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Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330131] Tue, 28 January 2014 20:05 Go to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
Hi guys,

we want to release a new milestone stable release early summer.
There is still a lot of translation work left in every available language.

So if you want to support on releasing a perfect release, you are more than welcome.

Here is the foreign language SVN GameDir Repository, which contains all the language Data (except the English one). You can download it by using TortoiseSVN:

From here you can download the 2 needed source code files for each language (_[language]Text.cpp, [Ja25[language]Text.cpp):
E.g: _FrenchText.cpp, _Ja25FrenchText.cpp

Available languages and their translators

John A Smith


hrvg (source & game data files)
Grim (source & game data files)

!!! translators needed !!!

anv (edt files)
micand1989 (xml files)
Kladdey (source code files)

zwwooooo (source files & game data files)



Sign in here Smile

[Updated on: Thu, 22 May 2014 21:50] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330142] Wed, 29 January 2014 00:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
grim is currently offline grim

Registered:July 2006
Location: France
I've been helping HRVG with French translation, it's quite interesting, and we appreciate to work at two on it. The more points of view on a translation, the better results you have.
I hope many of you will come and contribute to making this game/mod accessible to more people through dedicated translations, they deserve it.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330144] Wed, 29 January 2014 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hrvg is currently offline hrvg

Registered:August 2012
Location: France
Hi Rowa21,
For French version, Grim and me translate.
It's very interesting even for a novice (like me :laugh:).

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330164] Wed, 29 January 2014 14:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
Thanks Grim & hrvg, you did a good job so far on the French version

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330172] Wed, 29 January 2014 20:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
micand1989 is currently offline micand1989

Registered:June 2013
Location: Poland
PGM (Polska Grupa Moderska) is willing to offer its support in the translation into Polish language.

As the leader of the group, I would like to offer help in translating.

I'm waiting for further decisions and beginning work.

Mail to me:

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330173] Wed, 29 January 2014 20:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
Hello micand1989,
nice to have you on board Smile

You can download the Polish JA2 1.13 GameDir files by using TortoiseSVN from this url:

There are a lot of xml files which have no translations or only partial Polish translation.

Also some texts in the source code need to be translated. Download those 2 files from here and you can edit them in notepad++. Just search for // TODO.Translate

If you have any questions just post them here in the thread.


[Updated on: Fri, 31 January 2014 10:42] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330177] Wed, 29 January 2014 21:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hrvg is currently offline hrvg

Registered:August 2012
Location: France
Hi micand1989,
I'm sorry...
I write bad English.
I do not know the Polish...
But on some text or file...
It's limited by the length of words or phrases.
For XML files and EDT...
No problem...
You can check your translation directly (if you translate your game files).
For files "_EnglishText.cpp" and "_Ja25EnglishText.cpp"...
You can not.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330179] Wed, 29 January 2014 22:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kladdey is currently offline Kladdey

Registered:December 2009

I can help out with the polish translation as well, if you still need more people Smile

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330180] Wed, 29 January 2014 22:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@kladdey: you can split up the polish translation work with micand1989. there is a lot of translation to do:
- xmls
- source code
- edt files
- graphics (sti format)

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330181] Wed, 29 January 2014 22:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
anv is currently offline anv

Registered:March 2013
I can translate all JA/DG mercs .edts into Polish, already have some in progress.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330182] Wed, 29 January 2014 23:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kladdey is currently offline Kladdey

Registered:December 2009

Alright. I've noticed that some of the translations are somewhat "Funky". I mean Polish is somewhat more sophisticated than English, therefore if you try to translate something very directly it can have somewhat weird meaning. Are we allowed to correct those entries too? (for example, "deputy" trait is translated into "sheriffs deputy" in polish version. Makes no sense at all)

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330183] Wed, 29 January 2014 23:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@Kladdey: Feel free to improve the translations.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330188] Thu, 30 January 2014 00:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kladdey is currently offline Kladdey

Registered:December 2009

Okay, great. Thank you. I'm going to start the translation with the two separate files you linked in the thread.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330191] Thu, 30 January 2014 08:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@all: i updated the first post!

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330207] Thu, 30 January 2014 18:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Stinger is currently offline Stinger
Registered:January 2014
Hey everyone.

I've been playing your version of this game for quite a while now. Figured I'd chip in and offer what I can. German is my mother tongue and my English is relatively fluent.

