1. Are these addons are obligatory ?
2. Is there any pack with "all-in-one" pack with all addons ?
3. Is there any readme file for these addons (how to install/where to copy) ?
I just read your comment from "How to use Ja2+AI.txt" & I have a questions.
1. Are these addons are obligatory ?
2. Is there any pack with "all-in-one" pack with all addons ?
3. Is there any readme file for these addons (how to install/where to copy) ?
You don't need any extra data, just replace exe file. Extra data is for mod makers who want to use new features.
You can use my unofficial 7609 modpack, it has all needed mods and data installed and configured. Some features are supported only in certain mods, for example NWSS will be supported in base 1.13 and SDO, but not in AFS and other item mods.
There is only development log and this thread, also some additional information can be found in the Docs folder.
What is the main difference between 7609+fix and 7609+AI?
7609+fix - only bugfixes
7609+AI - bugfixes + AI improvements + tactics improvements
Where can I downlaod latest packages and do I have to install both of them ?
See links in my sig for most recent release.
You can use any exe with stable 7609 release - official Ja2.exe, Ja2+fix.exe or Ja2+AI.exe.
You don't need to install anything, just download Ja2+AI.exe or Ja2+fix.exe, copy it to your stable 7609 Ja2 folder and run instead of official stable Ja2.exe.
Is combination of JA2 Gold + Depri's SCI + 7609AI/fix best for playing ?
You need to install stable 7609 to use Ja2+fix or Ja2+AI.
Any mod compatible with stable 7609 will work.
What is best for playing is your personal preference, with latest unstable SCI from Depri you can play with many new features, with stable 7609 you can play with some AI and tactics improvements and use all mods that work with stable 7609.
4. By the way - what is the latest version of "ja2_7609en+fix.exe" ?
On the Polish site we have "JA2 1.13(7609) + Bugfixes to 8281" exe is from 2017-03-08 (https://jagged-alliance.pl/plik636/)
5. What exe-build can you recommend for 7609 mods ?
4. By the way - what is the latest version of "ja2_7609en+fix.exe" ?
On the Polish site we have "JA2 1.13(7609) + Bugfixes to 8281" exe is from 2017-03-08 (https://jagged-alliance.pl/plik636/)
5. What exe-build can you recommend for 7609 mods ?
4. +fix is outdated and not supported, last version is ja2_7609en+fix_r1112.exe and can be found on my google drive.
5. You can use any version that is good for you, some people prefer stock 1.13 exe, if you want +AI it's best to use most recent version.
4. By the way - what is the latest version of "ja2_7609en+fix.exe" ?
On the Polish site we have "JA2 1.13(7609) + Bugfixes to 8281" exe is from 2017-03-08 (https://jagged-alliance.pl/plik636/)
5. What exe-build can you recommend for 7609 mods ?
4. +fix is outdated and not supported, last version is ja2_7609en+fix_r1112.exe and can be found on my google drive.
5. You can use any version that is good for you, some people prefer stock 1.13 exe, if you want +AI it's best to use most recent version.
Allow to pick up delayed grenade and throw it back, don't show disarm message box for delayed grenade.
Enabled explosion warning for soldier carrying armed object (original feature by Flugente).
Display time counter on picked up activated grenade in inventory.
Don't allow throwing picked up activated grenades as grenades, use throwing regular object code.
Registered:December 2015 Location: Brazil
Hey, Sevenfm, there's seen to be something wrong with the last AI build, r2061. I try to launch it but it doesn't even respond, nothing happens. I changed to r2060 from the archive and it is working.
[Updated on: Fri, 23 April 2021 20:51]
Born, play JA2, die, reload, die again, reload again.
Hey, Sevenfm, there's seen to be something wrong with the last AI build, r2061. I try to launch it but it doesn't even respond, nothing happens. I changed to r2060 from the archive and it is working.
r2061 works well for me, just tested. Maybe try to re-download it, but it should work.
