Is there somewhere I can find a summary of changes you have made to the covert-ops/spy system in your mod?
All information can be found in this thread or in Docs folder on my google drive. There is no separate complete description for Ja2+AI.
Also, i'm playing wf607 with your modpack and havn't found any radios either in the world or in the loadout of any of the radio-operator mercs so far. I've taken 4 cities, have I just been unlucky not to have found one yet?
Should be available from BR and from enemy soldiers at some point.
A question about loyalty. I noticed that whenever I defend one of the cities against the queen's forces, even if I am victorious, the loyalty of that city takes a dive of at least a few percent, and raising it again seems to take forever or simply doesn't happen at all (Cambria has been stuck at 15% for about 8 days and I can't find a way to raise it enough to train militia or staff the facilities). Grumm is now quickly heading the same way due to the frequency of attacks.
If you win the battle but lose many militia soldiers, loyalty will drop. Try to avoid high casualties or destroy enemy patrols outside of town sectors.
If the rate of attacks is too high, try to play on lower difficulty, disable mass counterattacks and aggressive enemy AI.
I need some advice on how to raise/maintain loyalty in the cities.
- kill enemy soldiers
- win battles
- take sectors/SAMs/mines
- some quests raise loyalty
- use snitch to spread propaganda
Would it be possible to show all sound sources/approximate location of enemies? Right now we can only see one "blimp" for unseen enemies by pressing SHIFT, that made the sound, whereas enemies can sense multiple sound sources and suppress them appropriately.
Press shift to see source of most important noise for currently selected merc.
If merc uses radio for listening, he can remember all heard noises.
Human player and AI play this game differently, so 100% equality cannot be achieved.
Yeah i can press shift, but i can see only one noise source, whereas AI can hear all noise sources. Kind of unbalanced. So with radio i can see all noise sources when i press shift? Thats nice, i didnt know about that!
As for support, well im broke[partly thats why i also play JA2 ]. Shame we wont see merging your project with newest SCI
Shame we wont see merging your project with newest SCI
Full main trunk merging was never planned for this project and is impossible for many reasons.
If anyone wants to make improved AI for main trunk, I would advise making new AI from scratch instead of trying to improve something that wasn't designed for that.
I checked every day whether you did a new exe. What did you introduce? The game is getting more interesting (more and more clever enemies). Maybe you will change your mind and enrich your exe with new features. Would be nice.
Many thanks to all those who make new features for Jagged Alliance 2.
Dear Sevenfm, I would like to thank you very much for all your effort and this wonderful mod and I respect your decision to stop development, since it is your precious time you spend on this project.
I also can't think of any particular improvements which would radically change the gameplay maybe apart from including jeeps and tanks, as in the newer versions of 1.13. I don't know if it is possible to include them also with AI+, but it would make the game certainly quite interesting.
Other than that, I always thought if it could be possible to make AI spawns with realistic squads with dedicated roles. E.g. an AI spawn of five soldiers makes a squad formed of one machinegunner, one marksman and three riflemen.
Having a dedicated enemy squad, it would also be cool if they could use realistic tactics, like they stick together and don't charge alone. They move with bounding overwatch i.e. when one soldier moves, the others cover him. Then the one on the behind moves to the front while the others cover for him, so on and so forth.
Registered:January 2015 Location: Home Free
A new map (a new country) is possible. It's a lot of work but it's possible right now to make a new country for the Mercs to adventure in, and even have new NPCs to interact with. Disconnecting the JA2 storyline from the new country and being able to create meaningful quests is the obstacle to making a truly new adventure. I think efforts toward removing that obstacle would be more rewarding than waiting for a worthy successor to JA2 (I am not impressed with JA: Rage). However, that project is beyond the scope of this project of Sevenfm.
Sad to hear you leave modding. I had quite the fun with your stuff, so thank you. Despite the AI, in my opinion the coolest feature ever added is Ambient Sounds. I had quite the fun creating sounds with audacity. Even downloaded bird voices, city sounds and 'other' stuff to mess arround with. I probably spend days creating my version of a Sin City Ambient for Shady Lady Sector alone- and learned a lot about birds Whatever you are up to now, have fun.
Hopefully not completely retired, but my participation will be very limited in the future.
