal to the Imperium of Man. They are basically the 'army' of the Imperial church and can be quite insanely fanatic (just like everybody else Smile ).

In contrast to the iconic Space Marines, they are still unaugmented humans, albeit they receive the best training possible and are utterly devoted. They have access to Power Armor (see below).

You can create one via the IMP creation. However, only women can be Adepta Sororitas.


They are currently the only ones that can wear power armor and have a full set in their starting gear.

They are also very hard to corrupt (see Part ? for what corruption is and how it works).

They receive boni for Plasma, Bolter and Melta weapons (all will be explained later)

Part 2: Power Armor

Power armor is very advanced boy armour with superior protective values that enhances the user's abilities. It also requires a power source in order to work.

In game, IMPs with the Adepta Sororitas trait start it power armor. Basic pros and cons:
+ full cover, very high protective values (higher than the EOD suit)
+ also protects from melee and blade attacks ( I never understood why armor protected you against bullets, but not against knifes). Attacks with low damage can even result in no damage at all. However, attacks still damage the armor, which results in a lower protection
+ grants a lot of extra strength due to fiber optic muscles (insert tech blabla here). You cannot actually see your new strength value, but if the colour of your strength is purple, this indicates that you are wearing power armor and it is active
+ extra strength results in very powerful punches, making your merc extremely capable in melee. However it doesn't increase your chance to hit
+ the sororitas helmet (Sabbat Pattern helmet) has built-in thermoptics. You can switch those on and off via the item transformation in UDB
Thermooptics is something that seemingly was always in the game but never used. It means you can actually see through walls (not always, but it does so very often. I wont explain it here)
+ the helmet also works as a gasmask and grants boni to hering range and sightrange at day and night (but not as much as the highend NVGs). I plan to forbid use of face gear along with the helmet in the future.

- the armor weighs a LOT. The full set weighs about 154 kg. Yes that is intended, the strength gained by the armor far outweighs the weight of the armor
- the armor has a lot of -APs (-25 for full set)
- the armor is electronic, meaning that it is hard to repair for people that do not have the electronics/technician/engineer trait
- currently only available for IMPs, not from enemies or BR
- can only be worn by mercs with the correct trait (adepta sororitas), others can't even put it on
- requires a power pack.

What is a power pack? Well, power armor has to be powered... Very Happy
So there is an attachment, power pack, that can be attached to the torso of the armor. If your merc is wearing power armor on the legs and the torso, and a power pack is attached, and it has sufficient energy, it is considered active.

What is energy?
The power pack works like a battery. When the armor is active, it consumes energy, depleting the power pack. Once that runs out the armor is not powered anymore (so your battle sister with 50 strength will be seriously overburdened (those 150 kg have to be carried). It would be best not to run out of energy in battle Smile

Effects of an active powered suit:
  • ~ +200 strength. This also results in the ability to control recoil much better (see also Heavy Bolter)
  • the negative AP values do not apply any more, as the armor helps your body. You can now move as freely as you would without armor (the battle sisters are very trained in the use of power armor)
  • can turn on/off thermooptics

The energy cost depends on how much you use your suit. This depends on your activity level (might know that from the doctor trait entries). While sleeping being patient adn so on your activity level is low. When on duty its medium, in tactical its high (we're in battle, full power!). So the way you use your suit depends on the way you use it.
Thermooptics also cost energy.

With my stock values, low activity will result in a energy cost of 0.03, while during combat, with optics active, this can raise up to 0.38. Of course, these values can be altered in the WH40K.INI in Data-1.13.

The energy system is a slight abomination of my overheating system. It can potentially work on every item, but not on those that already use the temperature values (weapons and replacable barrels). But one could just add a second variable, no big deal.

As a result, the maximum energy a power pack can have is 60000.0. With stock values, this results in a very long lifetime :naughty: Which is rather fortunate, as currently you cant stock on new ones.

The power pack can only be attached by technicians, other people will fail if they try. I wanted to symbolise that the sister need Mechanicus Adepts for maintenance.

If you think the suit looks odd, that is due to my weak skills in MS Paint. Send me something better and I'll replace it.

[Updated on: Thu, 03 May 2012 00:13] by Moderator

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304197] Wed, 02 May 2012 21:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Part3: Corruption

For those of you not familiar with the Warhammer 40K lore, this might give some insight: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Chaos_Gods

Basically, there are 4 dark gods in WH40K that seek to bring literal to the mortal plain. They sometimes ally, sometimes fight against each other. Each one has characteristic traits. They seek to corrupt the living to worship them.

You mercs can now be corrupted. This means that depending on the actions they take, they might gain the favour of one or more gods. With enough favour, they gain a 'corruption level'. This means they get certain properties, which can be positive, but also negative. Think of it as character traits that you cant directly choose, but gain in your campaign. How you will play your game determines the fate of your mercs, and perhaps lead them o the path of eternal damnation...

For each god, there are certain actions that appeal to them. Perform an action, and get 'corruption points'. For example, having sex in a brothel or consuming drugs gets you Slaanesh points, while melee combat gets you Khorne points.

With every level you get boni and mali, the higher your level, the higher they get.