I have no skill or experience when it comes to code or stuff like that but if there's a bit of text that needs to be translated from English to German and then edited around so it fits a certain character limit I'm ready to help out.

When I first got the game in 1999 I played the german version but for the last two years it was the English one. I hope I can still remember the terminology et cetera.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330209] Thu, 30 January 2014 21:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
micand1989 is currently offline micand1989

Registered:June 2013
Location: Poland
I`ll take the .xml files firstly

Mail to me so we can divide the work. With me it is also many helpers.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330216] Fri, 31 January 2014 10:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@all: I have updated the first post with the SVN GameDir url for all the language specific GameDir files.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330234] Fri, 31 January 2014 18:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DmitryMS is currently offline DmitryMS
Registered:January 2014
Location: Russia
Eager to provide help with Russian translate. Not that I am pro in translating, or modding ja2. Just want make it easier, to play for other people. E-mail: dmitrymysl@gmail.com

[Updated on: Sat, 01 February 2014 06:49] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330237] Fri, 31 January 2014 19:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
NERVO is currently offline NERVO

Registered:May 2008
Location: italy
i can translate the Italian version.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330238] Fri, 31 January 2014 20:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@nervo: cool, see first post for more informations

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330240] Fri, 31 January 2014 21:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hrvg is currently offline hrvg

Registered:August 2012
Location: France
Sorry for my English.
We translate French version...
There are many length limit...
For words and sentences...
I can help translators for the length of words and sentences ...
Or others...
Or for advice.

[Updated on: Fri, 31 January 2014 22:21] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330244] Fri, 31 January 2014 22:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hrvg is currently offline hrvg

Registered:August 2012
Location: France
For the translators.
We could create a message (post) for all translations?
Where we can to ask questions or to write problems...
we need to help each other.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330251] Sat, 01 February 2014 08:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DmitryMS is currently offline DmitryMS
Registered:January 2014
Location: Russia
Ok, I started with xml files. Should be fun. Limits in symbols (backgrounds.xml) cause no problem so far.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330252] Sat, 01 February 2014 10:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:December 2012
Location: Russian Federation
There is a russian translation of Data1635, Build 5965 at russian site ja2.su made by inshy.
You can use this version as a base and for legacy compatibility (namings etc).
You can also contact inshy there to coordinate your efforts.

p.s. @RoWa21:
BTW, while english version doesn't need translation to english ( ROFL ), maybe it's texts (taunts, loadscreen hints and such) need some reviewing and partially rewriting by players with good (native) english knowledge? (i mean looking for errors and general JA-style fitness)

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330255] Sat, 01 February 2014 13:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
HedgeDude is currently offline HedgeDude
Registered:December 2011
How nice to see this. I was always wondering when I could translate for Korean.

Can I join? Looks like I need help before starting work.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330256] Sat, 01 February 2014 13:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
NERVO is currently offline NERVO

Registered:May 2008
Location: italy
when i try to download the files a error message came up:

Error validating server certificate for https://ja2svn.no-ip.org:4443:
Unknown certificate issuer.
fingerprint: 94:17:C7:99:F6:CA:CF:20:05:26:7B:75:04:0B:CB:BB:54:4D:52:29
Distinguished name: JA2 SVN, Some-State, DE
Do you want to proceed?

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330257] Sat, 01 February 2014 14:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
just click on "yes"

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330258] Sat, 01 February 2014 15:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
NERVO is currently offline NERVO

Registered:May 2008
Location: italy
ok, sorry if I keep questioning things but I'm quite a noob with all this stuff.

I've downloaded both links, to be sure i've saved them in two different folders.

Now, following the instructions contained inside "_italianText", I should translate all the strings contained inside "_ja25italiantext" right?

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330287] Mon, 03 February 2014 00:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Starchris is currently offline Starchris

Registered:September 2010
Location: Poland

Sign me in to the Polish translations. I will do the XML files together with the Micand and his group PGM. We already made a deal, who is doing what.

[Updated on: Mon, 03 February 2014 00:15] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330526] Tue, 11 February 2014 18:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:February 2014
Location: Germany
Hi. I might help you with the german translation, but I would like to know how much it is. Smile

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330532] Tue, 11 February 2014 23:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
eisenstolz is currently offline eisenstolz

Registered:February 2014
Location: Germany
Hello everybody!

Note me for German translation. A great honor for me Smile

Translation of XML-Files already in progress (LoadScreenHints).
Who's with me? - Give me a shout!