I am suprised to hear that you liked the sector ambients feature as I had the impression no one really uses it, I even removed sample ambient sounds from my modpacks.
I'm using last version and recommended NTCH settings, enemy administrators/soldiers seems to hit 5-6 times a turn from 6-7 tiles away with start game pistols, while my merks (Igor) with ~70 marksman do it twice as bad. Am I missing something or everything is in order as expected?
I'm using last version and recommended NTCH settings, enemy administrators/soldiers seems to hit 5-6 times a turn from 6-7 tiles away with start game pistols, while my merks (Igor) with ~70 marksman do it twice as bad. Am I missing something or everything is in order as expected?
In my tests, the game is balanced well, and even starting mercs have a high CTH at close distance.
6-7 tiles is a close distance with high CTH, but there are many things in the game that have effect on CTH, like shock, wounds, used sight etc.
For Igor, it's better to use shotgun as he has bonus from hunter trait to shotguns and rifles.
Also, for NCTH I would recommend using SDO instead of stock 1.13 as it has much better NCTH settings.
I need help with enemy information tooltip enabled by SOLDIER_TOOLTIP_DETAIL_LEVEL=2 , I think button to display it in 113 was holding ALT, but I can't seem to see it with 7609+AI
I guess it takes a new game to play with SDO? Rip...
And I probably can not switch to OCTH without new game as well?
Is tripwire roll added in your code or is it 113 related?
When I apply multitool to tripwire roll (which I created by combining 2 tripwires) I get unlimited amount of tripwire in inventory
I need help with enemy information tooltip enabled by SOLDIER_TOOLTIP_DETAIL_LEVEL=2 , I think button to display it in 113 was holding ALT, but I can't seem to see it with 7609+AI
Tooltips are switched with shift+d or ingame option.
I guess it takes a new game to play with SDO?
Yes like any other mod, but it definitely worth it.
And I probably can not switch to OCTH without new game as well?
Not possible.
Is tripwire roll added in your code or is it 113 related?
It was added by Flugente to the main trunk years ago.
When I apply multitool to tripwire roll (which I created by combining 2 tripwires) I get unlimited amount of tripwire in inventory
The status of tripwire roll should be lowered with each merge until it reaches 0 when the item should be destroyed. If it doesn't work, it's a bug.
Q: My militia is stealing all weapons laying on the ground ): Is there any workaround?
A: unload it, militia don't take them if no ammo
They take better weapons in combat (or when alert is raised), in peace time they should not pick them up.
You can move all items to the place where militia cannot take it (press shift+m if I remember correctly).
What I like about the Ambient Sounds is the added atmosphere. The music of JA2 is sure cool, but after thirty years, I often tend to turn it off. And while sneak attacking at night, a little background is more to my liking then just hearing steps and doors. When trying out your examples, I realy had to laugh, when I heard the lone dog barking while sneaking into position in a city.
I searched for an easy to handle and free audio-editor and choosed "audacity", there sure are others arround as well. I loaded your examples to see how you have done it and it didn't seem all to complicated to me. Searching copyright-free sounds first was a little annnoying, but then I looked into museums and, for birds, ornithologigical instituts I found lots of sounds, but it was a little effort on my side. One can find thousands of burps and farts, but to find e.g. the sound of a falling tree, one has to dig deeper. For me, this was fun, like a treasure hunt. For others, this might just be a boring task. But then, you allready had some cool examples for those who didn't want to do their own sounds, don't know.
I appriciate everything that adds depth to the "feeling", so ambient sound sure found my liking. Being at the coastline and hearing waves come in, a more lively sounding San Mona, a swamp that sounds eerie, a forest with wildlife and nature sounds - having the oportunity to create all of these sure is a very cool thing. So I might be the lone fan of this feature, but, as you may allready read between the lines, I'm a huge fan
Just found out, that I can't upload ogg-files, hmm. If I find a way, I may can provide my examples. Sure no masterpieces, but may of interest for someone else.
After some experience I'm sure enemy has higher CTH than average decent shooting merk somehow. Is there a way to enable debug mod or something to display how CTH is calculated per shot?
After some experience I'm sure enemy has higher CTH than average decent shooting merk somehow. Is there a way to enable debug mod or something to display how CTH is calculated per shot?
The game uses the same CTH code for your mercs and AI soldiers.
