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A Small Compilation of New Features[message #308884]
Fri, 10 August 2012 01:01
Sandro |
![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:November 2008 Location: Mars |
Sandro's Compilation of New (Small) Features
Here is a small "feature pack", from my recent days.
I have finally brought the firing from hip to release state (that one is not really "small" feature amongst the others). And together with it made some other rather random stuff. No big deal though.
Here is a list:- Dual Burst/Autofire Enabled
- Alternative Weapon Holding (firing from hip + pistol with one hand)
- Energy Cost on Weapon Manipulation (holding it shouldered, firing)
- Suppression Effectiveness Modified by Caliber and Gun Loudness
- No Enemy Auto-ready Weapon Option
- Fancy Big Merc Rifle Holding Animations
- More Random Idle Animations
- Kick in HtH Implemented
- Jumping Implemented
- (Included Fix for IIS with Martial Arts Bonus)
Because the forum does not allow me to post more than 10 pics in one post, I had to split it into two.
(Note: If needed I may open separate thread for the alternative weapon holding, but so far I haven't felt it.)
And excuse my imperfect English.
Dual Burst/Autofire
Double burst/autofire when shooting from two guns at once is now possible.
To be able to shoot double bursts, both weapons must have the same burst sizes. To fire double autofire, both must be be able to use autofire mode (so no burst on one and autofire on second).
The "BRST"/"AUTO" is shown on the second gun as well, so you know you are gonna shoot from both.
The amount of bullets you choose to fire on auto-fire is PER hand, meaning you will shoot double the amount total, since you shoot from two weapons.
The recoil control is harder by 20% (unless you have Ambidextrous trait).
And btw. under NCTH, the recoil is handled for each hand separately, which is cool.. (under OCTH that is not possible without heavy changes to the autofire behavior)
Alternative Weapon Holding
With this feature active, you can now fire from alternative weapon holding - rifle-type guns fired from hip or pistol-type guns fired one-handed (making standard being two-handed).
In this alternative mode, we ignore scopes completely, and attempt to make the shot faster, with quick aiming just "by an eye". This result in paying less APs for readying the gun and less APs to shoot, however the accuracy is penalized.
This feature is only available in standing position (for now... I lack animations for crouched stance).
There are currently several ways how to set (in the ini) the feature to behave:
1) Default is "Scope Mode" behaviour. It means, that this alternative weapon holding is selected via scope mode change ('.' key). If you select the alternative holding this way, your shots will simply be fired the alternative way. Furthermore, readying gun by the 'L' hotkey will ready the gun to the alternative stance. This as said, is only available in standing position though.
2) Another option is to set it to be used only on non-aimed (no aim clicks) shots, making it just a small rather aesthetic feature.
3) And there is also an option to set its behaviour to "hybrid" one, when there are SOME aimclicks allowed, and when you fire within these, the alternative stance is automatically used. If you fire with more aimclicks, the standard stance is used. You can always use the 'L' to raise your gun to shoulder, then the alternative stance is ignored regardless of aim clicks.[/list]
To determine the alternative stance in game, different animation sets are used. Here are two pics, with comparison of the two holding modes:
For firing from hip: .......... And for firing pistol one handed:
You must right-click it and select view image to see it in full detail, because it goddamn resizes my image at its own will here.
Apart from that, the NCTH cursor says that you are going to shoot from the alternative stance, by yellow-colored aiming dots (currently only on NCTH, I haven't been able to figure how to change the OCTH cursor color yet, honestly).Toggle Spoiler
![http://s12.postimage.org/xgpxj8nft/Hip_Cursor2.jpg](http://s12.postimage.org/xgpxj8nft/Hip_Cursor2.jpg) ![http://s12.postimage.org/lg4hiig15/Hip_Cursor.jpg](http://s12.postimage.org/lg4hiig15/Hip_Cursor.jpg)
(The second one is for the "hybrid" behavior, showing how many aiming levels are for alternative holding.
New INI settings (I've just cut it out from the ini with the description as well):Toggle Spoiler
; Alternative Weapon Holding settings
; This feature allows us to fire weapons in a different way: we can fire rifles (meaning any two handed guns) from hip, and
; pistols (meaning any one-handed guns) holding in hand (making standard pistol holding be with two hands).
; The benefit of such holding is speed (reduced AP cost to ready, faster target acquiring), the drawback is limited accuracy and
; no use of scopes.
