AIMNAS Bug reports[message #307135]
Tue, 10 July 2012 15:03
smeagol |
Registered:June 2008 Location: Bremen, Germany |
All Bug reports on AIMNAS should go into this thread. There is no reason to open up a new thread for every single small issue you might encounter.
[Updated on: Sun, 17 April 2016 13:34] Report message to a moderator
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #307720]
Thu, 19 July 2012 11:14
theBrain |
Registered:June 2012 |
Some more things I experienced with v27:
- .45ACP and 9x19mm- mags can appear from nowhere when using the context- menu in sectorinventory (the menu that pops up when clicking on an empty slot in a merc's inventory). Even though there were only AET- crates of these calibers available, i could create glaser, HP, and every other ammotype. I didn't experience it with any other caliber yet.
- JA2 v.5393.exe identifies itself as 5387 ingame on splashscreen
- Finally there is a display error in advanced- tab, the description- line on the very top of the table appears somewhere in the middle covering one tableentry and dislocating the others.
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Private 1st Class
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #307721]
Thu, 19 July 2012 11:27
smeagol |
Registered:June 2008 Location: Bremen, Germany |
theBrainSome more things I experienced with v27:
- .45ACP and 9x19mm- mags can appear from nowhere when using the context- menu in sectorinventory (the menu that pops up when clicking on an empty slot in a merc's inventory). Even though there were only AET- crates of these calibers available, i could create glaser, HP, and every other ammotype. I didn't experience it with any other caliber yet.
Yes, have seen this as well on some maps (most notably B13 airport map). Thought it might be relatede to pre-placed items, but wasn't able to find a fix for it yet. Could also be, that it is related to some hardcoded item related stuff that might happen on some maps.
Quote:- JA2 v.5393.exe identifies itself as 5387 ingame on splashscreen
Someone was too lazy to update the version number, nothing to be concerned about.
Quote:- Finally there is a display error in advanced- tab, the description- line on the very top of the table appears somewhere in the middle covering one tableentry and dislocating the others.
Hmm... sounds like a HAM 5 bug.
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Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #308675]
Sun, 05 August 2012 15:56
Sowilo |
Registered:April 2011 |
Hey guys, some major bug to report (please apologize my terrible english!)
I installed JA II (Gold) with v.1.13 Build: 4870 (+ Update) + AIMNAS 5171 (in this order)
I'm using Windows 7
When I give Enricos letter to Fatima, the rebel HQ-screen appears with an so called "runtime - error", freezing everything. I had to cancel with ESC, no further play possible.
The error message is as follow:
Runtime Error - Press to exit
Assertion Failure [Line 1386 to function DistanceVisible in the file opplist.cpp]. Attempting to do a debug save as Save Game 247.sav (this may fail)
The thread had to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
(Actually no save game is written)
Meanwhile I tried different compatibility modes (like xp, vista, etc.) and saw, that the error messages are changing, depending on the used (mode)operating-system. (Different files, lines, ..)
Is there any solution for this problem?
[Updated on: Sun, 05 August 2012 17:41] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #308699]
Sun, 05 August 2012 22:23
Sowilo |
Registered:April 2011 |
Ok ... finally I found the "easter-load" of AIMNAS, but with the last version of 1.13 (+Update) it already crashed when I start loading the game. Also some file-errors, etc..
[Updated on: Sun, 05 August 2012 22:23] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #310088]
Thu, 13 September 2012 16:24
DepressivesBrot |
Registered:July 2009 |
ParkanHello smeagol.Just yesterday installed AIMNAS v Easter release 5171.
Just installed Ja2 English Gold and only all files from 5171 AIMNAS with big maps.Everything playing fine,but there is some bugs like vision of merc or enemy soldier through the walls and cannot hit target through the walls.So enemy visible,but cannot be hit.This bug occured in big maps.
Yes, that's the old ThermoPants bug. Remove the thermal vision flag from the normal camo pant, either via xml editor or manually in items.xml
ParkanPlus one more thing:The big maps(few non town sectors for example and few town sectro like drassen)have no loot or valuble items(weapons,armor,kits,etc all containers are empty,besides omerta sector a9 other sectors are empty) Don't bother searching, none have.