Registered:December 2015 Location: Brazil
sevenfm wrote on Fri, 23 April 2021 14:53
Victor_Tadeu wrote on Fri, 23 April 2021 22:50
Hey, Sevenfm, there's seen to be something wrong with the last AI build, r2061. I try to launch it but it doesn't even respond, nothing happens. I changed to r2060 from the archive and it is working.
r2061 works well for me, just tested. Maybe try to re-download it, but it should work.
Tried before, I tried again, still same result. I click, my pc cursor change for a quick sec then nothing happens. I tried reinstalling JA2 and 1.13 all over again, same result. r2060 still works normally.
Not sure if relevant, but I'm using JA2Classic from JA2 Wildfire in Steam. Never had any problem, but don't know if it matters now.
Born, play JA2, die, reload, die again, reload again.
... I click, my pc cursor change for a quick sec then nothing happens...
r2061 is working for me (using english Steam version as base), but your post reminded me of something.
I faced something simular caused by Win10-Fix. If using Win10-Fix by Someone64 (dxWrapper) without getting rid of former Win10-Fixes (dll, reg-fix), all you see is a short flash in taskbar and that's it. So, if you are running a win10-fix, that might be the cause for you as well? Renaming the exe was my interim solution for solving it.
Bug report. Caught a 'hungapp' while using ja2_7609en+AI_r2156.exe.
To reproduce load the save and click Done (End Turn). It should hang after first blackshirt takes a shot.
I can get it to pass the turn without hanging by smashing Esc on the keyboard. This produces messages like:
"Aborting AI deadlock for AI_ACTION_CHANGE_STANCE data 1"
There is nothing in the logs and I couldn't any extra debug options.
Save attached hangs the game every time on my system, plain ja2.exe gets through the turn ok.
Not sure if related, but the campaign was started on 7435 and updated to 7609+AI before the fight at SAM site.
Env: Virtual Machine, WinXP, 2CPUs
Save and Ja2_Options.ini on g-drive - [due to forum rules not able to post URLs, but can PM if interested]
New option EXTENDED_ITEM_IMAGES (FALSE by default) adds support for big custom gun pictures feature, which allows to show attachments on big gun pictures.
Demo shows this feature in my SDO version from unofficial modpack, currently only Glock 17 (id 1), Glock 18 (id 2) and HK 53A3 (id 13) with limited set of attachments are supported.
To use this feature, you need to provide left/right panel files in the Interface folder with the following names:
Where XX is the width of the panel (it is different for different screen resolutions), for example it may take values 128, 208, 240 for most common resolutions.
The game will also draw tactical panel background, if the following file is provided in Interface folder:
where number represents width of tactical panel.
- removed extra flanking code
- prohibit flanking too far from enemy except for CUNNINGSOLO
- removed extra start flanking code
As a result, AI soldiers should flank closer to opponents, just beyond normal vision range, to speed up flanking.
Also, it should make enemy sector attacks more consolidated in some cases.
New feature: Tactical log panel, now compatible with widescreen resolutions and occupies free space on the left.
Enable in the ingame options, switch mode with right click, supports text scrolling with mouse wheel.
Can display ingame text log, AI decision log or debug log.
Current limitations: logs are not stored in save file, so will disappear after reloading.
When using widescreen resolution which leaves free space of at least 240 pixels on the sides, you can enable big radar map by clicking on squad button, so you will be able to use at the same time squad list and radar map. Big radar map is fully functional and works the same as regular small map, just bigger.
The game will upscale regular small radar maps if needed, but for best results you need to create big radar map images for your maps and put them into Data\BigRadarMaps folder of your mod.
You can use for that special map editor version MapEditor_EN_Release_112_1.exe from Tools folder on +AI google drive, just put this exe into your game folder and run with "-DOMAPS" option:
MapEditor_EN_Release_112_1.exe -DOMAPS
It will create big radar maps in RADARMAPS folder in your profile, you will need to rename it to BigRadarMaps and move to Data folder of your mod.
You can also find prepared big radar maps for various mods for 7609 in Data\BigRadarMaps on my +AI google drive.
Also, unofficial modpacks are now updated and support big radar maps for all included mods.
Other changes in this version:
Fixed autobandaging showing up during conversation which caused numerous issues (by Shadooow).