; Here is the basic switch of the feature, it also controls how the feature behaves in game - the setting can go from 0-3, and
; here is explanation of each:
; 0 - Turned off entirely.
; 1 - The alternative holding will be used only if you use NO aim clicks on a shots and you don't have your weapon raised up yet.
; 2 - This behaviour allows several aim levels to be treated as "alternative weapon holding", based on total aiming levels
; allowed for the gun. The number of alternative aim levels is always lesser than standard aim levels, and they are displayed
; as YELLOW dots under NCTH. If you do not have your gun raised yet (rifle to shoulder, pistol with two hands), you may fire
; from the alternative holding by simply aiming within the yellow aim levels limit (usually 33-66% of standard aim levels).
; If you use at least one aim click above the indicated alternative levels, your merc will automatically raise the weapon to
; the standard holding before the shot.
; 3 - "Scope Mode" behaviour (default). This simply makes the alternative mode a "scope" mode. To fire rifle from hip or pistol
; one-handed, just press '.' key to cycle to the apropriate mode (currently indicated by an "eye" symbol). No matter if you
; have your rifle shouldered/pistol held two-handed, you will use the alternative mod anytime you select this mode. With this
; setting, if you use the 'L' to raise your weapon, then it will be raised to a stance based on the scope mode selected.
; Of course, Scope Modes has to be allowed for this to work (they are as default).
; Note that by now, this feature is only available in standing position (hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to finish
; animations for crouched stance). Also, by now it is unavailable for pistols when standing in water.
; Last thing to mention: There is a new flag in Weapons.xml - "Heavygun" which says that weapon cannot be shouldered in standing
; position at all, and must be fired from hip then. It is only used for two-handed guns, supposedly for a rather too heavy LMGs.
; This says how many APs are charged to raise the weapon to alternative holdng (rifles to hip, pistols with one hand), based on
; standard weapon ready APs. Setting 25 here means 25% of the APs are charged to raise weapon to hip/one-handed, so a weapon with
; 12 APs to ready would charge 3 APs to raise to hip/one-handed. Default is 25% by now.
; (Note that this is also AP cost to go from shoulder to hip / from two-handed to one-handed grip.)
; This determines how many APs from regular weapon ready APs are charged when going from alternative holding to standard holding.
; This settings with the above one should put 100% together, as the alternative holding is supposed to be something like
; semi-raised gun (quarter-raised by now actullay).
; This will not affect standard cost for raising weapons (when gun is lowered and we choose to raise it fully).
; This makes the shots from alternative holding to cost less APs to make up for not being able to aim and use scopes. 10 here
; means -10% APs to shoot from hip / one-handed grip.
; The base (N)CtH penalty when firing from alternative weapon holding.
; The base penalty when aiming from alternative weapon holding, if aiming from it is allowed. (This modifier is DOUBLED under NCTH,
since its calculation is different, and it balances the reduction of aiming levels.)
; Aiming levels of the gun are reduced percentually by this number on alternative weapon holding. So 50 here means only half aiming
; levels will be available when using alternative holding (keep in mind that is a positive thing in NCTH).
New tag in Weapons.xml:
"HeavyGun" (boolean, 0/1 only, only applies to twohanded guns)
-> if this is declared, the gun cannot be shouldered, it will always be fired from hip.
For this feature new animations were made. By me.. so target me when you don't like them. It was the most tedious, time consuming and motivation-killing thing I ever made for JA2. I've made them frame by frame, and even that a lot of it was a copy-paste job, I had to draw many things by hand. The result... doesn't look as good as all the other JA2 animations... in my opinion. Oh well.
Energy cost on shooting
This "feature" makes weapon manipulating to cost some energy points in certain cases.
It consists from two parts - the effort on keeping the weapon up based on its weight, and the weapon recoil kick impact during fire.
This feature actually comes in par with alternative weapon holding. Firing gun from hip is not as much effort as from shoulder, especially when it is rather heavy gun, like most LMGs. This means, some guns become more suitable to fire from hip (like those LMGs). You can still shoulder them (unless they are tagged as "HeavyGun" in xml), but you may soon recognize it is rather difficult to fire them like that. The similar goes to sniper rifles/anti-material rifles. They are not supposed to casualy walk with them shouldered and head-shooting people. For them, not only the weight, but also the recoil kick, makes you suffer pretty fast, thus you are advise to rest them on bipod or something when shooting.
You may also notice, that if you place every possible attachment on your weapon lightweight AR of choice, the gun becomes so heavy, that you can see some energy drop when using it. Well.. tell me if that's not logical, heh.