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Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #313048]
Fri, 14 December 2012 16:14
smeagol |
Registered:June 2008 Location: Bremen, Germany |
Fix for this:
-- Skyrider
if ( ProfileId == Profil.SKYRIDER and CheckNPCSectorBool( Profil.SKYRIDER, 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, 0 ) == true and PythSpacesAway( Profil.SKYRIDER,69576 ) < 11 ) then
TriggerNPCRecord( Profil.SKYRIDER, 15 )
SetUpHelicopterForPlayer( 13, SectorY.MAP_ROW_B, Profil.SKYRIDER )
The important part is the 69576, that's the grid number.
This stuff is saved in overhead.lua (stored in bigmaps\scripts), which you can easily open with notepad++. You will just need to look up the number in the section "PythSpacesAway( Profil.SKYRIDER,69576 ) < 11 )". You probably have a different number there (1.13 standard value is 8842, and that grid no. is not in the area covered by the bigmap).
A change there might require a new game, not sure.
Btw, upcoming xmas special has this already fixed...
[Updated on: Fri, 14 December 2012 16:15] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #313171]
Sun, 16 December 2012 17:11
Uriens |
Registered:July 2006 |
Torres84Sorry for the double post but I CAAAN'T WAAAIIT for christmas release .
I was wondering if any of you had any kind of quick fix or workaround like the last Smeagol gave me.
1)I can't use any of the syringe booster neither regen not energy when dropped in the merc icon it just says "huh?" like if I was feeding the guy a shirt O.o but I can still use canteens or camokits.
2)Also, I cannot add more than one round on the magazine loaded launchers, neither the flare launcher (life saver during night ops)or any of the grenade launchers, it just says that I already have a grenade of that type and then crashes to desktop.
Maybe is it because Im using latest svn and I have 2 exes? 5520 and 5712??
Year 2012, my brother is 40 years old, I'm 28... he keeps asking me why am I still playing JA2 when we could be playing L4D2 online... one can't simply stop playing the best game ever. muhahahahah
As usual thanks in advance and it's ok to tell me to STFU and wait for christmas release :__(
I can help you with 2).
The reason for it lies in change for XML editor, specifically:
Added TripWire, TripWireActivation and AttachmentClass tags.
Renamed old AttachmentClass.xml to NasAttachmentClass.xml. New AttachmentClass.xml is a lookup table. References in the editor are now to: "Built-in Attachment Classes" (which uses a limited lookup grid) and "Custom Attachment Classes" (for NAS; these use an editable grid)
Fixed a bug where a table's name may not appear in the error message if the filename for it was an empty string.
XmlWorkingData directory will now always be created, even if not used.
What you need to do is move AttachmentClass.xml from 'Data-AIM\Tabledata\Lookup' to 'Data-AIM\Tabledata' and then rename that file to NasAttachmentClass.xml.
After that copy the 1.13 version of AttachmentClass.xml from 'Data-1.13\Tabledata\Lookup' to 'Data-AIM\Tabledata\Lookup'.
After that your launchers should work fine. Be carefull on what you copy where, it can get messy with all this move/copy/rename stuff.
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Master Sergeant
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #313575]
Wed, 26 December 2012 21:32
Sargeno |
Registered:December 2001 Location: Oregon, USA |
I clean installed 4870 stable, SVN r1578 and then the Christmas version & I am using 5744.exe
Everything is stock with no other mods but the radar maps and sector maps are not displaying correctly.
The maps do not show all of the buildings in the tactical screen.
It is annoying to have to scroll the whole tactical screen in order to clear every building.
Is there something wrong with the maps because I have never had to do this before?
P.S. It is a great mod otherwise and thanks for all of your hard work in building it.
[Updated on: Wed, 26 December 2012 21:35] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: AIMNAS Bug reports[message #313583]
Wed, 26 December 2012 22:56
Sargeno |
Registered:December 2001 Location: Oregon, USA |
Here is a screenshot:
P.S. Sorry if it is a link, not sure how to link to image.
[Updated on: Wed, 26 December 2012 22:59] by Moderator Report message to a moderator