Always update squad list background if squad list active to fix graphical issues.
Fill left/right panel background with black color to avoid graphical issues with transparent panel pictures.
Don't display messages on the main screen if text tactical panel is active and is in message mode.
Disabled muzzle flash messages.
Show screen messages in text log panel with color.
Added logging for merc starting gear distribution (see Logs\StartingGear.txt)
Quest debug log (feature for modders).
You can see main quest events in the left widescreen text panel (click with right mouse button to switch from message log or AI debug log).
You can scroll text panel with mouse wheel.
The following events are logged:
- quest start
- quest end
- fact change
- boxing event
- conversation events
- NPC actions
You can also later see this log in Logs\QuestInfo.txt, for example log from demo video:
9870 Day 0 0:0 *** Init Game ***
9910 Day 1 1:0 init quest engine
9910 Day 1 1:0 start quest QUEST_DELIVER_LETTER 0 sector -1 -1
9910 Day 1 1:0 reset gubBoxersRests 0, gubBoxingMatchesWon 0, gfBoxersResting FALSE gubCambriaMedicalObjects 21
19070 Day 1 1:0 *** Init Game ***
22750 Day 1 1:0 --- Enter Sector A9 Level 0 ---
22760 Day 1 4:0 FACT_VINCE_EXPECTING_MONEY 149 false
22760 Day 1 4:0 FACT_DAVE_HAS_GAS 226 true
59370 Day 1 7:0 InitiateConversation: from Igor [0] to Pacos [213] NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
59370 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Pacos <114> Igor Dolvich <9> NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
59370 Day 1 7:0 ResetOncePerConvoRecords for Pacos <114>
59370 Day 1 7:0 NPCDoAction: Pacos <114>, action code 500, quote num 1
63770 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Pacos <114> Igor Dolvich <9> APPROACH_FRIENDLY 1 data 0
63770 Day 1 7:0 NPCDoAction: Pacos <114>, action code 8, quote num 4
63770 Day 1 7:0 NPCGotoGridNo: Pacos <114>, rec 4, usGridNo 10337
63770 Day 1 7:0 TriggerNPCRecord: Pacos <114> record 5
63800 Day 1 7:0 HandleNPCItemGiven: Pacos <114> GridNo 10337 quote num 4
66790 Day 1 7:0 InitiateConversation: from Igor [0] to Pacos [213] NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
66790 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Pacos <114> Igor Dolvich <9> NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
66790 Day 1 7:0 ResetOncePerConvoRecords for Pacos <114>
66790 Day 1 7:0 NPCDoAction: Pacos <114>, action code 500, quote num 1
67660 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Pacos <114> Igor Dolvich <9> APPROACH_DIRECT 2 data 0
67660 Day 1 7:0 NPCDoAction: Pacos <114>, action code 24, quote num 12
84170 Day 1 7:0 InitiateConversation: from Igor [0] to Fatima [214] NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
84170 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Fatima <101> Igor Dolvich <9> NPC_INITIAL_QUOTE 8 data 0
84170 Day 1 7:0 ResetOncePerConvoRecords for Fatima <101>
84170 Day 1 7:0 NPCDoAction: Fatima <101>, action code 500, quote num 1
86520 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Fatima <101> Igor Dolvich <9> APPROACH_FRIENDLY 1 data 0
86520 Day 1 7:0 FACT_CONVO_FATIMA_4 26 true
90210 Day 1 7:0 ResetOncePerConvoRecords for Fatima <101>
94120 Day 1 7:0 InitiateConversation: from Igor [0] to Fatima [214] APPROACH_GIVINGITEM 6 data 166363700
94120 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Fatima <101> Igor Dolvich <9> APPROACH_GIVINGITEM 6 data 166363700
94120 Day 1 7:0 FACT_ITEM_POOR_CONDITION 199 false
94120 Day 1 7:0 TriggerNPCRecord: Fatima <101> record 21
94120 Day 1 7:0 NPCTriggerNPC: Fatima <101>, record 21, TRIGGER_NPC 10, display 1
98410 Day 1 7:0 HandleNPCTriggerNPC: Fatima <101>, record 21, TRIGGER_NPC 10, display 1
98410 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Fatima <101> <200> TRIGGER_NPC 10 data 21