The energy costs are mainly significant when standing or crouched (without support of bippod or an obstacle), and of course your gun is of the heavier sort.
The two separate ini settings:
Weapon weight:
The calculation of the cost is non-linear, so on lightweight guns, there is nearly no energy cost, while on very heavy guns,
the effect may become rather high. This is mainly important when trying to shoulder heavy weaponry (LMGs, anti-material SNs),
as those are more likely adviced to be fired from hip (LMGs) or on bipod.
Strugling with the weapon weight is reduced greatly in crouching position, and it is almost or totaly erased when the weapon is resting on something or you are in prone position, best with a bipod. The effect is also strongly reduced if holding rifle-type guns on hip rather than shoulder, however for pistols, holding them in one hand is somewhat more exhausting (however most pistols are so light, that there is almost no effect anyway).
The setting here represents percentual modifier to the final cost, so you can tweak it up or down as you like.
0 = disabled. 100 = default. Max is 250 (rather excessive).
Weapon recoil kick:
This is a little different from struggling with weapon weight, it is about how much the gun "kicks" our shoulder (or hand).
Single shots may not prove much effect, but on autofire this may incure some nasty energy loss with certain guns.
The formula is based on weapon impact and weight, where weight actually help us out here, since it absorbs the back force of the recoil. Again, the cost is reduced by stance (nearly erased by bipod and/or weapon resting, greatly reduced when firing from hip), foregrip etc.
The ini setting represents percentual modifier to the final cost, so you can tweak it up or down as you like.
0 = disabled. 100 = default. Max is 250 (rather excessive).
Some tests, I've made during the coding:
Toggle Spoiler
(Note: the points here are not the final merc energy points (0-100), but points divided by "BP_RATIO_RED_PTS_TO_NORMAL" (default 100). I.e. the 100 of these = 1 merc energy point loss.)
// ::: Gun weight effect overview :::
// << a merc with 85 strength shouldering a gun while standing... >>
// 1) a gun weighting 3 kilos (lightweight ARs), generates cca 25 points = 1 BP per AP = 100 BPs per full turn = pretty much nothing
// 2) a gun weighting 5 kilos (ARs with some attachments), generates cca 71 points = 3 BPs per AP = 300 BPs per full turn = still ok, similar to climb down a roof once
// 3) a gun weighting 8 kilos (heavier ARs with lots of attachments), generates cca 183 points = 7 BPs per AP = 700 BPs per full turn = you can handle it, its just like climb roof up and then down once
// 4) a gun weighting 11 kilos (some LMGs), generates cca 346 points = 13 BPs per AP = 1300 BPs per full turn = starts to feel rather heavy soon
// 5) s gun weighting 15 kilos (you trying to shoulder Barrett? While standing?), generates cca 643 points = 26 BPs per AP = 2600 BPs per turn = uhh
// after testing, a gun weighting 12 kilos, shouldered in standing position, with 85 strength, together with recoil kick (small one on this one though)...
// took 5-6 whole turns to totaly exhaust the merc, if one turn is equal 20-30 seconds, then it is 2-3 minutes... I think that's reasonable
// ::: Gun recoil kick effect overview :::
// << a merc with 85 strength, normal weapon holding, standing position... >>
// 1) Glock 17 generates cca 16 points per shot
// 2) Colt M4 (with some attachemnts) generates cca 22 points
// 3) .50 Beowulf (with some attachments) generates cca 36 points
// 4) OSV-96 generates cca 103 points
// Even the OSV does not prove too much pain for one shot, since 100 is just one point of energy. Still, if you fire more bullets like that, the effect may become significant.
Now, if someone would want more precise values for the recoil kick part (since calculating it like that ain't perfect), there could be made a new xml tag to weapons.xml (something like RecoilZ or RecoilBack), specifying how powerful recoil back power the gun has. But that's very modder-unfriendly, and I haven't found it so important.
(There are values for recoil X and Y, but those are not exactly what I needed. Besides, basing the calculation on them would be a pain, so I decided to base it on impact, which makes everything much simplier.)
Suppression Effectiveness Modified by Caliber and Gun Loudness
A small tweak to differenciate guns suppression effectivness. It is good for making large caliber LMGs more meaningful over the smaller caliber variants. So if you hold something BIG in your hands, it shows "some" (small at least) benefits on suppression.