CTH for AI depends on difficulty level and soldier type, at insane level elite soldiers can possibly have marksmanship > 90 and can be equipped with good scopes, so it's no surprise they hit often.
Also if your soldiers are under suppression shock or wounded or exhausted or have low morale, their CTH gets penalty.
1) I have recently seen a video on Youtube, showing AIMNAS mod with your your AI+ mod [url=&ab_channel=Mozayka][/url] The AIMNAS showed in the video is but a version compatible with 7609, right? Is there such a ready-to-play version of AIMNAS AI+ somewhere on a google drive, similar to your modpack? If not, any tips on how to assemble that?
2) I have recently updated my AI+ version (used to have r946) and started playing with the latest release (r956). As suppression indicators, I now see white numbers instead of the preious white asterisks. How can I change them back to white asterisks? (Damage indicators are unchanged and remain as red asterisks. All is good there.)
3) Again, in the recent AI+ (r956), my militia now somehow seem to use their RPGs (and other launchables) much more often, which I actually find really nice! However, they seem to fire those things very carelessly. They often destroy our own fortifications by accident, and in one occasion, even killed my own mercs by accident lol. Can I improve this behaviour by tweaking the ini settings?
Hi crackwise!
1. It is possible to combine old Aimnas item mod (Easter 2016 release if I remember correctly) and actual Aimnas bigmaps. There could be only a problem with AI soldiers thinking that they are jeeps (though I have added a fix to prevent it).
The link to ready to play Aimnas-7609 modpack is here in my Russian modpacks:
Download 7609ru+Aimnas-Bigmaps.7z, extract, add missing SLF files and play. Unfortunately, I have no English version of this modpack.
2. This feature was simplified so only damage is shown as asterisks now. Unfortunately, the code was too complex to maintain and I had plans to add more text messages to floating hit indicators, so I have seriously reworked it.
- options ENEMY_HIT_COUNT = 1, PLAYER_HIT_COUNT = 1 show red '*' instead of white '?'
Sorry, this cannot be changed in options.
3. There's no option to tweak this behavior, you can try to remove RPGs from militia equipment by changing XMLs or using manual militia equipment.
I can think of adding more restrictions for militia team when using RPGs to the code.
Thanks a lot for the info Sevenfm! So I have installed the AIMNAS Easter 2016 edition. To have the newer maps, is it enough if I just copy the Data-Bigmaps from the newest version and overwrite the existing one? Or should I copy paste specific folders and files? And if so, which ones are those?
Sorry for bothering you, but I am a bit newbie in this regard...
Sorry I don't remember exactly how to make a working Aimnas for 7609, cannot help you.
Actual Data-Bigmaps should work, I also did some XML tweaks to items mod, for example for sandbags to work.
Dear Sevenfm, thanks a lot for the updated versions and the updated log file!
I did not have a chance to test the newest exe yet, but I see that in r983 it says "removed option NCTH_SCOPE_MOVEMENT_PENALTY". Does that mean movement penalty for scopes is completely removed, or only the option to adjust it? I really am for the penalty since it makes sense from a realistic point of view, and besides, sniper rifles are otherwise extremely overpowered. I really liked that I could adjust the penalty to my liking. Is there a way that the penalty setting can remain there, but by default is equal to zero (for those who are not used to it)?
Apart from that, I recently had an idea about whether it is possible to make RPGs go through barbed wire and concertinas. I think in real life they probably would just pierce through the wire mesh. This would also allow for interesting gameplay, for sure Would it be possible?
Dear Sevenfm, thanks a lot for the updated versions and the updated log file!
I did not have a chance to test the newest exe yet, but I see that in r983 it says "removed option NCTH_SCOPE_MOVEMENT_PENALTY". Does that mean movement penalty for scopes is completely removed, or only the option to adjust it? I really am for the penalty since it makes sense from a realistic point of view, and besides, sniper rifles are otherwise extremely overpowered. I really liked that I could adjust the penalty to my liking. Is there a way that the penalty setting can remain there, but by default is equal to zero (for those who are not used to it)?