98410 Day 1 7:0 FACT_LETTER_DELIVERED 13 true
98410 Day 1 7:0 NPCGotoGridNo: Fatima <101>, rec 21, usGridNo 9073
98410 Day 1 7:0 TriggerNPCRecord: Pacos <114> record 10
98410 Day 1 7:0 NPCTriggerNPC: Pacos <114>, record 10, TRIGGER_NPC 10, display 0
101910 Day 1 7:0 HandleNPCItemGiven: Fatima <101> GridNo 9073 quote num 21
101920 Day 1 7:0 HandleNPCTriggerNPC: Pacos <114>, record 10, TRIGGER_NPC 10, display 0
101920 Day 1 7:0 Converse: Pacos <114> <200> TRIGGER_NPC 10 data 10
101920 Day 1 7:0 NPCGotoGridNo: Pacos <114>, rec 10, usGridNo 7160
101950 Day 1 7:0 HandleNPCItemGiven: Pacos <114> GridNo 7160 quote num 10
121490 Day 1 7:1 TriggerNPCRecordImm: Fatima <101> record 28
121490 Day 1 7:1 HandleNPCTriggerNPC: Fatima <101>, record 28, TRIGGER_NPC 10, display 0
121490 Day 1 7:1 Converse: Fatima <101> <200> TRIGGER_NPC 10 data 28
121490 Day 1 7:1 NPCDoAction: Fatima <101>, action code 2, quote num 28
Note: this log is removed every time you start the game, so save it if you need it later.
Note: [id] in log means tactical ID of merc/npc (same that is used in AI log), <id> means profile id, which you can find in MercProfiles.xml
Hey I'm new to the forum, but I've been playing 1.13 off and on since 2010 I think. I've really been enjoying the 1.13 AI mod as it's been giving me a nice new challenge.
I've run into a fairly frequent bug where an enemy gets shot at a lot and suppressed so much that their AP seems to underflow. On their turn, that soldier basically has unlimited AP and can run around shooting dozens of times and wiping out half of your team in a single turn. It tends to happen more often when there's militia with you, since more bullets start flying around. I'm pretty sure I've done everything correctly (gog JA2 download, installed the 7609 SCI, running the latest few +AI binaries.
The game should now correctly find default magazine if items.xml has usItemClass = 0 entry or if Magazines.xml has ubCalibre = 0 or empty entry. This should help to fix problem with the game not creating weapon in some mods with missing/incorrect entries in Items.xml or Magazines.xml
Tactical text panel: reworked code using std:vector and std::wstring, should be more flexible now and less bug prone (hopefully fix AAA bugs), improved text display in tactical text panel (now don't skip message completely if part of it cannot be displayed in text window).
- use watching/focusing more often for snipers
- allow shooting at unseen target more often if it can be seen with weapon raised
- only randomize enemy location for suppression fire when using LMG
- don't skip empty location when doing suppression fire
As a result of this change, AI snipers should watch and use focusing skill more often.
Also suppression fire at targets that nobody sees should be more active.
Separated Tank AI (as a preparation for new AI behavior).
Tweaked CalcManThreatValue:
- use double exp. level value (restored vanilla value)
- use 1/5 of soldier's marksmanship (restored vanilla value)
- modify gun's deadliness by scope and status (so gun with 10x scope is considered twice as dangerous)
- subtract half shock percent (increased shock value to allow AI to react if opponent is in serious shock)
- 10% penalty if I have cover from enemy (new value to help AI better understand cover)
- greatly increase threat for tanks (so the AI should have less incentive to approach tanks)
- code optimization, do some checks earlier to avoid path check and other complex calculations
- tanks have low priority as reachable opponents if soldier has no heavy weapons (so militia AI will try to deal with regular soldiers first and not suicide immediately against tanks)
- fixed bug when AI could choose unreachable opponent if closest found opponent was empty vehicle (could possibly result in AI freeze issues)
Play beep sound when new screen message appears and text panel is active.