1) To make it simple, I've used gun damage as the way to track down caliber size. The larger caliber = more damage, so I've made the bonus based on (unmodified) gun impact value. To make it really based on caliber would require new tag in weapons.xml, which I find unneccessary and unpleasant for moders out there.
The bonus is scaled like:
For each point of damage above 20, 1% more suppression effectiveness is added (up to 30).
For each point of damage above 30, 2% more suppression effectiveness are added (up to 40).
For each point of damage above 40, 3% more suppression effectiveness are added (up to 50).
For each point of damage above 50, 4% more suppression effectiveness are added. (Some crazy guns here.)
So for example a gun with 40 damage, is 30% more effective on suppression than a gun with 20 or lower damage.
A gun with 55 damage (uh... some future stationary machineguns maybe) would be 80% more effective at suppression, but that's rather extreme.
The differents between most pistols (cca 25 impact) and most ARs (cca 30 impact) is just +- 5%, which is not really much, so don't worry.
(Note: The INI bonus to all guns damage, is not considered towards this, only the basic Impact value specified in Weapons.xml.)
2) A small (rather tiny) modifier was also implemented for gun loudness. It may go up to +25% at 100 weapon loudness, but there is no gun like this in the current 1.13. The most noisy weapons currently have 85 loudness top (excluding some GLs with 90), which gives +10% suppression effectiveness over guns with 50 or lower loudness. So this is really tiny.
If someone likes it, I may fiddle with it more later.
I haven't made any INI settings for this, as it is really a small thing. But if someone sees a point in it, I may expand this so it makes larger differences, include more factors, and make an INI setting for it.
No Enemy Auto-ready Weapon + "I see you" Taunts + Being Spot Marker
This was in JA2 for eternity - enemies automatically raise their weapons when they see our mercs (even if they don't have enough APs for it). However, there are probably several reasons, why we may not actually want this to be happening anymore. With IIS, enemies acting within our turn, that is something we don't really want, because their APs spent are counted towards our reaction timer (but only within their actual turn). With the alternative weapon holding (but not only), it is also unwelcomed, because the guy may not know how, on whom and if he wants to fire yet, so why would he raise the weapon.
Generally, there is little logic in it. Our mercs do not do automatic things when see an enemy either. You can act, as soon as you get an interrupt, or your turn.
The only thing it is good for, is to let us (the players) know, that we have been spotted, mostly during our sneakiness. So to compensate this, when an enemy sees us unexpectadly, an indicator (the radio locator - i.e. several red circles over him) is shown, and the guy most probably yell some quote ("Enemy!!!" etc.) - if Taunts are enabled.
I've made an ini setting:
...which either disables it (1), or (if someone prefers) it makes enemies to only TURN towards our direction, not raise their weapons (2).
Fancy ("Badass") Big Merc Rifle Holding Animations
This alternative animation set for big merc is present inside JA2. There are also some parts scattered around the code regarding it, but someone messed it up, resulting it to never show up in game. It was probably intended to be used for the badass mercs.
![http://s12.postimage.org/4m3vqo1ih/M_BREATH.gif](http://s12.postimage.org/4m3vqo1ih/M_BREATH.gif) ![http://s12.postimage.org/ittkfbe7d/M_R_RUN2.gif](http://s12.postimage.org/ittkfbe7d/M_R_RUN2.gif) ![http://s12.postimage.org/a02ny7r8p/M_R_WALK.gif](http://s12.postimage.org/a02ny7r8p/M_R_WALK.gif)
I have reenabled this animation set, and made it to be used at specific situations, so you can meet both animation sets in game.- If the big merc is not in combat and his morale is at least above avarage, he will use the alternative stance
- If in combat but morale is at least nearly at top, he will use the alternative stance
- Badass merc will ALWAYS use the alternative stance
- In all other situations the standard stance is used
This is purely cosmetical and does not do anything to gameplay. All transitions from this stance to another are covered - raise/lower gun, ready weapon to shoulder/hip, being hit, crouch etc. I've made some new STIs for that.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #308885]
Fri, 10 August 2012 01:02 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Sandro |
![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:November 2008 Location: Mars |
More Random Idle Animations
When dealing with the big merc alternative rifle holding while, I've stumbled upon the random idle animations and decide to make some changes there too. - From now on, these animations will show up more often when not in combat.
- More variations will be used - the item-in-hand-restrictions were shifted, so for some anims, the merc just lower the rifle before doing some fancy moves (rarely in combat though).