Those familiar with the lore might see why I gave these boni/mali:


Note that having that much corruption isn't realistic, you'd need to do a lot to gain that much corruption, especially with a battle sister. It just made this to show you the maximum currently possible.

As you can see, there is also a 5th corruption: Chaos Undivided. This is the path that combines favour of all 4 gods altogether. It is the most difficult path to reach, as you must balance on all 4 paths: You do not gain points for this path directly (except through items, see later). Instead on every action that grants you corruption, you also get the minimum of all 4 corruptions.

Getting levels is also not that straightforward. First, you need to have a corruption value over a certain threshold for each level. As the gods have internal rivalries, getting a level gets more difficult if you in favour of another god. For example, the standard threshold for reaching a Khornate's level 1 is 1000 points. However, if you are already have Slaanesh level 1, that gets increased to 1600 points! So it will be very hard to get levels on both paths. This works for all gods.

Chaos undivided also gets a threshold increase that amounts to the difference between the path with the highest and the path with the lowest points - which means that you have to have about the same amount in all 4 levels in order to be able to gain a level.

There is also a 6th corruption, although it should rather be called faith: imperial faith. If you perform 'good' actions, you might gain levels there. (Currentyl no benefits are enabled, still needs coding). However, it is important no note that you can't be corrupted and faithful at the same time. Once you gain any corruption level, you automatically lose all faith levels, and can never regain them. Congratulations, you are now damned in the eyes of the emperor :jail:

The adepta sororitas are harder to corrupt, resulting in a higher corruption threshold. Psykers, on the other hand, are living gateways to the warp, always sensing the taint on the edge of their view... they are easier to corrupt, especially for slaanesh (but not for khorne, who hates them).

I wont tell you exactly what he actions are, it 'll be more fun for you to find out Smile However, the last sentence in the descriptions is a rough description of what must be done - go figure it out! :idea2: (or you could just read the ini for the settings name, or ask me in IRC)

There is, however, another way to become corrupted: by your gear.
There are now tags in Items.xml hat represents an item's taint. Every time you use an item (currently only for weapons) and every full hour for all items, you get an items taint points added to your corruption points.
For demonstration reasons, this Heavy Bolter has taints.

When adding the item taints, the imperial taint negates chaos taint. So you will be able to not become corrupted by chaos wargear if you also wear sanctiied gear, or apply purity seals. Purity seals are new items that can be attached to most guns and armour (after I've added the gazillion entries that is.. :wb: ) and give you additional imperial taint and minor other boni (like +2 reliability). You can find two of them in the adepta sororitas starting gear.

[Updated on: Thu, 03 May 2012 00:23] by Moderator

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304212] Thu, 03 May 2012 00:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Part 4: Weapons

All weapons were made by our the venerated Artificers Kaerar and Dieter, thanks a lot! (Dieter currently doesn't know I used his stuff, I'll delete it if he objects... don't want to anger the machine spirit)

A) Plasma Weapons

Finally, the reason I took modding...


The Plasma Gun is a very powerful single shot weapon. As you can see it is used like a DMR. It has onyl single shots, but they are both powerful, precise and deadly. It is very useful against armored targets and even works as a anti-tank weapon (though a Melta would be better suited). It has to be manually reloaded after each shot (I wanted it to have a low firing frequency while still being somewhat useful on snap shots).

However, there is a huge downside to it: It overheats very fast and can malfunction when overheated - which results in a huge explosion, similar to RPG malfunctions. So when long into a battle, you might better temporarily switch to a sidearm to allow it to cool down.

The explosion can also happen if its status is too low. So you better keep it in good maintenace (again, just like in wh40k lore. This things require cosntant maintenance or blow you away).

B) Bolters

The most iconic weapons of Warhammer 40K, Bolters are basically automatic high explosive rocket-propelled grenade launchers. Oh yeah, and the space marines use those things as sidearms :eek3:

Bolt weapons fire small rockets, I used the classic rocket rifle effects here. I made bolt pistols, bolters, Heavy bolters and Storm bolters. Atm there is onyl standard ammunition, I'll add more types soon

Heavy bolter has a ton of recoil...

More weapons soon

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304216] Thu, 03 May 2012 01:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009
+ also protects from melee and blade attacks ( I never understood why armor protected you against bullets, but not against knifes). Attacks with low damage can even result in no damage at all. However, attacks still damage the armor, which results in a lower protection
Two reasons basically:
1)Kevlar mesh is pretty awful at stopping a pointy, sharp piece of metal, aka knife. It'll just slip between the fibers. You need special fabrics and/or trauma plates to defeat a knife.
2)With your usual vest, there's large, unprotected areas that are more or less hidden in a gun fight, but (comparatively) easily hit in a close in knife fight. Even plates won't help you here.

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Re: Zombies! WH40K! and more.[message #304219] Thu, 03 May 2012 01:09 Go to previous messageGo to previous message

Registered:April 2009
Location: Germany
Hmm. Can hardly argue about 1) (perhaps a small amount of protection might be granted?) , but 2)? There already is a value that governs armor coverage, so it doesn't make much sense that it isn't taken into account.

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