Show messages on screen if team panel is not active.
When selecting new squad from squad list, slide to the selected merc in new squad.
Show text left panel when merc inventory is active.
Added 2 new buttons to SM panel: skill menu and sector menu.
Added new shortcut for skill menu: [Ctrl] + [,]
When calling skill menu, center screen on soldier if he is not on visible screen.
As a part of UI pacification project, new buttons are added in single merc panel mode: Skill Menu (Shift + 4 hotkey) and Sector Menu (Ctrl + dot hotkey.)
Also Skill Menu can now be called with Ctrl+comma hotkey, so these buttons and these hotkeys are located close together ([,] and [.]).
Note: new buttons currently use placeholder images, this may change in the future.
As a part of UI domestication project, we now have new action panel, which allows quick tactical actions from SM (merc inventory) panel with just one click.
This panel supports: calling tactical menus (skills menu, sector menu, help screen), doing actions (reload, disguise, refill canteens), changing cover/trap overlay mode, manipulating sector items (merging, stacking etc).
This panel may be enabled/disabled from the ingame settings.
Also battle statistics panel now is displayed on the right side of widescreen team interface, it can also be enabled/disabled in the ingame settings (statistics panel is feature by anv from VR project).
Implemented action panel in SM interface.
Moved statistics panel to right side.
New ingame options: statistics panel, action panel.
Removed option EXTENDED_PANELS_ON from Extended_Panels.INI.
Propaganda assignment with snitches:
- scale propaganda effect with sector loyalty level, 100% effectiveness at 0% loyalty, 0% effectiveness at 100% loyalty
- having snitch on propaganda assignment costs 10$/hour when he is not sleeping (not charged for propaganda facilities as they have their own cost)
- reduce propaganda effectiveness if player has no money.
Restore messages in tactical log panel when loading game.
Added new mode for text panel: hotkey list, loaded from hotkey.txt in game root folder.
Example from hotkey.txt:
[ Selection ]
F1-F10: Select merc / move to
SPACE: Select next merc
SHIFT+SPACE: Select next squad
[=] (equals): Select all mercs
1-0: Switch to squad
[/] (slash): Center on merc
ALT+F: Keep screen on merc
":" makes text before this char to change color to dark yellow (to make hotkey easily distinguishable)
"[ " and " ]" make text line to change color to light grey and also the line is centered (used for hotkey section)
Text log panel: only switch to AI/Debug mode in cheat mode (normal users don't need this information).
Added help tooltip to text panel (mouse wheel to scroll, right click to change mode), this tooltip deactivates if you scroll or right click on panel to make it less annoying.
No instant merc death option: lowered damage to health when wounding below OKLIFE (should make merc surviving in no instant death mode a bit easier).
Guessed Right Infobox are now in used, great work as always.
Below has been sitting in my text editor for a while after seeing your initial Left Infobox post.
Wanted to do mockup before posting but couldn't motivate myself, FWIW.
RE: Suggestion for Right Infobox Essential Personnel Overview aka Battle Overview, and also (hopefully with new feature for) displaying Personalized Sector Notes
Personnel Overview (for quick summary on how each merc's condition from different squads and how hot a situation each is in):
Square brackets is for number of sighted enemies.
Mercs' condition color display priority could be the following:
Dark Grey - Dead
Grey - Dying (only if dying can still be saved with medical kit; if can't save, also Dark Grey)
Red - Low HP (<40?)
Light Blue/Cyan - Out of Breath/Collapsed
Yellow - Open Wounds requiring first aid
Blue - Low Energy (<40?)
Brown - All other conditions like suppressed, encumbered, intoxicated etc.
Dark Purple - Low Morale (<30?)
Light Purple/Magenta - Great Morale (>70?)