- The "soldier looking around" ones won't be used if the guy actually sees any enemies. (An enemy guy stands 2 tiles in front of me and I am casualy looking around the countryside.)
- The "drunk" animation or injured animation will be used if either dangerously starving or poisoned too.
- Some animations were tweaked - fixed bad positioning, frame read, or so.
Again, these changes are only cosmetical, no impact on gameplay.
Here are some examples of the animations I mean:
![http://s17.postimage.org/p24z6qewr/A_CLEAN.gif](http://s17.postimage.org/p24z6qewr/A_CLEAN.gif) ![http://s17.postimage.org/npna4uhh7/A_SPIT.gif](http://s17.postimage.org/npna4uhh7/A_SPIT.gif) ![http://s17.postimage.org/86uw4ufi3/M_FLEX.gif](http://s17.postimage.org/86uw4ufi3/M_FLEX.gif) ![http://s17.postimage.org/rpzhe7e9n/M_SHOEDUST.gif](http://s17.postimage.org/rpzhe7e9n/M_SHOEDUST.gif) ![http://s17.postimage.org/g25fjnp4r/M_STRTCH.gif](http://s17.postimage.org/g25fjnp4r/M_STRTCH.gif)
Cowering animation
Another cosmetical feature. I've added this animation to be used, when a soldier cowers from being shot at..:
In prone position, there is an animation made by PasHancock used (I forgot to make a screenshot of that one).
Apparently from the code (made by Headrock) about cowering from suppression, something like what that animation shows was intended to introduce. The effects of cowering pretty much reflects the animation as it is (tunnel vision, all kinds of penalties from shock). Now it matches what the player sees, the guy really goes into cowering (panic) stance. Simple as that.
Here is a screenshot from game - this enemy yellowshirt is in big trouble..
Kick in HtH Impelemented (and Focused (Aimed) Punch Modified)
First, I have tweaked the aimed punches to fill in a more usable role. Before this, "focused" punches were only available to mercs with HtH or Martial Arts. They deal much more damage (-75% by default). MA merc (with small body) performed their fancy spinning kick, others just a normal punch animation (with increased damage though). For those untrained in close combat, aiming a punch just gave it more chance to hit. However, for the AP price (which was insanely high originally, but lowered drastically by me in old days, to make sense), the outcome was not nearly beneficial.
To make the things a little more interesting, I've made a small change to this:- The focused punch now deals 50% more damage (it costs 50% more APs), but has no bonus to CtH. The logic behind it is that if you want bigger chance to hit the enemy, simply try it more times, but if you want to hit him harder, perform this risky trick. Besides, if in the close combat you want to go for "MORE", you probably want to hit the enemy HARD, not to hit him "at all cost", since a fist hit not hard enough do little to no harm.
It is nicely usable on weakened or unaware enemies. (And if you find yourself unable to hit an enemy guy, try aim on legs.) - One level of HtH trait increases the damage bonus to 100% and second level of the trait (Martial Arts) brings it to 150% (which was by default). This is tweakable by the ini.
- For knife attack, this is different though. Actually it is opposite - we want to hit the enemy at all cost. With knife you don't need to hit so hard to cause some damage. So with blade, there is no damage bonus, but CtH is boosted by 30% (which translates to +15% damage then, theoretically). If you hit unaware enemy "to neck" with knife, he will in most cases instantly die anyway, you don't need more damage, but you may spend more APs to make it sure to happen.
- For the aimed punch (/kick/stab) I have implemented a different animation frame read, so the focused attack looks a little different from normal attack. Just aesthetics...
Now. I have took the kicking door animation and created a HtH attack from it. The kick is always used when you attack the soldiers legs, or randomly if you attack his body. If you attack the head of a standing enemy, always the punch animation is used. The rest of the details is not important.
It is purely (yet another) cosmetic addon, nothing of the gameplay has changed (except of the aimed attacks, I explained above).
However, due to the fact, those door kicking animations have only 4 angles (no diagonal), the animation will only show if not hitting the enemy guy from diagonal angle, naturaly. But it's no big deal.
Jumping Implemented
This was easier than one would thought. You know how you can jump over lying person? I took that function and expand it so the player may use it at will.
To jump over a tile, hold down 'Shift' key and point at the tile beyond it (2 tiles away from us). If the tile to jump over is not high much, a cursor for jumping will be shown, and if you click there, your merc will jump. (It is not possible diagonally though.)
By this, you can jump over mines, water tiles, from roof to roof, etc.