I guess flugente doesn't have time for this anymore since he joined full control Wink


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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330539] Wed, 12 February 2014 09:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Buggler is currently offline Buggler

Registered:November 2009
@ translators who are new to Ja2 translations

Please download all the files by SVN, preferably in one go. Taking note of the revision number.
(Refrain from downloading individual files one by one through internet browser as it will provide unnecessary headaches organizing the files to their actual directory structure)

Sound out if anyone who does not wish to install TortoiseSVN, I will provide a single zip package for all languages.
(Check back this post if there's request! Package will be uploaded only after Snitch update is committed.)

While translating, files may continually be updated in SVN. Fret not, just continue translating the files that you have.

When you are done with your files and ready for submission, first download the latest files into another folder to check for any new updates/changes. Need to include those changes to your translated files before uploading them.

A good workflow process will be something like this:
1. Download the directories and files that you will be translating into a folder, note the revision number. E.g. English-6812

2. Make a copy of the folder and do all translations within the folder. E.g. EnglishTranslating

3. Once ready for submission, download the latest files into a new folder. E.g. English-6895

4. Compare the 2 directories using programs like WinMergePortable. E.g. English-6812 & English-6895

5. Text files can be compared within WinMergePortable by double-click. All differences for those affected files has to be copied over to your translated folder and then translated.

6. As for Binary files, need to use the relevant tools to visually compare them.

7. Once done, zip and upload only the translated files as per their original directory structures. Zip file should include the revision number that the translation is based on as a reference for Integration Managers. E.g. English_Translated_based_on_6895.zip
(As there could be additional new SVN updates before committing the translation files)

If you are lazy &/or do not want to pick up a useful skill at the same time, skip step 2 to 6.
(Doing so, Integration Managers will have less time on those things that only they can do. Besides that, there's 7 languages...)

Tools to translate other files can be found in Kermi archives:
CPP, LUA, XML, INI are text files. Any text editors like Notepad++ Portable will do.

(Remember to select another line first in order to properly save the last edit)

Files can be safely ignored as they should be the same as the English files.

Please post any questions in this thread.
(Having 2 translation-related threads for stable build will not be optimum in keeping track of new posts)

Tip: When translating, can interject in between with some less serious/quirky translations like EnemyTaunts.xml/Items.xml to break the sometimes monotonous routine.


P.S. Use the private message function to discuss the split if wish so. A blinking mail icon will be shown in the orange circle when there's new unread messages.

You have mail.

[Updated on: Tue, 04 March 2014 09:38] by Moderator

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330550] Wed, 12 February 2014 17:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
Hi. I might help you with the german translation, but I would like to know how much it is. Smile

About 70% of the German texts have been translated. But there is still a lot of work left (XML-Files, Source Code texts, EDT-Files, ...)

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330551] Wed, 12 February 2014 17:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@all: I updated first post with new translators

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330552] Wed, 12 February 2014 17:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:February 2014
Location: Germany
Thanks to buggler's post I know how to get the xmls. Could you send me a list of the source code texts and examples of already existing source code translations so the new ones will match them, RoWa?

And do you have any wishes how the work shall be splitted between the members of a translation team?

Sound out if anyone who does not wish to install TortoiseSVN, I will provide a single zip package for all languages.
(Check back this post if there's request! Package will be uploaded only after Snitch update is committed.)

Since I'm still looking for equivalent software for linux I would like to take the offer. Smile

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330553] Wed, 12 February 2014 18:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
wanne (aka RoWa21) is currently offline wanne (aka RoWa21)

Registered:October 2005
Location: Austria
@leonidas: Just download the German source code files from here. Copy the links from below in your browser, accept the certificate and download the files:

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330554] Wed, 12 February 2014 18:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Registered:February 2014
Location: Germany
Okay. Thanks for the links. Smile

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330569] Thu, 13 February 2014 11:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Kladdey is currently offline Kladdey

Registered:December 2009

Quick question, do we have a deadline?

I'm a bit swamped this week.

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330572] Thu, 13 February 2014 11:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
DepressivesBrot is currently offline DepressivesBrot

Registered:July 2009

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Re: Game translators needed for Stable Release![message #330573] Thu, 13 February 2014 11:52 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Kladdey is currently offline Kladdey

Registered:December 2009

Oh god bless. Thanks for the reply Smile

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