Orange - All Bandaged
White - All OK, full health aka nothing out of ordinary
----- Sector Notes (with 'New Note', 'Edit' & 'Delete Note' capabilities; good to have right-click too to switch (or auto-switch btw real-time and turn-based mode) between Personnel Overview & Sector Notes):
C5 Sector Notes:
Tony Weapon Dealer (Cash Limit 15k) - Depleted on Day 32
Maria Rescue WIP
Locked Door at Northeast Rm, Need Key
Code for personalized message for flower bouquet delivery might be useful(?); store and read as a different text file for each save slots to avoid messing with savegame file/maintaining savegame compatibility (Simpler? More elegant?).
No savegame (just before e bug occurs), no cure.
'Not everything that counts can b counted, n not everything that can b counted counts' - Albert Einstein
I may answer/reply in my old public posts & prefer PM over e former[FUDforum's PM suxx]
I see where it goes, next suggestion will be "show useful NPCs in sector, center on NPC when clicked" etc.
But I like both ideas with sector tactical summary and personal sector notes, thank you for posting them!
Unfortunately there's no free space on panels left, so it should replace something or use right-click to switch left or right info panel mode, which complicates things a bit, with all mouse areas etc (but is possible).
Also, if I find a way to store text in save file without breaking compatibility, I will store there AI and quest debug logs as well.
Storing in a separate text files should work, but only if there's a way to associate text file with campaign's unique ID, or else it will become a mess with a few games played at the same time.
This ID probably can be randomly assigned at the start of the game and stored in a save file, in this case we just store all txt and other complimentary files in a separate folder in profile and load them with a right save.
Added feature: Additional Tile Properties (by anv)
More info: http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/index.php?t=msg&th=21741&#msg_330919
- Feature can be completely disabled in .ini as ADDITIONAL_TILE_PROPERTIES under [Extended Options] in Ja2_Options.ini
- With Additional Tile Properties it's possible to supply all tiles with additional data, just like with .jsd files, except in XML.
Files need to have same name as tile's .sti and .jsd files, and be put in \tilesets\AdditionalProperties\, or in specific \tilesets\xx\.
- With additional properties it's possible to specify which camo type, and how effectively will work on any tile. Only snow camo will work on snow covered roofs, red carpet in palace won't perfectly cooperate with urban camo anymore, thick grass in the middle of the forest will provide better camouflage than sparse grass near the road.
- It's now possible to specify footstep volume and stealth difficulty modifier of any tile. Carpets will absorb noise, tile floors amplify it, twigs laying on the tile will make sneaking harder. Choose your path carefully, taffer.
- new tag: <bTrapBonus> + updated data for tiles, trap level influenced by terrain,
Additional tile properties update (by anv):
- DISPLAY_DETAILED_TILE_PROPERTIES under [Extended Options] in Ja2_Options.ini set to true will let "f" cover tooltip to present detailed information about tile. Only relevant (non-zero) info will be shown.
- fixed bug causing trap level to be ignored and limited final maximum and minimum camo of given map grid between 0 and 100.
New option ALTERNATE_MULTI_TERRAIN_CAMO_CALCULATION in [Extended Options] section of Ja2_Options.ini
Storing in a separate text files should work, but only if there's a way to associate text file with campaign's unique ID, or else it will become a mess with a few games played at the same time.
This ID probably can be randomly assigned at the start of the game and stored in a save file, in this case we just store all txt and other complimentary files in a separate folder in profile and load them with a right save.
Hmmm, my idea for filenames is simpler.
Since each save slots already uses an easily identifiable filename (e.g. QuickSave.sav, AutoSaveGame01.sav, SaveGame03.sav...), save the 'Sector Notes' with a different filename suffix/extension in the savegame directory, (e.g. QuickSave_Notes.xml, AutoSaveGame01_Notes.xml, SaveGame03_Notes.xml)
Loading reads the additional 'Sector Notes' file & Saving will (create if not found and) overwrite the 'Sector Notes' file, only when the JA2 executable has the 'Sector Notes' code.
No savegame (just before e bug occurs), no cure.
'Not everything that counts can b counted, n not everything that can b counted counts' - Albert Einstein
I may answer/reply in my old public posts & prefer PM over e former[FUDforum's PM suxx]
Fix/change: the hospital now checks for mercs with damaged stats in addition to damaged health. in addition, the hospital now charges money to heal damaged stats (by rftr).