You cannot jump over most obstacles, because of their height preset, and sadly you won't have much chance to jump from roof to roof on current maps (I haven't found any two buildings this close to each other yet). But the possibility is here.
I have changed the cursor to just show an arrow indicating you are gonna jump over there.
![http://s12.postimage.org/6b8dkzru1/Jump1.jpg](http://s12.postimage.org/6b8dkzru1/Jump1.jpg) ![http://s12.postimage.org/l8gum052h/Jump2.jpg](http://s12.postimage.org/l8gum052h/Jump2.jpg)
Now... shall I try to implement the "long jump"? Jumping over two tiles, and diagonally over one? ![Smile](images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif)
That is all.
So... shall I send the files to RoWa?
Proper throughout testing is needed still, but so far everything seems to work as intended. If any bugs appear I will try to promptly solve them.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #308951]
Sat, 11 August 2012 21:53 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Sandro |
![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:November 2008 Location: Mars |
Sam_Hotte...regarding Jumping over two tiles, and diagonally over one
Yes, pls! ![Smile](images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif)
At least the 2 tiles on roof level would make a lot of sense to actually find a few roofs to jump to and fro. Wouldn't see it necessary on ground level and could cope without diagonal jumps. I will try to do that probably. Have to figure out how to compose the animation.
JMichQuick question about the dual burst/auto. Does it also cover the underbarrel grenade launchers and the underbarrel weapons, or is it main weapon only?
Also, other than the HeavyGun tag, is there anything else needing to be added to the XML Editor? Only regular fire, not underbarrel GLs. Are there any one-handed GLs in JA2 anyway? Or one handed weapons capable of holding U-GLs?
Anyway, shooting two automatic grenade launchers at once.... oh boy...
wil473Is there a modifier for weapon recoil? I've got muzzle brake attachments that in theory take some of the bite out of recoil. Also, I've got the Gyrojet pistols in my mods, it would be reasonable to make them recoilless. There is not. There is autopenalty tag (in weapons.xml) and modifier(in items.xml) (if I am correct), but that's just for guns auto-capable. There is RecoilX and RecoilY added by Headrock for NCTH, but it is not entirely speaking about the back recoil.
I could add a modifier to items.xml, which reduces recoil kick impact on energy (RecoilEnergyCostReduction or BackRecoilReduction). That could be added both to guns, and attachments, thus making what you need possible. Though I am always hesitating on adding new tags. But if you see it a good idea... making it is not a problem.
FlugenteQuestion regarding the energy cost on shooting: How does the AI factor in the energy cost? As in, how do you make sure the AI doesn't knock itself out by lifting sniper rifles around? Simply... I've tweaked the AI to consider lowering the gun when it is too exhausting to keep it up. Depending on the situation - in the middle of battle, he rather tries to shoot if he still can, unless he would really collapse.
FlugenteJust wondering... if jumping is possible, would it be possible to add jumping from a roof down on an enemy? Like jumping to his position and knocking him to the next tile or sth. Bear with me, I played a lot of Batman games in the last nights With a proper animation, one could try that. But I can't imagine how should that actually look...
....Nah, I guess it is not going to happen. :/
EDIT: Oh, btw, Flugente, I've made AI to be able to switch scope modes, if they would get penalties with their current one. :thumbsup:
I'll send the files to RoWa as soon as possible. I just found a strange crash-bug beyond my understanding, and need to solve it first (may not even be my bug, I have to figure).
Be patient, my friends.
I am glad you like it.
Any more suggestions welcomed.
EDIT2: I just found that bug really isn't mine, but appeared in recent trunk version. So I am free to send the files to RoWa!
I will probably do it tomorrow. Sorry for not providing direct download link.. (Tbird)
[Updated on: Sat, 11 August 2012 22:54] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #309138]
Wed, 15 August 2012 23:51 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
madwolf |
![](/images/ranks/private.png) |
Registered:May 2006 |
hi Sandro,
I used your mod (in the last svn) with the latest exe (5474) and when the enemy shoots (try to), the game crashes.
It is missing an animation:
I checked, and the animation is not present in the svn directory.
Thanks for your time
EDIT: bug is gamebreaking, as even by disabling the feature causes the crash when any enemy shoots.
and renaming as
same for
to be renamed with
Any prone or crouched soldier,when suppressed, stands up, and then if shoot again uses the "cowered" stance. this makes any suppressed/pinned unit really easy to kill.