NCTH_SCOPE_MOVEMENT_PENALTY option is removed, but additional penalty for scopes stays. I don't like adding new options so I try to remove as much as possible when I see that existing code works well. I think that without this penalty the scopes, especially high powers scopes, will be overpowered, allowing easy shots on appearing enemies without a chance for AI to take cover or attack. Now high power scopes should be good for shooting at stationary targets far away, while for shooting at moving targets you would prefer something like 2x scope or reflex. Vision bonus from scopes is another huge problem for AI and game balance, and I plan to rework it completely in the future.
Apart from that, I recently had an idea about whether it is possible to make RPGs go through barbed wire and concertinas. I think in real life they probably would just pierce through the wire mesh. This would also allow for interesting gameplay, for sure Would it be possible?
As far as I know, RPG in flight has some folding wings like here:
So I don't think it will fly through the wire easily.
Also, I must say that r986 is experimental version, I had no time to test it properly yet, though every single added feature is usually tested in the game.
Some notable changes apart from AI tweaks are: throwing grenades on roofs should work much better now, also covert spies should be less imbalanced, especially in combat or when some enemies are killed. And garotte now works as it should (allowing instakill on unalerted enemy if he is attacked at head from the back).
And we also now have additional "stability" scope penalty for OCTH, which is max for standing stance , less when crouched and zero for prone or when weapon is mounted, and can be as high as 50% for 10x scope at max range.
For NCTH this can be easily achieved using XML so I decided against adding hardcoded NCTH penalty for stability.
I also watch now Wildfire+SDO+AI playthrough by Mozayka (it's in Russian but you shouldn't have problem with understanding what happens on screen ) which I find interesting and giving me new ideas for AI improvement and game balance tweaks.
I can recommend it for anyone interested in how AI and NCTH work and how to play on insane level.
Hi! This is my first post in this forum. I am a long time fan of JA2 and the 1.13 mod. I noticed you have improved the AI in an AMAZING way. This is FAR FAR better than any other strategy game I have seen and it's a lot of fun to play the game with your mod.
Do you happen to have any sort of blog where we could follow your development? I really want to understand what you are doing and how are you able to do it. I know the basics of programming but I don't know how to apply it to something like this.
Many thanks for your time and effort towards making JA2 even greater.
Hi! This is my first post in this forum. I am a long time fan of JA2 and the 1.13 mod. I noticed you have improved the AI in an AMAZING way. This is FAR FAR better than any other strategy game I have seen and it's a lot of fun to play the game with your mod.
Do you happen to have any sort of blog where we could follow your development? I really want to understand what you are doing and how are you able to do it. I know the basics of programming but I don't know how to apply it to something like this.
Many thanks for your time and effort towards making JA2 even greater.
Hi curiouslurker!
All information on this project can be found in this thread, also on my youtube channel and some info is available on google drive in Docs folder.
There's also svn with logs and code, which you can examine if you are really interested in details (though I'm afraid it would be hard to understand what happens there because the way the code is organized in 1.13 is... far from perfect).
Unfortunately, I have no development blog, not sure if I really need it? There are not many people really interested in those details, most people just want to play better game, also I'm not English speaker so it would require some effort from my side, not mentioning all that time that I could spend on AI development instead.
And I'm not a professional coder, and there are many good AI blogs on the internet, for example about Xenonauts (which is very similar tactical game) AI:
Quite interesting reading, though it has absolutely no relation to how AI in Ja2 1.13 works.
Interesting that my project is not the only one that tries to improve Ja2 AI, there was Ja2: Civil War mod which improved AI long before I even started, and there's excellent Ja2 NightOps mod developed by Russian team which also has many interesting features, like enemy sight/light at night avoiding or calculating LOS for all soldiers in a separate background thread.
If you want to learn coding and making AI, I think the best thing you can do is take the code and start experimenting, looking how your changes affect AI behavior and effectiveness in various situations. It may be not obvious at all, and for me it took probably months of testing various AI tweaks and looking at the results before I could see some real improvement.
Are there any specific areas of AI/1.13 code you are interested in?
If I want to start some kind of 1.13 AI blog some day, where do you recommend to post it? This forum doesn't look like a good place in my view, as not many people visit it these days and most of them are not interested in coding/AI design details.
p.s. @admin for some reason I cannot access this forum from my PC anymore (cannot find the host or something), I can only visit it from my phone (using Opera mini) or from PC when using Opera with VPN mode enabled. Is there a way to solve it somehow?