Reactivated NEARBY_FRIENDLIES_AFFECT_TOLERANCE option with simplified calculation:
- each friend nearby if not dying, cowering or unconscious, adds +1
- each dying friend adds -1
- each cowering or unconscious adds -0.5
- limit is +-5 points
- bonus/penalty is reduced with distance, if distance > TACTICAL_RANGE / 4
Increased base suppression tolerance, skill = (100 + morale + 10 * exp.level) / 4.
Use effective experience level for basic suppression tolerance, as it allows nearby squad leaders to increase soldier's experience level and boost tolerance as a result.
Press Ctrl+Alt+F to save weapon information to Logs\WeaponInfo.txt
This feature may be useful for making extended pictures for guns (EXTENDED_ITEM_IMAGES option), the result looks like this:
Mini improvement: show soldiers of highlighted squad with orange color on radar map to quickly see where they are located.
Radio Listen: effect depends on number of APs left unused from last turn (so to have full effect from listening, soldier has to spend full turn doing nothing).
Added chance to show red soldier locator if soldier is listening, depending on distance, merc's experience level and volume of recently heard noise.
Don't stop listening counter when soldier spends any APs (so you can do anything while listening, but effect will be different next turn depending on unused APs)
Increased BP spent when swimming if soldier carries weight (> 50%), up to a level of non swimmer penalty.
Don't allow AI to start deep water flanking if it's non swimmer or carries too much weight or has low breath.
Disabled instant spy uncovering in battle (so now you can use your spy when alert is raised, but suspicion raises quickly).
Set suspicion to min level when disguising, min level is 15 * curfew + 0.7 * ArmyKilledPercent (so when disguising with alert already raised, you start with some level of suspicion).
Uncover spy on close look if alert is raised and soldier is squad leader or has higher uniform level than spy (so as admin spy you need to avoid regulars and elites, as regular avoid elites, end everyone should avoid officers when alert is raised).
Disabled stopping cowering animation at the start of the turn to prevent possible bugs.
Moved statistics panel to the left side and made it default left panel (so if you want message log or hotkey list, you need to press RMB).
Removed ingame option for statistics panel.
Allow scuba bottle to work from backpack slot for mod compatibility (it didn't work in SDO mod because original feature supposed scuba bottle to be defined as combat pack item).
Ctrl+Alt+F: show all attachments in Logs\WeaponInfo.txt (useful feature for EXTENDED_ITEM_IMAGES).
Camo is less effective in darkness (50% effectiveness in full darkness, so you need stealth items for best cover in the darkness, still good camo will have some effect at night).
Various fixes and improvements:
Fix: mercs in a helicopter can initiate movement by clicking in their destination column, like regular on-foot/in-car movement (by rfrt).
Fix: bleeding value not being substracted when losing max hp which resulted into the graphic HP bar having wrong color (by Shadooow).
Pressing ESC while map movement popup box opened will now cancel the box instead of leaving map into tactical mode (by Shadooow).
Maximum heath of merc on mapscreen will now show in red color if the merc suffered a health loss from critical hit (by Shadooow).
Updated SDO mod in 7609 modpack.
Added missing extended options.
Lowered RDX damage.
Increased 43mm radius to fix bug with 4 grenades pack.
Added 60mm Tear Gas Shell.
Updated transformation text for old leg rigs.
Added custom sound for HK53A3.
Lowered cost for barrel exchanging to 64.
Removed <WaterDamages> tag from weapons (except electronic) and knives.
Fixed default iron sights attachments.
Tweaked camo bonus for vests.
Added camo bonus for LBE, except MOLLE pockets.
Restored old leg rigs (can be switched to MOLLE variants if needed).
Increased vision range for binocs.
Removed <usSpotting> tag from scopes.
Fixed Golf Bag item.
Added animations for flares.
Lowered ToHit penalty for flashlights.
Fixed <AttachmentClass> for iron sights.
Added big radar map for G9.
Added extended images for various guns (pictures by arheolog).