[Updated on: Thu, 16 August 2012 09:52] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #309305]
Sun, 19 August 2012 19:28 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Sandro |
![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:November 2008 Location: Mars |
Hi, sorry for my absence I am kinda on holiday, and don't have my code here. I was in a hurry, before I left, and apparently I've messed something up.
To solve the issue with missing animations, just go to data\anims\ and do the follwoing:
1) In S_MERC, rename "S_N_SHOT.sti.bak" to "S_N_SHOT2.STI".
2) In M_MERC, get a file M_N_SHOT.STI from a previous SVN version, and then rename it to "M_N_SHOT2.STI".
3) In M_MERC, rename "M_SR_AM2.STI.original" to "M_SR_HIP_AIM.STI".
Those are the right files, I just happen to forget to include them with the respective name.
Currently I can't bring any updates, so all apology. I'll be able to in a few days, hopefully.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #309340]
Mon, 20 August 2012 18:24 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Wil473 |
![](http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/images/avatars/mistery_man.png) ![](/images/ranks/liutenant.png) |
Registered:September 2004 Location: Canada |
Sandrowil473Is there a modifier for weapon recoil? I've got muzzle brake attachments that in theory take some of the bite out of recoil. Also, I've got the Gyrojet pistols in my mods, it would be reasonable to make them recoilless. There is not. There is autopenalty tag (in weapons.xml) and modifier(in items.xml) (if I am correct), but that's just for guns auto-capable. There is RecoilX and RecoilY added by Headrock for NCTH, but it is not entirely speaking about the back recoil.
I could add a modifier to items.xml, which reduces recoil kick impact on energy (RecoilEnergyCostReduction or BackRecoilReduction). That could be added both to guns, and attachments, thus making what you need possible. Though I am always hesitating on adding new tags. But if you see it a good idea... making it is not a problem.
I wouldn't be too shy about adding new tags, I've got a backlog of tags that have to be integrated into the mod once the XML Editor supports them (dirt system). One more tag shouldn't hurt, especially as it is only applicable to specific devices like muzzle brakes and suppressors.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #309376]
Tue, 21 August 2012 13:59 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
wanne (aka RoWa21) |
![](/images/ranks/sergeant_major.png) |
Registered:October 2005 Location: Austria |
SandroHi, sorry for my absence I am kinda on holiday, and don't have my code here. I was in a hurry, before I left, and apparently I've messed something up.
To solve the issue with missing animations, just go to data\anims\ and do the follwoing:
1) In S_MERC, rename "S_N_SHOT.sti.bak" to "S_N_SHOT2.STI".
2) In M_MERC, get a file M_N_SHOT.STI from a previous SVN version, and then rename it to "M_N_SHOT2.STI".
3) In M_MERC, rename "M_SR_AM2.STI.original" to "M_SR_HIP_AIM.STI".
Those are the right files, I just happen to forget to include them with the respective name.
Currently I can't bring any updates, so all apology. I'll be able to in a few days, hopefully.
@all: I have corrected the 3 "workaround" STI shooting animation files. You can just update latest version from SVN GameDir.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #312502]
Mon, 26 November 2012 16:56 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
krux |
![](/images/ranks/corporal.png) |
Registered:June 2011 |
I really like all of the features.
The only problem, and it's somewhat unacceptable IMO, is the choice of using the SHIFT key for jumping. As this key is also used for snapping the cursor to the ground I can no longer order my merc to RUN to the tile of my choosing, when there is, say a refrigerator on the other side of the wall, he now has to jump to get there! Please change it to Shift + j or some combination like shift + alt + mb1 or something. This feature is nice and all, but I don't need to access it this easily as you use it very rarely.
Alternative holding is a cool feature, I use option 2 as I have scope modes toggled off (as it encourages using scopes on everything, something totally opposite to what I'm after). Anyway it gives a lot of character to the soldiers.
And the flexing idle animation looks kind of ridiculous, please only use it for mercs with the show-off trait or similar.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #312504]
Mon, 26 November 2012 17:22 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Uriens |
![](http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/images/avatars/Damon_warrick.jpg) ![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:July 2006 |
Ok, after playing a while, here is my feedback on these features.
Dual Burst/Autofire Enabled
I actually had no idea this was implemented before I red it here. I have an IMP named Frank Castle and I bet he is eager to try it out. :maskedsniper:
Alternative Weapon Holding (firing from hip + pistol with one hand)
I actually saw this and is great feature. I'm personally using setting no.3 in ini file (scope mode) as it gives me exact control of the stance and allows me to shoot aimed shots with little ap investment. I find this feature a great addition to combat system as it allows you for alternative approach to suppression fire. I see AI use it a lot too. Actually AI seems to like using this stance whenever hes standing and doing suppression fire, which is great. It's both eye candy and useful. I give this feature 5/5.
Energy Cost on Weapon Manipulation (holding it shouldered, firing)
This one is just great, not hard to notice at all when you grab your first LMG. I had Carlos fire a full auto while standing with his LMG that had heavy bipod (AIMNAS mod) and he almost ran out of energy in one turn. However, when I set him to fire from prone position he had almost no stamina loss from there. The gun was one of those old WW2 LMG's that have quite a kick and this stamina loss looked just ... right. Snipers also take a nice hit if they don't shoot from prone position so prolonged sniping with high powered snipers is a :nono: .
I simply love this feature and have found no need to change default setting in ini file. I give it 5/5.
Suppression Effectiveness Modified by Caliber and Gun Loudness
I actually didn't have much chance to use silencers and I'm not so sure I would have noticed the difference since I play by house rule of not attacking enemy during night. I'm gonna pass judgement on this one to someone else. :judge:
No Enemy Auto-ready Weapon Option
I use this feature and it makes sense to me. I use the setting that has enemy turn towards you when he spots you but not raise his weapon. This in fact seems to me to be most realistic as we usually turn instinctively toward unexpected sounds we hear around. Since this feature has smaller impact on actual gameplay I wont give it a score and just say that I like it.
Fancy Big Merc Rifle Holding Animations
I have Wolf running around this way all the time when Fox is in the sector :naughty: . More eyecandy and I like it.
More Random Idle Animations
Wasn't paying much attention to this one so I won't make judgement on this one.
Kick in HtH Implemented
This one was hard not to notice. I love it. Period. Melee combat was something that needed lot of love ever since original JA2 and every improvement in that area will get my vote. :bluecool:
Didn't know about extra aiming level changes but I do find it very useful and will be using them for sure.
Jumping Implemented
Actually this one indeed is problematic. Exactly as Slax pointed out, it's shortcut key is the actual problem in game. Specifically, when you use SHIFT to force cursor to 'hug the ground' so you can move your merc, say behind refrigerator, the cursor now changes to jump cursor. The merc will not jump there, he will run instead and it will cost him more ap's while slowing down game as if it suddenly uses lots of resources. I love to have jump ability but definitely vote for change in shorcut key that doesn't conflict with 'force cursor to hug the ground' one. Because of this i give it 3/5.
All in all, I really love new features and find them great addition to the game. :cheers:
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Master Sergeant
Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #312513]
Mon, 26 November 2012 19:09 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Sandro |
![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:November 2008 Location: Mars |
Oh, that was one fine feedback, thanks, guys.
Gonna change the key for jumping to Ctrl+Shift+LMB. I was suspecting it to bring troubles.
About the flexing animation, hehe... Yeah, you are right, I'll try to make it very rare unless the guy has show-off personality.
I am really glad to see the alt weapon holding went good in the end. It was immense amount of effort for me to make it happen, and I wasn't even sure it's gonna be actually usefull. If I would have more energy, I would try to make it possible while crouched too, but atm I am out of power.
EDIT: While messing with the jumping mechanics, I found that it would be possible to add jumping over a crouched teammate using the jump-over-fence animation. Just an idea, probably useless and too funny for JA.
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Re: A Small Compilation of New Features[message #313032]
Fri, 14 December 2012 11:08 ![Go to previous message Go to previous message](/theme/Bear_Classic_Brown/images/up.png)
Uriens |
![](http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/images/avatars/Damon_warrick.jpg) ![](/images/ranks/master_sergeant.png) |
Registered:July 2006 |
Quote:What exactly is wrong with it?
I made a number of reports about it in bugzilla thread.
It's quite easy to reproduce, just suppress enemy who is prone and he will stand up instead. If he survives this, next suppression shot will make him go to cower in fear crouched stance.
Only situations that I have seen anyone go to prone cower in fear stance are those that were knocked down by grenades or just knocked down by something else (hit in the legs, out of breath, and such). Apparently if they are lying on the floor they can go to cower in fear prone stance, but if they are lying prone, they can't. This happens to all actors, militia, enemy, mercs. Not 100% sure about civs, though.
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Master Sergeant
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